Warnings: Swearing, NaruSasu bromancing, Adventure-focused plot

NOTE: SasuSaku in this story is an EXTREMELY slow build, particularly in the first half of this story where there is no direct interaction and only hints at the larger romantic plot. If you are looking for a SasuSaku-centered story, this may not be for you.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

Hushed whispers circled the Uchiha Kingdom for months. At the beginning, it could be agreed that every murmur was filled with anxiety and disbelief, however, as time passed, doubts made way for confidence. Civil unrest was swiftly mediated, farmers and merchants regained access to their supplies and trade within weeks, and the wheels of the economy began turning once more.

By the third month, rumors no longer hinted at the younger brother's incompetence. By the fifth month, fears of the kingdom's collapse faded completely. By the end of the year, nearly everyone had made peace with Uchiha Sasuke as their new king, and accepted the cruel fate bestowed upon their benevolent, former ruler, Uchiha Itachi.

—Everyone, except for Sasuke.

"Is he visiting his brother again?" one councilman muttered bitterly as the sliding doors clacked shut with Sasuke's departure.

Shisui patted the older man on the shoulder, smiling politely. "Come now. All of us wear multiple hats, don't we? No matter how brilliant Sasuke-sama has proved himself to be, he still dons the hat of an admiring, younger brother."

"We are in the midst of determining new trade agreements with the neighboring kingdoms," the councilman growled, slapping Shisui's hand away. "I see no fitting reason for our king to be running off to check on his invalid brother—"

In a flash, a dagger was pressed to the man's thick neck. Shisui's expression had cooled, despite the smile which remained steadily on his lips. "Sir. Need I remind you that his 'invalid brother' was your king only a year prior? Furthermore, he is my dearest cousin and friend. I would strongly suggest you keep your insults nonexistent." As with all Uchiha pure bloods, Shisui's ink black eyes could bleed red. However, his particular abilities were among the fiercest in the clan. It was ludicrous to even consider crossing him.

The councilman swallowed nervously and nodded slightly, feeling the dagger graze his throat with a promise.

Shisui smiled wider, slipping the dagger back into the confines of his sleeve. With a nod, he took Sasuke's abandoned seat and cleared his throat. "Alright, now that that's settled. Why don't we return to the task of trade agreements? I'm sure Sasuke-sama will be very pleased when we already have proposals for him to look over upon his return."


Uchiha Sasuke slid the door to his elder brother's quarters open. The scene before him was a common one. Itachi's wife, Izumi, sat at his bedside, quietly reading from a well-worn collection of poems. On the other side of the futon, an aged doctor ran blood tests and took notes in a thick medical journal – no doubt full of Itachi's records. He had been their clan doctor since before their father was born, and now, as Sasuke observed his treatments, he finally saw the man's old age.

This would no longer do.

"Oji-san, your eyes and knees must be tired these days," Sasuke remarked, approaching the scene.

"Sasuke." Itachi spoke the warning softly, unseeing eyes somehow finding his younger brother nonetheless.

"Don't bother, Ita-chan," the old doctor huffed, rolling his stiff neck, "the brat is right. My old bones have taken quite the toll while watching over you."

"I trust no one but you," the older brother murmured gently, but firmly. The ferocity of his presence had greatly diminished over the course of a year, yet his voice remained ever powerful. Beneath the yukata, Sasuke was sure his brother had lost much of the muscle and raw energy everyone had admired – that he admired.

"No need for compliments. I used to change your diapers," Oji-san cackled. Izumi giggled, and Itachi shot her an off-kilter glare. Sasuke noted the way her fingers softly squeezed his brother's hand, as if apologizing for the teasing.

It was an affectionate gesture. Sasuke had never experienced such trivial romantic joys, though he presumed it was pleasant considering Itachi shoulders settled once more. However, he had no time for such things right now. "Your attendant told me you have another attack," Sasuke deadpanned, crossing his arms as he watched his elder brother silently contemplate a response. Continuing in the silence, he said, "The current treatments are doing nothing. We have exhausted all the resources of this kingdom."

Gently releasing his wife's hand, Itachi laced his fingers together over the blanket draped across his legs. "…Then perhaps that is the conclusion, and you are merely being too idealistic, little brother."

Anger flared.

Itachi's mouth twitched. "You are king now. Don't tell me you've been losing your temper so easily?"

"Only with you, Nii-san," he quipped. "I'm saying that you need to stop being so stubborn and accept my previous suggestions."

"I do not trust the outside," he responded flatly. "We are not only entrusted with protecting this country. We are protecting our clan bloodline. I will not allow an outsider to approach me or my eyes."

Sasuke's lips curled back, baring his teeth. "You're being a fool."

"I can better sympathize with you now, then, hmm?" Itachi mused.

"I'm not interested in playing games at your death bed!" he snapped.

The room stilled.

After a long breath, Itachi lifted his head, dull, blind eyes seeking Sasuke. "Death is a part of us all, little brother. I do not wish to prolong my existence selfishly."

"To die selfishly is just as bad," Sasuke muttered, turning on his heel sharply. He threw the door open, calling over his shoulder, "You may believe I am ready to take this country, but I am still your foolish little brother." With that, the sliding door rattled shut, and a shuddering relief swept the room.

Izumi placed her hand on Itachi's shoulder, drawing his attention. "I also wish that we could be together longer. I know that I am not unique in my thoughts, either."

Although his family doctor remained silent, Itachi could practically hear his shared sentiments. However, none of them could convince him out of his thoughts. Death had been calling for him since long before, and perhaps he would finally be able to greet it.


Contrary to duties, Sasuke did not return to the meeting room. He trusted Shisui with matters of the state, and would make up for the lost time in the evening. After all, he was always buried in mounds of paperwork from the various bureaucratic offices. What was one more set of documents to rifle through?

So instead, he headed down to the training grounds, stopping only to change out of his formal attire. Visits with Itachi had been growing increasingly tense as of late, and the only person he could blow off steam with was a certain dumbass blonde.

When Sasuke emerged on the training grounds, a huddle of young academy children were circled around the person he was searching for. Spiky blonde hair poked out from their tight group formation, all heads ducked in discussion. Sighing, Sasuke silently approached them, his friend's backside to him. Shifting his katana as he did so, the king slammed the sole of his foot against the orange clad behind.

Yelping, his friend bolted upright, smoothing a hand over his offended bottom. Whirling around, he glared blue daggers at the smirking Uchiha. "Dammit, Sasuke! What the hell? You interrupted a very serious conversation."

He rolled his eyes, knowing full well it couldn't be anything more than some fighting game he was teaching them. "Whatever. Spar with me."

"Uchiha-sama and Naruto are going to fight?!" one of the academy kids shouted, riling up the others with his excitement. They cheered enthusiastically and backed away from the adults.

"Hey! I should be Uzumaki-sama, shouldn't I? Why is teme the only one being treated well?" Naruto complained. In answer, the kids only laughed and threw teasing insults. Despite the anger in the blonde's voice, his expression spoke only of affection. "Alright, alright, I guess I just have to beat the bastard to make you guys acknowledge the great, Uzumaki Naruto-sama!" he shouted, getting into a serious fighting position finally.

Sasuke wasted no more time, immediately closing the distance and throwing a volley of blows. His mind was clearing instantly with each hit, mind and body harmonizing under the pressure of following the other's movements.

"Is it Itachi?" Naruto muttered low so the cheering children couldn't hear.

He grunted, launching himself into the air, leg whipping out sharply.

Naruto ducked, barely dodging what would've been a lethal hit. A smirk graced the Uchiha's face. He recalled pulling a similar stunt when they first met as children. However, back then, the blonde wasn't quite fast enough to get away and ended up with a bloody nose and bruised cheek. "I'll take that as a yes," Naruto grunted, rolling back to his feet. "Is he still refusing outside help?"

Sasuke nodded minutely as he caught a punch and thrust his knee up. The blonde slammed his free hand against his rival's shoulder, using it as leverage to throw himself over Sasuke's head, twisting his fist out of the man's grasp.

Landing behind the Uchiha, he connected with a roundhouse kick, forcing his opponent off balance. Not wasting the opportunity, Naruto chased after him, aiming a punch directly in his face. Sasuke shoved out of the way, hard knuckles nonetheless grazing his cheek. "I've been thinking about it too, actually," the blonde stated almost nonchalantly.

"You can think?" Sasuke scoffed, sidestepping his friend to reach for his katana. He tapped the hilt in warning, only drawing it once he saw Naruto reaching for his own blade.

"If you've forgotten why I'm even in your crappy kingdom, let me remind you," Naruto huffed, metal on metal drawing sparks between them. "Kakashi thought somehow your country and your leadership could teach me a thing or two about what I need to do when I ascend the throne." He rolled his eyes, "I still don't see it, but whatever."

"You had a point?" Sasuke drawled, shoving hard against the other's blade, forcing them apart.

The blonde blinked, eyes brightening all of a sudden. "Oh, yeah!" Before he continued though, he swung his katana, sweeping low and deadly for Sasuke's knees. "It's an awesome idea, and I think it could work." Leaping up and out of the way, the Uchiha brought his blade down in an overhead strike. They clashed, Naruto losing ground from the disadvantageous position. Sweat trickled down the blonde's forehead, a grunt slipping between his lips as he struggled to bear the force of the attack.

In a last ditch effort, Naruto shoved a foot up, crying out triumphantly as he connected with Sasuke's abdomen. Pushing hard, he shoved the other man head over heels. Graceful as ever though, he landed on his feet – much to Naruto's chagrin. Just once, he would love to see his best friend fall on his ass like the loser he pretends not to be.

"Finish your point already, dobe." Sasuke sheathed his sword, interest piqued by Naruto's surprisingly optimistic exclamation. What great idea could he have come up with that Sasuke hadn't already tried?

Glancing around conspiratorially, Naruto nodded toward the still watching crowd and then to the guards posted around the training grounds. Finally, he whispered, "Not here."

Catching on quickly, Sasuke grabbed a towel from a basket near the entrance to the field. "What time?" Snatching a second one, he chucked it at the following blonde.

Naruto immediately starting patting down the sweat covering his neck and face. "Can you take a break around 8PM?"

Nodding curtly, Sasuke headed off without another word. He had no idea what his friend was thinking, but if it required absolute privacy to discuss, Sasuke dared himself to hope.