It's morning, the drivers are all setting up and heading back into other trailers for the last leg of the journey. Hisoka didn't double back, follow him and try to break into the trailer. Or, at least that's what the book resting against the door as an alarm told him. A weak defense, but it's also a jump to say that Hisoka would go so far as to break in then trouble himself with hiding his tracks. If there's anything Hisoka isn't going to do without a massive pay off, its hide himself.

Either way, there's no reason to hide in his own trailer. He crosses the clearing as quickly as he can and knocks the door on Kurapika's trailer.

Kurapika swings open the door and his face goes from disinterest to excitement in the drop of a hat. Gon's smothering in his hug, Kurapika's squeezing him tighter than usual but its not unwelcome. He doesn't feel any embarrassment in it; in fact, it's kind of nice. "Gon, you have no idea how happy I am to see you."

Nothing to fear from basic, friendly contact, "I've got a pretty good idea, actually." Gon follows Kurapika into his trailer; which might as well be the Tardis as massive as the thing is. The walls are clean with wooden panels and smooth walls, the bed's covered in pillows and a plastic cover separates the driver's seat from the rest of the trailer. "Nice place, real expensive lookin'. I give it a pass but if they let it get dirty again, I'm giving Hisoka a black eye."

"Hisoka isn't the maintenance man, Gon." Kurapika flops back on the bed and spreads his arms.

"Well, no but I want to punch Hisoka in the face for being a creep, plus he said we're not going to York New for a little while."
Kurapika's pout should be illegal, he cocks his head in an annoyed glint and heaves a sigh. Something like a teddy bear slumping to its side, disappointed but adorable. In a moment that escapes him, he pinches Kurapika's cheek.

Kurapika blinks at him and he doubles back, innocent or not, that wasn't cool. He shouldn't take advantage and touch people because they looked appealing, if anyone should know that, he should. "My bad, I didn't mean to do that you just...were really cute.." If he mumbles, maybe Kurapika won't hear him and won't push the subject.

Gon glances and Kurapika's tapping his own cheek, there's a little twinkle in his eye and Gon hides his face since none of this is helping the situation. "Cute, huh...that's not usually a word used for me. Thanks."

Kurapika's hand touches his, he loses it, scrambling towards the headboard. Damn it, he caught himself acting weird in front of Kurapika; but nothing's happening, why's his heart clawing up his throat? They're a couple, they're planning a date, this should be normal, why isn't he relaxing?

"So, ah-about York New city...I know and it's unfortunate, there's some pretty fun stuff in York least now we'll have more money to spend when we get there though." Kurapika mumbles, scratching the back of his head.

Gon kicks his shoes off and folds his legs underneath him. "So, um, does this mean our date is moved back?"

His instincts shouldn't kick in, but they do and Kurapika's pause scares him. For a half second, Kurapika could kick him out at any moment for any reason, he secretly hates him; Within his own mind, in Kurapika's life, he's a waste of space. Then reality kicks back in when Kurapika's smile turns a bit sad, Gon got caught out being anxious again. "Has anyone ever told you how adorable you are? We can always have a date if we're together, Gon." Kurapika's hand twitches as if he wants to reach out and hold, shit he feels awful now.

"It's okay, you can touch me now I'm cool with it, I couldn't see it coming and I'm sorry for sort of, I mean I'm the one who pinched your cheek first-"

Kurapika reaches out and glides his hand against Gon's arm, his heart leaps up his throat, is it fear or love or plain force of habit? Can he retreat without fearing Kurapika might internalize that too?

Physical touch, or at least physical acknowledgement is needed in relationships, in romance and those are things he wants to share with Kurapika. He doesn't want Kurapika to stop touching him. But then it's like spotlights are burning on his shoulders and people are watching even when people aren't there-

"Gon," Looking up wouldn't be so hard if he didn't know Kurapika's face was there, but that defeats the whole point then. He manages and Kurapika's mouth is resting lazily against his, not pushing or insistent. Now panic alarms should go off, code red, retreat, spit out an excuse, do something to not seem like a complete tool. Yet, with Kurapika, the embarrassment fades, there's nothing to fear here, nothing to hide.

He presses forward, his lips tingling in time with Kurapika's mouth and the clenching of the warm, melting feeling at the pit of his stomach. "Who made you not want to be romantic, who made you embarrassed to enjoy this?" His breath tastes like a bite of sweet mint dancing on the tongue, he's hit his limit.

"Minefield, stop." Gon turns to look away but Kurapika's hand is soft on his cheek, he doesn't want to look, it feels like he's being examined but Kurapika's strength is insistent.

"No, I won't stop because I've been doing it so far and its gotten us nowhere." Kurapika's forehead rests against his, blonde finger tickles his cheeks and forehead. Arms are looping around his waist, Kurapika's voice is breathy against his skin. Any more of this and he'll run the risk of overheating.

"I'll leave."

"The trailer's already moving."

"I'll duck and roll." He doesn't sound quite as serious as he thought he would.

"Cute, but we're going in a straight line."

"...I'm allowed?"

"To what?"

"To touch you?"

"Why wouldn't you be, I don't understand...?"

"I don't want to risk hurting you."

"I'll tell you if you hurt me."

"I don't want to do something and then you say you didn't like it or want it."

"Gon, you can't know what I'm feeling at every given moment. Touch me, be daring, risk rejection."

"But I don't wanna hurt you."

"...Well, have you considered that maybe I'd kind of like that?" Kurapika bites reddening lip and steals the breath from the bottom of his lungs. That motion and those words, break every 'rule' he has and he's on the fence. He wants to risk it, but at the same time he doesn't; what if something happens, what if they can't turn back after this and it changes their friendship? Kurapika's mouth brushes against his again, this time a flash of curious tongue ghosts against his lower lip. How anyone handles intimacy without overheating escapes him.

"I'm scared."

"Don't be, I trust you, I want you to do whatever it is you want to do."

What does he want to do? He wants to stop this entire thing and not have some knotting ball in his chest that's encouraging him to seek some sort of release and not have a painful warmth resting between his legs. At the same time, he doesn't want to stop touching Kurapika, he wants that. He wants to be sexual with Kurapika without risking anything, any loss of control or relationship chances.

"I don't want to change what we have but I want to kiss you." Gon manages past his embarrassment, even while he's dodging Kurapika's steady gaze. "I want to do things with you, I want to feel comfortable doing them but I don't."

"I'm not scared, I don't think you'll hurt me intentionally. Is that what you're scared of, making a mistake?" No, duh, that's precisely the problem; why do something so drastic and so high level when he's perfectly okay with where they are, even when kissing Kurapika a haunting, alluring thought. How about this, start by kissing me."



Gon wonders, the hand is too formal but the mouth is too intimate, too many places to get wrong, the nose is childish...the cheek, perhaps. Yes, he presses his lips to Kurapika's cheek, the skin is warm to the touch, the blonde wraps his arms around him with a faint whisper of thanks. They untangle from each other perfectly, none of the awkward body gymnastics he was expecting; though for what it's worth it was only a simple hug, nothing to get too excited about.

Kurapika sets the laptop up against the foot of the bed playing Captain America. Gon pretends to watch, Kurapika doesn't say anything and the whole situation fades into awkward silence. How the hell is he supposed to interface with someone after hearing and seeing that, seeing how alluring Kurapika can be, teeth grazing against his bottom lip with a clear and obvious need. Then of all things acting on it, he can't stop licking his lips and a warm ember rests on his tongue.

The day goes on and settles into night and they're halfway through the Marvel universe, Gon's arm is half asleep because he isn't going to risk moving his arm and waking Kurapika but he can't bear another second of watching the movies. Snark and superheroes has its mileage, but its nowhere near enough to get him through the entire universe in one sitting, that's something Kurapika can do on his own. He clocks out halfway through Thor 2.

He wakes up from the sound of Kurapika's pained grunt and rolls over to find Kurapika tangled up on the sheets on the floor like a child. "You okay?" He mumbles past his sleep.

"Yeah, I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's cool, its almost - holy hell its almost one in the afternoon." Gon closes the laptop, he's never slept this late before without performing. "Alright, let me head to my trailer and get out of your way-"

"You're not in my way sweetheart, there's a bathroom in the back here."

Gon mumbles an okay then realizes Kurapika's inviting him to use the bathroom, "I gotta go." He spits and speeds to the door.

"What's wrong?"

"It's fine, I mean its cool, I-I actually kind of need to go, to my trailer I mean." In the trailer while Kurapika's in the other room naked, wet and vulnerable sounds like some restrictive, awkward nightmare.

"Alright, I understand; See you outside in about an hour?"

"Okay, y-yeah, sounds cool." Gon tumbles out of the trailer and back to his own, clutching at where his heart should be. Between kissing and sharing a bed and lip biting - which should be illegal for Kurapika to do - he's heading for an early grave. The thought of it, the outright audacity of it; a physical relationship for him after everything that's happened. A physical relationship for someone no one should ever be able to love.

He changes into his old green short outfit and heads out to stretch his legs. Five minutes of peeking around town bears nothing besides getting more than enough weird looks from the locals - why did he change back into booty shorts? What was he expecting from an inhabited clearing of trees so small that from the entrance, you can see the exit?

This is the sort of place where nothing happens bar a cat getting stuck in a tree. Bland, boring...

Outright sickening. Makes him scratch the back of his neck, want to head back to the trailer and sleep this out; the sooner the trope is out of here the better.

No arcade or bouncy house or anything fun around here; though maybe heading into an arcade at a teenager in booty shorts wouldn't be the best scene for him. Best attraction is a quaint building smelling of fresh baked bread, only because its within sight of where the trailers are parked. The moment Kurapika's out of his trailer, he's in the wind. He walks through the red string bead door and warmth from the massive stove on the opposite wall envelopes him.

The few tables dotted here and there hardly have anyone sitting at them, except towards the back where Hisoka sits alone. One foot propped up on his chair, hair down to shoulder length, slumping in his seat and flipping a card between his fingers. The kitchen is open air, two people are there should Hisoka try anything.

Gon eases into range of sight and sits two tables away, people or not he's not taking any chances. "You must be bored out of your mind."

Hisoka's eyes roll to his general direction, the card in his hand flipping from an eight of diamonds to a king of hearts. "I take it I'm not the only one."

"What would give you that impression?"

"Ah," Hisoka smiles, card flashing the crooked grin of a joker. "You mean to tell me you're spending time with me because you enjoy my presence?"

A fair enough point, Gon allows himself to laugh. Hisoka's smile brightens, at least he knows when he's not wanted.

"Begs the question as to why you're here, though now doesn't it?" Gon rolls his tongue, stepping onto uneasy territory.

"A simple man can't head into a shop and buy himself a loaf of sugar bread for the road? What depressing times we live in."

"Answer the question-"

"Let me propose a far more interesting one; why are you here, talking to me?" Hisoka's smile drops with such a bored, heavy drawl, he must be messing with his head; Hisoka never goes from cloud nine to sounding as if his eyes are ripping themselves from his skull from boredom."You believe yourself to be my victim, yet here you are, freely walking into my space."

"I want..." What does he want out of this and is that a question he should be asking; It's hard enough to think about what he wants with Kurapika. Why is he poking the human wasp nest that is Hisoka? "I want answers about what happened."

"About what happened when? Please be more specific, so many strange and wonderful things happen in our world today, Gon~" Back to flipping that face switching card over and over. His mouth fills with cotton, there are certain things he can't vocalize if only because it hurts too much to remember them. Hisoka chuckles, because he knows it. "This might amaze you, but you are going to have to be...confrontational."

He's smart enough to know what Hisoka really means; 'You're going to have to speak plainly with me'. But he's not sure whether so much has happened or because Hisoka wants to savor his moment of boldness, the blatant, disgusting crime of his outright molestation leaving the mouth of his victim. 'Why did you molest me, why did you make me not trust people?' He swallows down and shakes his head, why even ask when you aren't going to get a straight answer - what are the chances that Hisoka spontaneously develops empathy?

"Between you and Kurapika." Gon tosses a napkin off his table with a groan, there's a headache brewing behind his eyes.

On some level he did want answers for why he was hurt, why Hisoka switched from being the closest thing he had to a friend and perhaps, on some level, father figure, to being at the top of the 'people to watch out for' list. But the rest of him wants answers for everything else; why is he conveniently checked out but still haunting the corners of his life, going as far as befriending his boyfriend? A small part of him wants it to have never happened.

"Ah, speaking of which how are thing's going with Kurapika? I haven't spoken to him in so long."

"That's a strangely tame question coming from you." Gon groans, maybe if he seems annoyed enough Hisoka won't press him on it; Kurapika and him is a whole other rabbit hole to jump down some other time.

"Is it really though?" Hisoka whispers, pocketing his card with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Last I remember, you didn't handle being around anyone else very well."

Anyone else meaning 'around anyone but me', curling up and dying would be a wonderful course of action right now. All those years spent alone with no one but Hisoka to keep him company. The more he thinks of it, the more pathetic he sounds. It's every embarrassing moment of his childhood coming back to him in a blast of self loathing - a plate slaps down on his desk, loaded with two slices of pizza.

He looks up and Hisoka's already walking out of the restaurant with a box of pizza slung under his arm.