Quick disclaimer: Keep in mind I am a highschool student and I am writing these to relieve stress (and because I can't find any Cordelia x MU FF) however I will be taking these somewhat seriously so critique is gladly appreciated as it will help improve my writing style. I won't be able to update this on a regular basis since I am nearing the end of my semester and exams are coming up (Currently May 30th) so I'll be putting a large amount of my time in my studies as well as preparing for a dual credit program.

Hopefully I'll also be able to improve my literacy skills with critique and complaints about my poor choice of words.

The series will be released in small portions so don't expect much of me. This will be my first time writing so if you're prepared for poor grammar and bad sentence structure than carry on!

These events take place two years after the defeat of Grima by the MU's (Robin's) hands. I've also tweaked a few things such as the duration the war and the age of the children characters (or baby characters to be more literal). This will be released in (very) small portions.

Darkness, it's all I see. I wander endlessly into this darkness with no destination. I never feel tired, my body doesn't need rest. This was the price I paid for bringing down the fell dragon, Grima. To wander aimlessly in darkness for all of eternity with nothing but my memories, memories that keep me going, memories of friends and companions that fought with me side by side, memories of grieving for the loss our loved ones, memories of exploring unknown lands, memories of battling with the mightiest warriors, and my most precious, memories with a beautiful red haired Pegasus knight. The memories I hold dearest to me, memories with a woman who embraced me with the feelings of respect, trust, and love. Yes, I loved this knight no, that isn't quite right. The knight that became my family, the knight that gave me new life to love, gave me a reason to live on, I still love this knight, but I could never return to her. Even if I could, would I be able to look at her again knowing I've broken my promise to stay by her side? Would she look back at me with welcoming arms, or would she look at me with eyes of hatred, filled with betrayal. This worries me endlessly, I fear that she has grown to resent me after all, I've done nothing but take from her, made promises I couldn't keep, and I've abandoned her. I've abandoned her in body, but not in soul. I'm sorry my dear Pegasus knight and I will continue to love you for all of eternity. This is a promise I swear to never break. I promise to you my knight, I will continue to love you for all of eternity, Cordelia.

What a familiar feeling, the cold and moist grass brushing against my face and the sound of the wind heavily rustling trees in the forest. Feelings I haven't felt in a long time. I'm sure this is just a dream but even if it wasn't, I don't want to open my eyes yet; even if I do I'll be greeted by a darkness in which I can never escape. It's a small price to pay for saving the world, the world that they live in.

"Chrom, we have to do something…"

Am I hearing voices again? This wouldn't be the first time I could hear voices in my head.

"What do you propose we do?"

Wait, these voices are too clear. Could it possibly be?

My eyes slowly open and are greeted by a bright blinding light. My eyes take time to focus as two figures come into vision.

"I see you're awake now." A husky voice of a man speaks out to me, and immediately after I'm greeted with another voice.

"Hey there!" a small voice calls out.

The figures finally come in focus. I recognize these figures, Lissa, and Chrom.

"There're better places to take a nap than on the ground, you know."

He holds his hands out for me, the same hand I've held before a long time ago.

"Give me your hand."

I slowly grasp Chrom's hand, my body feels weak and my head feels like its spinning. He pulls me up and stares blankly into my eyes. His eyes were like glass, ready to shatter at any time, his hand with an iron grip on mine. I try to speak out to him but my throat hurts to speak.


Hearing his name, Chrom's eyes were suddenly filled with tears and he pulls me in tight. A feeling of warmth fills my chest.

"Robin… Welcome back." He says so in quivering voice, and I feel his body shaking while holding me tightly.

"I've missed you…"

My body feels limp, but I manage to just barely raise my arms to hold him back. We stand here for a moment and without warning, the warmth of another body clung onto me from behind.

"You know, I've missed you too…"

Lissa spoke in a shaky voice, wrapping her arms around me. Her tiny hands grabbing my coat while shaking all over. I look down for a moment and see her tears falling down her face like a stream.

In a brittle and wobbly voice, I manage to speak out.

"Am I back?"

Chrom grabs my shoulder and pulls me back, Lissa stumbling a little behind me.

"You are, you're home Robin!"

He smiles at me with the biggest smile I've ever seen on his face.

My eyes begin to water as memories begin to flood my mind. I remember now, this man is the new Exalt of Ylisse, the biggest justice driven idiot in the entire world, and my best friend, Chrom.

"I trust your return means you'll be staying with us for good?"

A tall knight appeared from behind Chrom. He wore a large suit of armor and underneath what appeared to be a steward's suit complete with a tie.

"It'll be a little troubling preparing a tent given you sudden return." He smiled at me with a bright smile.

I remember this man.

"Fredrick!" Chrom says to him in a joking tone.

"Now now, I only jest. It brings me great joy to see you again, Sir Robin."

"Are you sure Fredrick? You seem as relaxed as ever."

Fredrick gave me a light chuckle and responded, "If I could express my joy to see you again, I'm afraid I would embarrass myself as Milord's retainer."

He removed his glove and reached his hand out at me.

"For now I hope you'll make do with a simple handshake."

"It's great to see you again Fredrick."

I slowly grasp only Fredrick's hand and as if on cue, a little girl rushes towards us.

"Daddy look at what the merchant gave me!"

The little girl rushes towards Chrom with a large bouquet of flowers in hand. She had the same blue hair as Chrom, but longer. She was no older than 6 and she wore tiny suit of armor that looked identical to that of the Lord-class with a small gold tiara in her hair for a headband.

"Daddy lo-"

The little girl stopped dead in her tracks when she turned her head to me. Chrom walked up to the little girl and kneeled down her his hand on her shoulder.

"It's him, he's back Lucy! Uncle Robin is back!"

She instantly drops the bouquet of flowers and begins tearing up. She was frozen in place, shaking.

I slowly walk up towards her and bend down to look at her. "It's a bit scary how much you've grown Lucina. A few more years and you'll be as beautiful as your sister! I mean umm, you'll be as beautiful as… yourself?"

I raise my hand to pat her head, but in the next moment she is holding onto me as tightly as she could with her tiny hands.

"Where did you go!?" she shouts to me in a shaky voice. "You promised me that you'd come visit me with daddy on my birthday!"

I wrap my arms around the Lucina, "sorry, a few hero things came up and I couldn't come see you."

"You didn't even come to my next birthday either! I waited for you all night too!" She buried her head in my chest and began crying.

"I'm sorry, if I could have come I would have." I hold her tighter, burying my face in her tiny shoulder while trying to hold back tears.

A brief moment of silence surrounded us as if time has stopped, but the little voice that broke the silence almost stopped my heart. From behind me I heard a tiny voice call out.
