The light soon dimmed to show the Watchtower docking bay, reviling the shape of Supergirl and the young child in her arms who was snuggled into her embrace scared of the bright light that hurt his eyes.

Kara glanced down at her with soft eyes and a concerned frown before floating right toward the medical wing of the base. She ran her hand up and down the child's back as she landed outside the door to the medical wing.

She walked in and looked around with concerned eyes. "Hello? Is anyone here?" she asked out loud.

"One moment!" a voice shouted out to her.

Harry flinched at the new voice and finally looked up with a scared expression as he gazed at the new location. He looked around at the white room with red crosses. He then whimpered slightly as a young woman dressed as a nurse walked out from the side room.

She gave the young hero a smile then gasped softly at the young child in her arms. "Oh my goodness."

Kara frowned sadly as she felt the boy tremble slightly. "Is the doctor in?" she asked softly.

The nurse nodded. "He's treating Green Arrow at the moment. He will be out soon."

Kara nodded with a soft smile. "Thank you." She then sat down in a waiting chair and held the boy close and tried to get him to relax by whispering soothing things in his ears while rubbing his back and hair.

Eventually, he looked up at her nervously. "Wh-Where is this place...?" He asked softly.

"Oh, it's just our headquarters. Nothing to be afraid of."


"Yeah, like...Um...A secret base, or a club..."

"Wh-Who's club...?" Kara smirked.


She giggled at his flabbergasted expression thinking it was so cute. He looked around with wide amazed eyes as he was in the home base of superheroes like the one holding him.

He looked up at her with wide amazed eyes yet they still held a bit of worry. "A-are they nice?" he asked timidly.

Kara smiled softly down at him and hummed in thought. "For the most part they are. Some can be scary but we'll just steer clear from them okay?" she teased lightly thinking of a certain bat themed hero that is legendary for being scary.

Harry gave her a reassuring nod. Then flinched and hid into her tummy as the door opened and out walked a man dressed in green with a bow strapped to his back and his arm in a sling.

"Okay Arrow. Your arm will take roughly a month to heal up. Don't do anything to strenuous in both in and out of the costume alright?" the doctor said as he walked out with the hero. Dressed in a black suit with a red cross on his chest.

Green Arrow sighed in annoyance but smirked at the man. "No promises on the second option." He said making the doctor role his eyes.

"Your arm Arrow."

The green themed archer walked past Kara and only raised an eyebrow at the sight of her holding a trembling child in her arms and the sight of her trying to comfort him. She gazed up at Ollie and placed a finger to her lips and the archer understood instantly. She would tell him later.

"I'll see you around doc. Supergirl." He nodded to the heroine and walked out of the room.

The doctor then turned to the young hero and his eyes dropped to the shaking child. "J'onn contacted me about what happened. I need to take him so we can do a thorough look over." He explained.

Kara hesitated for a moment. "Um...Well, I mean, yeah, but um..." She looked at the little boy. "I...I want to come in too..."


"Don't 'Kara' me." Kara replied. "He's really shy. I don't think he's ready to be alone with a stranger just yet."

"I don't know if-"

"I won't get in your way or anything..."

The doctor sighed and gazed down at the scared child in her arms before giving her a stern look. "Fine. But when we tell you to leave you will leave understand?"

Kara smiled bright and nodded her head. "You got it!"

The man smiled lightly at her and walked into the back with the heroine following him in.

"Place him on the bed please."

Kara did so placing him on the bed and running her fingers through his hair. "It's going to be okay. He is going to make you feel better." She promised.

"B-but…I don't deserve…"

"Shhhh." She cooed and kissed the top of his head making him blush and relax instantly at the gestor "You deserve to feel better buddy." She stressed. "Trust me. He will help you."

Harry stared into her blue eyes and knew she would never lie to him. Call it a child's thought but her eyes held warmth he had never seen directed at him from anyone before in his life and he never wanted it to go away. He gave her a light nod making her smile wide and kiss him again lingering for a few moments.

She only pulled away when the doctor cleared his throat, blushing. "Sorry..." She floated off. "I'll just...sit here." She grinned sheepishly and clasped her hands in her lap.

"All right then, kiddo, let's start your check-up." Harry nodded slowly.

"O-Okay..." He said softly.

"A little nervous, are we? Don't be, it'll be just fine."

The little boy gave a timid nod as the man smiled down at him and started his checkup.

Kara watched with a warm smile as she observed how the man interacted with the child and found it adorable. Her heart warmed up whenever the child looked her way however as if to make sure she was still there. She smiled at him and beamed inside when he gave her a small one back.

The sound of approaching footsteps however made the heroine and doctor pause as they turned to see a gasping Zatanna in the door way and staring wide eyed at the young boy on the examination table.

"Uh. Kara can I talk with you for a moment?" she asked out of breath.

Supergirl rose to her feet and with a quick kiss to the boy's cheek and a promise to be right back she walked over to her older friend and they both exited the sick bay.

Kara gave her friend a concerned and slightly annoyed look. She wanted to be in there with the baby darn it! She didn't want him to start panicking and besides she was enjoying his smiles. "What's up Z?"

"Kara, why do you have Harry Potter with you?" Kara blinked.

"Wait, do you know him?" She asked, tilting her head.

"Well of course! Every magic user knows Harry Potter!"

"WHY does every magic user know Harry?" Kara asked with a quirked brow.

"Because he's the boy who lived!"

Kara gave her friend a strange look. "Well yeah he is alive…" she said unsure.

"You don't get it! He defeated an evil wizard and saved all of magical Brittan!"

"Z. He's five years old."


"So!? He's still a baby! How can he stop an evil wizard if he is only five?"

"Well he did okay!"

Kara was getting frustrated there was something going on and she wanted to know what. "Start from the beginning please." She begged already feeling her head hurt.

Zatanna sighed. "Okay, so there was a dark wizard. His name was Voldemort."

"Okay." Kara nodded. "Easy to understand."

"Voldemort wanted power, he wanted eternal life. And he was willing to do anything to get it."

"Yep, that's supervillains for ya." Kara commented.

"So he targets a noble family one night and ended up killing them, but he was defeated by the young child Harry Potter and was killed from the boy only leaving behind a single lightning bolt shaped scar."

Kara frowned as she remembers seeing that scar among others. "So he's a hero?"

"Yes." Zatanna nods. "A very important one in the magical world. So now my question. Why did you bring him here to the sick pay no less?" she asked confused.

Kara sighed and leaned against the wall with a frown. "Z, let me ask you something. Where was he before?" she asked.

The sorceress blinked at that. "He should be at a loving home in the muggle world why?" she asked.

Kara gritted her teeth and her eyes glowed in rage making the woman take a step back in fright. "Loving? They were the farthest thing from loving!"

Zatanna flinched at her tone. "Wh-What do you mean...?" She asked, feeling a little nervous.

"Z, they BEAT him." Zatanna's eyes widened.

"No..." She breathed.

"Oh yes. I saw the whole thing with my own two eyes." She clenched her fists. "It was awful...I was so angry, if he hadn't stopped me, I would have..." She swallowed. "I would have..."

"Calm down." She said soothingly placing a calming hand on her friend's shoulder.

Kara sighed all her anger vanishing and being replaced with sadness. She gazed into a window where she could see the little boy now dressed in a medical robe with his wide green eyes staring up at the doctor who was trying his best to make him smile.

She frowned softly at the child. "I wanted to kill them. I didn't care. Yet he…he stopped me."

"He did?" Zatanna asked shocked.

Kara nodded. "He didn't want to see them hurt." She shook her head with a tear falling from her left eye. "I don't understand how but his tone and his look froze me and…I let them go…leave them to the police."

"You did the right thing."

"Thank him. If it wasn't for him, I might be in the cell block instead."

The sorceress sighed softly and nodded as they both stared into the window with the small child was getting looked over. It was quiet as they both tried to gather their thoughts.

"Do you know what you're going to do with him?" Zatanna asked finally.

Kara sighed and shook her head. "I don't know. I feel bad taking him to a shelter but I don't know what else to do." She commented. It was then however that the small boy seemed to look up and one could say stare in the one-way window right at Supergirl.

She felt that same warmth as she stared back blue eyes meeting green. She hesitantly gave him a small wave not even realizing the window was only one way. Harry only blinked and tilted his head slightly an act that warmed the young hero's heart.

Zatanna watched this and had to smile at the love sick look the young girl was having. She had never seen the young woman act this way but in a sense it made sense. She closed her eyes with a content hum and finally said. "I know what you can do."

Inside the medical room Harry stared at the window with confusion. He had the strangest feeling someone was watching him from beyond it but he only saw himself, yet he did not feel fear or disgust only warmth and a feeling of safety.

"Okay buddy I'm going to be right back okay?" the doctor asked with a cheerful smile.

Harry looked over at the man and gave a timid nod.

"Good. Be back soon." He commented and walked out the door passing by a red faced but beaming Supergirl who smiled at the man brightly before entering the room and leaning down to kiss the cheek of the boy who giggled lightly up at her.

"Hi!" He greeted happily.

"Hey, little guy." Kara replied, gently wrapping her arms around him and pulling him to her chest. He cooed and snuggled into her, clutching at her clothes. She giggled. "How are we feeling?"

"I feel better now." Harry replied. "The doctor's nice." Kara nodded.

"Glad to hear it." He WAS a kind-hearted man. They were lucky to have him...

"Where did you go?" he asked timidly.

Kara smiled down at him and ruffled his hair gently making him coo and pout up at her adorably. "Talking to a fan of yours." She commented with a smirk.

"O-of mine?" he asked confused.

She giggled amused. "Yeah. She was so shocked to see you." He commented. "May I have an autographed?" she asked cheekily.

Harry frowned and lowered his gaze. "I-I don't know how…"

Kara frowned softly before giving him a gentle smile and ran her fingers through his hair. "It's alright buddy. I'll teach ya."

"Y-you will?" he asked.

"Yeah! I had to learn it too when I came here, so no worries. We'll learn together." She promised with a broad grin.

Harry smiled up at her and nuzzled more into her as Kara smiled and floated herself onto the bed with the child still in her arms. She didn't want to let him go. He was so cuddly. Like a teddy bear.

However, as luck would have it, the doctor came back in. Kara pouted. "Awwww..." She whined. The doctor smiled.

"Oh. No need to worry, Supergirl. I've finished the checkup and I was just collecting the results." Kara perked right up at hearing that.

"Oh, okay." She replied. "So what ARE the results?"

"I was just about to go over them."

"Well in terms of injury. He is healing wonderfully. Some scars will be left sadly but other than that he is okay. He will need some glasses however as he has some issues with reading close up, and with some good meals he will grow back to his correct height and weight."

Kara nodded taking this all in. She was relieved to know that he will heel in time and had to giggle lightly at the idea that he needed glasses.

"That about spumes it up involving him. We bandaged up some of the worse wounds and he should be heeled up within a week or two. Now, what will you do with him?"'

Kara smiled and ran her fingers through the child's hair with a content smile. "Well…"

Outside the room Zatanna smiled softly at the scene. She turned her head as she felt the wind shift and saw the Man of Steal himself approach her.

"Zatanna." Superman nodded.

His face was stern and blank but she could see the worry and concern in the man's eyes. She had to smile softly at that. For being the most powerful men in the world he always wore his heart on his shoulder.

"Superman." She nodded back.

"I heard reports of Kara bringing in someone. Care to explain?" he asked her.

She just smirked at the man and pointed at the window. "Why not take a look?"

Superman blinked and decided to do so as he turned and the sight that greeted him made his eyes widen.

"Is that...a kid?" He asked with a frown. "What happened? Why's a kid in the medical room?" Zatanna sighed.

"Child abuse...Worst case I've ever seen." She replied. Superman's eyes narrowed.

"Hope they got punched in the face..." He said in a low voice.

"Yeah, Kara mentioned she may have hit them a few times." Zatanna replied.

Clark nodded at that not feeling bad in the least about what she did. He watched as Kara talked with the doctor and smiled down sweetly at the wide eyed child before hugging him close to herself as tears started to drop from his face.

He watched stunned as she leaned her head down to his ear and said something before kissing him on the cheek and running her hands through his hair and back trying to get him to relax. She looked like…

"You notice it too?" Zatanna asked with a warm smile.

Superman looked over at her confused for a moment. "What?"

Zatanna smiled and started to walk away. "Don't worry. She'll be a great mom."

Clarks eyes widened before slowly his grew into a proud smile as he nodded. "I know…I know…" he commented and looked back through the window to see his little cousin holding the young child contently in her arms with a warm loving smile as she kissed the boy on the forehead. "A great mother." He said allowed.