Name: Maci Durramee
Year: 2564 June
Gender: Female
Rank: Minor
Location: Durrame, Sanghelios

Far from the large cities crowded by civilization where noise is limitless and it's always lively, far out from the large tall buildings and into the country exists a small state with large wide open spaces, golden fields full of life and a place to call home. Its entrance was magnificent with two large sangheili leaning out their hands connecting with one another, a male and a female in noble clothing Of the Durram Ancestors. These large statue figures stood just as tall as any skyscraper; there was a large abundance of civilization, large round buildings, arenas, houses, farming areas with crops and livestock. The fields where like that of a golden oasis flowing gently with the faint breeze, large canine like creatures used as mounts and a form of transport, known as the K'rousm Di'ream, powerful beasts that once inhabited the lost state and now return to become useful assets.

It was far different from the city, it was harmonious, gentle and soothing, and there was peace here, but not always. These very lands had once endured years of war, it had seen much bloodshed and loses and had even been burnt to the ground. Its only survivor a young female warrior.

Out in the fields a group of young sangheili ran around, they were kicking a round ball, passing it between one another, a small K'rousm pup joined in on the fun running around as the younglings giggled kicking up dirt and dust.

"Hey Ka'rus" called out a small young male towards a younger female.

Ka'rus was a young, athletic youngling for her age, she was barley 4 and already top of her class and on top of her training, she had light grey skin with vibrant blue eyes making her stand out from all the others. Softly she giggled and kicked the ball over to her team mate whom caught it before kicking it towards the goal where the opposing team booed a little upset. They had been playing a game that the humans called Soccer or something strange like that, it was meant to be about kicking a ball from one side of the field to the other to win, which all the sangheili children found fun in doing so as they eventually giggled and laughed even some at their own defeat. But this was not real life just a mere game as Ka'rus joined her friends roughly around the same age as her.

"Ka'rus?" a familiar voice called out as the youngling stopped in her tracks and froze turning around slowly.

Her eyes fell upon her father, a large male for his size, pale grey skin, golden eyes and a distinctive scar around his neck as he smiled looking down at his daughter.

"FATHER!" Ka'rus said jumping with joy as she leaped into Zuka's arms.

"It's about time I found you, your Mother is preparing for her leave in the next few days which means.." Zuka said bopping his daughters little snout.

"A FESTIVAL!" Ka'rus yelled into the air with glee and pure delight all over her face.

Dropping the little one to her feet gently Zuka looked down at his daughter, she had the distinctive traits of a Durram, those vibrant blue eyes and smaller body type but she also had Zuka's traits as well, the pale skin was one thing but her pure nature was a mixture of the two as Zuka smiled. When Maci had returned from Prison they had both decided to have a child before she continued on her career path. Hand in hand the two walked towards a hill where a regular sized house stood, it was made out of stone and didn't look like any of those new flashy houses, but rather one that had been restored. Father and Daughter walked into the house only to hear clanging and banging as well as giggles. As the two entered they both stood with their jaws dropped.

"Varus!" Maci called out as the young female warrior herself was dashing around the house with her arms out stretched trying to catch the mischievous baby before her.

Varus was only two years old and he had already started to learn how to run and now jump as Ka'rus and Zuka stood back unsure of what to do exactly. One thing was for sure was that Varus had Zuka's nature, he was stubborn, playful and had a no limit on energy, in a sense he was the wild child, but one thing defined him from his elder sister was his eyes. His right eye was gold but yet his left was blue, his skin wasn't dark like Maci's but wasn't like Zuka's either. The house was a mess already as it was with dishes everywhere while the youngling runs rampant in the house stark naked of course with nothing but underwear on.

"Zuka help!" Maci called as she struggles to catch her breath before Varus leaped into her arms surprising her.

"Hey I thought that's my job when you leave" Zuka joked as he pushed Ka'rus into their home.

Both Maci and Zuka laughed as they embraced each other before Varus interrupted by making a eww sound causing the couple to laugh at their newest family member. It had not been easy on Maci, training, having their first child Ka'rus and then shortly after two years have another child. However one thing was sure that Maci was a very good mother, she had taught Ka'rus to fight and train with a toy blade, she also helped with her school work; Varus on the other hand was totally different, he would be starting his schooling years later throughout this year, but sadly Maci would not be there for them. Everything had been so normal for her, after Maci came out from Prison she had to adjust again, she spent years training to become a Minor, but she bore the mark of shame on her back which was covered up under her top. One thing that remained was Maci's attire, her blue shirt and top had never truly changed and Maci had remained a little bit the same, though wiser, stronger in her mind and of course now a Mother. The lifestyle of being the Leader of her State was different, her people didn't see her as the same however Zuka as the Governor helped as best as he could.

So much had happened in the times that had gone past, the healing, the children, it was a lot. Gently Maci sat Varus down onto the ground before putting on his clothes where as Zuka dashed into the kitchen, at least he still cooked and made decent meals as Maci softly smirked watching her mate get to work. When they had wed it was shortly after she had come out from Prison, Zuka took up her last name since he knew little of his own biological family, it was best that way but was something that wasn't exactly traditional either. Since neither of them had much family it was more of a simple wedding, their friends where there and well Raga as well. Speaking of him the old battle worn Male was living in Durram, he'd taken up the lifestyle of a farmer, he spends most of his times far out near the outskirts helping when he can of course but never truly venturing into the inner sanctum of the state. He still had a lot of blood to wash off his hands.

Sko was also becoming a fine warrior, and though he had not started a life of his own he was certainly taking into account as he was now a Field Marshal, he'd recently come back from a tour and had returned to Durram state, he was a very good warrior and had done most of his time dedicated to protecting Durram, he helped Truun in the tactical and strategy area of things as Truun had also become a well-trained warrior that had excelled far, he had done his own tours, perhaps not as many as Sko but the male that was once a brute had truly put his head to it and was the main enforcer of Durram state, he helped run the security here, they had patrols going in and out which included mounted K'rousm units, banshees and some phantoms, but Durram was a peaceful state out in the country and the K'rousm came in handy more than Banshees or phantoms. Not only where the beasts feared but they made great companions, more than a colo anyway.

The life of the state had gone up and above, Sko being a well-trained Marshal, Truun being a guard and studying to become an Ultra, Duran and his Brother were also helping out as security when they were not off on tours, in fact Duran had started his own family here too much like his Brother whom you would never have believed would ever settle down. As for Voroumee well he had eventually applied to become a council member and had been approved shortly after Maci's release. His time in Durram was very little; he was back and forth serving as an advocate for Maci and her State. Everyone was going so far, even Zuka whom was now the Governor of Durram. Yet Maci was a different story.

Sure she was training and was now a ranked member again, though she never left off the ground, she only served as a part of her security team, she'd become a Mother yes but she had fallen so far behind, she wanted to be more than this, she wanted to raise a family that would be proud of who she is now, not the scar on her back that proves she disobeyed orders. With a faint sigh the female stood up and found herself mindlessly walking into her bedroom as her gaze fell upon her armour rake. Her unique armour over time had become dusty, she cleaned it of course but one thing she never liked using where her energy blades. They had killed enough as it is, and the memories of her actions still daunted her. Nowadays she was restricted to the use of a plasma pistol, Maci didn't mind it, she barley used it when she was patrolling anyway, which of course she used unique patrol armour, her own unique armour had been set aside more as an ornament then anything. Yet that was all about to change as Maci felt a hand on her shoulder as Zuka embraced her from behind.

"You will do good I know you will" He said already know what was plaguing Maci's mind.

"Maybe…Maybe not. I let my heart get in the way before, I fear it could do the same again." Maci said softly in a hushed tone afraid to look at her armour anymore.

It was then Zuka turned her around to face him, he was smiling, that stupid smirk of his that always seemed contagious as Maci smiled back putting a hand to his cheek. He had always been there for her, they had a family together even and he was the only true person that could see straight through her blue eyes and into her soul.

"Do not fear it. Your mentor will take care of you, plus you said it yourself it's just a little trip to gather information. It's all part of the training, it's your final step to making your way up the ranks and I know you Maci, I know you can do this" Zuka said with positive reinforcement as he kissed her gently and held her close to him.

Taking in a long deep breath of Zuka's scent, Maci felt her troubled mind eased as she held him close, her head against his chest listening to his strong heart beats that soothed her soul while telling herself Tomorrow is a new Day.

~The Following Day~

As the sun rose up the State came to life, security where getting prepared to go out on patrol as Maci sat in a darkly lit room adjusting her security armour on, it wasn't slender armour and it did weigh a little more than her regular armour, it was coated in a silver paint with the Durram symbol on her left side that had been imprinted on the armour. Its design was rather similar to Maci's as the security guard unit had armour designed based upon the old Durram armour style, just far more upgraded. In the locker room Maci was alone as she adjusted her side strap on her chest before finally finishing up with a faint sigh as she looked into the metal locker before her, her blue eyes a faint reflection looking back at her.

Today was going to be her last day on shift before she would leave for some strange mission she had no idea about. All Maci knew was that after her years of training to become a Minor again she was placed in a queue order awaiting to be taken on by someone to mentor her to ensure that she is ready to be out in the field. It was also hard to imagine Maci, the noble female of her state and Kaidon working as local security but she didn't mind it and it was in order with being Kaidon, after all she was looking out for her people.

With her plasma pistol locked onto her thigh armour Maci ventured out of the small locker room and headed out through a hallway before stepping out of a door which revealed a large paddock. The others in the security division for this morning's shift where all out here getting ready to mount up and go, a wide range of K'rousm stood around, they had thick yet light armour over them including their face, neck and sides all formed from a light metal. How many nights had Maci dreamed to see her state not only flourish but live as one with these majestic beasts?

With a deep breath in of the fresh Air Maci approached her mount, this large male was fairly young no older than four or five years, he had scars that where old on his lower back legs as the Male quickly noticed Maci taking in her scent and letting out a faint joyful whimper as Maci stroked the creatures head as it panted. This male had been the pup she had saved so many years ago when she reclaimed Durram state, when Maci was released from Prison she found out that the pup had grown into an adult but had taken a liking to Zuka and very shortly Maci.

Quickly Maci started to mount up placing the armour over the male softly whispering to him, she'd named him Ryo for his pure bravery and cunningness, and within a matter of seconds Maci had fully mounted up and was seated in the saddle as she looked around. Everyone else was mounting up by this point too preparing to go; only one or two still remained getting the gear on their mount. Being up here on the back of a K'rousm was a thrill, Maci was higher up and on such a powerful beast it was like being a God almost as Ryo began to slowly move knowing it was time to head out.

From the far corner an officer appeared wearing thick crimson armour and a touch of silver with the unique security officer's armour however this was not just anyone, it was Truun. He'd become head of Security and with his reputation would someday excel to becoming an Ultra. With a deep Breath in Truun gazed around noticing Maci and various other warriors whom he had trained and seen through to their approval. The Mounted unites where unique to Durram, they were not like Banshees or Phantoms, but ground troops and with the tamed K'rousm they were feared warriors on beasts that could sense and smell things a mile away.

"You all know very well of your co-ordinates to where you patrol, if not you shouldn't even be mounted, however Keep your eyes peeled, we may be at a time of peace but our enemies can strike at the most unlikeliest of times. Now Go out there and make Durram Proud!" Truun yelled and with it the warriors cheered before turning around and making way.

However as the gates of the paddock where opened and everyone began to head out Maci heard Truun call her as she looked over her shoulder and noticed him signalling her to him. Ryo didn't like this yet did not protest but to only let out a faint growl as Maci stirred over towards Truun.

"Maci out of Respect take it easy today ok? It's your last patrol and I don't want you to push yourself too much, I know tomorrow is a big day for you but today, relax. Plus don't give me a chance to scold you" Truun said as he joked before signalling her away.

Maci only smiled and nodded gratefully to her friend's advice. It felt odd, she had trained with him at the Academy in Varo, both him and Sko had gone up and above and in reality Maci was a few ranks below them, so to take orders from her own friends of her own age was strange as Maci clicked up Ryo and the two headed out towards their destination.

How life had changed so much for Maci, having children, being a part of the security team and then tonight's big feast and in the next day or two her leave will all be so very surreal for her. Leaving everything behind after so long, after such time in prison and getting back her bearings, Maci had so much more to learn then just fighting.

A/n: Hey guys, its been a while and I'm guessing a few of you are eager to read this new part of the series. If you dont already know Rise of a Warrior is part of the "Sangheili Story" Series, so I highly suggest you guys catch up or head over and read from start other wise you'll be really confused about who some of the characters are in this. Anyway I'm not sure when the next chapter will be, it might be in the next fortnight but we shall see for now enjoy. Let me know how you guys like it. Its really just a real quick look over whats happened to Maci.