Winged Cupid Painted Blind Chapter 29- Gentles, Do Not Reprehend: If You Pardon, We Will Mend

A/N- (While in dogeza) I'M SO SORRY, gomenasai, Sli'kha, Przepraszam, Mujhe Maaf Kardo, Pardoname, Je suis desolee, Lo siento, Vergib mir, Sono spiacente, and the many other ways to say the words to express that I deeply regret what is about to befall them. The title is a quote from Puck's epilogue in A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Tuesday November 3rd, 1992, Edd thanked Nat for the offer to drive him home from school, but declined it, instead he decided to take the bus home with his friends, since they weren't going to the gym today anyways. He was also feeling guilty for not spending as much time with his friends as he use to, so felt they need some hang out time together, to reconnect. "It's cool Edd, I get it, go have fun with your friends," Nat's mannerisms and tone seemed normal, his eyes on the other hand seemed crestfallen.

Edd shrugged it off, surely Nat had a ton of friends to hang out with and would quickly get over the fact that the dork wasn't free to hang out today. "Well I'll see you tomorrow," he waved goodbye and turned to walk away.

"Yeah, see ya," Nat went to turn to go the opposite direction, toward the student parking lot, but paused, "Oh yeah, happy birthday Edd." Nat had just remembered that today was Edd's official birthday, that the party had just been a celebration, because it was easier to get people together on the weekends. Kevin just had to miss school today, he probably should call him when he gets home and remind him to wish Edd a happy birthday.

Edd turned around as he walked, taking a few steps backward to keep moving, "Thanks Nat," a quick smile at his friend and turns back around to continue toward the buses.

Climbing aboard bus number 21 he quickly sees his friend in their normal seats, following the student in front of him toward the back he sits down next to Ed. "So good of you to join us, your highness," Eddy said bitterly and turned around to face the front of the bus.

"Sorry Eddy, I've just been busy is all."

"Doing what? Sucking Kevin and Nat's dicks."

"Eddy drop it," Ed said then stood up and leaned over the seat to look at him, "Don't talk to your friend like that."

"Geez, sorry," he huffed as Ed sat back down, "Sure I like the guy, but what about us? I thought we were the three amigos'. But since he's come along, we're like second fiddle. You two spend so much time together it's like your dating." Ed and Double D look at each other for a second before Eddy spun around in his seat to look at them again, "I just need to know, are we still your friends?"

"Of course you are Eddy," Edd's eyes looked apologetic.

Eddy's eyes softened with his friend's reassurance, "Cool, that's all I wanted to hear, so just do me a favor and squeeze us in your schedule more, ok."

"I will," after that little exchange the subject was dropped by the three friends, and they turned the conversation to their usual topics of movies, video games and girls, of course mainly coming from the two other Ed's. Reaching their stop, they walked the few blocks to Edd's house and spent their free time that evening over there, watching movies in his room until his mother shooed them away so her son could do his homework and have dinner. While he whittled away at his algebra homework, the back of his mind was wondering why he hadn't heard anything from Kevin since he got home. Surely his boyfriend knew that he was here and could spare a moment to pick up the phone to say "hello, how was your day? Did you miss me? I missed you." But he reminds himself that they are dating and not joined at the hips, that they didn't need to talk to each other every single day, did they? Ah but it would be nice to at least get a happy birthday from him, just a quick little recognition that he has grown, learned some new things in the process, and hopefully was a better person for it.

With his homework done and the clock striking 8:45 he started to get ready for bed, brushing his teeth and changing into his pajama's in the bathroom. He flips off the light and walks to the banister at the top of the stairs, "Mom."

"Yes dear?"

"Has anyone called for me?" He knew he had been in the bathroom for only a short amount of time, but it was enough for him to miss a phone call.

"No, no one has called for you," she walks into the hallway and looks up the stairs, "Expecting a call from your friends?" She of course meant the other Ed's.

"No, I was just wondering," he steps away and goes into his room to fall asleep.

Wednesday November 4th, 1992. Edd woke up late this morning, tossing and turning in bed lasts night as he kept waking up, hearing the phone ringing in his dreams, or the sound rocks being tossed at his window. Only to discover that nothing of the sort had really happened, he would climb back into bed to try and fall back to sleep again. Taking a quick shower along with all the other prerequisites for his day, he runs down the stairs and grabs a piece of toast for his breakfast, dashing out the door. Finding Nat already walking back to his car from Kevin's front door and his other two friends walking down the road toward the bus stop.

Nat spots him and waves, "Hey Edd,' he returns the wave then looks down the road at his friends. Nat turns his head in the direction he was looking, turning back and calls out, "Hey, tell your friends to jump in and let's get going."

Calling out to his friends, he waves them over and then runs toward the car, getting into the passenger seat he asks before the other two arrived, "Where's Kevin?"

"His mother said he had already left, that his father drove him to school today," Nat's face looked worried, Kevin had always caught a ride with him to and from school, they were best friends after all. Edd's face reflected that same worry now, but tried to not over think it, maybe there was some reason for Kevin leaving so early. Surely he would see him once they got to school and he could straighten this whole thing out with a brief explanation, everything will make sense once he talked to him.

Entering the crowded lunchroom, he surveyed the group of students', hoping to spot his boyfriends signature red hat in the throng, but was sadly disappointed when it was nowhere to be seen. The four of them took a seat at an empty table, Nat continuing to look for his friend in the crowd, watching the doors in hopes that he would enter at any moment. The bell rings to signal the start of the day before those hopes could be realized and they all scurried toward their classes, parting ways with one another until it was only Nat and Edd left. Nat voiced his concerns first as Edd just let himself bottle up his emotions, "Where the fuck is he?"

"Maybe talking to a teacher about the homework he missed yesterday, or perhaps a guidance counselor about his future after graduation." He was grasping at straws, but he had to hope for the best, though his gut was saying the same thing that Nat's eyes were, that his hopes were nothing more than a pipe dream.

But if they were a pipe dream, then why? Sure, high school boys are notorious for getting what they want from girls then ditching them, so he had to wonder why would Kevin be any different. But then there was the day after, he was loving and affectionate as he could be with the little actions he could do in public. Then there was also the make out session in the back of Nat's car, but each of these actions spoke volumes to his feelings for him. Surely if he was only after the sex he would have ditched him the next day, not the day after that, it just didn't make sense to him. Then it hits him, maybe his parents found out somehow. "Nat, you've got classes with him, right?"

"A couple," he was already catching on to what Edd was thinking, "Alright I'll see what I can find out, don't worry, I'm sure it's not as bad as we are fearing." He too was holding out hope that Edd was right about Kevin's absents this morning, it was school related and nothing more, and that all would be alright once he got to talk to him.

Parting ways, their day began, Nat's first two classes went by rather slowly as he waited for his third class of the day to begin. There he should be able to corner his friend and get some answers. Walking into the room he sits down in his seat and waited for his red headed friend to take his assigned seat next to him. The tarty bell rings and Kevin just barely made it into the room on time, walking straight to the teacher's desk, whispering something to the lady. A few moments later she speaks, "Robbie," and makes beckoning motion with her hand to the boy in the seat right in front of her, "Could you please switch seats with Kevin?"

The boy did as he was asked and took the seat next to Nat, the teal hair boy put his elbows on his desk and ran his hands down his face breathing into the palms of his hands in frustration. He would get him after class then, and force him to come clean to what was going on, surely it can't be all that bad. A few things were coming to mind that he wanted to say to him, like if he was wanting to call it quits with Edd he was free to do so, no judgement. But at least do the right thing and tell the boy, stop avoiding him because you don't want to witness him getting hurt by your rejection. Or to just simply say, hey man, what the fuck?

He suffered through his world history class, while pondering what to do or what to say to his friend. Relieved when the bell finally rang, he slowly got up out of his seat and watched Kevin who also got up but went straight for the teacher's desk again. Talking to her in a whisper, the woman looking over at Nat a few times as they conversed, Nat now wishing he could read lips. When Kevin looked at him briefly, but didn't acknowledge him, he accepted that his friend was really avoiding him and left the room to head for his next class, his anger building up in the pit of his stomach.

This is how the day went, Kevin was apparently adept at avoidance and stealth better than any of them had originally knew. His absents had become so apparent that day that even Eddy had commented upon it at lunch, but in his usual brash way, causing Ed to have to tell him to shut it. With Nat being unable to corner him, and his mother picking him up from school that day, the two of them were still at a loose as to what was really going on. The only thing that they could confirm, with any real confidence, was that he was in fact avoiding all of them, not just Edd, and it was pissing Nat off. At the end of the day, Edd finally put into words what he had speculated early, "Could his parents have found out?"

"Probably," Nat had been thinking the same thing, but until they talked to him they couldn't be sure. Even if they did confirm it, if he didn't want their help, which right now seemed to be the case, they couldn't force him to take it. "We'll try again tomorrow, hopefully he is more receptive to us," Nat was holding out hope that his friend's intellect would kick in and he would realize that they were worried about him.

Thursday November 5th, 1992. This day was like the last, Kevin was dropped off at school by his father and avoided them like they had a fatal plague, not coming within earshot of their group. Arriving to class right as the bell would ring, and leaving it with only enough time to get to the next, carrying all his books with him in a duffle bag, forgoing the need to go to his locker. Eating lunch by himself in some undisclosed location on campus, getting picked up by his mother from school, Edd noticing that he wouldn't return home with his mother until two hours after school let out.

Friday November 6th, 1992. Today was the day that Edd was done, he had quite enough of this childish hide and seek game with the person who only days ago had professed his undying love to him. He finally understood what the term pillow talk really meant, being in that blissful afterglow, a person will promise you the stars. And like a fool you will believed them, for you so desperately want it to be true that they could get them for you.

He had decided that morning, as he looked at himself in the mirror, that he would give him until the end of the day to come to him of his own accord. Whether it was to end what they had, or to beg for his forgiveness, he did not care which at this moment, he just wanted some closure to this whole tragic affair that has his heart burning with pain. Hour after agonizing hour passed and yet still no sign of his wayward lover, minute after minute as he pondered what in the fuck he was going to say to the man. Would he be a ball of rage and yell everything he was feeling at him, would he be a crying mess begging him to love him, or would he be a stoic shell calmly telling him to get the hell out of his life and never come back.

The possibilities were endless, and each one of the scenarios that went through his head seemed more tragic than the last. Skipping his last period, he stood in the hall close to Kevin's class, feeling like a stalker, waiting for the final minutes of the day to come to an end. The bell rings and the halls fill with the eager students who were racing to leave their educational prison and make their way home to relax in front of the TV. Nat exits the door that Edd was keeping an eye on, spotting the dork he walks over, "You waiting on him?" Edd nods, "Do you want me to stick around?"

"No, but thank you Nat," he looks his friend in the eyes and there was sadness there. "I don't think he is going to hurt me, if that's what your worried about. Besides I want to give him the decency of privacy and spare him the audience to the travesty of our relationships demise."

"Alright," he gave the boy a side hug as Kevin was coming out of the classroom and stops dead in his tracks. Leaning his head down a little so it was closer to Edd's ear, "I'll be waiting in the car, so take your time."

He walks away without so much as a glance at the classroom door and Edd spots Kevin staring at him. Catching each other's eyes, Kevin turns and starts to walk away briskly, "Can't even face me," Edd says loudly and Kevin stops. The halls were quickly emptying and very few people were around them, none within earshot of them. "Did I really mean so little to you that you can't even tell me, to my face, that we are over? Or at least what the fuck is going on."

Kevin turns his head and sees a fuming Edd standing only a few paces from him, he wanted to speak, he wanted to tell him what has befallen him, but his fears of what his father would do to him were playing havoc in his mind. His mother's disappointed look, all that the priest was telling him, the way that society viewed them, his doubts and fears on their future, if they even had a future anymore, all driving him to keep his mouth shut. "What, even now you can't speak to me?"

In a very low whisper Kevin finally speaks, "You wouldn't understand."

The fire of Edd's rage just had a bucket of gasoline thrown upon it, his words dripping with venom, "I can't hear you, TURN AROUND AND FACE ME."

Kevin snaps, dropping his bag to the floor he rounds on the boy and pushes him against the locker with his hand, "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY?"

They stared daggers at each other, Edd was trembling more out of rage then fear, a few curious eyes were watching them and Edd lowered his voice but it was still filled with his anger, "At least have the balls to tell me that we're over, don't hide like some coward."

He spoke through clenched teeth, "Fine, we're over."

Edd's eyes were full of rage induced tears, "Why? Did I do something wrong? Or say something that you didn't like?"

"I don't owe you an explanation," Kevin's own rage was clouding his judgement, this rage was born from the unfair nature of the world, a rage against the dyeing of their light, their dreams, their hopes, and of his own cowardice. He releases the pressure of his hand against Edd's chest, the dork pivoted forward slightly, he pushes off harshly as he went to walk away causing Edd to hit the lockers once again.

"I think you owe me that much, at least a reason," Edd took a step forward to follow him.

Seeing red Kevin turns once again needing to get his point across that Edd needed to drop this, with both his hands he shoves him against the lockers full force, with a loud bang Edd hits the metal, his head bouncing off. Leaning close with rage filled eyes and a hateful voice he speaks, "I don't owe you shit, NOW STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME." Cinching his fist he draws back and slams it against the locker right beside Edd's head with a loud thud that reverberated in Edd's ear, "Or I'll make you regret it." All the remaining eyes in the hall were on them as Kevin walked away picking up his bag as he left while Edd crumpled to the floor. Everyone speculating what must have happened between them, for they all knew that they had become friends recently.

Outside Nat and the other two Ed's waited in the car for their friend at the main entrance. Nat looked up when he saw Kevin storming out of the school heading toward his mother's car, his right hand bruised and bloody. Opening the door he gets out and he slams it shut, and both the Ed's watched as he stormed off in a rush to intercept the red head, "What the fuck did you do," Nat bellowed as he got close to his "friend".

Everyone one on the sidewalk turned their heads when they heard the commotion, both the Ed's caught on to what he said and rush toward the school entrance to find Edd. Kevin didn't even respond, he dropped his bag and drew back his fist to throw a punch, the only thing going through his head right now was what he had witnessed as he left the classroom.

Filled with rage his thoughts were clouded and Nat was easily able to block his assault and counter, striking him in the stomach with a quick powerful punch causing Kevin to wince in pain. "He didn't do anything wrong," another punch was thrown, dodged and countered with a strike to the jaw.

Kevin's mother ran around her car towards them, getting between them both, "Leave him alone," she looks at Nat fiercely, "You sodomite."

Nat looked at her with a pained expression, sure he was hitting her son, but he deserved it for what he had just done to Edd. This woman who he has known for as long as he has known Kevin, was now as much a stranger to him as his best friend was. Dropping his fists, he looks at the two of them, one at a time, as Kevin wiped the blood from his lips, he turns and makes his way into the school. Finding the three of them walking toward the entrance, he takes a close look at Edd, but sees no harm was done to him, just emotional pain. Walking out of the front door Edd could see Kevin and his mother driving off, the jock did not even look in their direction as they passed.

Over the weekend Edd nursed his broken heart, a thing that was surprisingly easier to do then what he had anticipated. In truth, he was only able to dull the pain he felt, to hide and learn to ignore it over time, eventually forgetting its feel all together a few months later. Only being reminded that it was still there whenever he would catch a glimps of the red head in the halls of the school, his arm around Nazz's shoulder. Or the pictures of prom night that were displayed in the cases by the office later that year, proudly showing Kevin and Nazz winning prom king and queen and their dance together after they were crowned. The two of them getting most popular couple in the year book, Kevin's speech at graduation when he got valedictorian, Edd only having to attend it because the band had to play Pomp and Circumstance during the ceremony. But once the red head was gone, Edd could finally bury his feelings about this little affair for good, forgetting the whole thing and moving on with his life.

A/N- Please listen to Fun (featuring Tove Lo) by Coldplay as you scroll down, it expresses a lot of the ending theme I would like to convey.

If we shadows have offended,

Think but this, and all is mended—

That you have but slumbered here

While these visions did appear.

And this weak and idle theme,

No more yielding but a dream,

Gentles, do not reprehend.

If you pardon, we will mend.

And, as I am an honest Puck,

If we have unearnèd luck

Now to 'scape the serpent's tongue,

We will make amends ere long.

Else the Puck a liar call.

So good night unto you all.

Give me your hands if we be friends,

And Robin shall restore amends.

A Midsummer Night's Dream Act 5, Scene 1

Edd reached over and hit the silence button on his alarm that was playing a random song from his playlist, stopping the music after the last verse. The door to his room opens, "Good morning sleepy head," Nat looks over at him and smiles. Edd picks up his phone and puts his glasses on as he sits up in bed, looking at the date, it was 9:10am on Sunday November 6th, 2016. He groans, and flops down on the bed again, recalling the recurring dreams he has been having for the past twenty-nine days. "Are you excited? You're going to see your son today," Nat asked as he opened the closet door

"Ecstatic," he replied, truthfully he was more nerves then excited, what was he going to say to the man that was his son, after fifteen years of silence between them. Looking up at Nat, he sees the same handsome man he met so many years ago standing there. A few things have changed of course, now that Nat was in his forty-first year of life, he had stopped dying his hair back when he was twenty-six and let his natural blonde color come back into being. His hair was now also thinning at the front, but his golden-brown eyes were still as warm and kind as they have ever been, perfectly handsome, "Remind me why you still have a key."

"Because you love me," Nat replied as he pulled a few items of clothing out of Edd's closet, he needed to be presentable for his lunch date with his son and the boy's fiancé.

"Yes, now I remember," he shimmies out of the bed and heads for the bathroom that was adjoined to the bedroom, taking the clothes handed to him as he passed. Closing the door behind him he hangs them upon the hook on the back of the door and drops his underwear, throwing them in the laundry basket and hoping into the shower.

The door opens as he reaches up for the curtain to pull it to, Nat walking in placing underwear and socks upon the counter, "You're really going to be surprised how much your son looks like you." Edd cocks a brow and slides the curtain into place, "And that man of his, you will never guess who he is."

"Who is he Nat?"

Nat brings his head around the curtain as Edd bent over to start the shower, getting a full view of that ass he has always adored. Looking behind him as he stands, because he knows Nat so well, he takes the shower head off its mount and sprays him with it playfully, Nat dodges it while laughing. "Well you're just going to have to figure it out yourself, now."

Placing the shower head back, he looks around the curtain this time, hiding himself from view, "Come on Nat, you've mentioned it, now I'm dying to know." Leaning in Nat whispers it into his ear and Edd's eyes went wide as he continued to explain, "WHAT THE FUCK."

A/N- I hope you have enjoyed this fic.

The End?