New one shot! This was originally a prompt for Everyday Lives, but as you know I stopped that one. I did keep some of the prompts tho, and this is the first one. The first chapter is really short (I'm really bad a that) But I'm already working on chapter 2!

Fairy Tail and it's characters belong to Hiro Mashima.

Lucy Heartfilia was a woman who everyone adored, and feared. She was the CEO to Heartfilia Corp., a company her father started when she was young that sold house hold items. And with his passing it became hers, and she added a clothing and cosmetic line to the mix.

She loved her new life, but her friends missed the old Lucy. The one who dreamed about being a famous writer and wanted adventure in her life. And every now and then, she missed it too. But her father wanted this company to be hers, so she needed to stay where she was.

Unfortunately, fate had other plans for her. As she was leaving for work on Monday morning, around 5:30 that is, her new neighbor was moving in.

"A little early to be moving boxes, isn't it?" she stepped lightly threw the box maze to get to the elevator that had just opened to reveal a tall man in sweats and a hoodie, half asleep too.

"Pardon me," she stepped aside so he could bring out more of his boxes. His dark eyes widened at the site of her, his jaw slacked as well.

"Uh, thanks," he pushed his boxes into the hallway and said in passing, "A little early to be going to work, ain't it?"

Lucy jumped when he spoke, not expecting it. She turned around to answer him but the elevator door closed to quickly.

"Just as well. Don't need to get comfortable with anyone, he'll be gone soon enough," she rode down the bottom floor of the cozy building. It only had about 20 rooms, but it was a really nice place for a good price. Everyone told her when she gained her fathers fortune that she should move to the nicest apartment she could find. But staying true to herself she found this little place, it wasn't too far from work either.

Getting in her car, she went over her schedule. Nothing too interesting was supposed to happen today, other than meeting her new neighbor.

"Hm. Levy wanted to go to dinner tonight," she hadn't seen her friend in a few weeks, except for the occasional long text about a book she was reading. Maybe they could have dinner at her place with a movie.

"Ugh. This weekend is Mira's birthday party," she grimaced as she got onto the freeway, "I completely forgot! I'll have to get her something.. Maybe I can send Wendy to get her something for me today."

Lucy hated making her secretary do most of her shopping but she just didn't have the time.

Waiting at the red light she put her head in her hand, "I really need a life.."

"Good morning," Erza, her second-in-command, said the moment she walked in the door. How she was always the first to arrive, be happily married with a one year old daughter, and stay sane and fit was beyond anything Lucy could comprehend.

"Morning Erza," placing her things down and starting her computer, Lucy looked out the window overlooking the city. The sun was just beginning to rise.

"A few things before we start the day, Mr. Sawarr Junelle wanted to make sure you came to brunch today to discuss.. hmm.. courtship once again," Erza snorted at the thought, Lucy sighed. The man wasn't giving up, "Then Goldmine requested you to come to the warehouse and inspect the new developments."

"What time?"

"After lunch."

"Lets go out early for lunch and eat on the way," Lucy sat in her leather chair and pulled up her email.

"Very well," Erza smirked, "I'll tell Mr. Junelle that you can't make it."

Lucy giggled, Erza almost had a sick pleasure about these things. It was really enjoyable to work with a friend she had known since diapers. She didn't have to be the stuffy business woman around her.

"Oh yes," Erza scrunched her eyes, "The third floor plumbing is out again. I'll call for maintenance as soon as I can."

"Again? We just got it fixed two weeks ago," Lucy pulled out her folder for maintenance calls to check.

"Yes, well, Droy works on that floor. It keeps getting clogged up," Erza growled out.

Lucy held back her giggle for the poor man, "Call someone else this time. I want it fixed for good."

"What kind of maintenance?"

"Good morning, Wendy," Erza spun around in her chair to greet the newcomer.

"A plumber. And a good one," Lucy smiled brightly at her young secretary. Wendy had only graduated college a few years ago but she was already more that Lucy could ask for her. She started out shy and timid but became a good worker and better friend.

"My cousin could do it! He just moved to town but he can fix pretty much anything," the youngest in the room beamed as she spoke of him.

"Could he come in today?" Erza asked.

"I'll have to call him, he just got an apartment and said he was moving in today."

Erza turned back to Lucy, "Problem solved."

Lucy groaned, but kept her comments to herself. She didn't like using relatives of co-workers. She preferred licensed workers.

"Thank you, Wendy," Lucy grinned as she saw that she got an email with coupons, "Also, can you go pick out a present for Mira's birthday? I don't know what yet but I need it sometime this week."

"Sure!" Wendy smiled, but ran out of the room to answer the phone at her desk.

"Are you going to go to Mira's party?"

"I want to," the blonde smiled sadly, "depends on how much I get done this week. With that new store opening next month, I'm swammped."

"Understood," Erza stood and clenched her fist, "than I will make sure that you can Lucy!"

"Thanks," Lucy shook her head, Erza never changed.

The day went by like normal. She and Erza had a good lunch at Panera bread and got to see the warehouse all before two o'clock. An added plus was Junelle's assistant told her not to worry about the brunch for a while, the pig had food poisoning. She was getting her work done at a quick pace when her cell phone rang.

"Yes?" she didn't even check to see who it was.

"Lucy come down the the third floor."

"Erza? Why? What happened?"

"Wendy's cousin is here working."

"Oh," she had honestly forgotten about that, "I'll be down in a minute."

Saving her work she rushed to the elevator, and she wasn't alone.

"Good afternoon Miss Lucy!" Her elevator mate was Juvia Fullbuster, another good friend that she met in college.

"Hello Juvia. How are you?"

"Juvia is good, Juvia has almost finished with the report from the store in Hargeon. It seems to be doing wonderful!"

"That's great! I was worried with it being a port town."

Juvia nodded, she felt the same. The elevator stopped on the sixth floor for Juvia, "Bye Lucy, see you!"

"Bye, see ya later," the door closed and continued it's decent to the third floor.

Lucy greeted everyone she passed until she got to the bathroom that always gave them trouble. She saw some of her female workers watching from their seats, some were even standing by the vending machines to watch. Which confused Lucy to no end.

She coughed and said, "Excuse me," which got them all back to work.

"What's going on?" she asked Erza.

"You'll see," the scarlet haired woman winked at her boss.


"That should do it," an oddly familiar deep voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Thanks for doing this!" Wendy stood outside the mens bathroom, talking to her cousin.

"No prob! You let me crash on your couch for a month, least I could do."

Wendy pouted, "And ate all my food."

The man who had yet to appear laughed, "I payed you back!"

"How much are we paying him?" Lucy asked Erza.

"He said we only have to pay for the part. He came in earlier to look at it, and just now fixed it."

"Oh," Lucy was taken aback at his kindness, but not as much as she was by his appearance.

Ripped jeans, gray shirt with the typical red flannel shirt used more like a jacket, dirty work boots, and a worn out old scarf around his neck. His spiky pink hair was held back by a black headband, which let her see the same dark eyes from early this morning.


"Oh, hey it's you," he grinned and held one hand up in a wave.

"You know each other?" Wendy looked back and forth between them.

"Met this morning," he leaned up against the wall, "I moved into her building."

"Well we appreciate the help Mr. Dragneel," Erza smiled, "And hopefully you wont cause too much trouble for our CEO."

"Nah," the man moved closer to the silent blonde, "it'll be fun."

Lucy crossed her arms, this 'fun' he was talking about already sounded like it was going to mess up her life.

"I'm Natsu," he winked at her, "nice to meet ya neighbor."

Let me know what ya think!