Even before Maxwell entered the lab he could hear music being blasted from speakers. Smiling, he opened the door.

"Wilson!" The tall man called out.

Sitting at a white table was a Gothic younger male who was inspecting a piece of evidence very closely.

"Wilson!" Maxwell repeated, making his way over until he was standing closer to the forensic scientist. The wavy haired male, finally noticing a presence nearby, looked up with a frown.

However, seeing who it was, he immediately grinned.

"Maxy!" Wilson exclaimed.

The cop smiled back but then he nodded towards the speakers.

"Oh!" The forensic scientist acknowledged and grabbed a remote, pointing it towards the machine and pressing a button. Finally, the lab went into peaceful silence.

"You know you're going to lose your hearing that way." Maxwell scolded lightheartedly.

"And stop hearing your lovely voice? Never!" Wilson replied, resting his chin in his hands with a look of pure adoration. The tall man cleared his throat in embarrassment, a slight blush on his cheeks.

The wavy haired man chuckled, his eyes then traveled lower and he noticed the two bags in the other man's hands. "Are those for me?!"

"Huh? Oh yes, I have some surprises for you." Maxwell said, handing both the plastic and paper bags over.

"You spoil me." Wilson said as he took them from him and then looked through the clearness of the plastic one first. The cop laughed, "I can't help noticing you always look at that one first."

"Because it's my job, duh." The younger one replied playfully.

"Or are you just saving the best for last?" Maxwell smirked.

"Well, when you put it that way..." Wilson said, grabbing the other bag with way too much excitement.

The cop chuckled as the forensic scientist quickly opened the bag as though he were unwrapping a Christmas present.

"Oh my God, you actually got me a souffle?!" The goth cried out in disbelief.

"Is there something wrong?" Maxwell asked in worry. "Because I could always get you something el-"

"No, you sweet and dapper man, I love it! I could kiss you!" The cop looked wide eyed at the smaller male, an awkward silence taking over.

"What? Is it the word "dapper"? There I go using old fashioned words again!" Wilson said finally as he looked back at the dessert, the blush on his face showing that he knew better.

The forensic scientist then pulled out a cell phone. "Anyways, I definitely have to take some pictures of this one!"

The tall male smiled as he watched the other man take several shots from several angles, the Goth's tongue sticking out in concentration.

"There, done!"

Wilson then looked at the time on his phone and cried out, "Oh, look at the time! I should really eat this and then get back to work pronto!"

"I should probably get going then too." The cop sighed, making his way back to the lab's exit.

"Oh, um, Maxwell?!"

"Yes?" The dapper man answered, turning back towards the smaller male.

Wilson fidgeted a bit, something obviously going through his mind. Finally, he said simply, "Thank you." The taller one smiled. "You're welcome."

The goth waited until the cop was gone before finally resting his head in his arms on the table, a huge blush on his face. "Nice one, Higgsbury…"

"Hey, Big Max! What did you bring Weirdo Wilson this time?!"

Maxwell said nothing, ignoring his fellow officer completely as he walked past.

"Hey man, don't give him such a hard time. Someone's got to take evidence to that creep." The officer's partner remarked, obviously thinking he was defending the tall man somehow.

Gritting his teeth, the dapper man sat down at his desk and tried to get to his paperwork. "You look like you want to punch someone's face in." A feminine voice giggled.

Looking up, Maxwell replied. "And what gave you that impression, Charlie?"

The small brunette smiled. "Nothing,"she lied,"I'm just your partner so I know these things."

Maxwell raised an eyebrow but then decided not to question further and looked back at the papers in front of him.

"Alright everyone, it's time to go to the briefing room. We have new evidence to go over!" A man's voice announced to the room at large at that moment.

"You heard him. Let's get going, Big Max." Charlie laughed and began to make her way over to the room everyone was being summoned to. The dapper man made a face at the nickname; he hated it and knew the female knew this as well.

As the cops sat down into their seats, the police chief stood at the front with a screen behind him. "Now as everyone knows, the W case now has a few missing persons, whether they are alive or deceased is still unknown. However, we do believe they are all connected."

There were sounds of agreement throughout the room.

"We do have some new evidence that has been looked over by our own Mr. Higgsbury and he will now present it all to us."

Maxwell noticed some of the looks that the others were giving each other as the small forensic scientist made his way to the front. "Hello, everyone." Wilson said in slight monotone.

The tall man frowned a bit, the lack of pure giddiness from the other was quite disturbing to him.

"There's a new missing person that goes by the name of Woodie." The goth continued, pulling out a remote that he used to bring up a picture on the screen. It was of a red haired man with a beard.

"He works in construction. And his boyfriend Wes-"

"Boyfriend!" A cop blurted out.

"Shut up, you want to go to sensitivity training?!" The chief threatened the officer.

Wilson made a grimace that was supposed to be a smile. "Yes, that's what I said. Boyfriend. Can I continue now?"

The chief nodded. "Thank you. Now, his boyfriend Wes told us that Woodie liked to go out to the park on nights of the full moon. And, it just so happens, that's where and when he disappeared."

"We also know this for sure also because of the fact some of his hair was found there with his DNA." The forensic scientist then changed the picture on the screen to one of some red hairs.

"And some of his blood was at the crime scene as well."

Once more the picture changed.

Wilson looked back towards his audience. "Alright, I suppose that's it then." The chief said, looking at the goth and then towards the police. "I'll leave you to it then."

The goth forensic scientist began to make his way to towards the exit and Maxwell got up from his seat, hoping to talk to him before he left.

"Hey, Weirdo Wilson, do you know the victim personally?" The dapper man heard another male ask.

"No, why would you even ask that?" The small man replied.

"Oh because, you know, you being a fag and everything."

The tall man clenched a fist. Maybe he was going to punch someone's face in today after all.

"Excuse me but weren't you just warned about sensitivity training?" Wilson asked, putting a hand on his hip. "I wouldn't need it if your kind wasn't around, especially where I work." The man responded, his face dangerously close to the Goth's.

"Is there a problem here?"Maxwell said, putting a hand on Wilson's shoulder.

"Nope." The small man answered with a grin. The dapper man frowned.

"Are you sure? I could repor-"

"No, I'm fine. I've told you a hundred times before that everything's OK." Wilson said, his voice cheerful but his eyes serious.

"Oh, and before I forget…." The goth man said suddenly.

He then handed a slip of paper over to Maxwell with a smile. "Don't read it just now though, OK?"

The dapper man blinked in confusion as did the other man. "OK, well I'll see you later then!" Wilson cried out and walked away while waving.

"What is it?" The harassing cop asked.

"Like I'm going to tell you." Maxwell muttered.

After work, the dapper man went home.

He dropped his keys where they usually went and took off his coat. Sighing, he sat down on his sofa and pulled out the piece of paper from his pocket.

Maxwell looked at it for a minute, wondering about what it was exactly.

Finally, curiosity got the better of him and he unfolded it.

Hey Maxy,

Thanks for the souffle, it was really good!

I was going to ask you earlier but I chickened out, so I'm going to ask you now.

Will you go out with me?!


Love, Wilson