Long time everyone. Just got Overwatch and the lore is amazing. I had this idea come into my head after digging into it so I decided to just write it out. Not sure how much updating it will get but I will try if it gets a bit more interest. Enjoy everyone. I will post a more explicit version on AO3 (chapters will specify any differences however)

Thank you and remember, I do not own anything related to Overwatch, Battlenet, etc and so forth

Chapter 1: House Call

When Sally woke up that morning, she knew something was going to change. Her waist length brown hair stuck to her as she was drenched in sweat and she frowned. I have not had such a nightmare in years. Even after all the battles, the blood and the wounded in the infirmary... Glancing at her mirror and seeing her blue eyes stare back, she hardened her face in determination. The electricity that ran in her body seemed extra agitated. While some people would dismiss such signs, she knew better. All over the world years ago, accidents had been happening to give people powers or unusual abilities and the electricity in her body was no exception. The only shame is that it had to be at a facility her parents had owned. It had served her well at least in enhancing her neural network and the sensations she received but sometimes, that could prove disadvantageous.

The aftershock of the nightmare struck her again and she winced at the accompanying headache and the tremors that threatened to cripple her mind. Making a swift decision, it did not take long to call her staff of five over. Apprehensively, they surveyed their young mistress. Ever since her parents' death because she was in Overwatch, the young madam was never the same. Rather than lashing out at Talon as many would suspect, she withdrew from the organization when she was able and just decided to avoid it. Surveying her staff, she grabbed their attention before quickly deciding to be as blunt as possible. "I've decided it would be safer if we all parted ways."

There was a great deal of confused looks and gasps of surprise. "Miss Jones?"

"Any dream jobs decided upon I will personally write letters of reference for and in addition to your monthly pay which I will pay out today, there will be $10,000 bonus for each year you were in service to my family."

"My lady!" Another one burst out in surprise. "What is going on? This offer is so generous but..."

"You misunderstand. It is not an offer." Gasps sounded as she turned her deep blue eyes on them. "I am terminating employment with each and every one of you." She turned away for a second as their questioning stares made her uncomfortable. "As you all know... my parents were killed because of my involvement with Overwatch." There was an uncomfortable quiet so she cleared her throat and decided to continue. "A week ago... I received a call about Overwatch members."

"Ma'am. Isn't that supposed to be secret?" a maid asked tentatively.

"I trust you all." The simple words caused a few smiles despite the grim news. "If me telling you saves your lives, I don't care. That organization has caused me nothing but pain. Nothing is more important than a life saved and what good is knowledge if I can't save the people in front of me?"

They all nodded. Knowing their mistress was a medic in the Omnic Crisis had instilled in all of them a great deal of care for their wellbeing. "When do we leave?"

"Immediately." She motioned towards the door gently. "Email me when you need recommendations or any other arrangements. The money should drop tomorrow morning." She bowed gratefully to them and smiled. "Two hours please."

The servants scrambled quickly to gather their belongings and with a weary expression, Sally went back and settled into her room. Slumping into her bed, she felt tears. Is Overwatch going to take everything from me... again? I finally set myself a new life and things want to fall apart again. She let fatigue finally claim her however when she woke up, she noticed two things wrong.

One was that despite the dark setting of her room, it hardly felt like any time had passed. Two, the barrel of a very customized looking shotgun was pointed right at her face from someone standing right above her on her bed. It was difficult for her to see but she noticed he seemed to blend in with the room. An all black ensemble it appeared. "This is unexpected."

"It is," the grim, hissing voice intoned. "Except you sent everyone away. Permanently."

"Bad feeling is all," she replied. Her eyes were starting to adjust and she could see slightly what she was looking at. There was a robe and hood that were black but the mask was white like bone. The sharp skull motif was slightly chilling but she swallowed the lump in her throat and continued. "I don't want more people to die because of me."

"Noble," the man deemed as he holstered the shotgun upon his back. She heard it clink, as if reuniting with another shotgun. "A wasted sentiment in this day and age." The man sank down over her, pinning her down by sitting on her waist to stop her movement. "Do you know why I'm here?"

"The call to Overwatch agents," she said calmly. The man's weight was firm and unyielding- so she did not dare to agitate him by moving around or being sarcastic. "Winston gave only a general note in the message." She looked up at him curiously. "You received it too, didn't you."

"Yes." Reaper could not help but be impressed. Not many could stay calm in a situation like this.

"I don't remember you back then," she continued. "As a medic, I saw most of the underlings since Mercy saw to anyone truly important. So either you were a really, really high ranking officer or you are someone else now."

Reaper smirked under his mask, both at her logic and at the venom when Mercy was mentioned. "And what if I said both?"

"So you must be the one killing the others," she finished grimly. "And is it my time?"

He chuckled darkly and moved off of her before offering his hand. She took it tentatively and he pulled her to a sitting position. He moved away and quickly flipped on the lightswitch, allowing her visibility. She squinted slightly and blinked up at him in confusion. He sat on the edge of the bed, as if trying to minimize the chance of her perceiving him as a threat. "Not quite. You seem calm. Do you await Death?"

"I don't have much in life. Two of your idols betray your ideals, family is dead, feeling like my dreams didn't matter to another doctor... I saw someone have to undergo a treatment that I'm certain killed them because it was what she deemed necessary."

Reaper thought on it and knew for certain this was the woman he was looking for. "What did he look like?"

"He?" Sally blinked in confusion. Did I mention that person was a male? I don't think I did but...

"The person being forced to..."

"He had short brownish hair. Kind of a bulky build. Muscular. I mean, if you're in the military even in covert you have to have some strength and..." She looked up at him and gasped.

"And?" Reaper smirked as he took off his mask and pushed back his hood. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

Physically he looked very similar to how she had seen him last but there was an unearthly paleness to his features. Some of his veins appeared to have a slight tinge of blackness but it did not detract from his appearance. Rather, it made him look striking and dangerous. "That doesn't look healthy... But if you are him..."

He gave a mocking bow. "Gabriel Reyes. In the flesh. But lately, I've been going by Reaper. And I still remember you, little medic. Miss Sally Jones."

She felt like the air in her throat had gone stale in shock. "What do you want from me?"

"For one... To thank you for attempting to stand up to your superior for my sake." She blinked at him and felt guilt grip her. Afterwards, she did not know how to bring up the situation to Mercy without being angry and felt withdrawing entirely from the organization was for the best after she heard that Gabriel Reyes had died. "Also, you did try to honor me with at least a memorial..." He shrugged his shoulders. "I came across it when researching information on the few agents whose information I gathered. Overwatch has you under surveillance."

This was news to the young woman. "I'm going to kill that monkey."

He laughed slightly. There was still a slight hiss in his voice but it seemed good humored all the same. "I'll convey your wishes when I accomplish it. But I did want to let you know..." He stood up from the edge of the bed. "I will not target you. You are noble enough to stand up against your mentor, your idol, and organization for a person you barely know... I respect that." He looked at his hands. "I might be a highly functioning psychopath and murderer but the thought of slaughtering someone who was willing to do the right thing despite the odds that sickens me."

Sally felt like she was able to breathe. Air tasted sweet as she tried to process his words. "I..."

"And now, I bid you good day. Good bye. Live your life well."

He started to swirl into darkness as he readjusted his hood and mask but her voice pierced the room. "Wait!"

"Yes?" he hissed calmly to her.

"It feels weird calling you Reaper so I just won't. Gabriel," she began tentatively as if testing his name. Seeing his posture was more curious than hostile, she continued. "If you need a place to rest... Recuperate... or even a person to talk to, feel free to come here. A house like this is lonely by oneself. It would be nice to have company."

He hummed slightly and nodded. "To think you would be willing to see Death so soon..."

"You are just Gabriel Reyes to me. A victim of Overwatch and the injustices to medical practices." She paused slightly then smiled. "And it looks like you need a friend."

This made him feel pain where his heart was. "I... Haven't had one in a while. Would be terrible."

"Never too late to start," she said as she smiled even brighter.

He looked towards her and gave a nod of his head. "Friends..." He turned away finally and faded into swirling darkness. "Farewell."