Sorry about the long delay - My new job makes me work about 60 hours a week and that really eats up any free time.

Upside, got money to buy things at least X_X

Thanks to anyone still keeping track of the story and reviewing especially.
+ Mathew5641: Your feedback is always valued :)

I do not own Overwatch! That is Blizzard's baby.

Chapter 17: Turncoats or Trapped?

Sally's eyes snapped open and she yelped as she realized how tightly strapped into the bed she was. A few wiggles made her give up and she decided to survey her surroundings instead. The stark white walls were discomforting to many but to her, she wanted to breathe a sigh of relief when she realized where she was. WP-G's infirmary... how? When? Where is Gabriel? Her head pounded with pressure and she groaned weakly. A telltale creak of a water faucet snapped her out of her thoughts. How did I not realize...?

"Mi reina," the mercenary said with a gravelly voice that almost made her want to sleep out of the comfort it brought her. Her eyes glanced at the man of her dreams and she had to blink a few times to ensure that this was real. His eyes looked sunken slightly, as if not getting sleep and his skin was back to being rather ashen. It seemed like he held heaven in his hands in the form of a glass of water. "You need to drink something. Being given your nutrients exclusively through an IV drip is bad long term. You know that."

IV drip? But I don't feel... She looked towards her right arm and her eyes bulged on seeing the sheer amount of plastic tubes weaving around her arm. She barely moved her head to the other side and winced seeing all the bandages stained red. "I..." She was quiet as images flashed through her mind of the conflict. The images felt faded and distant as she was unable to focus on them. "How badly did I hurt the others?"

"No one died if that's what you're wondering," he said as he gently tipped her head back in order to give her some water. The gentle motions were further highlighted by the softness in his eyes. When he pulled the glass back, he gently stroked her face. "The Omnium did get destroyed though. Good thing too. It would have been bad if there was even more lasting negative effects."

"Even more?" she coughed slightly as the sharp cold from the water felt startling after not using her throat for a while.

The sound drew attention as a set of heels began to click ominously."Gabriel! Mein Gott! I told you not to do something like this. You were supposed to have called for me when she woke up," the huffy blonde doctor strode in, hair swishing ominously in her ponytail. The pacifist's eyes were torn between relief at Sally being awake and annoyance at the couple in front of her. The tense mood of the Swiss doctor put Sally on edge as she felt the words cut deeply. "Between the issues with Amelie's unusual biology, your own and Zarya's dangerous injuries, there is so much that must be taken care of. I will tire quickly of going back and forth fixing little issues that my patients bring on themselves!"

The former Blackwatch commander flushed slightly at being scolded. "Angela, be realistic. I know how to take care of people. My agents..."

"Ended in my care when it was a total FUBAR," she hissed darkly before pointing at Sally, who was now holding an empty water glass in her hand, unable to do anything else with it because of the tubes around her arm. "Sally, as good as it is to see you, you should know better."

She glanced down at the glass in her hand. "I'm sorry... I didn't think."

Angela and Gabriel looked at each other with worry. Eventually, the doctor spoke, voice softening. "I was able to run some tests on you while you were asleep."

"How long?"

"The tests didn't take much time," the doctor said soothingly. "I assure you..."

"Not that," Sally groaned weakly. "How long was I out?"

"Almost a month," Gabriel said quietly. "A month of not speaking to you. A month of waiting besides a machine. A month of putting up with judgemental looks and scorn. A month... without you."

"Fuck," Sally said as she laid her head backwards on her pillow. If we are here then, he's been surrounded by all the agents, constantly. He can get along with Jack somewhat but everyone else at once would be overwhelming. And they brought up Amelie being here too? That would be... Damn it. What's the word? She finally heard the machine next to her beep constantly and it shook her out of her thoughts. "What's going on?"

"Well, some of us are going on a mission," Gabriel said quietly. "Lúcio and Hana called in a favor. Apparently, they discovered what happened to the Doomfist."

"The Doomfist?" she said quietly before her eyes widened in shock. "I need to..." she began as she tried to wiggle out of the constraints but they held tightly as they were meant for soldiers significantly physically stronger than her. She slacked as she felt no give and sulked.

"Nein," Angela said bluntly. "You are in no condition to walk around, yet alone fight. Look at yourself, my student. You will not be able to hold a gun without shaking and your muscles have weakened greatly. Without your access to electricity..."

"What do you mean without?" Sally asked, panic blossoming in her voice. "I am never..." Even when I had no memories of being an agent, I still could feel the tingle and spark. But... She paused as realization crept on her like molasses. Oh no... How can I even...? I'm worse than useless. My thoughts are so fucking slow!

The other two watched as Sally began to stir herself into a headache out of sheer worry. "Mi reina," Gabriel began. "You need to focus on recovering. Yourself. Relax. Let us do the work. Angela will make sure you're okay before letting you do anything remotely risky."

Sally however was too busy staring at her hands to respond to him. "I'll look after her, Gabriel," Angela promised the former Blackwatch commander. "I have many tests to run and besides, you have lives to save."

"Be careful," Sally said quietly as she stared at him. She watched him roll his shoulders back as dark smoke took over his body to form his distinctive black trench coat. Without the mask though, it was comforting to her. "I can't go far without you."

He smiled as he turned around to lean over and kiss her gently on the forehead. "I'll be back soon. Lúcio and D. Va need someone making sure they don't do anything stupid. Watch over her," he said coldly to the doctor before turning away. "If so much as one hair on her head..." he scowled before striding out of the room.

Mercy however merely nodded and made a notation on the tablet in her hands. "Sally. I need to go over a few things with you before you go back to sleep."

The medic was quiet for a few moments. The blonde was startled when it took another moment for her to speak. "Why are you so certain I'll sleep? Wasn't I already for a while?"

Mercy bit her lip as she stared at her pupil with worry. "Much of your electricity was used and astonishingly enough, isn't regenerating normally. We do not know why. In a way, it implies that you are a human battery, storing the energy for later. With a lot of the electricity gone however, you do not process things at the inhumanely fast speeds you are used to."

"I do feel like I'm going so much slower," Sally admitted softly. "I hate this feeling. I'm so lethargic." And to think, I wanted this gone. Be careful what you wish for indeed.

"And I don't want to prescribe any strong medication and not just because of you being used to the high of electricity," Mercy continued primly. "But maybe the fact you, in your blood, have something that has many similarities to the Soldier Enhancement that plagues both Gabriel and Jack."

"Plague? Good choice of wording," Sally said softly. "And I don't recall having any enhancement unless it was done to me while I was a ward of Talon's."

"I feel it predates even that," the doctor said briskly. "And it is a different variation. Possibly an older one? It is... more crude and diluted however."

"And going by normal luck, dangerous?" Sally sighed as she looked downwards towards her lap. "Great. What else the fuck is wrong with me?"

Mercy bit her lip as she looked at her pupil. She was not used to seeing the young woman look so uncertain and lost. "Sally... The electricity. Perhaps you have become much too reliant on it."

Slowly, the medic sighed. "Obviously. I was stuck with the damn stuff for much of my life." She conjured a weak spark of electricity in her hand that quickly died out. "I no longer know how to live without it. It's always been a part of me. The real me." Whoever that may be...

"I studied you carefully while you were unconscious," Mercy confessed. "And everything points to the fact your body should be able to regenerate the power. But the amounts displayed back at the Omnium could take years. Maybe that is why you are so depleted now. This power could be like a muscle, needing exercising and careful usage in order to grow."

Sally nodded and gave a small smile. "That makes sense. I hope it is but I'll try to tame it to a more controllable amount. That amount of power was scary." And if I lose control, I don't want too much power at her disposal... "Angela... The person that took the Omnium... Is she still in me?"

The blonde doctor was hesitant to answer on seeing her student's delicate state of mind. "For all we know, you are her. She is you. There is no easy separation. I was wondering if it could be some unusual case of multiple personalities, bipolarism or something of the sort. But... Without further study, I can only conclude you are both results of the environment both of you were raised in. It cannot be something so simple as killing that half of your personality. If you want access to your past memories, she is part of the package."

The patient shook her head furiously. "Then, I don't want those memories!"

Mercy sighed, wondering how to proceed next. "You can't be childlike and just declare such a thing without thinking properly."

"Look, doc. Just because electricity enhances my functions and thinking doesn't mean I'm an idiot without it," Sally growled. "I'm willing to sacrifice the power and fighting experience if it means I can no longer be a threat to my friends and the innocents out there."

"But you also sacrifice the power to defend them," Angela reasoned. "Having power is a delicate balance, even more so when you're apparently holding back."

"Or if I try do away with myself," Sally shot back. "Then no one can use my power against others."

Sally did not expect the sharp slap she received from the Swiss doctor. "Verdammt. Never speak of such things to me. How would Gabriel react? Think of how he would take such words and feelings? It would send him down another destructive, depressed spiral of rage."

"You know a great deal about how to do that, right?" Sally sneered right back. The satisfaction however felt empty when Angela merely rolled her eyes and walked out of the infirmary, unwilling to be goaded into an argument by her student. She sighed and looked around the infirmary. I can't do much now. Might as well nap.

From outside the room, Angela reached in her apron for the tablet monitor and watched with relief as the video feature showed her student finally allowed herself to rest. We really are the worst patients, she thought with grim amusement as she headed to the Watchpoint Gibraltar mess hall. She could not but smile however as she eyed her comrades. "Reinhardt," she called out to the massive German.

"Oh?" he turned around and grinned merrily seeing the petite doctor. "Angela," he roared happily as he stood up to greet his old friend with a hug. "It is good to see you out of the medbay," he commented lightly as he offered her a nearby seat.

The blonde accepted the chair and lowered herself daintily. "I am most exhausted. When Jack and Ana left for Russia, I did not anticipate such excitement as a result." She reached for some nearby coffee. Even if the nanobots within her body made it to where she was no longer affected by coffee, she had grown accustomed to the taste in her youth and found it a comfort. "I am glad they are all stable now."

"But it might be a mistake bringing back someone who can unlock more potential in Omnics," a gruff voice sounded. Angela glanced to Reinhardt's other side, where Torbjörn plopped down with some food. "A right danger, she is."

"Torbjörn, that is a bit hypocritical considering the wild Bastion unit you brought back," Angela pointed with a hum before sipping some coffee. "Although for the one person who had the most hatred for them, it is a promising step."

"Bah," the Swedish man scowled around his food. "Save that optimistic crap for someone who cares."

"He is making progress," Reinhardt stage whispered, causing the doctor to chuckle. "Such a good example to set for all your little children."

"Everyone is little compared to you," the engineer rolled his eyes. "In any case, I think Bastion and Angela's ward should stay separate."

"She's not my ward," the doctor said sharply. "Sally is perfectly fine and able to look after herself if she stops feeling useless and sorry for herself." Physically, she'll be out of the infirmary soon enough but mentally... only time can tell.

"In her heart, she is a good girl. I hope she feels better soon," Reinhardt commented softly. "Seeing Gabriel so quick to anger and protective of another person was a nice change of pace."

"When he has children of his own, that trait will be magnified," Torbjörn said knowingly, causing the other two to stare at him. "What? It's true."

"I... never thought of the two of them having children," Angela confessed. "It would be..." Disastrous. Dangerous. Foolhardy... But endearing. Beautiful. Loving. "An experience."

"She's good around kids," Torbjörn said. "It's why I wanted her to be there alongside you Angela when the children were born."

The Swiss doctor nodded in remembrance. "We may not have gotten along at the time but the children always came first."

"So, where is she?"

"Napping," the doctor chuckled. "She isn't used to being without her energy source and it's showing. Thankfully, there doesn't appear to be any permanent physical damage."

"But the mental?" Reinhardt asked carefully. "Do you fear she may have PTSD?"

"I fear what thoughts would stew in her head if she gets her electricity back too soon," Mercy confessed. "Until she is mentally ready to deal with everything, it is best that her level of thinking is a bit weaker than normal. Let her process it slowly before she has no choice."

"Hopefully Gabriel won't let his anger through too much," Reinhardt said solemnly. "It would be a shame to lose a friend so quickly after..."

I wouldn't have been able to stop him if I tried. After staying by her side for a month, he needs to do something to not go crazy himself. I'm glad that Jack pushed him to go assist Lúcio and Hana. He needs to be away from what could trigger both the best and the worst in him. Angela took a sip of her coffee and sighed. "To think he was willing to walk around without his guns..."

"You know he can manifest them at will," a voice chuckled. Jack sat next to the doctor with his tray of food. He still felt uneasy walking around without his facemask hiding his appearance from his former comrades. "Hey," he said as he greeted the others with a nod.

"How can one manifest a working gun?" the engineer perked up with curiosity. "I mean, unless he became a living factory of some sort..."

"His nature is complex," Angela said vaguely. "He doesn't even seem to fully understand it himself either." And despite what some of them think, I did nothing of the sort in that regard.

"That's a shame," Reinhardt murmured solemnly. "To not understand one's strength and capability is disheartening for such a strong fighter."

"Gabe would be pissed if he heard how ya'll were underestimating him," Jack chuckled. "Although it is good to have an old friend back."

The distinctive clicking of heels drew their attention. Widowmaker stood awkwardly with a plate of pastries, watching the group before sighing and going to a corner table. Her blue countenance was slightly faded but still present. "But will that one be welcome?" Torbjörn sneered as he tore into his food. "Some of us rather miss her husband rather than the housewife turned killer."

Jack felt his jaw tense in remembrance. One time I didn't listen to her. Whether it was genuinely being on her side as a warning or trying to aid Widowmaker in a mission for Talon, Sally knew Amelie was a danger... "I'll speak to her afterwards. Winston did want us all to try to get along after all."

"At least she has some color," Angela noted as she sipped her coffee. "The medicine and therapy sessions will take time of course but her body must be handled gently." It could take years to reverse the disastrous effects Talon had on her body. And I cannot risk rushing it or I could create a greater disaster than what I did with Gabriel's body. Although that man's body showed some signs of modification beyond that of the Soldier Enhancement but that is a different issue entirely!

Reinhardt's eyes glanced at his friends with almost annoyance. "And you people think this is polite? Speaking of a lady as if she isn't there, noticing your reaction?" He swept himself away from the table and approached the silently watching French woman. He gave a bow before presenting his arm. "May I eat with you, my lady?"

The sniper always was careful anytime someone approached her so suddenly, a habit of training, but she could not help the smile that crept upon her face. "I am yours," she purred as she allowed the German to sit with her. "You look very well since the last time I saw you, Reinhardt," she complimented him as she cut into the delicate pastry on her plate. "A life of battle suits you."

He smiled widely, choosing to not remark how similar her words were to his old friend, Ana's. "All things considered, I am glad you are alive. It is a shame given all that has happened..."

"Reinhardt," Amelie said carefully. "I am sorry about my husband..." She paused slightly and noticed he was watching her carefully but as he stayed still, she continued. "I... What happened to him was a tragedy."

"And you caused it," a scoff sounded. Widowmaker whipped her head around to stare into the single eye of Ana. "Everyone dies, but he didn't have to die in your arms. How could you do that to such a great man?"

"You know nothing about him," she sneered. Her hand delicately clutching a cup. "How can you see truly into my motives when..."

"Ladies," Reinhardt boomed over both of them. His voice caused both snipers to jump slightly. Accent thickening, he continued. "Zis is a time for rest. Amelie vill talk vhen she is ready."

"That might have to be sooner than later," a grunt sounded. Widowmaker stared blankly at Winston as he held a bowl of peanut butter. "I wasn't in Russia so I can't personally attest to her contributions, but she is a guest. However... Things are rather tricky." He pushed up his glasses. "You have information that would be very useful to taking down Talon."

"But you also have Sombra," she hissed coldly. "Use her."

"That is a problem," Mercy began with a wince. "She's going into withdrawal somehow. Or crazy. We can barely understand her. She has the coherent periods where we stick her in the workshop since it seems to help but otherwise..."

"Sombra has been murmuring near constantly about things that do not make sense," the crisp, computer voice of Athena informed the group. "Something about a Sparrow... and a Lotus."

"Sparrow rings a bell," Winston hummed thoughtfully. "Lotus however means nothing to me."

"Symbolism perhaps," Ana suggested. "In any case, such speculation isn't proper in this setting. The conference room perhaps."

"And maybe not such a big audience," the French woman purred. "As much as I enjoy the performance... it may not be to everyone's taste," she smirked as she noticed Tracer enter the area.

"Good idea," Winston coughed slightly. "At least our two youngest members are out of the base. It would be almost impossible to hide something so important from those two."

Elsewhere, Hana twitched slightly as she tried to drink her tea. The tremors were becoming more and more difficult to hide from her friend. "Hana, you okay?" Lúcio said in a rare bout of seriousness.

"I'm... fine," she forced out as she sipped the mixture. The tea should have relaxed her but it tasted metallic and gritty now. "Just a bit more tired than I expected."

"Weird," the DJ said skeptically. "You were asleep for ages this morning and you're still tired? You sure you're okay?"

I'm not okay. I want to die from this feeling. Like I'm watching someone steer my body through these motions. I'm a prisoner inside my own mind.

"Everything is fine," she smiled warmly before nodding towards Symmetra. "Great tea," she complimented the architech.

"Thank you," she bowed graciously. "Until we wait for the reinforcements, I felt it best to lay low. Any idea who would be sent?"

Lúcio hummed slightly. "I don't think the old soldier is coming along for the ride. Russia tuckered him out."

"Poor Dad," D. Va joked hollowly. "Worrying about his boy toy frolicking overseas."

Lúcio frowned as he stared at his friend. "He'll be fine." What's up with her? She just seems so... Meh. "Think he mentioned us getting help from Genji's brother."

The Korean quirked a smile. "I wonder if he's as big of a flirt."

"You look like you miss him," Lúcio added carefully.

"He... is something else," she smiled softly. Her fingers were tapping on her tea cup as she maintained careful eye contact with the DJ.

"Got you." He cleared his throat. "I think I'll nap."

The gamer blinked in confusion before smiling winningly. "Sounds good. Rest up. When our reinforcements get here..."

"Yup," he popped the sound dramatically before swaying over to his room. He bit his lip as he realized what she was telling him using her tea cup. Shit Hana... I don't care about the Doomfist if you are at risk. You want me to leave you behind but I can't. He sighed. She says any tech is unsafe... How can I let Jack or anyone in Overwatch know what is going on...

He fell into a fitful sleep that felt too short when a sharp sound alerted him. Glancing at his phone, he sagged in relief when he saw it was the next day and a coded message. Oh good. Old man Gabe would know what to do... or... Briefly he recalled the fury that Reaper had used back in Hollywood. Or he would kill her. Shit. Well, if I don't take that chance...

He quickly exited the room and at first, was stopped by a familiar swish of blue cloth and black hair. "Lúcio?" the crisp tone questioned.

"One of our Overwatch allies is on his way. I need to brief and greet him," he said quickly, shuffling slightly to mask his nerves, but attempting to play it off as listening to some music and wanting to dance.

"Ah. That is good. We will require all the help we can get." Symmetra sashayed away, not picking up on Lúcio's anxious behavior.

The DJ breathed a sigh of relief as he slung on the roller blades to his feet. A switch flip later and a gentle melody emitted from his equipment. "Hey D. Va! I'm going to go get the old man for the mission. His irate message woke me up!"

The Korean popped her head out of her room and Lúcio felt worry surge through him at her face. Her expression had gone from blank to falsely enthused so rapidly he definitely knew something was up. "Okay! Try not to piss off anymore Vishkar or smooch anyone. Wouldn't want Dad to get jelly."

He shook his head and winked at the gamer. He noticed her react to it a few seconds later than normal with her own wink and a tongue sticking out. "I think we're cool now. Anyways, heading out!"

He practically glided out of Symmetra's home, eager to get away from it. He shivered at the cold methodicalness of it all. Thankfully, it was not too long of a trip before he was at the rendezvous point where Reaper was waiting. Clad in a thin shirt, he scowled slightly at the youth. "It is so damn hot here," he grunted. "And this humidity can go die. Hate it. At least no arrogant Vishkar snobs trying to analyze me."

"And here I thought Overwatch was worldly," the DJ chuckled as he shook the mercenary's hand. "Good to see you."

Gabriel nodded briskly and saw the youth visibly relax. "You look rattled. Compromised?" he questioned quickly with a low tone.

Lúcio gave a swift nod followed by a slight shrug. "Is there somewhere safe we can..."

"The drop ship already departed but I have a safe house nearby. It's from the old days but I kept it maintained through the years," Gabriel revealed. "Now hurry. The scent of all the spices in the air is annoying."

Lúcio chuckled softly. The blunt, borderline rude behavior and tone was refreshing compared to the polite, fake enthusiasm he had been facing. Then we got the restrained, diluted D. Va. What happened to you here? "It's different from what I'm used to but in its own way, reminds me of home."

"Whatever is rattling you, keep that calamity that you just acquired. A nervous agent isn't reliable in the field and a danger to us all."

The younger man hesitated slightly before nodding slowly. "Got it," he said as he fiddled with his equipment again. A barely audible guitar rift played and he sighed with relief. "Sally's okay, right? Sorry if I didn't ask any earlier but..."

The mercenary shrugged. "Considering how well you two get along, the fact you didn't immediately inquire tipped off that something was wrong. She has woken up. Recovery however is all up to her. Angela and Jack can restrain her if something happens."

"I don't know... Jack mentioned that up in Russia, she was quite dangerous."

"It'll be fine," Gabriel gruffly cut off, a vein sticking out on his neck with annoyance. "She's not stupid and will take precaution. She may be a terrible patient but she won't needlessly endanger herself. Plus if I don't trust in her ability, how can she trust in herself? It's complicated as fuck but anyways..." He motioned for Lúcio to head towards an abandoned looking warehouse with a rather complicated biometrics array around a reinforced door. "One moment."

Lúcio gasped slightly watching the older man place his palm against the biometric and stare into a beam that opened up at exactly his eye level. After a moment, a sharp beep allowed the surprisingly strong door to open up. "Damn. Surprised this kind of shit hasn't been spotted by the Vishkar around here."

"Vishkar don't wonder in this segment of the city," Reyes hummed informatively. "They care a great deal about aesthetics and appearances. You wouldn't catch Symmetra here either. Dark, dingy warehouses aren't their kind of thing, as shady as they are. Besides, they have nothing to gain by being here or so they think."

Lúcio sneezed slightly at the dust but was impressed overall. He saw crates of weapons and medicine stashed around with a skull logo similar to the Reaper mask. The dim lights illustrated the point that there were no windows at all in the facility. He heard the hum of machines and could smell many things like antiseptic and gunpowder but none of the spices of the market. He moved over to a few weapons and gave a low whistle. "This looks like some covert ops stuff. I don't really have experience with that in Brazil but..."

"I find that hard to believe," Gabriel smirked as he led the younger man to a renovated break room in the back of the warehouse. "Breaking in was impressive enough but to emerge with Vishkar technology and modify it to your own purposes is pretty crafty. If Overwatch was going on at the time still, I would have slated you for recruitment into Blackwatch. If anything, we could have taken note how you spun the whole scenario into great publicity for yourself. Something I admit my organization was not great at. Especially after Venice."

The DJ was unsure if that was a compliment or not, yet alone a good thing. "Thanks, I guess?"

Chuckles erupted from Reyes before he could restrain it. "It's nice having to deal with a kid not as dense as McCree could be. Sharp brat but other than with his gun, never was always completely dead-on." He motioned to a nearby chair and sat on his desk. He made a swiping motion at his monitor, changing it to surveillance cameras around the warehouse. "Anyways, what's the news? You seem really startled."

"Something's up with Hana," Lúcio confided. "She's hesitating a lot and her expression will be blank then school itself into what it's supposed to be. Look, it's not just a youth thing," he began as he saw the former commander attempt to speak up.

"Wasn't saying that kid. But go on," the mercenary motioned as he observed him. Bright mind indeed. Vishkar got lucky he focused on his celebrity status to better the world before he took them down even further.

"As a professional gamer, she is expected to have the sharpest reflexes and one hell of a poker face. Her expressiveness feels stunted and forced. That part of her being slightly off rings warning bells to me," the Brazilian sighed. "And there's the fact she's technically a soldier. Hesitation like that could get her killed."

"Out of character certainly, especially considering that within the Korean Army, she is considered one of their top all-rounders. She could lead a team or perform solo. What you've told me doesn't fit the profile of someone able to do that very well." The mercenary hummed thoughtfully. "I'll send an encrypted message to Jack secure enough that even Sombra will huff a few times before being able to crack it."

"But doesn't Talon have other hackers?" the youth questioned skeptically. "I mean, not questioning your skills at all but..."

"I'm a former Blackwatch commander," Gabriel reminded Lúcio with an almost dangerous smirk. "Plus I'm not shitty at hacking. Just that Sombra is really that damn good. Still, I do have years of experience on her and have discovered some of the secrets that she thinks are secure."

"Oh yeah," Lúcio chuckled. "Yeah, go send Jack the message and he'll pass it on to Winston."

"Feels weird that the monkey leads the team now," Gabriel shrugged slightly, causing the DJ to laugh. "But I suppose I have to be... polite to him now." Still wouldn't mind him having a chat with the shotguns though. "Anyways, do you think you need anything here before we go. Name something able to take down a small country and it's probably inside this warehouse."

The DJ wanted desperately to ask if he was joking but then swallowed as the two of them passed a few small looking missiles. To the side, glowing chemicals in tubes gave him the shivers as the golden and purple liquids bubbled. "...Maybe something akin to an EMP? Like... my gear might get fried but I have a bad feeling..."

"If you're willing to risk it, that just illustrates how bad this shit is." He went over to a crate and opened it up. "Anyways, I'll show you how to use it and hopefully you won't need to... Pay attention. Last time McCree didn't he set it off near Torbjörn..."

The Swedish engineer sneezed and scowled. He was watching his cameras carefully, making sure everything was alright. His main attention never strayed too far from Sombra however, despite the modifications he was making to his turrets. "Good 'ole firepower can outdo technology in a pinch, girl. And you best remember that."

She rolled her eyes and looked around again. For the sake of her mental health, Angela had restrained her but all the same, it still felt like punishment due to being tied down to a chair. She understood and liked the disorganized chaos that was the short man's workspace but at the same time, it drove her insane. Everything felt basic and primitive compared to the technology she was used to. "Some of us like to operate in a current century," she reminded the man with a smirk. "Or if you let me help out..."

"Not a chance," the man practically waved the hammer he was using in her face. "Angela said I had to have you here to help your mental state but didn't say anything about you touching nothing or leaving that chair."

The Latina groaned in boredom as the man continued hammering away at his turret. The clanking sound was not helping the pounding pain in her head ever since her augments were fried and removed. "Can you at least turn on the news, old man, or are you too archaic for that as well?"

Not even justifying it with a response, he pushed a button and a nearby tv screen flashed to a scene in Numbani being shown. A crisp, professional female voice began to speak as the scene flashed to an Egyptian looking woman with a symbol near her eye. "As stated previously, Helix Security International is still in the middle of the investigation to see who broke out Akande Ogundimu, codenamed Doomfist. No further details are being released to the public at this time."

"Oh little Fareeha Amari grew up," Torbjörn said proudly with a smile. "I vonder if Ana ever reached back out to her..."

"Hey, you lot know how Doomfist got out right?" Sombra spoke crisply with a smile. "I can hack the footage to show you."

"Or you could tell me since you obviously know," the engineering scowled with irritation. "He's back in Talon, I assume?"

"Of course. And he will be most upset at not just losing Gabe but two other agents. On top of that, Gabe wasn't an agent like us. Doomfist had bigger things in mind for him. Then the fact that Salvation is a Talon asset..."

It was with a heavy sigh that Torbjörn looked her in the eyes with his own. "Set us on a wild goose chase, girl, and I'll use you for target practice."

"Would this face lie to you?" she winked.

The engineering did not look impressed as he pushed another button. "Hey Winston, I'm sending over a recording of what Sombra just said. Look into it, would you?"

The gorilla looked confused slightly and accepted the recording. He briefly listened to it then sighed. "I'll get on it. And I'll have Ana reach out to her daughter." The scientist disconnected the video feed just as Sombra lit up brilliantly.

"So, am I getting some blanket forgiveness or whatever you lot are giving Gabe? Because he's done some really bad shit but you all seem to be..."

"He's a traitor," Torbjörn said harshly as he got in her face, despite being shorter than her. "But I don't call the shots here. But it was for the best Overwatch ended when it did. I have a family now. A family I am providing for."

"Does your family know you're basically a terrorist now?" Sombra smirked.

"She understands. They all do," he said quietly. "I don't know what your motivations for your cyberpunk behavior are but some of us have a higher purpose. I still... I caused so much destruction before with my creations that I need to do a little good. I can't fully redeem myself by throwing my body at the rogue Omnics like how Reinhardt does but there always is a way."

"Speaking of that German knight, the girl following him around as his squire or whatever you medieval types call it looks a lot like a former Talon agent," Sombra said with a hum. "Might want to look into that too, old man."

"Brigitte is his goddaughter and my daughter. She never would join Talon. She's not even old enough to..."

"If humanity could create Omnics, what's to say that they couldn't create other humans?" she said rhetorically with a tone similar to one they would use with a child. "You think far too simply. So boring."

Shit. Shit. Shit! "Angela!" he ran out of his workspace, yelling the whole way.

"If only he untied me," Sombra sighed as she watched the television news switch to an explosion rocking Dorado. "Huh. Los Muertos were smarter than to deal with explosives with that many innocents around..." She sighed as she wished she had some popcorn as she was watching the news. "Gabe is sure in deep shit once they realize he's the one who busted the boss out. He isn't some guardian angel but they forget that the minute he's dating someone..." Maybe I could do the same. If Gabriel-fucking-Reyes can get off easy, no reason why Olivia Colomar wouldn't be able to either! But who... The skin where her augments were previously itched painfully but instead of irritating the hacker, it made her smirk victoriously. Plan has been made. And now... time to lure myself a Swiss miss.