Disclaimer: I do not own the characters nor the world created by Stephenie Meyer.

That second hand on the clock seemed to drag on sometimes. It was like a slow metronome that could lull her to sleep at any moment. And it was always the slowest between two and three. Always. It was like torture. You look down, fiddle with something, look up and not even a minute had passed. She took a deep breath and looked back at the monitors checking for movement, activity, but there was none, because it was 2:16 and that meant all movement had ceased.

"Miss Swan!" She jumped and looked out the window of her own personal cage. There stood Sergeant Master with Officer Allen. "Let us in. Officer Allen will be relieving you. You're going out. 911." Bella stood up and buzzed open the two doors to let them in. It was always things like this that go her heart racing fueled by the chance to do more. Get out of the building and do something different from staring at the same four walls.

She straightened up her uniform and packed up the bottle of water she'd been sipping on and the apple slices she'd been snacking on. Officer Allen counted the keys and equipment and signed off on her all her logs. "You're all set Swan." And the sound of the door being buzzed open had her running out with her sergeant on her heels. She became impatient waiting one doors to be opened by unseen operators and sighed in frustration.

"Calm down Swan. The ambulance isn't here yet. You've got time and you've to wait on your partner." She looked up at Masters and rolled her eyes skyward. If anyone knew how much this meant to her it was the woman standing next to her. In the field of Corrections, women had it just a little harder. They were viewed as softer until they proved themselves and it took Bella a year and three months to do it.

"I just don't want to miss out on this chance to prove that they should send me out more often. Why even put a certified officer in a booth and a non-certified officer on patrol?" It was one of the complex things that got her at the prison. If you needed certified staff, why trap them in a box then have to get someone to relieve them to go out on things like this.

"If I recall correctly you used to be the non-certified officer on patrol while some poor certified officer sat in those control stations." And while the older woman had a very valid point, it still seemed unfair somehow to her. Maybe because those days of patrol seemed far and few between at times. Booth. Booth. Booth. There was a name for officer's trapped there day in and day out. Booth Bitches.

They finally arrived to master control and when the last door finally buzzed open she walked in and smiled at Lieutenant Townson. "Officer Swan reporting for duty, sir!" She winked at him as sergeant Masters rolled her eyes and walked to the weapons case. "So, where am I going?" She sat on the counter top next to Officer Denver who was engrossed in editing her narrative of the day.

"You and Officer Herrington will be going to Washington Memorial Hospital." The lieutenant handed her a copy of the information on the inmate and a set of car keys attached to a clipboard. "He should be here any moment, go ahead and get your things on." She hopped off the counter and took the handgun, extra magazine, and pepper foam from sergeant Masters sliding them on to her utility belt. She was so glad that Charlie had bought it for her after her graduation ceremony a few months back. It kept the weight of everything from pulling her pants down her hips.

The sound of the door buzzing caused her to look up from the sheet of paper in her hand and she gave Herrington a little wink. "You think you can handle the ambulance?" Because she was going to drive the chase car.

"Really Swan?" It was almost as if he was truly upset that she intended to drive. "I know how much you like those EMT's. I think you would be a fantastic fit in the back of the ambulance." He laughed as he grabbed his own equipment and got ready. "But if I must, I guess I'll do it."

"Thank you!" And with that she swung her bag over her shoulder. "Meet you out front! Going out!" And the door buzzed allowing her to leave and hunt down their car. When found she did a quick search to make sure it was empty of anything that shouldn't be there and then documented. Amount of gas. Miles on the car. Time. Date. Reason. Location. Driver. Check. Check. Check. She picked up her partner in crime and they met up with the EMT's just as they pulled into receiving.

"He's complaining of chest pains and has a fever. He's 32 and diabetic receiving dialysis. We gave him two aspirin and his insulin. He had some trouble breathing." The doctors her weren't the best, but they were what the state could afford. In a matter of minutes, the EMT's had the guy on the stretcher and into the ambulance and they were on their way to the hospital, her following close behind in the car. This was what she loved doing, and Bella Swan couldn't think of doing anything else.