Disclaimer: I do not own Now You See Me. I wish I did… but alas.

This is a one shot I thought of while watching Now You See Me 2 this weekend. I just loved Lula and Jack and wanted more. This takes place during the movie, so SPOILERS if you haven't seen it.

My Girl

The plan was going along perfectly. Not one thing had gone the way they did not expect it to, until they decided to put a knife to Lula. That's the moment I lost it. No one hurts my girl.

Earlier that day….

"Jack. Jack. Jack." Lula followed me around the building and continued to incessantly say my name.

I turned and looked at her, this girl who seemed to fit in perfectly with our rag tag group of guys. Since Henley left we had all grown a little wilder, and a mess really. We needed a girl to come to us and make the team whole again. Lula filled that gap.

"WHAT?!" I spin around and shout at her. Lula looks at me for several minutes, just staring.

"I need your help with my performance…I'm scared I am going to mess this up, I'm not one of the original horsemen and I don't want people to think I'm a fraud." Lula looks at me with her puppy dog eyes.

I sigh deeply, "Lula, you're an amazing magician and you don't need to prove anything to anyone."

"I just don't want to be known as the girl who pulled a hat out of a rabbit anymore."

"You won't. The birds are amazing Lula. I don't even know how to do that trick. Also you're going to move that boat, that's going to blow people's minds." I tell her.

"Thanks Jack, I think I just needed to hear it from someone besides myself. You're the best person to get my brain back on track. I can do this, and kick ass!"

"Not a problem Lula." I turned away to go back to work on my own trick, I was going to head off for my location in about twenty minutes and had a lot of work to do. Lula grabbed my arm and I whipped around with the force of her pull.

"Wha…." I never finished my question because Lula had her lips on mine; it took me a moment to register what was happening. But I quickly found my footing and wrapped my arms around her back and laced my hands in her hair and deepened the kiss. We broke apart a few minutes later and I placed her forehead against mine.

"I don't know what that was but I liked it," I told her, a goofy grin on my face.

"That was called a kiss Jack, and I liked it too, we should do it again." She leans towards me again, and Daniel walks in.

"Hey…guys can this wait until after we finish this?" Atlas asks.

We break apart. "I need to go, it's time to end this." I kiss her on the lips one last time and walk away, time to get this bastard.


"Well if you won't give me the device I will just get it myself, starting with the pretty one."

Walter snaps his fingers and the goons swarm Lula, with a knife to her throat. Lula begins screaming at us to give it to him. I snap. I stand up and begin swinging at the idiots holding a knife to my girl. The men move their attention to me and now I'm the one being held with a knife to my throat.

"STOP," Atlas shouts, "I will give it to you, just don't hurt anyone." Atlas hands the device to Walter, but the goons still hold me tightly.

"Jack…Jack…Jack…." Again Lula is incessantly whispering my name. But this time it's the sound of fear for me that echo in her voice.

"Shhh…it's going to be okay baby." I whisper back to her.

"What were you thinking? They could have killed you, and this time you would really be dead." She whispers harshly back to me. I know I have worried her, so I tell her the one thing I couldn't stop thinking.

"No one hurts my girl."