I drew myself close together, sufficiently curling up into a ball. My hair was still twirled up into the soft cyan colored towel - having gotten out of the shower half an hour ago. And despite being too lazy too unwrap my hair and brush it, at least I had gotten into some comfortable pajamas. But who could blame me for my laziness when I had something much better than a mundane task such as brushing hair? With my Undertale themed tea cup and a bowl of heavily buttered popcorn, I was ready to begin my favorite part of the night.

Everyone in the household was fast asleep; it was borderline midnight. I had the whole living room to myself, and more importantly - the tv. Which meant I could watch whatever I wanted without the complaint from people who were less inclined to watch with me. And tonight was to be the spectacular Phantom of the Opera.

Oh-ho-ho! Not just any Phantom of the Opera but in fact the 1990 one. To anyone who didn't watch Phantom or was a regular in the phandom - that wouldn't mean anything to them. But for me, it meant a few hours of fluff, feels, and excitement. I got settled in, having already prepared the movie in the dvd player, and felt a short wave of happiness as I pressed play and heard the first few booming notes of the beginning score.

I could hardly believe that I had fallen asleep! Now I know I must have been getting towards the end of the second part, dang it! I slowly raised my eyelids, only to have them fall shut immediately. Well it sounded like the movie was still going. It looked like the movie was still going. Though, how did it seem that I had gotten closer than before. And I don't remember them pointing the camera towards the catwalks at this angle - very strange indeed.

I also didn't remember people speaking actual French in the movie, either. But it seemed as soon as I noticed, it all sounded like English again. I must have been more tired than I thought. It was a little hard to focus for a moment, as if I was just between being asleep and being awake. Not too long afterwards, however, I was finally able to hone in on the words that were coming from the tv.

"How did she get in here? And what are those strange clothes she's wearing? Absolutely indecent I tell you!" One voice hissed.

"I tell you, she appear in thin air! Just fell right there, just like that!" Another voice said desperately.

"You mean she fell from the catwalks?" one womanly sounding voice asked confusedly.

"No, no, no! Thin air! Just poof! Like that!" the previous voice said, again strained.

Wait... what? That doesn't make sense, that never happened in the movie. I finally willed myself to sit up, a yawn coming to my lips but stopped before it even had a chance as I opened my eyes. I was... I was here? I really thought I would have jumped up and started running everywhere, do a couple cartwheeled, and clicking my heels - the whole bit. But no, I was frozen in place with my jaw slightly slacked and my eyes opened wide like a deer in the headlights.

"Look, she is awake!" I heard one of the people call out.

I was too stunned to even get up as a familiar face started to make his way towards me. It was obviously the manager, and more importantly, Erik's father. He came up to me with a highly concerned look on his face, placing his hands out in order to help me get up. I nodded appreciatively to the helpful gesture and didn't know how much I needed the help until I got onto my feet and nearly went toppling over just from the slight movement of trying to walk forward. Once again he helped me balance then took his hands away once I finally seemed to be able to stabilize myself.

"Mademoiselle, apparently you took quite the fall. Are you alright?" he asked. I couldn't help but smile a bit - apparently it wasn't a full translation between French to English.

"Um... yes, yes I think so," I said briefly.

"Do you know where you are?" Gerard inquired further.

"No... yes! I'm in the Paris Opera House... it's so much more beautiful than I could have imagined," I said, still in a heavy daze as I looked up from the stage and towards the chandelier which was surrounded by antique paintings.

Who wouldn't be in absolute awe, being able to see such architecture? Apparently everyone around me as they mumbled things to each other. I could only catch a few small phrases such as, 'she must be mad' and 'what are they going to do with her?' It seemed that their questions would be answered, at least for me.

"Follow me, if you will," Gerard said, motioning for me to follow him.

I nodded my head and trailed behind him. After some while of walking, I quickly realized that he was taking me to the front of the opera house. He was kicking me out! I stopped walking and it didn't take long for him to stop and look back at me. "I don't have anywhere to go," I suddenly blurted out; my eyes were wide at the possibility that I may be kicked from the story before it even began. He watched me for a moment, brows knitted together before he sighed and nodded shortly to himself.

"What is your name?" the manager asked. Or at least, I assumed he was still the manager at this point.

"Alice," I replied simply, seeing no point in giving my last name if he decided to make me leave regardless.

But instead, it seemed that he had taken mercy on me and once more made a gesture for me to follow him. I followed him down into a familiar room; it seemed to be one of the various prop storage areas. But it was also obvious that no one had been in the room for quite some time, looking at the layers of dust that blanketed most of the vicinity of the room.

"You can stay here for now. I will see what I can do about finding someone who can take you in more permanently. I hope you don't mind," he asked.

"No, this is perfect. Thank you," I smiled.

He nodded and left me to my own devices. The room wasn't as grand as the opera house but it was still part of the movie. God, I'm part of the movie! This had to be a dream... a mad, wonderful, and realistic dream! I just hoped that I would get to see the masked man himself before my dream decided to kick me out too!