Disclaimer: I don't own, just adore….
A Simple Question - Part 1
Summary: Mikey's son, Kaz is growing up. He wants to ask his girlfriend a simple question. Why is it so difficult? Lots of humor, frustration, and angst.
A/N: Sorry, guys there isn't a lot of the brothers in this one. It's mainly centered around Kaz and Ona and their relationship. Family/character listing is on my profile.
"So, are you really gonna do this?" Yoshi watched his cousin pull on his orange and white checkered shirt.
Kaz shot him a look in the mirror as he buttoned up the front. "Yes, I am."
The twenty-three-year-old glared at him. "Why? What a stupid question. You know why."
Yoshi smirked. "What if she says no?"
Kaz paled and Yoshi chuckled. "I was just kiddin'. She's crazy about you, bro. She won't say no."
But Kaz was slightly off kilter now. What if she did say no? What would he do? He couldn't imagine living without her now. What if she freaked and decided to leave? He shook his head, swallowing hard. She wouldn't do that... Would she?
"Okay, that's enough." Yoshi'd been watching him and climbed off his bed to cross the room. "Just chill out, Kazzey. You love the girl and she loves you. She's put up with you this long. Now get movin' or she'll be ready before you."
Kaz gave his cousin a grateful smile. "Thanks, Yoshi." The younger turtle waved him off and headed downstairs. Kaz sighed and picked up his leather jacket and helmet from the bed, along with the holo-band. He'd talked his uncle into letting him borrow it for the night, but he'd had to swear to bring it back in one piece. He patted his pocket absently, before heading downstairs himself.
Ona still wasn't ready, so he stepped to screen door of the farmhouse to gaze out at the stars. It was a beautiful night, just perfect for a bike ride. Soft footsteps on the stairs made him turn and he felt his heart skip a beat. Ona was dressed in a pair of black leather pants with a sparkly white spaghetti strapped top that fit her like a glove. Every luscious curve could be seen.
Ona watched Kaz's blue eyes slowly travel up her body. She couldn't help the slight pink that tinted her cheeks. He looked like he might start drooling any minute. She giggled when his eyes met hers, they were so full of wonder. Kaz felt like his tongue had gone numb. "You…uh…wow… uh…you're so…." Her giggle increased at his stutter. Kaz was usually a pretty smooth talker and seeing him stumbling over words was just too good.
He blushed, swallowed and tried again. "Wow, you've never worn that outfit before."
She smiled as he came to the foot of the stairs. "Do you like it? It's new." Most of her clothes had gotten ruined when the lair had been destroyed.
He smiled. "Yeah, but you might want to take it off." Her eyebrows rose and he rushed to correct himself. "Uh, I mean, you might get cold in that top."
Her smile broadened. "I'll have my jacket and I'll have you to keep me warm."
"You got that right." He grinned and she went to take the last two steps off the stairs. But her boot slipped and she fell forward. Kaz caught her, her arms falling around his neck. He chuckled. "I know you look like an angel, but let's not try to fly, okay?"
She chuckled and smacked him on the arm playfully. "Hey!" He smirked as he started to lower her to her feet. But found her arms still tight around his neck as she pulled him down into a soft kiss. "Thanks." Her eyes sparkled with love.
His smile was genuine and heartfelt. "I'll always be here to catch you when you fall."
Someone cleared their throat and the two jumped. They turned to see Mikey grinning at them. "So, where're you going?"
"Just into town to a movie." Kaz didn't mention he had other plans besides the movie.
"Do you have some cash?" Mikey started to reach for his wallet.
"I've got enough." Kaz started for the door. He really didn't want to do the twenty question thing right now. "And don't worry, I've got a holo."
"Really, Donnie let you take it?" Kaz held it up so his father could see it on his wrist. "Well, okay. Be careful. You have your cell, right?"
Kaz rolled his eyes as he helped Ona on with her jacket. "Yes, Dad, and we will." He grabbed Ona's hand and hurried out the door and down the steps.
"What's the rush?" She asked as she was half dragged across the lawn.
"I just don't want to be stopped again. If Uncle Raph catches us, we'll be interrogated all night." Kaz pulled on his own jacket and swung his leg over his bike.
Ona laughed as she climbed on behind him. "He's not that bad."
"No, Uncle Leo is worse." He was just glad that Leo stayed in the city with Jamie most of the time right now, helping her run her music shop. But he still had a habit of showing up out of nowhere at times.
Ona wrapped her arms around him as he started down the long drive. Her warm body pressed against his shell sent a familiar thrill through his body. They'd started really dating only a month or so after he'd been stabbed. They'd started out just being friendly, but it had quickly turned into more. That was nearly three years ago now and it seemed that although they spent a lot of time together, they were never really alone together. They'd lived by snatching little private moments here and there. But here at the farmhouse it was different. There was more space and thus more privacy. They'd laid on the roof looking at stars, snuggled and made out in the barn, and had little strolls down to the small pond. And every moment he was alone with her made him crave more.
Kaz made sure to turn on the holo as they entered town. In this small farming community, he probably already stuck out like a sore thumb on his motorcycle. He didn't want to give the locals something else to stare at. Most of the businesses were lined up along one main road and that included the movie theater. There was already a small line formed at the box office as he pulled into a parking spot near the front. The line, which consisted of mostly teenagers, turned to ogle the flashy orange and silver bike.
He couldn't help but smirk when Ona climbed off and the boys in line, admired her. Pulling off his helmet, he hung it one of the handlebars and did the same with Ona's. When he climbed off, she caught his hand and fingered the holo. "I wish we didn't have to use this thing."
He smiled. "I know, but I'd rather not have the villagers chase me with pitchforks tonight. I only like to do that on Tuesdays."
She snickered. "Come on, goofball." She tugged at his hand and he obeyed. They slipped into line, just as a car full of young men pulled up. Neither noticed the group until they were right behind them as they were wrapped up in talking about the movie they'd come to see.
"Hi, there. I haven't seen you around here before." They turned to see one of the guys looking down at Ona and completely ignoring the fact that Kaz had an arm wrapped around her. "Do you live around here?"
Ona moved to Kaz's other side, as far away from the guy as she could get. She didn't answer him, instead clinging a little tighter to Kaz. "We're staying at a friend's place. Not that at it's any of your business." The turtle replied coolly.
The guy finally glanced at Kaz but his gaze quickly returned to Ona. "What's the matter? Are you shy? You don't have to be, I don't bite." The three guys behind him laughed. "What's your name?"
Ona somehow managed to bury herself deeper into Kaz's side and he frowned as he felt her tremble. She hadn't ever been very trusting of humans and, in particular, males since her forced memory loss. He glared at the human, making her so afraid. "Back off. She doesn't want to talk to you."
The guy glared back. "Who says? You?" His eyes slipped back to Ona. "What do you say you drop this pretty boy for a real man?"
Kaz couldn't suppress the growl that left him, clenching his fist at his side. He measured his opponent with a skilled eye. He could easily take all four of these pathetic humans. They might be big, but he was skilled. But Ona gripped his shirt. "No, Kazzey!" The line had moved and she tugged at his arm. "Come on, let's just get our tickets."
Kaz held the other man's gaze for a moment before the guy smirked. "Better listen to your girl, pretty boy."
Kaz snorted and turned his back on them, pulling Ona close again as he paid for the tickets. As they stepped inside, he realized that because this small theater only had two screens there was a fifty percent chance the creep would be in the same movie. Sighing, he decided to ignore the guy. "Let's get some popcorn, candy, and drinks." He smiled down at Ona and she slowly returned it as they joined another line at the concession stand. He was not going to let this ruin his night. Tonight was going to be special and he was going to make sure of that.
They got their snacks and found a place in the rather crowded theater. They had just begun to enjoy the movie when there was a bit of shuffling behind them. Kaz groaned inwardly, having a feeling he knew what or rather who it was. Less than a minute later something cold and sticky was dumped on him. He came out of his chair to turn and scowl at the man from earlier.
The guy grinned as he said, "Sorry, fella my friend here bumped me."
Kaz narrowed his eyes. "Oh, I bet he did."
Someone higher up, hissed. "Hey, mister. You're in the way."
Ona stood, gathering their jackets and snacks. "It's okay." She grabbed Kaz's hand and pulled him out into the lobby. He was seething and she knew it. "Hey, don't let him get to you. Come on, let's get you cleaned up." Glancing around, she spotted the family bathroom. She pulled him quickly inside and locked the door behind them.
Kaz grumbled as he pulled off the soaked button down shirt, while Ona threw away what was left of their popcorn and drinks. The candy hadn't been opened yet so it was still salvageable and Kaz had already eaten most of the popcorn so it wasn't too much of a waste. She turned to see that him rinsing the shirt off in the sink. He'd turned off the holo, so he could rinse it off as well. She watched as he used the shirt to wipe himself off. He caught her eyes in the mirror and she smiled.
He snorted. "What?"
She continued to smile as she moved towards him. "Aw, it's not so bad."
Kaz frowned. "What do you mean? I'm covered in soda and my shirt is probably ruined."
Her fingers ran along the edge of his shell and he paused to look down at her. "I like you better shirtless anyways."
"Oh, really?" He smirked as he turned in a flash to pull her against him, kissing her deeply.
She giggled at the mischevious sparkle in his eyes. A sudden knock on the door, made them both jump. "Hello, is there someone in there? I need to change my baby."
They both blushed feverishly for a moment and then Ona cleared her throat. "Be right out." She tucked the candy into her pocket as Kaz rinsed off the holo-band and slipped it back on. He pressed the button and Ona cracked the door open to see a woman with a frown pacing just outside with an infant on her shoulder. Well, this was going to be a bit awkward. Glancing over her shoulder to make sure Kaz was properly disguised, she grabbed his hand again and threw open the door. The woman's jaw hung wide as they dashed past her and out of the building entirely.
Kaz chuckled, using the building for support. "Did you see the look on that woman's face?"
Ona laughed as well. "Yep, I know what was going through her mind."
He looked back at the door they'd come out. "What about the movie?"
She waved a hand with a small smile. "Don't worry about it. To tell the truth, I was more interested in the company than the movie."
He grinned. "Yeah, me too. Hey, let's go get some dinner instead."
Ona's smile grew. "Okay."
Climbing back on the bike, they cruised up and down the strip several times before deciding on a little Italian place with not too much traffic. Taking a small table in the back, they perused the menu. Spotting a small wine list, Kaz did a quick calculation in his head and decided he had enough money for a glass of wine apiece. That might just put his plan back on track and make the evening special after all. The problem was, he wasn't really sure which one to pick. White, red, chardonnay, moscato, riesling? What the heck did all that mean? He rubbed his chin and glanced at Ona, who'd picked up a hard bread stick and was chewing the end like a cute squirrel while reading the menu. He grinned, shaking his head just a little and went back to the wine list. After a few more minutes of trying he gave up and decided on one that sounded cool.
"Have you decided?" A young teenage girl, who was probably younger than Ona, stepped up to the table. At first she didn't seem to pay either much attention as she was glancing at her phone. Then she looked up and her eyes locked on Kaz. She smiled broadly. "Would you like me to recommend something?"
Ona stopped chewing the end of the bread stick and stared at the girl. A sudden possessiveness swept over her. She cleared her throat rather loudly and the girl finally looked at her. "I think I'll have the caesar salad with chicken."
The girl seemed to barely acknowledge her and didn't even write it down on her little pad of paper. She smiled at Kaz again in his human hologram. "I could show you what I like." She leaned forward without much warning and almost brushed against Kaz's arm, which he quickly pulled away. The last thing he needed was for this girl to find out he wasn't human. She pointed at a dish on the menu, oblivious to his sudden unease. "I like this one."
Kaz leaned away from her, blushing while trying to avert his gaze from the breasts that were nearly in his face. "Um, er, the, uh, spaghetti and meatballs will be fine."
The snap of a bread stick made both Kaz and the young girl look at Ona. Kaz was surprised by the sudden fierceness in her eyes. "Thank you, that'll be all." Ona nearly growled.
The girl frowned as she stood back up and instead of addressing Ona, she turned back to Kaz. "Anything else?"
"Uh, actually we'd like two glasses of wine." He glanced back at the menu to make sure he pronounced it correctly. "The White Zinfandel."
Now the girl was frowning in truth. "I'm not allowed to serve alcohol, but I'll have my manger bring you some." With that she turned and walked away, never have written down a single thing they'd ordered.
Ona glared after her. The nerve of some girls! She doesn't even know him!
"Ona?" Kaz's hand landed on top of hers and she realized she was crushing the bread stick in her hands. She lifted her eyes to meet his brilliant blue and her heart skipped a beat at the concern in them. "You okay, babe?"
She let the crumbled stick fall to the table and took his hand, feeling her agitation melt away. "Yeah, let's just try to enjoy ourselves."
An older man approached their table. "You were interested in our wine, sir?"
Kaz didn't release Ona's hand. "Yes, the White Zinfandel. Just two glasses."
The older man smiled. "That's a fine choice. May I see your ID please?"
Kaz flinched. "My ID?"
The man nodded absently as he wrote down the wine choice. "Yes, your ID."
Kaz frowned. He hadn't counted on that, but this was his first time ordering any kind of alcoholic beverage. Neither he nor Ona had any sort of identification and certainly nothing that would say he was old enough for that sort of thing. "I'm twenty-three." He tried, using his most charming smile.
The manager looked up at him now. "I'm sure you are, but I still need to see your ID. We have a strict policy about underage drinking."
"Uh, I'm sorry. I forgot mine. Could you make an exception this time?"
The man scowled, closed his little pad and shook his head. "No ID, no wine. Nice try, kid. I've been doing this too long to fall for that one."
Kaz sputtered a bit as the man walked away. He sighed, dropping his face into his free hand. This was just not his night. Ona's small hands wrapped around his large one, pulling it away from his face. He looked up at her despondently. She smiled warmly. "Hey, we don't need any wine anyways. I think we can both agree you're silly enough without it."
A slow smile crept across his lips, his eyes sparkling at the little tease. "Hey, I've been meaning to ask you something. Would-"
The waitress reappeared and seeing Ona clutching Kaz's hand in both of hers, she gave him his plate first forcing her to release his hand. The girl winked at him. "I think you'll like it."
"Thanks." Kaz mumbled, still not looking directly at her.
Ona's plate was nearly plopped on the table as the waitress grinned at Kaz. "Let me know if you need anything."
Ona stared down at her salad, which had an obvious lack of chicken. But before she could inform the slutty little waitress, she'd left the table again. She sighed, resigning herself to eating the salad without the addition of meat. She could tell Kaz was already having a bad night. She didn't want to make it worse by causing a scene.
The rest of the meal went pretty good as they continued to tease and flirt across the small table. When they were done the waitress brought over the check. Ona noticed the second slip of paper just beneath the actual bill. Before Kaz could make a move for it, she flipped both over. Her mouth hung open for a split second at the sight of the telephone number scribbled on the smaller paper. Her jaw clenched as she snatched it and rose to her feet. She was going to put that little girl in her place!
A/N: Uh, oh! Firecrackers come in small packages, and I think one is about to explode! Review please!