8 years later.

[Your training is complete. Your magical and elemental power are on high level. You are both skilled like high-class devils.]

"Yea your training was good to our skills." Said Harry.

"Yes, but I won't miss from this. Added his sister.

"Yea that true." Chuckled Harry.

[Now you should go Kyoto Youkai. Yasaka will welcome you. Next you Harry will start to infiltrate Underworld to recreate position of house Peverell.]

Two teenagers teleport to Kyoto Youkai. Quickly they were surrounded by guards. Leader of group spoke.

"What you doing here devils? You want to be dead?" Asked in serious tone. Teenagers change their appearance and showed black cat ears and two cat tails.

"We want to speak with your leader." Speak Harry. "Tell her, children of lost sister returned." Guardian shocked of visit of two devil-Nekomata hybrid, relaxed a little and quickly some of them run to their leader. After some time she appears as a young woman with lustful figure dressed in a shrine maiden attire with blonde hair with matching eyes.

"Great to see some survived Nekomata, but could you told me why are you feel like a devil and what you mean about my lost sister? I never have sister." Said Yasaka.

"Well my name is Harry and this is my sister Hedwig" Said showing his sister."About devil, we are part devil." Said Harry and both guest showed their silver bat wings. "As you can see we are not common devil." Added with smile. "And look in our eyes and will see that me and my twin are daughter of your sister."

Everyone looked in ave on silver wings never in their lives they see something like than. Their leader however looked in their green eyes and after a while she whisper.

"Lily? You are her children." She said and throw herself onto guest, "Where is your mother?" Asked with hope.

Both teen looked with sad expression on themselves. "We are in this case. Our parents are dead." Said Hedwig.

"Lily no." Shouted Yasaka and stared crying. Hedwig walked to her and hugged her. Tears falling on her shoulder. Guard returned to their post, many people were watching crying leader with confusion. After some time Yasaka and Hedwig only stood hugging themselves.

"Maybe we can continue in some more private place." Said with hope in voice Harry.

"Yes, yes you must tell me everything." Said Yasaka and lead both twin to her house. "You will met my daughter Kunou she is very lonely here and company of two cousin will be pleased."

"We will be pleased about this for most of our live we don't have family." Said Hedwig with sad voice. "We didn't know we are siblings." Yasaka gasped.

"We want to rebuild our position in Underworld and rebuild our race." Explained Harry. "We both need safe base before we presents to Underworld. After all our house was not present about 30 years. I will want to investigate our ownerships and spy of other house before our moves. And we need place to train."

"We are Nekomata so many devil will still want to kill or use us." Pointed Hedwig.

"Yes. As much I hate devil for what they do to Nekomata, I know you want to return there, but on this we will have time. Now welcome to my house." She said walking to her house. "Kunou we have guest." She called.

After some second little girl run to them. She has golden, blonde hair tied in a ponytail and golden eyes. She also has nine golden fox tails and matching ears. "Mommy." she called hugging to her mother. Then looked on two guest. "Who are they?" Asked and walked to Harry.

"Their are Harry and Hedwig." Said with smile Yasaka thinking about her new nephew and nice.

"Harry. Are you want you be my papa?" Asked innocently. Harry and Yasaka quickly turned red hearing this, but Hedwig started laughing and quickly hugged little girl.

"You know we will be best friends." Said With smile hugging closely little girl.

"I told you Kunou to not asking this question." Said Yasaka still blushing. "Their are your cousin, child of my sister Lily."

"Oh so you are my oni-cha?"

"Well if you want you, we can be your brother and sister." Said Harry looking on his twin with smile.

Week spend of meeting with old friends of mother and time of talking with Yasaka and playing with Kunou.

"Well I think it's time to visit Underworld." Said Harry. Both Yasaka and Hedwig were not happy about this, but they understood.

"Well if you really think is important." Said Hedwig hugging her twin. "Please be careful." Added kissing him in cheek.

"Beware about them. I don't want to lose another member of my family." Added Yasaka hugging her nephew.

For only week Harry and Hedwig quickly grow attached to her aunt and their new 'little sister'. And Harry finally feel place where he belongs. But part of him, his devil part want something more.

"I will be careful. And I don't going to visit Satan or attack fallen Angels only visit our possessions." Said Harry and teleport to Underworld. Yasaka give them permission of using teleportatation in Kyoto.

Harry appeared in Peverell territory. Closed territory belong to Gremory, very rich family with developed industry. Among the territory is the Gremory Palace the home and main building of the Gremory Clan Head. Peverell territories were not so big or rich. Escape of Harry parents caused many stray devil to seeking place to live, but location near Gremory lands with most powerful Satan Lucifer Sirzechs and his queen Grayfia known as most powerful queen were cased this territory more like stop for their escape. Territory were big enough and buildings even little devastated, but there was not disaster. Many reparo and this place will be good. Harry walked about territory near Gremory territory were was the safest, when heard someone crying. Trying not to be seen if this person was dangerous, hided and picked on crying girl. Harry seen beautiful young woman who appears to be in her middle teens with white skin, blue-green eyes and a buxom figure. Her most distinctive feature is her long beautiful crimson hair that reaches down to her thighs, with a single hair strand sticking out from the top. Her hair also has loose bangs covering her forehead and side bangs framing her face. She was crying from some reason. Harry become not very careful and fell on the ground.

"Whose here." Shouted girl quickly. She prepare to fight.

Shit. Now she want to fight with you. You are high-class, but near are Satans, so relax and maybe we start from peace.

"I'm sorry." Said Harry walking from behind buildings. "I just walked on this territory and heard noises, so I wanted to check if there no danger to me. My name is Harry.

"I'm Rias Gremory of House Gremory." She said relaxed a little, but still in ready to battle. Great sister of Lucifer.

"Hello Rias. Well maybe it's weird to ask, but what are you doing here alone and why are you crying.?" Asked Harry.

She become sad and looked on ground. "I wanted to be alone for sometime." Go talk to her.

Harry walked and sat near her. "Well maybe it's not my business, but why are you wanted to be alone?"

"Well one of my pieces have strong secret gear, but he can't control his power and my brother must have sealed him to our safe." She explain. "How I can be a good king if I can't help even my own piece in control his power." She said in sad voice.

"Well you should be proud if you have piece so strong." Said in happy voice. "And about your piece, you should work harder and grown in power to help him in future. After all he will not be sad, you save him life and you will help him in future. Right?"

"Of course. I will help him." She respond angry. "We Gremory are known from caring about pieces. My rock Koneko was saved from execution by my brother, but I take care of her, my queen Akeno was saved from death by my and my father bishop and my sealed bishop was saved from vampire hunters." Said proudly.

"So you see they are very pleased to be your pieces. And in your young age you have 3 pieces and I probably 10 years older, have only queen which is my sister probably from mercy and one bishop who I saved life and he couldn't leave me" Chuckled Harry cousins Rias to laugh. "You know you look more beautiful when you are smiling." On Rias cheek appeared small blush.

"Thank you. Not only for compliment, but for talk also." She turned to him an looked on his green eyes. "You are good friend Harry."

"Friend." Repeated Harry, Rias turned around. She except her peerage and Sona didn't have friend, so she didn't know what Harry will think about her. "Yes, I like sound of this. I like be pleased to be your friend Rias Gremory."

"Only Rias."

"Okay 'only Rias', but can you explain why are you want to be 'only Rias'?"

Rias blushed a little. "It just everyone from devil want to be friend with me, because I'm heiress of House Gremory and sister of Lucifer. Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of them..."

"...but everyone want to become your friend because of them not because of who are you." Finished Harry.

"Yes." She nodded sadly. "Well I even go to human school to be away from this, but in there I'm treated only because of my body and nothing more."

"Well you have great body with your slim waist, long legs and great ass and big breast." Admitted Harry. Rias turned away from his eyes blushing scarlet. "But most beautiful is your hair like fire and your eyes when you are smiling. And from what I can tell you also most caring person from devil I meet."

"Thank you." Said Rias with big smile.

"So can I ask what heiress of House Gremory doing on this territory?"

"Well this territory belongs to House Peverell. About 25 years ago lord and his wife abandon their ownership and run away. No one know exactly why, but many say because lord Ignotus was scared about his wife and queen Lily. She was Nekomata and in this time were started hunting for them. Many Nekomata was killed. And why I going here, this border is near to our house is quiet and safe, so I'm going here when I want to think about something. The question is what are you doing here?"

"Do you will keep this in secret?" Asked little worried Harry. Well Gremory will probably know about my visit and better have one friend in their family. And this will tell if she is trustworthy.

"Well yes." Said seriously Rias, but after a moment added. "As long you will keep this in secret."

"Well I will tell you why Ignotus escape from here. You have right he was worried, but not about his wife only for his children." Said Harry, changing his from, showing his black ears and two black tails cousins Rias to gasp. "My mother was pregnant and when hunting were started they become frightened about me and my sister. So my parents escape to England. Were I and my sister were 15 month old, our parents were killed and we got separated. Our power were bounded, so we didn't know of our inheritance. When I was 17, I found my sister and about pieces, so we were together from this time. We trained to return to our territory, but we were not enough powerful and I didn't want my sister kiddnaped or something so we stay in England for next 8 years training. This is my first visit here.

"Whoa. So you are Lord Peverell." Shouted Rias. "Well your territory was used by many stray devil, but my brother Sirzechs Lucifer and his wife Grayfia started to killing them. So is relative safe, but also destroyed."

"Well thanks I'm pleased with destroy more than with my territory being used by other devils." Said with smile.

"I think I will be going back to home, my parents are probably worried." Said Rias not really wanted to go back, her new friend was easy to talk and not judge her. He also admitted she was beautiful, but not ogling her like pervert. Well he is rather handsome to with this eyes.

"So we will be neighbor in nearly future, so maybe we can meet in next week about the same time like today?" Asked Harry really wanted to meet beautiful new friend again.

"Yes this will be nice. So this will be our little secret." Said Rias pulled her hand to his hand. Harry grabbed her hand and kissed.

"So to next week, my beautiful 'only Rias' friend." Said Harry. Gremory magic circle appeared and Rias disappeared.

"Well continue to exploring territory."

Harry walked on territory repairing his possessions when he heard some shootings.

"We have finally find you, you cat pitch. Now prepare to die." Shouted someone.

"Come here! Nya!" Shouted women.

Harry listing to shouting, locate intruders, walked near and looked on fighting. Dozen of men, armed with swords, surrounded beautiful and attractive young woman with a lustful figure, long black hair with split bangs, and hazel gold eyes with cat-like pupils. Her attire consists of a black kimono, a yellow obi, a set of golden beads, and an ornately detailed headband. The kimono features a red interior and it is open at her shoulders. She grows a pair of black cat ears and two black tails. Nekomata. I must help her.

She paved her gaze on battle field and quickly dozen of her copies appeared on battlefield. This copies seamed attack opened as well. Blue fire and some green mist appeared on field, about half of her opponent were overpowered. Some sort of curses flying to opponent and with blue fire she quickly finished first opponent.

"Come dogs, kitty want to play! Nya!." Next opponent dropped dead, but aggressors seamed to not worry about her. With flames and swords they destroyed copies. Women started having trouble with dodging and spared attacks.

"So you stupid cat will be finally dead. This cause other piece think, before killing masters." Shouted someone seamed to leader. "Well maybe before we kill you we will have some fun with you." Smiled hungry on her. This smile was disgusted. He was about to rape her. Harry spread his silver wing and summoned Sword of Gryffindor.

"Stop right now." Shouted Harry. Small commotion give time women to throw blue fire and kill next opponent. "Accio Nekomata." Shouted Harry and women flew to him.

Women seeing his tails and ears relaxed a bit, but her opponent were not very happy about this.

"Next cat. You will give her to us or you will die with this whore."

"Reducto" Shouted Harry and curse fly and destroyed opponent. "You know, this is not very culturally to curse in presence of lady, much more offend her." Said with confident voice.

"Kill this shit too." Shouted devil and all of them charging on Harry. Their flames fly in Harry way.

"Confringo." Spell collide with ground cousins many pieces fly in air. All of them quickly changed into small birds and destroyed all flames, some disappeared, but more survival and keep attack aggressors. Harry with sword in one hand and charged on fist opponent and chopped his head. Next opponent lose hand before he was stabbed in chest. Following opponent meet his sword with Harry sword. Blade clashed and Harry shouted next spell. "Diffindo." Men head fly into air, remained aggressors deal with birds and charged on Harry. "Aguamenti" Water fly from his arm and with power of his house controlling ice quickly turned into solid ice charging into enemies. "Confringo." Next curse destroyed ice structure and spears of ice fled into enemies hurting name of them. "Well enough of this playing." Many pillar of ice erupted from ground. "Dementor, Transformation." Shouted Harry.


Harry begin to change into dementor. His wings, ears and tails vanish and quickly form of dementor stood in the place of Harry. Harry charged on opponents with his new form. Devils were shocked and scared on his appearance, freeze in their spot. Harry grabbed devil head with his bone hand and with quick move break his neck. Harry aura of death and ice was effected on his opponents and with moment, when last devil stood on battlefield, Harry said to him. "You will be special. I never used this ability before. You should be happy." Said Harry grabbing opponent for his neck. "Kiss of Dementor." Harry said and leaned on opponent. Soul of devil was sucked.

Kuroka was prepare to fighting with dozen of devil, which followed her. She was skilled, but she know opponents were to many for her. When battle begin she killed two aggressors before she was cornered, by them. She was thinking this is her end when some kind of men appeared from nowhere. His appeared give time to kill next opponent before some kind of power grabbed her and pulled to men. Kuroka was frightened, but then she saw his ears and tails, she relaxed a bit. Male Nekomata. Nekomata never have many male, but after hunting all were killed. Not all. Male Nekomata used some kinds of course with killed devil, exploded on earth, changed debris in some kinds of birds and summoning some sword charged on aggressors flying on some strange silver bat-wing. What? Silver? He killed with sword two opponent with sword and third with curse, chopping his head. Next using ice element attacked hem with some icicle spears. But was more strange he changed his form in some kind flying cloaked monster. Kuroka never feel something like that, ice was sensed in air with some sort of feeling like you will never be happy. Neck of devils were broken. Last aggressor stood frightened when this monster flood near him and leaned on him summoning something from him and then devil were dead. What kind of monster is that. I will never had chance against him. But monster not attacked and change to his Nekomata-devil form.

"Well, we have something to clean. Fiendfire." Fire erupted from his hand and quickly burned body of devils. When all bodies were burned, with wave of his hand, fire vanished. "Evanesco." Added and ashes vanished, after devils were no trace. Harry turned to saved women and with smile and said. "My name is Harry. What is your name and what are you doing here?"

Kuroka really didn't want to answering on his question, but he was Nekomata and with his power he probably could force her to tell truth. "I'm Kuroka the Nekomata and what I doing here, I'm running, I'm stray devil after I killed my master." She said with sad expression.

"Well, nice to meet you Kuroka." Said men and walked to her, grabbed her hand and kissed. She was to shocked to react. Who is this men. I'm telling him I stray devil and he kissing my hand? "Well could you explain why you killed him?"

"He wanted to use my little sister, Shirone, so I beat and killed him. I was planning to escape with her, but she was captured and I didn't have power to rescue her." She said with shame. "This was two years ago. Now I'm running away and trying to find my sister." She started crying. What some of chance I have to rescue Shirone and what of life she will be have with half of Underworld after me. Kuroka angry on herself started to crying. "She was only one person in my live which I loved. Our parents were killed when she was only baby and we have only themselves." Kuroka cried when Harry walked and hugged her.

"Well maybe I can help you." She said weeping tears from her cheek. "You said you are stray devil, so if you join to my peerage, you will be free, well mostly because we will have change this in some of Satan, but I will have place to hide and keep you safe." Explained Harry.

"You want to me in your peerage?" Harry give nod. "But I'm stray."

"Well, you said you do this to your sister." Kuroka give nod. "And you are Nekomata we should help each other." He said with smile. "And who didn't want to have beautiful girl in his peerage?" Asked no one in particular Harry. On Kuroka cheeks appeared small blush.

"Thank you." She said.

"So which piece you want to be? I have everything without queen and one bishop."

"Well I was two piece bishop." Said with small pride in her voice.

"Well my piece are different and I think one piece will be enough." Said Harry and in front of Kuroka appeared white bishop figure. She grabbed this and piece disappeared in Kuroka body. On her back appeared wing and she saw they are silver like on Harry back. She grabbed wing in her hand, wanted to be sure of this. "You see I'm not average and my piece are not average too." Said with smile and Kuroka know he said true. "Come with my" Said Harry holding Kuroka hand. "Devils can be on the way. And my sister and aunt are probably worried on me. So if they will want to kill me you will have to protect me." Both chuckled and disappeared from Underworld.

Harry with Kuroka in his arm appeared in Kyoto. Two female person waiting for him with very angry expression. Harry gulped, knowing what they are thinking.

"Explain." Said girl who looked like Harry twin. She was tall with black hair, long to her shoulders, she have his green eyes also. She was slim with big breast. Well not big like me, but not much smaller. Second young woman with a voluptuous figure and blonde hair with golden eyes, she was also beautiful. "Explain why we are waiting so many time for you. And who is this girl."

"Well first this lovely lady is Kuroka the Nekomata she is my new bishop. Kuroka meet my precious sister and queen Hedwig. This beautiful lady near her is my aunt Yasaka, leader of Kyoto Youkai."

Kuroka heard of leader of Kyoto Yuokai. Yasaka was powerful warrior in league with Ultimate-class devil. Her barrier of Kyoto was powerful, so even Satan must think twice before attacking her. Kuroka now feel safe, she will thank many time for meeting Harry. She now happy smiled, her king on the other hand was frightened.

"Kuroka nice to meet you. We will chat later, now this mister have to explain what he was doing all this time when he must have only check on our territory." Said Hedwig welcoming new Nekomata.

"Our territory?" Asked Kuroka.

"Yes this idiot if you believe is Lord Harold of House Peverell and I'm his only heir." Said Hedwig shaking her head.

"You are lord? Why are you not told me?" Asked Kuroka looking on her king.

"Well I guess, I have more important think to do," Said Harry and turned to his sister. "And you, why are you must doing this, you ruined every my chances on date with beautiful girl, even before I will even thinking about this. I'm your Lord and King you should show me respect."

Yasaka listened another fight between twins and was giggling.

"I will show you respect when you earn this. And for being king and lord, I want to see you are trying to ordering me." Answered Hedwig. "And what you talking about, when you said 'have more important think to do'?"

"I was attacked by dozen of devil and Harry saved my life." Said Kuroka.

"You were fighting with devils! Are you idiot?! Of course you are idiot!" Shouting Hedwig. "Why you attacked them? This was your first visit, only to check not to fighting with not known devils. Tell me why are you did this?"

"Well Kuroka was attacked. She could be hurt or even dead. So I must have helped her. She was one and there was dozen of this devils. And if not I who will help her?"

"You and your stupid saving people think. And I have hope as devil part of you will change." She said shaking her head. "Devil should be greed not like that. Now as your punishment you will make diner to us and our lady guest."

"As punishment? I cooking everyday. You and aunt Yasaka can't event boil water. Not weird you don't have boyfriend and Kunou thinned about me as 'papa' in first meting. With your cooking and your character none normal men will want you." Both women were now red for angry. Kuroka knowing she probably will be angry if this was said to her. She quickly moved away from Harry, knowing what powerful and angry girl can do.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!" Shouted both women.

"Yes this is clearly what are I talking about. Your character is even worst then your cooking." Said Harry not knowing what furry he released.

"YOU WILL PAY!" Shouted two angry Women unsealed their most powerful attacks. Kuroka was frightened of this two women. Harry was screamed for help running away, two angry women run after him throwing spells on him. Kuroka heard giggling from little girl. She has golden, blonde hair tied in a ponytail and golden eyes. She also has nine golden fox tails and matching ears. This must be Yasaka daughter.

"Harry again playing with mommy and Hedwig." She giggled not understanding two women were trying to kill her king. "Mommy never was playing like this, before Harry come here." Kuroka started laughing to, this situation was absurd. Her king was running away from his twin-sister and his aunt trying to kill him and little girl laughed from this thinking 'they are playing'. Kuroka give first happy laugh from time when Shirone was lost. Shirone I will find and rescue you. I promise.