The sun shone on an empty water-park. There was various water slides of all heights, lounge chairs, a gigantic pool, an equally huge jacuzzi, and many more fun, water-related activities to enjoy.

Next, the camera pans over to what looks to be a hotel. The lobby looks to be very clean, with high-end, modern furniture, and gorgeous wall art. The rooms are huge, and fully-equipped with a king-sized bed, a kitchen, living room, a bathroom with a hot tub, and even a balcony! We then see a secret glimpse outside what appears to be a courtyard, with a restaurant, clothing store, gift shop, and other building all in a circle, with a fountain in the center.

Suddenly, a woman comes out of a huge building labeled 'D'Eden High School'.

"Hi, my name is Catherine Rydell, principal of D'Eden High! We invite your child to embark on an amazing school journey-where they are sure to have an amazing time hanging out at D'Eden Resort! Our mission is for your child to be able to go to school and also have fun! That's why; for lunch? We go to the resort's restaurant! Free time? Students are more than welcome to hang out at our very own water-park! Lodging? Students are to stay in our luxury hotel! And it's all...FREE-"

Strangely, the women stops talking. It's actually if she just froze. That's when we realize that this is all just a tape that a group of people are watching.

"You see this?" A man in a fancy suit asks people sitting at a long table. "This-is a joke."

"This school-if you can even call it a real school, should not just be open for anyone to drop their kid off and leave. This school is a privilege that only certain kids should be able to have." The man continued, sitting down at the head of the table.

"Definitely, the commercial looks extremely tacky and cliché. It almost reminds of a commercial for one of those products that you know is going to be cheaply made and break, but the person selling it acts like it's gold. Plus it's a school, it shouldn't even have a commercial" A woman with short hair scoffs while nodding her head.

"And that's exactly what happened to this quote, unquote school. It broke. It became overrun by parents who's children begged them to let them go there. This school has so much more potential than that, and with the right staff, we can really turn it around and make the kids who graduate here successful." The man in the suit smiled at the thought.

"And how do we plan on doing that?" A plump man with a balding head inquired, leaning forwards on the table.

"Talent. Everyone loves a kid with talent. We invite about 18 kids for a trial run, and parents will be signing up there kids for things that will hopefully get there kids invited to the school after they see how successful our program is." The man continued, watching as his colleagues faces changed as he explained his plan.

"Go on..." The balding man urged.

"So, we invite a number of super talented kids. Uh, a pop star, maybe, a dancer, who knows? Then, once the most talented kids around of the world come out even more talented then they came in, people will take notice." The fancy suit guy explained.

"After that, we have the most effective school system in the country, and soon, every single kid around the world will rush to have a talent-in hopes of being invited to D'Eden..."

A/N: All right guys, hope you enjoyed that short, little prologue! This story has nothing to do with the canon Dangan Ronpa universe. No Junko, no Future Foundation, nothing from Dangan Ronpa (except the concept) at all. The school/resort is set in America, however, characters can be from ANYWHERE. I did this to add more room for you guys in the character creation process. I will be accepting 18 characters, 6 boys, 6 girls! I encourage you to accurately describe your character to the best of your ability, as it will make it easier for me to understand and write your character. All right, enough talk, (I'll explain more things about the story once the character have been chosen) on with the application!

PS: DO NOT post your application in the reviews. Please, please, PLEASE PM it to me! I will have to delete your review if you submit an application in there, as it could get my story removed! :( Plus, it just spoils your character..



Age: (Freshman)

Ultimate Talent: (Please no canon repeats. Be creative!)



Personality: (Please go in depth)

Biography/Past: (Please go in depth)

Killer or Victim?: (And why)

Mannerisms during Investigations:

Mannerisms during Trials:

Mannerisms during Body-Discovery:

Mannerisms during Execution:

Things Your Character Would Say: (Just to give me an idea)

Other: (Anything else I'm forgetting?)