Author Notes - This is a reboot of my Welcomed Chaos fic. My revisions will definitely require a new story posting. First thing is that this is no longer in the first person. This isn't my strong suit, but it's a perspective that's most common in writing and is something I need to get better at. Another thing is that I plan to go a lot slower and take my time. I tended to write a chapter in one sitting before. This first chapter is 6k words and covers the same period of time that my previous story only took 2.4k words for. Hopefully, it makes it feel a little less disjointed. I also decided to make Harry a little less crazy, and a little more in character. As I read through Welcomed Chaos four years after the fact, the main thing that stood out was that Harry was far crazier and unbalanced than I thought when I had first written it.

Secondly, I'm well aware that I'm not the best writer. You do not need to review my story to tell me this. The best way to get better is through practice, and this is what I'm doing. If you don't enjoy reading it, don't needlessly suffer through it. Put it down and read something else.

This won't be slash. I will see how everything goes, and test to see if I can even write romance to a satisfactory level. If I can, then expect something.

Lastly, this will also be an Angel crossover. They are in the same universes and dealing with the same problems, so expect Harry to juggle both. I thought about adding another original perspective in the Cleveland Hellmouth, but I doubt people will care as much about that.

Chapter One: Whistler

Boredom was merely for the boring was a concept that Harry had heard many times before. Mostly when he was trapped in his cupboard and too young to know that complaining to his relatives about how bored he was wouldn't do anything but keep him in there for even longer. Being trapped in that cupboard didn't seem so bad at the moment.

Because Harry Potter was bored and didn't really have anybody but himself to blame for it. At nineteen, Harry was a famous Auror. Unfortunately, his fame didn't have anything at all to do with being an Auror. It was only a year ago that Harry was able to overcome one of the vilest wizards of the last century. The self-proclaimed Lord had taken over Hogwarts and was inches away from a complete victory over the Britain Wizarding World when Harry, through a series of events that involved mostly luck, bravery, and the careful planning of his late Headmaster, was able to achieve what many before him had not.

At the time, Harry was relieved. Although relieved was an understatement in reality. It felt like the whole world which had been hoisted upon his shoulders was gone. He could now live his life without having to worry about this huge responsibility that had been thrust upon him before he could even talk. Harry frowned to himself as he thought about it.

He supposed he could have lived a quiet life. Sold his life story to an author and lived off of the large chunk of change. Married a witch, raised a family and did whatever a family man did with his time, but the whole idea wasn't all that tempting to Harry. His true purpose came known to him just weeks after Voldemort's defeat. He was in Diagon Alley about to visit George who was having a horrible time dealing with his brother's death. He was walking down the street, on his way to Weasleys Wizarding Wheezes when from out of nowhere, a bright green light came flying at him from the corner of his eyes. Harry dropped to the ground in a moment of pure reflex, and the curse smashed into the side of a shop to his left. Adrenaline started pumping for the first time in a month and Harry was able to knock the man out cold with a stunner after a few spell exchanges. He knew right then that raising a family wasn't going to be a priority of his because the idea of fighting more of these left over Death Eaters was a far more tempting offer. That's when he decided to apply for Auror training.

Harry expected that it would be a year or two before he could call himself an Auror. He remembered Tonks used to talk about all the training she had to go through before earning any sort of salary. Harry must have forgotten just how much the Wizarding World was willing to offer him because of his victory. Kingsley Shacklebolt, who now led the Department of Law Enforcement offered him an immediate promotion to Auror with on job training. Harry was surprised at first but quickly learned that Shacklebolt had no actual say in the matter, and was forced to extend the offer by his superiors. At first, Harry had no desire to take the same job that others had to earn through a year of hard work, but the Daily Prophet had started to report attacks on Muggle-borns and Muggles. The attacks were always followed by the same image of the Dark Mark in the sky. Many came to the conclusion that Death Eater survivors were regathering without their leader. The terrorists saw Harry's victory as a fluke, and without Dumbledore and many of the powerful Wizards and Witches that fell at the Hogwarts battle, they thought they could secure an easy victory. Especially because there were still people in the government that held their positions regardless of their Death Eater sympathies.

Knowing that the Ministry needed his help, Harry accepted the offer. Harry became an Auror and shortly afterward discovered that they had already arrested the few culprits that were causing the mayhem. It was a small group of five pure-blooded wizards that had run from the Hogwarts battle and had nowhere else to turn to. Harry figured that this was only a part of a larger organization. However, three weeks later no more attacks had occurred, and the case was marked as solved. What followed was a year of tedious work and Auror calls that turned out to be nothing more than petty crimes like scuffles in public streets and theft.

Currently, Harry sat at his desk. He had completed his on job training months ago and was now a full-time Auror. With that title came paperwork. Paperwork that caused Harry to spend more time every day at his desk than out in the field. Harry wasn't sure if this was because the Ministry wanted to protect their symbol of hope, or because there really just wasn't much crime to fight these days. He was going over the paperwork of a reported Death Eater attack that was actually two hot headed young adults that had decided to duel in the streets. As soon as Harry appeared to apprehend them, they put down their wands and apologized. The lack of a fight for eight months in a row put a continued damper on Harry's mood.

Harry started putting files away in order to leave for the day. He was the only one left in the office because it was May 2nd; the anniversary of Voldemort's defeat. Harry imagined it would soon be a national holiday, but this year it was just an excuse to leave work early in order to celebrate with alcohol and fireworks. Harry didn't quite feel in the mood to celebrate the many deaths of his friends and decided that he would just finish his day and go home to research and sleep. As Harry walked out of his office, he dwelt on his current social life.

Harry was currently single after he explained to Ginny that he just wasn't interested in starting a family that soon in his life, or perhaps ever. Harry imagined that he wouldn't make the best father, not with his tendency to run wand first into the closest fight without a care towards his own well-being. Harry supposed he could have tried to find a more casual relationship, but he didn't really have the time. When he wasn't working, he was spending time researching and experimenting with magic. Many Professors at Hogwarts used to lecture about how experimenting without a proper instructor could lead to many dangerous outcomes. Harry supposed those lectures must have stuck with him because the idea of trying to develop magical spells, potions, and combat techniques started to become more and more appealing once he realized how boring his job was. Of course, he wasn't stupid, nor did he really have a death wish. He was starting slow and learning all the theory behind subjects that he either ignored at school or just didn't care about enough to learn completely during his time there.

Hermione encouraged his higher learning when had he told her, but she still scolded him when some of his experiments turned out to be less than perfectly safe. She had her own plans with her application going through to a Muggle University. She spent the last year trying to catch up in all Muggle subjects that she had missed while attending Hogwarts for seven years. Harry wasn't sure how Muggles determined whether or not she was qualified to go off to a University, but she seemed confident in her application for next semester. Ron, who refused to study through most of their Hogwarts days actually decided to follow her on the same path; proving his love for her.

Harry had thought that Ron would join him in his own career, but Ron said that he just wasn't sure the job was safe enough for the large family he planned on starting. Harry didn't bother to ask if Hermione was aware of these family plans of his. If only Ron knew just how safe being an Auror really was, he might have actually followed Harry in becoming one.

As he finished organizing his files for the day, Harry left his desk and made his way through the Floo Network to his home, Grimmauld Place. He decided to reside there permanently because of its connection to Sirius. Harry didn't even think he owned it legally, but as no one else dared to challenge him on his residence, he remained a permanent squatter. Harry could have afforded a place of his own, but the Blacks had a decent library of experimental magic textbooks that still held his interest.

Harry walked into the Floo at the Ministry and threw down a handful of powder, "Grimmauld place." He called. The uncomfortable journey lasted only a moment before he stepped out of the fireplace and into his own house. With a wave of his wand, the leftover soot that covered his robes promptly vanished. He looked around with a frown. Something didn't feel right. Harry kept a firm grip on his wand and held it out in front of him as he scanned the room. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. He quickly checked the wards and found them still intact and damage free. Willing to trust his instincts, Harry kept his wand at a ready position as he went into each room to check for anything out of the ordinary.

That's when he saw him. A man shorter than Harry was sitting at the dining room table. Both of his hands were palm down on the table in an obvious gesture of peace. The man face beamed at him from underneath a bowler hat.

"Good evening," he said with a smile, tipping his hat in greeting with his right hand before returning it to the table.

"How did you. . ." Harry exclaimed in surprise. He stared for a moment in surprise and confusion. His house wards still remained intact and untouched, even with this man sitting right in front of him. The wards should be indicating an intruder; or not be there at all if they were broken. His wards even included humanoid creatures like Vampires or Hags.

"Sorry for the intrusion. You can call me Whistler, I'm here to offer you a once in a lifetime opportunity." Whistler said cheerfully, completely unfazed by the wand that Harry still held out in front of him.

"What are you?" Harry asked, he could only think of one reason as to why his wards weren't working, and that would be that Whistler was a creature either unknown to Harry, or completely forgotten when setting up his wards.

"Well, what do you know. A normal wizard would question the working condition of his wards. I had my doubts, I did; but maybe they did indeed choose correctly," Whistler mused.

Harry gave him a blank stare.

Whistler responded, "you'd think cross dimensional traveling would make me the least able in this conversation." Whistler chuckled. "To answer your question, I am a Demon. Now before you attack me like most of you hero types tend to do, I'd like to add that I'm one of the good guys."

Harry didn't know what to believe. He wasn't sure someone could be both a Demon and a good guy at the same time. He knew only one way to solve this quickly. He gave his wand a slight jab in Whistlers direction, "Legilimens," he whispered.

The demon jumped in surprise, but as he was seated at a table, he didn't have any means to dodge the transparent spell. Unexpectedly, nothing happened. Harry frowned. This particular spell wasn't his strong suit, which is why it required him to use the incantation to cast it, but Harry never had absolutely nothing happen at all after a casting. It must have been a fluke, he reasoned and prepared to cast it again. Before he could, Whistler interrupted him.

"Demon, remember?" he said, patting himself down to make sure he was still whole, "Whatever mumbo jumbo you decided to release just won't cut it." Harry nodded his thanks at the explanation; It appeared mind magic didn't work on this self-called demon. He would have to use force to restrain him and bring him into the ministry for questioning. "Don't you want to hear my offer?" Whistler said with a nervous glance to Harry's wand, which had started to move again.

"Go on," Harry replied, though he wasn't sure if the Demon could say anything that would avoid himself a trip to a prison cell. The extra time would let Harry prepare for any possible escape attempts and additional magic immunity.

"Can you put the stick down? This is kind of a long story, and as I'm not sure just how badly you can hurt me with that thing, I'd rather it wasn't pointed at my beautiful face," Whistler pleaded. Harry nodded, but not before flicking his wand and releasing a set of chains that wrapped themselves around the demon's torso, effectively tying it to the chair. Harry wasn't sure how strong or fast Demons were, but he figured that the chains would slow Whistler down long enough for him to redraw his wand if the Demon did decide to come at him.

"Just a precaution," Harry explained as he put his wand back into his robes. Whistler wiggled around in the chair for a bit to test the chains before frowning.

"Of course."

"You had a story to tell?" Harry asked, slightly disappointed that the Demon didn't put up any more of a fight. Whistler nodded and began to explain.

"First thing you need to know is that I am not from this universe."

"Alternate universes are real?" Harry asked in shocked. He had, of course, came across the theory in his research. Many have tried to create a ritual to send or bring something across universes. As far as Harry knew it had yet to be done. But then again, for all he knew the exact ritual was locked up in the Department of Mysterious somewhere.

"Okay good, so you've heard of them. I guess that takes off a good five minutes of explanation and questions," Whistler replied haughtily. The effect lost due to the chains that still strangled his torso. He continued after a moment, "In my universe, there is an ancient group of beings that we call The Powers That Be. They guide all forces in order to balance the forces of good and evil. I work for them."

"Balance? Why not just destroy all evil?" Harry asked. He didn't quite understand why people with such power wouldn't simply end evil.

"They were forced off of earth, and govern from afar. They can only control so much. The evil in this universe is strong. With demons roaming freely and with the ability to turn anybody into one of their own. The Powers That Be use their limited powers to turn the tide in any way that they can. Without them, the whole universe would be doomed."

"Yet they have a demon working for them?" Harry asked skeptically.

"Technically, I'm a half demon," Whistler explained. "I have a soul."

"And what does this have to do with me?" Harry was curious. This man might be bat shit insane, but the idea was interesting, and if it was true, any information could help Harry in his future experiments.

"The Powers That Be have saved up enough of their energy to foresee into the future and have found that your arrival into our universe would be the best course of action for the side of good."

"You have a lot of faith in these Powers," Harry observed. Whistler laughed.

"I'm over a thousand years old. I've seen a lot in my life, and I have no doubts that the actions of The Powers That Be are the only thing keeping that universe whole."

"And if I leave with you? Can I ever return? Can I send messages to my friends? Or am I abandoning my whole life for good?" Harry wondered. He assumed there was a way to travel back a forth. He didn't see how else the Powers would expect him to give up so much on one man's word.

"Probably not," Whistler said bluntly. "They advised me to tell you that you would need to prepare to leave this universe for good; never to return. Why? Do you have a lovely lady waiting for you upstairs?"

"No," Harry replied.

"Oh well that's too bad, I would love to see a woman that was able to capture your attention. You know, they sent me visions of your life before I came here, and I got to say. . ."

"I mean no. I'm not coming with you," Harry interrupted. Whistler was speechless for a moment.

"The Powers said that you'd. . ."

"I don't really care what they said. I'm not going to leave this world behind because someone who admits to being a demon asks me to come along with them. For all I know my arrival into that universe is to balance out the forces of evil," Harry rebutted. Whistler appeared angry for a minute until confusion took over.

"Evil? You're not evil. How could evil possibly benefit from you?"

"You just said these Demons can turn others. What if a demon gets a hold of my powers?" Harry asked, one eyebrow raised.

"Well, I don't think that can even happen," Whistler mumbled. His confidence disappearing after Harry's refusal. Suddenly, Whistler's face turned blank, his eyes lost focus and his mouth hung open.

"What the. . ." Harry muttered out loud before heading around the table in order to check on his intruder. Just as he reached Whistler, The demon's eyes refocused on him, causing Harry to back off.

"The Powers aren't happy," Whistler explained. Harry was about to let him know just how little he cared when Whistler continued, "They 'know' that you'll be happier over there than you are here."

"I don't trust you or your agenda," Harry concluded. "I'm not going with you."

"You don't really have a choice."

"Excuse me?" Harry asked, fingering his wand. As far as he knew, there were no laws prohibiting him from killing or severely maiming a demon. Whistler gave his wand a slight glance before smiling.

"With or without me, all the Powers have to do is snap their fingers and you'd be gone from this world. You have no choice," Whistler said smugly. Harry gripped his wand tight in anger but before he could do anything Whistler let out a cry of pain and went slack in the chair that he was still tied to. As Whistler started to recover from the strange attack, Harry scoped the room but shortly concluded that there wasn't another intruder. Whistler's body slowly started to lose its tension as he pulled himself together. He looked towards Harry with a frown on his face and tears in his eyes.

"The Powers have kindly told me that the choice is completely up to you," Whistler growled out, emphasizing the word kindly with thick sarcasm. "They are willing to offer you a trial run."

"Trial?" Harry asked in confusion.

"They'll send you to their universe for one year. After that one year is over they'll offer a one-way trip back to this universe."

Harry frowned, "If I'm still alive."

"If you're still alive," Whistler confirmed with a grin. His half demon nature showing his vindictive side after the pain that he just went through.

"How long do I have to decide?" Harry asked. The one year trial was a completely different matter. The only problem being that he wasn't sure if he could trust these Powers. Whistler being punished for saying that the Powers could simply teleport him over there without his permission could have simply been a manipulation to get him to agree.

Whistler's eyes turned blank again as he conversed with the Powers. He refocused on Harry after just a moment, "You have until this time tomorrow."

"I'll think about it," Harry promised. Whistler frowned before accepting the answer with a nod. The chains that bound him fell to the floor as the Demon simply vanished. The wards again refused to acknowledge the apparition. If it even was that.

Harry remained shocked at the whole encounter for a whole minute but was finally able to recover. He immediately made his way over to the Floo network that he had only just entered from ten minutes ago. With stiff movements, he grabbed some powder from the container on the mantle and threw it into the fireplace. Getting on his knees, he stuck his head in and called out, "Hermione? Ron? Is it safe to come through?"

Harry heard a distant call in response, "Hold on Harry! We'll come to you."

Harry backed up from the fireplace to make room for the new guests. Hermione and Ron were renting a Muggle apartment because they tended to host Muggle tutors to prepare for their university classes. Harry was meaning to look into seeing if a phone could work within his own house wards, but he knew their Floo Network was warded to prevent their visitors from accidentally witnessing its magic.

Green flames flashed into the fireplace and Ron stepped out with Hermione following right behind him. Ron walked up and gripped Harry's shoulder, "Harry! Long time!" Ron greeted with a grin before stepping aside to make room for Hermione's hug. Harry returned the hug gratefully. A year ago, he had still found hugs to be quite an awkward experience, but he had finally grown accustomed to the physical contact that he had missed out on in his childhood. It had been at least a month since Harry had talked to his two best friends. If he wasn't working for the ministry, he was working by himself in trying to make up for all the studying he missed in Hogwarts. It was amazing how much theory he hadn't understood because it didn't directly contribute to him staying alive at the time of his schooling.

"Not out celebrating?" Harry asked, wondering if his friends felt the same about the anniversary that had everyone else in the Wizarding World out partying.

Ron shook his head, "We had a family gathering earlier to honor Fred. I don't think any Weasley will ever celebrate this day." Harry offered him a sympathetic frown as Hermione walked into the kitchen to start making tea.

A minute later they were all sitting in the living room drinking tea when Harry broke the silence, "Well, I called you guys for a reason." Harry began to explaining his earlier visit from Whistler and the offer that was made to him. It didn't take long after Harry finished for Hermione to begin thinking out loud.

"There is no such thing as a Demon, or at least not in this world, and you're saying that he wasn't human? Of course, your wards are pretty solid, it's safe to assume he was telling the truth, or at least the truth that he believes. He could just be some crazy new hybrid of some sort that your wards weren't able to detect." Hermione trailed off as her dialogue turned internal.

"What do you think?" Harry asked Ron as Hermione continued to think to herself. Ron shrugged.

"It doesn't really matter if he's telling the truth or not, I still wouldn't want you to go with him. We might never see you again." Ron paused, "But I know you're not happy here doing what you're doing. You dislike your job, you're not looking to start a family, and you're looking for an adventure."

"I can go on an adventure without changing universes," Harry said with a smile. Ron raised an eyebrow.

"A world at war? Good versus evil? Demons? You're not going to get that traveling through Africa." Harry frowned as he mulled over Ron's words. He couldn't deny that Ron was right. Although he could look for adventure in his own world, the chance of finding any sort of conflict that rivaled this new worlds would be very slim. If Harry knew that he could trust the words of this Demon and the intentions of The Powers guiding him, then he would have jumped head first into the situation. The problem, however, remained that he couldn't trust them.

"What if this other world really needs you?" Hermione asked as he finally came out from within her own mind. Harry wasn't sure where she was going with that.

"Huh?" Harry asked eloquently. Beside him, Ron appeared just as confused.

"Well it's kind of weird, isn't it? That this near deity would travel across universes to find someone to help in their own world? They must be quite desperate for help if the balance is so off that they needed to use their power to travel across universes for help." Hermione paused to breathe, "This Whistler suggested that The Powers could see the future, but the possibilities must be endless. You're clearly a force of good, so even if there is slight chance that you could somehow be turned into one of these Demons, I think there would be far more scenario's where you fight against them. It wouldn't make sense to bring someone in who's that powerful just for a slight chance that you do get turned."

"So you believe that they are being honest?" Harry asked skeptically. Hermione tended to put her trust in those with authority or power until evidence proved otherwise.

"Logically it makes more sense," Hermione said, shrugging, "That doesn't mean I want you to go."

"But if they are so desperate for help, you could make a huge difference," Ron concluded. "Perhaps save many lives."

Ron and Hermione shared a quick glance before nodding to each other. "If you want to go, we support you," Hermione said with a frown. Her brain and her feelings contradicting each other.

Harry winced "So you do want me to go?"

"No!" Hermione and Ron immediately denied before Ron explained, "We don't want you to go, but we think you should if you want to. We don't want you to stay here being miserable on our behalf."

Harry didn't really have anything to say to that. It was true that the only thing keeping him in place were his two best friends. Even though they didn't speak nearly as often as Harry would have liked, he knew that they would be there for him no matter what. It was a comfortable feeling ."I do have a way out," Harry reasoned out loud. "If I decide to believe that."

"Well, you have a day to think about it," Hermione reminded.

No longer wanting to think about it, Harry decided to change the subject, "So have you decided where you two are going to head off to university in the fall?" Harry asked. Ron and Hermione ignored the less than creative topic change and humored him.

"We haven't decided quite yet," Hermione said with a sad smile.

Harry, Hermione and Ron spent the night talking. It began with them discussing the last month or so of their lives. Harry with his research, and Hermione and Ron with their studying. It soon turned into a night of reminiscing with a bottle of fire-whiskey. Not about the war, or Hogwarts, but the many great times they had among themselves that didn't involve fighting for their lives. Harry, of course, remembered some parts of the war fondly, including their Gringotts break in or the many nights they spent out in their tent goofing off to release the stress. Ron and Hermione were both glad that those violent times were behind them, but humored him.

Early the next morning, they decided to call it a day. Ron and Hermione both left through the Floo without another mention of Harry's potential departure, and he was thankful for it. He soon found himself lying on the couch, far too tired and drunk to get himself upstairs. He drifted off to sleep.

Almost immediately Harry was bombarded with images. Images full of men and women with strange demonic faces and large fangs. Terrorizing villages, killing families, and drinking their blood. Images of a short blonde girl fighting these same figures. Using a piece of wood to kill them. This same woman defeating countless of these creatures, some fights effortless, some fights nearly costing her life. The last set of images was this same girl, finally being defeated by a larger demon, her body floating in a shallow pool of water.

Harry woke up with a start and a groan. His head pounding as a direct consequence of drinking too much the night before. Harry fumbled for his wand for a second before summoning a hangover cure from his stash in the kitchen and gratefully swallowing it down. Now that his mind was clear, he wondered if the dreams he had last night were visions from The Powers. Perhaps it was merely his own imagination keeping his sleep restless. He grimaced as those same images played again in his head with perfect recall.

They were disjointed and didn't feel dream like. More like a group of still moving pictures that tried to tell a story. A story of horror in the lives of everyday people. People who were far too defenseless to protect themselves. One vision even had a soldier fight back against an attacking Demon with a shotgun to the stomach but it hardly even slowed it down. Harry knew that if these images were true, he would have a very hard time saying no.

"I need to talk to Whistler," Harry said out loud while looking at the clock. He still had five hours before his deadline. He spent far too much of the time remaining talking with his friends and sleeping, and not nearly enough time making the potentially life-changing decision. The Powers must have been listening because Whistler appeared soundlessly in the chair across from him. Whistler tipped his hat in greeting, unfazed with his own teleportation powers.

"Did you enjoy the dreams?" Whistler asked solemnly. Harry was surprised, but not really. He had already correctly assumed that the dreams weren't just a figment of his imagination.

"All those. . ." Harry paused to find the right word, "images were from this war of yours?" Whistler nodded.

"All within the last two years. Although it's hard to call it a war. Their numbers far out number our own, and many of the people we have to protect still remain oblivious to the horrors outside their windows." Harry nodded as he thought of the similarities between his own war and theirs. Many of the Wizarding World refused to fight. Either they were too afraid to stand up, didn't care who won, or even secretly supported Voldemort. It came to just a fraction of the total population on each side of the war that decided their future. But at least they knew of the war happening around them.

"And that blonde haired girl I saw. She fought in the war?" Whistler nodded grimly.

"She's one of the many who have fought and died to protect us."

Harry once again saw the similarities. Only a year ago Harry was lying in the forest, seemingly dead to the world. The war lost. The only difference is that the girl didn't survive. "Okay," Harry said finally. Leaving Hermione and Ron in order to follow a path of an adrenaline junkie didn't seem right to him. Leaving his friends behind in order to try to protect a world from demons and save as many people as he possibly could didn't seem like an offer that he could morally refuse. Perhaps if he refused, they would offer someone with more skill to save their world? However, perhaps he was their last real chance at balancing the scale. "I'll go." Harry relented.

Whistler smiled but was hardly jumping up and down in excitement. "There is one more. . . condition," He said with a wince.

"What now?" Leaving his world and his friends with the likely scenario of never returning wasn't enough?

"You can't take anything with you," Whistler explained, "except your wand and your clothes. There are far too many outcomes for disaster if you decide to take reading material, wealth or anything of further magical use." Harry shrugged in response. That didn't seem so bad. He would have preferred to take potions, ingredients, gold and other items like his invisibility cloak. Books that could potentially help him travel back home would also have been another option. Harry wondered if that last item on his list was The Powers main reason for this rule.

"Could these Powers of yours. . . perhaps. . . notify my friends if something happens to me?" Harry asked tentatively. Harry knew Ron and Hermione could deal with his death, but the not knowing would hurt them daily. Whistler began to shrug, but his body tensed up in the middle of the motion. His eyes glazed over and unfocused.

"They agree," Whistler said simply as he came to. Harry didn't know if they'd keep the promise, but it was something that he could at least tell his friends when he said goodbye. Hopefully, it would give them some peace of mind.

"You ready?" Whistler asked. Harry shook his head as he climbed up from the couch and headed out of the room.

"I need to say goodbye," Harry explained. He grabbed a handful of Floo powder, preparing to Floo his friends. He paused as a thought came to him. They had all just about said goodbye to each other the night before. They seemed to know what his choice was going to be before he did. Still, he didn't want to leave without a word. Harry changed his destination to that of his study. Sitting down, he quickly penned a letter.

Hermione, Ron and of all my friends,

I have taken the offer that Hermione and Ron will soon explain to you. I am sorry that I was never able to sit down and enjoy life after the war. You are all now very well aware of my restless nature. That combined with my famous 'saving people thing' means that I can't in good conscience deny this world that needs my help. I have received a promise that either Hermione or Ron will be notified if something happens to me.

I wish you all well,


Harry read through the letter and nodded. He knew it was short, but he also knew anyone he cared enough to notify would know him well enough to understand his choice; Hermione and Ron certainly seemed to. Harry placed the letter on the table next to his fireplace in obvious view of anyone who came through. Harry imagined that Hermione or Ron would soon be visiting to hear his decision. He didn't have much more to say to them after the night before, and he figured a letter would be easier for all of them.

Harry walked back to his living room where Whistler still sat patiently. His thoughts were in turmoil. Saying goodbye to his friends for potentially forever was hitting him hard. However, he could already feel the adrenaline starting to pump through his veins. A feeling he hadn't felt in a year. A feeling that he greatly missed. Whistler stood up as he walked into the room.

"Ready?" He asked.

Harry nodded. "Let's go."