I jump out of bed, my ring barely vibrating a second time before my feet hit the floor. I shower quickly, but still taking long enough to enjoy the warmth. The water runs down my neck, the feeling of a freshly washed face and hair refreshing. I feel my finger vibrate again, my pace for the morning slowing as I notice that my dad contacted me sooner than he normally does in the morning. I glance at the clock, confused even more; I'm not late.
Pulling my shirt over my head the rest of the way I hopped down the stair, curious over why he would need me so early. We had a system in the morning, and it's rare for him to break it. I find him in the kitchen, fixing me a basic lunch. As he puts the sandwich into the bag for me, he notices me standing the in doorway.
"Good morning Lucy, are you almost ready? I thought I would take you to school today."
"Dad are you worried about the museum trip this morning? I will be ok."
"I know dear, but I am your father, it is my job to worry. I just want to speak with your principal."
"Ok! Let me finish getting ready, and I need to let Natsu know I'm not taking the bus today" I watch as my dad smiles softly, before turning away, his eyes seem to glass over as I leave the room. Brushing off my dad's weird behavior I take the stairs two steps at a time, running my fingers through my wet hair.
Entering my room I snatch my phone from the charger a little too eagerly, the cord going taunt before being violently ripped apart. The phone is still opened to my messaging app, my conversation with Natsu still displayed from last night. I quickly let him know the change in plans, throwing my phone on the bed, running to the bathroom to finish my hair.
"Thats cool! See you at school have fun with your dad." I feel relief at Natsu's message, then feel confused over such a feeling. I shrug and grab my bag, heading downstairs one last time, breakfast laid out on the table.
I ate quickly, my excitement bubbling back up. I'm practically shoveling food into my mouth in a very unlady like manner, my father scolds me. I eat more calmly, but still eager to get to school. The last week has been leading up to a fieldtrip to a local museum, my first field trip outside of elementary school ever. My dad had always gone with me on them, making up for the lack of friends to interact with. This will be my first time not only without my dad, but with friends who I can go with no less.
It had started a month ago in home room. Ms. Sarah had started talking to the class, waving handouts around. She passed me the first handout, despite being in the middle of the room. She must have done it so I could follow along.
It declared a mandatory school trip to the Magnolia History Museum. She handed out the rest of the flyers to the rest of the class, those around me quickly putting them away without looking at them. Levy had smiled at me and repeated back the instructions, a glint to her eye.
Shaking my head I reach for my plate and placing it in the sink. My dad squeezed my shoulder, walking beside me to the car. I bounce in the front seat while he drives. I notice Natsu walking as we near the school. I roll down the window and wave to him as we drive by, my shoulders shaking as he starts to run after us.
My dad parks by the front office, adjusting his tie as he closes the car door. I hop down, padding after him. "Do you want to go to class? I only want to share some words with Mr. Makarov." I roll my eyes, giving him a small smile.
"Dad really I will be ok, I'll see you later tonight." I peck his cheek and take off down the hall, shouldering my bag higher. I take the corner quickly, my body slamming into a solid surface. I stumble back, shaking a daze. I feel a grip on my shoulder, dark eyes staring into my own.
"You ok Lucy? Sorry." Natsu grins at me, taking a step back to look me over. I nod, giving a small bounce.
"I'm so excited for today!" He looks a little scared for a moment.
"About what?" He signs slowly, watching my reaction.
"The field trip of course! I have never been on one without my dad or with friends. It's quite exciting."
"Oh the museum that's right" I playfully wave my finger at him, narrowing my eyes.
"Of course you would forget."
"Hey what is that supposed to mean!?"
"Nothing, see you later Natsu!" I take off down the hall once more, my wrist vibrating with a warning right as I reach the classroom. Levy is sitting in her seat, nose in a book. I sit beside her, knowing that once she is into a book she won't come out willingly.
Ms. Sarah comes into the room followed by the last of the students, clapping her hands for attention. She starts talking rapidly, her hands making precise movements with her words. Levy starts to pack up her book and glances at me out of the corner of her eye.
"Hey we are getting ready to go to the bus. You ready?"
"Yup! Very excited." We share a grin and line up with the other students at the door. I bounce as we walk, Levy just looking at me with a sly smile. I notice a few other students glance over at me and smile as well.
I feel a weight on my shoulders added to my shoulders. Looking to my left I see hand and quickly look to the right, Natsu is right next to me. I jump a little, eyes going wide. He places a hand over his face , shoulders shaking to convey his silent laughter. I shove him a little, but can't help the smile that escapes.
I stare out the bus windows as it leaves the school grounds, buildings and trees blurring together as the large children filled vehicles heads further into town. I tap my fingers on my leg, making up a beat as I go. I feel something being put into my ears. Natsu smiles at me, a cord hanging down from my head to his phone.
I start to smile sadly and say no, but stop when he presses play. I may be deaf but that doesn't mean i can't hear some things. It sounds washed out, or what I imagine that sounds like. I can feel the beat, running its cords down my face, but the ear buds dull the vibrations.
"This is cool! Dubstep?" I know Natsu means well, even if it is not having the same effect as it would listening to it like I normally do.
"Thought you would like it! But I have something even better for you later." Levy smacks him, glaring at him. "I uh mean it was Levy's and Lisanna's idea, I have no claim."
"What do you mean?" The bus starts to slow down. I take the earbuds out and look out the window. The building we stopped at doesn't look like a museum but a concert hall. I start to feel confused, and by the smiles my friends are giving me, it's a valid feeling.
I look around as we walk into the hall, the inside grand, styled like the home of the rich in the 1800's. The pattern on the walls and carpet don't look like they could match but they do, with a dizzying effect. We file into the hall, Levy and Lisanna taking my hand and dragging me to the very front row. If I wasn't confused before I am now.
Sitting in the seat I look around some more, looking for any signs of what could be going on here. The girls bounce beside me, holding back their excitement by gripping their hands in front of them. "What is going on?"
"Lucy this is all for you. We love you" Levy signs, bringing tears to my eyes.
"I don't know what is going on but thank you. I love you guys too" All the girls jump on my, burying me in a group hug. The guys stand back, giving me awkward smiles and thumbs up. Suddenly lights start flashing, everyone scrambling to their seats.
The curtains open up to reveal a large group of people, the stage lined with drums. My heartbeat quickens in anticipation. I quickly reach down and take my sandals off, Lisanna quirking her head to the side watching me. Gajeel leans over also wondering what I am doing.
"I can feel the vibrations better this way." Levy interprets, soon everyone is taking their shoes off, the people on stage glancing at eachother. I blush, but quickly forget my embarrassment when the first drum in struck. My throat dries up and my eyes grow wide.
The drums pulse through my whole body, the chairs and floor helping to amplify the feeling. My throat tickles, throbbing with the music. Just below my collarbones my veins pulse and dance with the drums. My heart sings with each pump, adrenaline coursing through my veins.
I feel as though I could fly away in the cords of the pulsations, some tears gather in the corners of my eyes. I stare open mouthed at the stage anticipating each hammer of the sticks. With each hit the harmony reverberates from my toes to my fingertips. I take a deep breath, soaking it in, closing my eyes to feel the beat of the drums.
The show was beautiful, having gone by much too fast. My heart is still hammering from the finale, the performers having beat the drums so rapidly that the noise reverberated through my whole body, leaving me breathless. My face ached from what felt like a permanent smile.
Everyone had been sneaking glances at me throughout the show. Lisanna and Levy had even held my hand from time to time, bouncing with excitement. I glance around at them now, if possible, my smile grows larger. I have found myself a family outside my dad, friends that genuinely care.
"Did you like it Lucy?" Everyone gathers around me, expectant smiles on their faces, except Grey and Gajeel; they just smirk, arms crossed. To cool to show even a smidge of 'love'. Before I know what is happening their smiles falter, and tears gather in my eyes.
"Lucy? What's wrong?" Levy and Natsu jump forward, Natsu barely able to sign, his arms waving wildly. I start to laugh, a deep laugh, my unused vocal cords rubbing together. Everyone gives me a weird look, I stop laughing at once. I slap my hand over my mouth, heat rising to my checks. Natsu is the first to react.
"You have a beautiful laugh, why haven't I heard it before?" He smiles encouragingly. I slowly remove my hand, not meeting their eyes, my stomach twisting horribly.
"It's not Natsu, and it's ok. People have told me that my laugh sounds horrible...that is makes people uncomfortable. So I don't laugh like you guys laugh. Sorry." No one makes a move, they just stand there.
"Lucy, don't listen to those people. They were just jealous. Don't let people put you down like that."
"I like your laugh, laugh more often please!" I carefully search their eyes, only to find them shinning and complimented by upturned lips. I smile back, my embarrassed tears turning happy once again. The knot in my stomach loosens, making it easier to breath.
"So did you like the show Lucy?" Levy looks a little apprehensive, carefully watching my reactions.
"I loved it! Oh it was beautiful and amazing, my chest is still vibrating! Did you feel it!?" I'm signing so quickly, some words aren't fully formed before I start the next. Even though I can't hear it, I imagine I can hear all their laughs just like a normal person. That I'm not broken. That I'm just like everybody, even if for just a moment. Surrounded by friends more precious than rare treasure.
Sorry about the wait guys! I started to loose inspiration for the story, but I was able to finish this chapter! I will try to have the next one out for you shortly, thank again for your support!