Papyrus was happily walking in Snowdin when he suddenly realized he was on a hole. A strange one at that, as it was purple and had hundreds of eyes. Either way, he was going to fall down.
"NYEEEEEEEEE!" Papyrus yelled as he fell through the hole. It seemed he would fall forever until another opening was made. He seemed to be outside, yet he saw lots of animals floating around. Soon he saw he was about to crash in a strange castle, but hit his head on a branch.
"Hello? Hey? You ok? Are you dead?" he heard a voice call him. Opening his eyes, he saw a beautiful girl with pink hair and maroon eyes. She was wearing a blue dress and hat, and she was smiling at him. He stood up.
"UH…YEAH, I'M FINE….UH…." Papyrus was at a loss for words. He was in front of a beautiful girl and he had butterflies in his (non existent) stomach. He was in love.
"My name is Yuyuko. Who are you?" the girl giggled. Papyrus attempted to say his name but stuttered. Yuyuko giggled and brushed a fan against his cheek bone.
"You're really cute for a skeleton." Yuyuko said. Papyrus blushed and his eye sockets became heart shaped. She blew a kiss to him.
"A. A. A. A…." Papyrus stuttered and fell over. Giggling, Yuyuko picked him up. She kissed him in the mouth, but then stuffed him in her mouth and ate him.
A few minutes later, she coughed him out. He was a bit better.
"I kinda like that name. It suits a big strong man like you." she said in a flirty tone. Papyrus blushed once more.
"NYE! I HAVE TO GET HOME! HOW CAN I GO TO THE UNDERGROUND?" He exclaimed. Yuyuko chuckled happily.
"That gate takes you there! You can go now…but will you come back?" she asked and looked at him cutely.
"OF COURSE! I'LL EVEN BRING YOU MY SPAGHETTI!" he said. Papyrus left proudly.

"Hehe, he's so silly. But he's really sweet. Heh, Youmu do you think he'd make a good boyfriend?" Yuyuko giggled. Youmu rolled her eyes.
"I don't know. I'm a gardener, not a love counselor…"