Chapter 37

A/N: Just to end any confusion Avalon is the realm of the Shining ones aka the Fairies/Pixies/Elves…I refer to Aiden as a Prince of Avalon because that's his rank. It's Teddy and Hope time!

Love all of your favs/follows/and reviews! They make me smile!

Any and all mistakes are all mine!



Disclaimer: When it comes to EL or Meyer's characters and whatnot I own nothing... I'm just having fun with the characters, but the OC ones and story ideas are all mine. (I love to play with her characters but with my AU spin on them from my other story. Sorry folks I don't do Cannon ever. Like, Love it, Hate it…you have been warned ^^) Regarding products, places, people etc.…No Copy write infringement is intended nor do I get paid in any way.


I gotta make some major brownie points to get out of the…doghouse…that's what Daddy, Lelliot, the grandpas, and my Uncles call it when they get into big, big trouble with the mommies or grandmas. Mommy's got a bad, bad, owie so she's gonna need lots of help with the babies and I know a whole lot about how to take care of them and stuff. I need help with the diaper changes cos I'm too little to pick them up out of their baby beds, but I've watched how to make their bottles and the clock says that it's almost five in the morning when the babies like to be fed. So if I make them their bottles and bring them to the nursery right when they wanna be fed then that has to show that I'm really sorry, right?

I scramble out of my bunk and Hope opens one eye to glare over at me from her own bunk. "Teddy, we's in so much trouble already! You's gonna make it worse!" She hisses. "Go back ta sleep!"

"I can't sleep! I've never been in this much trouble, ever!" I growl back. She got us in trouble not me. Now I gotta make it right. "My room sometimes. Early bedtime. Timeout. Never sentenced to no fun until further notice. I gotta show them I'm sorry. Go back to sleep. You're in way worse trouble than I am for hurting your Daddy's wennie. I was gonna walk to his side of the bed and tell him I was scared…"

"You scared me, Teddy! You cry, shake, and scream in you's sleep!" Hope's eyes fill with tears like Ava, but I can see that I scared her a lot and she was on a mission to help me. Not get us into trouble. "I wanted ta make you all better…I'm sorry…" She sniffles, big fat tears are falling down her cheeks and now I feel really bad for hurting her feelings.

I rush over and give her a big hug. "I'm sorry for being growly…I'm gonna go make the bottles for the babies…wanna come help me earn some brownie points?" I croon to her and wipe her tears with her blanket like Daddy does when Mommy's sad or mad at him. Daddy usually uses a hanky, his fingers, gets mushy, but the blanket will do. I'm not gonna kiss away her tears that's just gross.

Hope hugs me back and gives me a big kiss on the cheek before scrambling out of her bunk and dragging me with her to our door. "You mean Santa Points! I guess we can try…"

I quietly slide open our door and peek my head out. Adam and Angel are sleepin on the big couch. Rats! We gotta be quiet like mice! Hope and me tip-toe our way to the shaded glass doors that lead out onto the deck, only they're locked and too high for us to reach.

Hope motions for me to bend down and I frown at her like she's crazy. She glowers at me with her hands on her hips like the mommies do when they mean business, so I comply. She crawls up onto my back as soon as I'm on my hands and knees and stands up so that she can unlock the doors. Then silently jumps off grinning at me, as she quietly opens one of the doors, grabs my hand in hers and pulls us both outside onto the deck, as the door silently closes behind us.

There aren't a lot of people on the ship and Mac and Finn are busy so we have no problem getting to the family galley. That's what they call a kitchen on ship. The moon is making it light enough so that we don't have to turn on any lights and alert Mac or Finn that the lights are on in the family galley.

I look up at where the camera is and there isn't a red light, so I know that this one isn't on to catch us. "First we need ta get the mommy milk out of the freezer for the girls if there isn't any done in the fridge." I get right to work. We could get caught at any minute.

Hope drags me over to the big fridge and the two of us open the door. We're a team. I hurt her feelings. I go with it. I couldn't take more tears. It made my heart hurt. "They be only two bottles of Mommy milk. Do we need ta make more?" She whispers, her brow furrowed in concentration.

"Um, I think two should work for my sisters. Alex gets formula and we gotta make it from this powder stuff. That's gonna be the hard part, cos ya gotta measure and stuff. Then put in the water. Close the top back on really tight or it's a mess and ya get milk everywhere. Then ya shake it really good to mix it all up before you put it in the warmer thing, cos it's gotta be warm and can't be cold or it'll hurt his tummy." I look around for his bottles and there are some sitting on the counter, next to the thing with formula, and the warmer. Babies are so much work. I was never this much work. No way!

"Um, how's we gonna reach all that?" Hope bites her lip, thinking up a solution. "Bend down again…."

"Uh, no…that hurt…" I wrinkle my nose at her and give her my frowny face. "I got my own steps to reach stuff up there. Watch." I like to help Mommy and GG cook stuff and Uncle Lelliot made steps for me to stand on and Grandpa Ray did the same here, only they're built right in the kitchen island. Why it's called an Island when there isn't any water is a mystery to me, but that's what it's called. I reach up and pull on a handle and down come my steps. "See." I grin.

"Ya, still gotta bend down again so's I can reach the bottles in the fridge." She rolls her eyes.

I look up and she's right. We can't reach them and we don't wanna make a mess by climbing the fridge shelves, so I roll my eyes and get back down onto my hands and knees again. This really hurts my knees, cos the floor is really hard. "Fine. Don't fall in or we'll be in even worse trouble." I grumble.

"Don't move and I won't fall." She growls back, before scrambling back onto my back and then standing so that she can reach the bottles. She's walking all over me and I just want her to hurry up. I grit my teeth. This hurts! But I'm not a winey baby, so I suck it up. That's another term that means something that doesn't make any sense. Enduring something has nothing to do with sucking anything.

"Wanna snack? Got some go-gurt?" She looks down at me with the bottles and two yogurt snacks in her arms.

"Fine. Just hurry up before you break my back!" I hiss through my teeth.

"Okay…Okay…sorry…no need to get all growly…" She sniffs and jumps off back to her feet.

I slowly stand back up and rub at my back. "Next time we get a chair…"

Hope's climbed up my steps and set everything on the counter and then she goes back down over to me to rub my back. "Sorry, Teddy." She bends to kiss my back to make it better.

My face gets all hot and I don't really know why. "That's okay, Hope." I race over to my steps before she can grab me and get all kissy and huggy with me. They're wide enough so that the two of us can stand on them, so she's squeezed up beside me and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Let's make the bottles…" I'll do anything to distract her. This is really making me feel weird and I don't like it. I don't usually mind it, but this is different.

"That's a no touch…we'll get in trouble…it gets hot…no touch…it plugs in that out thingy…no touch…" She wrinkles her nose at me and points out what I already know.

"All ya do is set the bottles like this, do this, and turn it on here. We aren't gonna touch it where it gets hot. Then when it's ready we take them out. It's not that hard." I go about showing her how to warm a bottle.

Hope watches me through narrow eyes and let's me do all the work. It's fine. She doesn't know how and I do. Once I see it. I've got it down. I've never actually done it, but it's not that hard.

"Now, while that's going..." I turn my focus on making Alex's bottle. That's not as easy as it looks. I've seen Daddy mess up lots of times and he uses naughty words when it happens.

"Gotta make, Alex's bottle too." Hope drags the can of formula towards us and takes off the lid a little too fast. It's a full can so we've got formula all over now. So much for us not making a mess. "Oops…" She whimpers, her big aqua eyes are wide with worry.

Half the can is all over the counter and on us. We've also got a cloud of it floating all around us. "I wasn't ready for that yet…I have to get the bottle ready first…" I glance up again at where I know at least one of the cameras are and I try not to show my panic when I see that it's now on and I glance around and see that all of them are. Crap! We're so caught! So much for Santa Points! Try Coal Points! And we're really as Lelliot would say racking them up! "Oh, Crap!" I hiss at Hope and she bops me in the head for saying a naughty word.

"Teddy! That's naughty!" She hisses.

"The cameras are on!" I snarl back, rubbing my head where she hit me.

"What!?" Her eyes widen in alarm. "I no see cameras? Where?" She's looking all around.

"Look up and you'll see little lights those are where the cameras are and they are all on! We're caught! That's why I said that word!" I point them out, might as well as we're caught. Can't hurt to show her.

"Why you no say there be cameras!?" She hits me in the head again! That hurts! She's learning way too much from the Mommies and the Grandmas!

"Stop hitting me! It hurts!" I snap at her rubbing at my head. "We got 'em all over for security. We got 'em at home and stuff too, but ya can't see 'em cos they're hidden! I just know where ta look and they weren't on when we snuck in here!"

"Cameras in house, yes. Cameras on ship too?" Hope glares up at one then at me. "Told ya this was gonna get us into big, big, big, trouble! They got movies of us now!" She's coughing and sneezing between telling me off.

"Too late now…" I sneeze a lot too. "Let's just make the bottles and then try and clean up our mess after. Don't know how we're gonna do it, but it can't get any worse, right?"

Hope rolls her eyes at me and grabs one of the bottles on the counter, "You the boss." She sets it right in front of me. "Now what?"

I ignore her snarking. "First we gotta wash our hands, take off the cap, then you gotta fill up it with water…"

"Actually you have to boil the water first and the two of you aren't getting near that stove." Uncle Adam growls from the doorway with a wide awake Alex in his arms.

"Daddy…" Hope squeaks.

"Uncle Adam…we were just trying to help…" This was my idea. I'll take the heat for it. Mess and all. "The can slipped out of my hands…"

"That's very sweet of the two of you to think about the babies. Alex is the only one awake, but the girls should be waking soon for their 5 A.M. bottle." Aunt Angel is smiling that's a good sign. At least I hope.

"Baby's are a lot of work." Hope blows some curls out of her eyes.

"Little geniuses or not. There are some things that you're too little to do. This is one of them." Adam walks in with Angel to survey the mess. "Is there anything left in the can?" He arches his brow at us.

"Uh, it's half full." I hold it up.

"I told you that he'd be trying to make up for it!" My eyes light up when I hear that familiar voice. It's Daddy! We're there!

"At least he chose to try and make formula. You tried to burn your kitchen down by making breakfast for your parents." Mommy's here too! She's in one of those superfast chairs!

"Hey, I didn't see that towel near the burner and you use oil in a pan to make eggs like Mom loves. I was ten and the reason I got into trouble in the first place was because you just had to try out Lelliot's go-cart and we crashed into Mom's greenhouse. Landing us both in the Emergency room for stitches and in my case a mild concussion that landed me in the hospital for nearly a week because Mom wasn't taking any chances with a head injury. I ddn't deal with being away from you very well and that hospital stay caused all of my demons to start haunting me again with a vengence. I said some things that led to me trying to say sorry on a grander scale to Mom. Dad always made her breakfast when he got in trouble, so that's what I did. Plus, side being Mom and Gail got their dream kitchen with a bonus solarium and dad couldn't complain about it." Daddy growls down at Mommy.

"Oh, god! I remember that!" Adam rolls his eyes. "The alarms were screaming. El and I raced to get the extinguishers. Grace was screaming save her baby boy! Carrick raced into the kitchen where he found you curled up in a corner terrified. He had to fireman's carry you out of there. El and I got it nearly out when the Fire department, Taylor, and Ray all came rushing into the house…you were near hysterical because fire was your mortal enemy. Annie came racing into the house to protect her Chris with Carla and Gail giving chase…they had to call Flynn because you'd gone into shock over it all…Mia slept through the whole thing…confused as to why all of us had to pack up and head to the farm for a bit while they fixed the damage. El was off for the summer from Harvard and I was on leave for a few months mending after a mission gone dicey…good times."

"This is nothing, kiddos." Daddy walks in and scoops me and Hope up for a hug.

"This is just a big brother trying to take care of his siblings and being too little to do it." Mommy has Alex cuddle up against her shoulder and he's cooing happily at her.

"Stove no touch. We no touch. It hot. It burns. We no want bad owies." Hope is quick to point out that we weren't gonna even think of using the stove.

"We just used the bottle warmer or tried too…" I frown, maybe I had to push more buttons.

"Next time, choose something easier. Like maybe picking up your toys without being asked to. Coming to eat without being called more than once. Eating your veggies. Things like that…" Daddy sets us back down onto our feet and I race over to Mommy and carefully climb up onto her lap. I'm good at this, cos I got lots of practice when Daddy had bad owies. I curl up into her other side and snuggle in.

"I missed you so much, Teddybear." She cuddles me close. "Thank you, for watching over the babies for me." She kisses my head and I know that she's not mad at me and neither is Daddy. "But, that doesn't mean you're not still in trouble for hurting Adam. The Play-land deck is on lockdown for the next little while. Instead you and Hope are gonna try writing your own story with you drawing the pictures for it and everything."

I look up at her with wide eyes. This our punishment? No way! "We're gonna make our own book?"

"It's educational." Daddy nods.

"It'll keep you two out of mischief." Adam grins and he's got Hope cuddled in his arms.

"We gonna make a story book?" Hope can't believe her ears that this is our punishment.

"And it'll be fun." Angel smiles, as she tidies up our mess while Daddy fixes Alex his bottle.

"If you do a really good job with it I may just publish it and the sales from it will go to one of our foundations." Mommy kisses me on the nose.

"Our pick of story?" Don't get me wrong. I love a challenge, but I don't wanna write about letters or numbers that's just boring. I pop up an eyebrow like Daddy does when he wants more info about something.

"It's your book, sweetie. You and Hope can unleash your avid imaginations to your hearts content." Mommy kisses the top of my head.

"It's gotta be happy and giggly." Hope chimes in her take on it. "No be sad or frowny face…"

"We could make a story about the pups and kittens that would be fun…" I put my idea out there. It's easy to create stories about the fur babies.

"Puppies and Kitties!" Hope's all smiles and really loves my idea.

"Those four get into endless trouble. Not unlike our two pintsized geniuses here." Adam taps Hope on the nose.

"All little wonders need their sleep." Daddy hands Mommy Alex's bottle and then scoops me up and settles me over his shoulder.

"Daddy…" I shake my head and there's a cloud of formula around us. "I wanna…help…" I protest but I can't really say anything else because I can't stop sneezing. Whoa! I'm allergic to Alex's formula! Not good!

"I'm getting all itchy!" Hope whines as she rubs at her arms and starts sneezing too. "Make it stop! Mommy! Make it stop, Daddy!"

"Let's go, baby girl. We need to get you into the tub…" Adam hurries with her out of the galley.

She just had to say that! Now I'm all itchy too! "I think we're allergic…" I wheeze out.

"It's no wonder with both of you covered from head to toe in formula powder." Daddy rights me so that I'm cuddled against his shoulder. "It's into the shower. Some baby Benadryl and bed for you, buddy."

"Shower?" I sniffle in misery. "No bath?"

"It's faster than the tub and I have to get this off me too." Daddy croons in his sorry you're sick but I'll try and make it all better voice.

"What on Earth is going on?" Grandpa Marcus is back. "Adam just passed me with a miserable itchy Hope." He's in doctor not grandpa mode.

"They were trying to help with the babies and got a little too enthusiastic with the container of Baby formula." Mommy tells him.

"Both of them are allergic?" He croons, taking me from Daddy to look me over. "Come here, little man."

"Dad, you can fuss over him after we hit the showers. I'm starting to itch too…" Daddy is sneezing and wheezing like me now.

"How did you get it all over you?" Grandpa Marcus frowns.

"I sneezed and it all went poof all over Daddy too…" I sniffle.

"Well, off with you both before it gets any worse, but take some Benadryl first…"

"Yeah, yeah, this isn't my first time out, Dad. This had better not be an omen of things to come." Daddy grumbles, as we leave the Galley.

"Sorry…" I sniffle miserably.

"We're gonna wash it all off us and down our meds then it'll be fine that I promise, buddy." Daddy cuddles me against his shoulder and kisses the top of my head.

"I'm too little…" I wheeze cos I'm sneezing a lot. "Hope said it wouldn't work…"

"You had the best intentions in mind and that's what counts just as much if not more as successfully executing your plan." Daddy's only sneezing a little bit, but boy does he have an itchy looking rash.

"What happened?" Nana Ella has Ari in her arms when we head into the family quarters.

"Teddy and Hope vs a can of baby formula and the formula won. They're both allergic and so it appears am I. We're gonna hit the showers. Down some meds and hopefully it'll fade away." Daddy answers between sneezes, as we race past her.