I'm sorry! I know it's been so long, but this is one that I really will continue. Just got caught up in APOA and writing both was starting to confuse me.

Shout outs to Elo and Jae for just being around and motivating me to write.

And to all the people who commented, I'm sorry I'll try to answer some of your comments. Thank you so much, you motivate me to write, seriously. Every time one of you left a comment, I wrote some more. I'm glad people still seem to be following this and thank you thank you thank you for coming along for this ride!

Again, comments are totally welcome and come find me on Tumblr. :)

"Any word on whether our friend is going to show?" Winn asked surreptitiously.

"You mean James?" Kara answered innocently.

"No. You know."




Winn shot her a withering glare that was half-angry and half-pleading. Kara laughed, reaching out to squeeze Winn's arm sympathetically.

"She says she's not coming since there's a crazy guy after her and Superwoman. If they get him soon, she'll try to show up, but highly doubtful." Kara leaned in the whisper.

"But I wanted to talk to her." Winn looked pathetically sad. "Like, how does she feel about being dragged into Superwoman's feuds with people? Did you know that Reactron was like, working at a nuclear power plant before, and because there had been a problem, Superwoman had rescued him, but left his wife behind. His wife died a hero and prevented a meltdown of the power plant, but this guy's blamed Superwoman for it ever since."

"That's really sad when you think about it."

"Yeah, it is… But look at all that info I got! That's why you should call her. I'm like, a wealth of information. I could be her sidekick! I'm like the perfect person for this job." Winn pleaded.

"First, that info I think is kind of common knowledge. Didn't James report on that before he came here? And second, she said she was busy, Winn. I'm sorry. You know, bad guys around and everything."

"Why do bad guys have to ruin everything?" Winn whined.

"Kiera!" Cat Grant's voice sent Winn scurrying away and Kara to Cat's side.

"Ms. Grant?" Kara was quickly swept up in dealing with Cat's requests, last minute checks and the double checking of the caterers.

"Make sure they have those potstickers you like, Kiera. And check them to make sure they meet standard." Cat said dismissively before she was called away by another guest. Kara was more than happy to go check on them and to sample a couple, too. Sometimes, Cat was really nice but she always did it in a roundabout way. As she happily stuffed her face to 'test' the potstickers, she felt someone tap her on the shoulder.

"Mmmf?" Kara turned around, chubby-cheeked and full of potstickers.

"Oh god, Kara. Did Cat not feed you?" Lucy had a glass of iced tea in hand and held it out to her friend. "Drink this."

"I'm eating right now!" Kara said cheerfully, still chewing happily.

"Please don't talk with your mouth full. Come on, you're my date for tonight."

"Where's James?"

"He's supervising the printing of the special edition cover for 'Catco presents: Shadow Agent'. There was a small streak on the first fifty copies and Cat had a conniption and tried to fire everyone." Lucy rolled her eyes. Cat trying to fire people wasn't something new. "He's standing there at the printer to make sure the printing is error free, but he'll be coming fashionably late. And since he's not here right now, you're my date until he arrives. Now come on, 'babe'. I'm hot and you should show me off."

Kara laughed at her friend, holding out an arm solicitously to the beautiful lawyer. They made the rounds of the place, trying out foods, looking at the exhibits set up with fun facts about Shadow Agent, and giggled at the actors dressed up as Shadow Agent who took pictures with the guests.

"Hey. Is that your neighbour?" Lucy pulled at Kara's arm until they were hidden around a pillar. Kara peeked out and saw, indeed, it was Alex! And she seemed to have come as Maxwell Lord's guest, which sent a pang of jealousy streaking through Kara.

Superwoman and Shadow Agent had found Maxwell Lord soon after Kara had gotten home. There was an interview on TV and a shaky video taken by the manager of the junkyard Reactron had been hiding at. Superwoman had gotten Maxwell out of there while Shadow Agent had fought with Reactron until he had retreated. Kara found herself wishing uncharitably that Maxwell had stayed home to rest so he wouldn't get the chance to molest Alex.

Kara had never understood why some of the guys she knew would fixate on women's bodies but Alex… Alex had a body that seemed straight out of Kara's dreams. Kara's eyes roved up Alex's body, from her heels, up slender, muscled calves, following the outline of her thighs in that green sheath dress, up, up, up… eyes lingering appreciatively on certain areas before she made it to Alex's face, which was currently scrunched up in an awkward grimace/smile at something Maxwell had said, while leaning close to her. Alex was fidgeting with her glasses, and coincidentally was able to elbow Max in the ribs to give herself some room.

Lucy gave a low whistle. "Your neighbour really cleans up nice."

"Yeah." Kara's mouth felt dry. "She does."

Alex suddenly turned her head to them, as if she had heard Kara's voice, smiling at Kara when they locked eyes from across the room.

"Oh, champagne, come on!" Lucy was quickly distracted by free alcohol and Kara managed to flash Alex a sympathetic smile eyes darting to Alex's companion, before Kara lost sight of her as Lucy dragged her away.

Lucy's graceful speed-walk to the champagne meant she got there before all the other Catco employees. One thing about Cat Grant, she sure did know how to throw a shindig and definitely made sure her people could imbibe-responsibly of course, or they'd find themselves out on the streets the next day-and enjoy themselves.

"She got those little spring roll things stuffed with cheese and avocado." Lucy pulled a willing Kara around the floor, both of them eager to sample the food. Cat Grant really did know how to spoil people. And as Lucy and Kara stuffed their faces, Kara felt a touch on her shoulder.

"Hi," Alex greeted her nervously, pushing her glasses up. "How's it going?"

"It's great!" Kara beams at Alex, feeling her heart flutter. "Where's your date?"

"Lost him when I went to the washroom." The proud look on Alex's face made Kara melt a little bit. Alex, though Kara was sure she would hate it if she knew, looked absolutely adorable.

"We should find him for you." Kara offered innocently.

Alex grimaced. "Please don't."

"Oh, look it's the neighbour!" Lucy had snagged another glass of champagne from a passing waiter, pushing it into Alex's hands. "Here you go, neighbour!"

"Nice to see you again." Alex greeted politely, but the smile fell from her face when she felt an arm snake around her waist.

"Alex! I was looking for you and I see you've found two beautiful ladies to introduce me to." Maxwell gave them what he probably thought was a dashing and charming smile, but it set both Lucy and Kara's teeth on edge, the way his eyes swept over them.

"And is that… Ms. Zorel?" Maxwell's voice was oily-smooth. "I wouldn't have recognized you! You look stunning."

Kara pasted on a polite smile. Cat had gotten her designer to also make a dress for Kara for tonight so Kara wouldn't 'come looking like a pauper and embarrass me.' Exact words.

"I'm glad that you're okay, Mr. Lord."

Maxwell's smile was slightly less bright. "Yes. Thanks to Superwoman and Shadow Agent."

"You don't seem pleased." Lucy raised her glass of champagne to her lips to try to hide her smile. Cameras had caught Superwoman bringing the man back, holding him by lifting from his armpits. He had wriggled a little when he saw the press and almost fell, but Superwoman had shifted her grip and caught him by the back of his pants. She dropped him unceremoniously onto the grass in front of the reporters and flew off immediately back to join Shadow Agent. The paparazzi had a field day with those pictures of him with his pants half-way down his ass.

Maxwell just shrugged, his eyes still on Kara.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Danvers, but Ms. Zorel is just too ravishing this evening." Maxwell apologized, briefly looking morose, before the same smarmy smile stretched across his lips. He held his hand out to Kara. "Would you like to dance, Ms. Zorel?"

"Oh, I'm sorry." Lucy had a hand around Kara's waist quickly, Kara relaxing into Lucy's side. "She's already spoken for. Hi. I'm Lucy Lane."

Maxwell's lips stretched into a grin. "Ah, any relation to Lois Lane? Well, two beautiful ladies. I'm not even disappointed. How long have you two been together?"

"Since I started working at Catco, right, babe?" Lucy, even though in heels, was still shorter than Kara, but was at exactly the right height to nudge at Kara's jawline with her nose.

"Yes, darling." Kara couldn't help laughing a bit, out of sheer awkwardness. She suddenly felt… really guilty when she caught sight of Alex's face. The doctor looked heart-broken and Kara felt really guilty for some reason, even though… why was she even feeling guilty? She wasn't dating Alex, she was dating Shadow Agent! But she couldn't just tell everybody that and like hell she was going to dance with Maxwell Lord.

"I guess that's why-" Maxwell motioned at Kara from head to toe. "-all of this. Usually you're very… work-professional. I didn't even recognize you! No wonder Ms. Lane here swooped you up."

Lucy bristled beside Kara, not liking how this man, no matter how important, was kind of throwing underhanded criticisms and unwanted comments at her girlfriend. Her girlfriend for however long it took James to get here but it was still her girlfriend!

"Maxwell, can you not be such a teenage boy for a second?" Cat stepped into their little circle, blocking off Maxwell's sightline to the two young women.

"It's part of my charm!" Maxwell tugged at the lapels of his tuxedo, all the women gagging internally as they realized he truly believed that.

"I'm sure." Cat replied drolly. "Now, instead of harassing these young women, I think we are due for a chat?"

"Yes, yes, of course." Maxwell turned to Alex, smiling apologetically. "I'll be right back, duty calls."

"You wound me, Maxwell." Cat's dry voice cut in, saving Alex from having to speak at all in response to Maxwell.

"Duty, but it's always a bit of fun with you, Cat." Maxwell chuckled, before turning to Lucy and Kara. "I've really enjoyed talking to you two. Maybe I'll find you after my dance? And please keep my friend company. Talk about how much she'll enjoy working for me."

"I've never worked with you before Mr. Lord, so I really can't say." Kara said politely.

"You could work for me." Maxwell winked at her, eyes darting over to Lucy before coming back to Kara. "I'm seeing you in a different light, Ms. Zorel. And I treat my employees well."

"Maxwell, don't try to steal my employees." Cat sounded bored. "They're very loyal."

"Well, you can't blame me." Maxwell shrugged, then held out his hand to Cat. "Come on, you and me, Cat."

Cat Grant rolled her eyes but accepted his hand so he could lead her onto the dancefloor. When he was far enough away and concentrated on Cat, Lucy shook her head.

"I hate Maxwell Lord." Lucy said solemnly. Kara nodded, equally solemn.

"You have a lot of interactions with him?" Alex asked curiously.

"Cat's legal shadow. Usually he ignores me." Lucy rolled her eyes. "We've been introduced before, but I'm usually just, 'counsel'. Cat usually never introduced me by name and I thought it was kind of rude at first, but now I'm going to have to make a note to thank Cat for that."

"So…" Alex's eyes darted from Kara to Lucy. "How long have you two been dating?"

"Oh, no, Alex, we-"

"My honey's super shy." Lucy gushed. "We've been seeing each other for… almost two years now. Since I started working for Cat, really."

"Oh." Alex seemed to be trying to keep from grimacing, but was having a hard time hiding it.

"Oh look, HONEY. Kelly is here. Why don't you go talk to her?" Kara pushed Lucy, none-too-gently, toward their mutual friend before grabbing a bewildered Alex away by the arm, and leading her away.

"Your girlfriend-"

"She's not my girlfriend." Kara huffed. "We only said that because Maxwell is a creep."

"Oh." Alex paused, a look of apology on her face. "Am… was I… am I a creep?"

"Why would you say that?"

Alex looked even more uncomfortable now. "When I asked you out. I'm sorry. I didn't know I was being a creep."

Kara went back in her memory before she remembered the awkward rejection.

"I said no because you were dating Laurel!" Kara corrected, scowling.

"What?" Alex squawked, garnering a few frowns from around her. She lowered her voice to a frantic whisper. "Ew! No! Laurel is like a sister to me!"

"So… you're single?" Kara asked hopefully, then shook her head, slapping herself lightly on the cheek. "Never mind. Don't answer that."

"Why?" Alex asked cheekily. "Are you interested?"

"I'm dating someone." Kara blurted out.

Alex nodded smugly. "But you're attracted to me."

Kara's red face was all the answer Alex needed. At the pained expression on Kara's face, Alex raised her hands in surrender.

"She's a really lucky woman, having you choose her." Alex said softly.

"I'm the lucky one." Kara shrugs, remembering how Shadow Agent's low chuckle made her stomach feel like it was folding in on itself in the most pleasant ways, and sending tingles all the way down to her toes.

"Well, I'm serious about being friends." Alex held out a hand. "If you want to be?"

"Yeah." Kara took her hand, and in the next second was immediately pulled into Alex's arms.

"What-" Kara didn't have time to think as the ceiling exploded and Reactron touched down in the middle of the party.

"I heard that this was a Shadow Agent party." The masked man's voice was clear. He shot out some energy beams from his hands, toppling pillars and conveniently blocking some of the exits as he did so. "So I'm expecting her to make her way here, soon. Or, even better, Superwoman. I don't want to hurt anyone, but if they don't come soon, I will be VERY angry."

The next few minutes was chaos as people ran in every direction, Kara, dazedly, wondered when she had fallen on the floor. And where was Alex? One minute she was holding her then the blast-

"Alex!" Kara shrieked when she saw the woman with her leg trapped under a pillar. The woman was trying to pull it out, but it seemed quite stuck.

"Kara, get out of here!" Alex grunted, still trying to pull her leg out but stilled when Kara tried to push against the rubble.

"Alex, oh my god, just… Someone, help! Please!" Kara screamed to no avail. It was pandemonium in the hall.

"Kara, it's fine. I think I'm just caught on something. Just go, I'll be okay-"

"Where is Superwoman?! Where is Shadow Agent?!" Reactron roared, still shooting energy beams from his hands. Some of those beams got perilously close to Kara.

"Hey, asshole!" James Olsen's voice caught Reactron's attention. The man had finally arrived, fashionably late but just in time. "Hey, yeah, over here! I'm basically Superwoman's best friend! Come on, jackass. I'm the closest you're going to get!"

Reactron growled, taking the bait as James fled outside. Just as Reactron left, a squad of people, who looked like they were in SWAT gear, poured into the area. They immediately started evacuating people, while a trio broke off to jog at a fast clip, to where Kara was still holding Alex's hand.

"You have to help-"

"That's what we're here to do, ma'am. We'll get her out but you have to get out of here NOW." One of the masked people said soothingly, already herding Kara away towards the exit. Kara twisted this way and that in their grip, trying to catch sight of Alex, but to no avail since one of the geared-up people had stayed behind and their back completely blocked her sight of Alex.

Hustled out and into the waiting arms of suited-up FBI agents, Kara could only blubber on about how Alex needed help.

"Kara? Kara!" Lucy had found her and was hugging her close. "I was so worried! I'm so glad you got out!"

"Lucy!" Kara suddenly remembered. "Oh my god, Lucy, James is being chased by Reactron!"

"What?!" It was Kara's turn to grab on to Lucy tightly as she made to run back in.

"Don't worry, Shadow Agent's already arrived and she's kicking ass." Someone nearby reported. The sounds of renewed fighting told Kara that was probably true.

"It's Superwoman!" Someone shouted and there was cheering as a familiar red and blue suited superhero flew towards the sounds of the fight and the flashing lights, joining the fight already taking place.

"It's not good." Kara tilted her head, listening to some of the FBI agents nearby, whispering to each other. Kara had always had an ear for things she was not supposed to hear.

"The radiation coming off of Reactron is affecting the Kryptonians negatively. They're barely holding their own."

"SA just said that we should probably try to evacuate the area. Reactron's core may be too unstable, they're trying to calm him down."

"If they can remove his core-"

"They can't even touch it. And they have to remove it without setting off a reaction."

Maybe this was very very stupid and was extremely unscientific to the point of improbability, but Kara remembered renting out some lead statues from a young, hip artist who only did work in lead and ONLY did the Kryptonians. There were life-sized ones which Kara definitely could not carry, but there was a big bust of Superwoman's head on display. And Kara, who worked out, knew she could definitely lift one of those and maybe carry it out to Shadow Agent. And lead could definitely help block radiation.

"Kara!" Lucy let out a cry of alarm as Kara slipped from her arms.

"Ma'am, get back here!"

But Kara ran as fast as she could, making it through the doors and ducking back into the hall where they had held the party. There, on display, she saw the Superwoman bust.

"Got you!" Agent Vasquez had Kara's wrists behind her back before Kara could even blink.

"No, you have to… I have to get that bust!"

"A bust isn't worth your life!" Agent Vasquez snapped.

"No, it's made of lead!" Kara flushed, suddenly realizing how foolish she seemed. It was a stupid idea and now she was going to be arrested!


"Never mind. I'm sorry, I was just-"

"No, you said it's made of lead?" Vasquez snapped her fingers, two geared up agents appearing beside her. Vaquez took out little handheld radio.

"Vasquez to SA, come in SA, over."

Shadow Agent's voice blared on the radio, to Kara's intense relief. She hadn't realized exactly how worried she was until Shadow Agent's voice had come through.

"Busy here, V. Over."

"Come back into the hall, we have something that might help you, over."

"On my way." Shadow Agent's voice cut off abruptly. In two minutes, she was there in front of them, looking furious.

"Ms. Zorel." Shadow Agent seemed frustrated that Kara was in front of her and turned her gaze on Vasquez, furious. "What is she still doing in here?"

"Ms. Zorel remembered that the busts in here are made of lead. Which might be useful in this instance." Vasquez pointed to the bust of Superwoman's head, her face forever cast into a permanently smug smirk.

"Ah. Well, this actually might help." Shadow Agent grabbed the bust and zipped away just as quickly as she had arrived. Vasquez had a firm grip on Kara's elbow and was about to walk her out, but Kara dug her heels in.

"Wait." Kara pleaded, looking towards where she had last seen Alex. "My friend was stuck here. Did you guys get her out? Is she safe-"

"We were able to get Dr. Danvers out from under the pillar. She was taken out another way, to the hospital." Agent Vasquez replied soothingly. "She just has a twisted ankle. It'll be okay."

Kara nodded, feeling relief flood through her, then felt suddenly anxious again, thinking about her girlfriend.

"Will Shadow Agent be alright?"

Vasquez's radio crackled and Shadow Agent's voice could be heard, loud and clear.

"Situation handled. Could you please tell Ms. Zorel to stay for a bit so I could thank her? Over."

"She doesn't really want to thank you." Vasquez said conspiratorially. "She's probably going to lecture you-"

Vasquez's radio squawked again.

"AGENT VASQUEZ. I have SUPER HEARING. Over." Shadow Agent sounded annoyed over the radio. It didn't take long before Shadow Agent was back inside, with Superwoman leaning heavily on her on one side and James Olsen on the other side of Shadow Agent.

"James!" Kara opened her arms and James fell into them, his full weight dropping on her in exhaustion. Kara held him up, tightened her hold on him as he let out a sigh of relief.

"What happened?" Kara looked from James, to Shadow Agent, then to Superwoman, and back again.

"James got tossed across a field. Super idiot here took the brunt of a shot because she was stupid-"

"You melted my statue!" Superwoman managed to moan, clinging on to Shadow Agent. "I was in shock! It was my favourite from my favourite sculptor-"

"Blah, blah, blah…" Shadow Agent muttered.

"Are you both okay?" Kara asked, worried about both heroes.

"Shadow Agent broke my heart." Superwoman whined.

"I would do it again." Even masked, Kara knew Shadow Agent was rolling her eyes at Superwoman.

"Ms. Zorel?"

"Um, yes?"

Shadow Agent tipped her head at Kara. "Thank you for suggesting the statue. It was exactly what we needed."

Superwoman let out a loud gasp. "You told her to destroy my statue?"

"She just told me that all the statues were made of lead." Shadow Agent said impatiently. "I'm going to take you to one of our sunbeds. I think you're a bit punch-drunk."

"You're punch-drunk." Superwoman leaned heavily on Shadow Agent.

"If that's all?" Shadow Agent addressed Vasquez. "You'll be able to deal with everything here?"

"Yes. I'll call if there's anything, ma'am." Vasquez snapped into a smart salute. More FBI agents had poured in, some coming to help take James from Kara. "Would you like me to escort Ms. Zorel home? And Mr. Olsen definitely needs a little bit of medical attention."

"Yes, please, if… Kara if you need. Agent Vasquez can take you home." Shadow Agent nodded at Kara again before striding off, to the loud complaints of Superwoman who wanted to go out and show the 'crowd of adoring citizens' how they had been victorious over Reactron.

Everything after had been a blur, Lucy screaming at Kara for running in and Cat Grant making an appearance to scowl at Kara, only managing different intonations of her name, dripping with disapproval. Kara managed to slip away when their attention switched to James, and Cat started lecturing him about who was going to put together this piece of news for tomorrow.

Agent Vasquez had someone drive Kara home, and by the time she was home Kara could feel how exhausted she was and a pressure headache coming on, not to mention the dizzy spells that would hit her periodically. But in the elevator up to her floor, she managed to get out a text to Alex.

Are you ok? Are you home?

The little dots appearing on her screen showed that Alex was at least conscious.

I'm good, I just got home. Where are you? If you're home, can I come see you?

Kara replied yes, quickly, then sent another text out, this time to Shadow Agent.

Are you okay?

Shadow Agent replied almost immediately.

I'm fine. Can I come see you?

Yes, but I'm making sure my neighbour is alright first. Can you come over and I'll come by as soon as I check on her?


Before Kara could even knock, Alex had opened the door.

"Hey! Are you okay?" Alex had a crutch under one arm and a bandaged ankle. "I was worried-"

Kara grabbed Alex in a tight hug, shutting up Alex's words. Kara sighed heavily, the end of that sigh changing into a sob.


Alex held her awkwardly with one hand while Kara cried.

"I thought you had-I was so scared." Kara took a bit of comfort from Alex rubbing her hand up and down Kara's back, trying to sooth her.

"I'm fine. Look," Alex hobbled back a few steps and grinned crookedly. "Just a twisted ankle."

Kara sniffled and gave Alex a fond smile. "Well, I'm glad you're alright, then."

When Alex reached forward and caught Kara's chin in between a thumb and forefinger, Kara was frozen in her neighbour's gaze.

"Just a twisted ankle." Alex murmured, cupped a hand against Kara's cheek before Kara stumbled backwards, red-faced.

"Um," Kara swiped the back of her hand at the tears that tracked down her cheeks. "Um, I… I'm glad you're okay. But I gotta-I got a girlfriend. And I like her a lot. And… yeah."

"You like her a lot?" Alex smirked. Kara felt her face redden as she sputtered uselessly and blurted out a good night before retreating back to her apartment.

"You like me a lot?"

Kara barely managed not to scream as she closed the door behind her.

"Well…" Kara was still flushed and embarrassed. She had barely started dating Shadow Agent, barely knew who she really was but Kara was pretty sure she did. She really liked Shadow Agent. Kara liked her sense of humour and how her smirk looked extremely familiar for some reason. A lot like Alex's expression, really. Maybe that was why Kara was, she had to admit, attracted to Alex, too. So maybe Kara was realizing she had a type.

"Well?" Shadow Agent took a couple steps forward, her hand cupping the side of Kara's face, then smoothly slipping backwards to cradle the back of Kara's neck.

"Well, you're alright, I guess." Kara huffed, but couldn't keep the smile off her face as Shadow Agent leaned down to kiss her, soft as Kara was sure only the Hero of National City could.

"Just alright?" Shadow Agent asked huskily.

"Well…" Kara's next words were stolen by another kiss, deep and searing, Shadow Agent's teeth nipping at her bottom lip making Kara gasp, feeling her girlfriend's tongue slipping in, wet and insistent. Kara clutched at Shadow Agent's costume, scrabbling for purchase, finally wrapping her arms around Shadow Agent's neck, gloved hands at Kara's thighs encouraging her to wrap her legs around the hero's waist.

"Well?" Shadow Agent chuckled breathlessly, her laugh petering off as Kara pressed against her, feeling like she was burning up and dripping heat.

"Well-" Shadow Agent pushed back against Kara, the cant of her hips catching Kara perfectly, drawing a choked cry from Kara's lips.

"Is this okay?" Shadow Agent kissed the line of Kara's jaw, pressing gently back in again, feeling Kara's heels dig into the small of her back. Kara could only nod wordlessly, cooing in delight at how Shadow Agent's kisses tickled her ear.

"Your… your costume-"

"It doesn't matter." Shadow Agent near-growled, Kara's dress rucked up to around her waist, only the thin fabric of her underwear, soaking wet, pressed into the front of Shadow Agent's front as she rubbed against her.

"Wait… wait, my neighbour-"

"Do you… want to stop?" Shadow Agent asked, though the way she was pushing Kara against the door, the steady noise of the door jostling to their activities told Kara her partner in this dance definitely didn't want to stop.

"No. No, keep going."

They were probably audible if someone was outside in the hallway, but Kara couldn't help grinding herself against Shadow Agent, couldn't help the little cries her girlfriend drew from her as she thrust against her, neither seemed able to even do anything except press against each other, too wrapped up in chasing this feeling.

Kara held on tight, her cries getting louder, Shadow Agent's lips everywhere, sometimes stealing some of those sounds right out of her mouth with her tongue. All Kara could feel, dimly beyond the delicious friction/pressure at her centre were Shadow Agent's fingers digging into her thighs, the pain from the hard door at her back… but all of these things came together in a harmony of feelings that made her hug Shadow Agent closer to her, encourage her to press against her until Kara's muscles suddenly all seemed to lock up, and she held onto Shadow Agent, shuddering, frozen tight, reaching that peak she had been building towards. And she just felt, it was so good, she just felt so, so good. Didn't know about supernovas that people described, boasted about, but could feel it like a hammerdrop to that part of her brain that registered the sudden powerful rush.

"I've got you."

Kara heard someone saying gently into her ear, taking her out of that haze that made her feel like cotton was stuffed in between her ears. It brought Kara back to the present as she realized that she wasn't even holding on anymore, hanging limply in Shadow Agent's arms, still braced against the door.

The look of amusement on Shadow Agent's face had Kara hiding her face in the crook of Shadow Agent's neck.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." Kara's voice was muffled but Shadow Agent heard her just fine, letting out a delighted laugh and turning to kiss at Kara's cheek.

"It was really hot." Shadow Agent spoke against Kara's ear, causing shivers to run up and down Kara's spine. She let Kara down gently, keeping a steadying hand around Kara's waist which was smart since Kara's legs felt like jello and her head felt like it was spinning.

"Woah, maybe that much exercise wasn't so good for you." Shadow Agent caught Kara before she could fall.

"No, but," Kara felt the front of Shadow Agent's uniform, cringing, mortified that it felt completely SOAKED. "I'm SO sorry."

"It's totally fine. I would let you do it again." The lecherous grin on Shadow Agent's face was really annoying in the way that it just made her look devilishly cute.

"We could-" Kara swayed to one side, almost falling if Shadow Agent hadn't caught her.

"Nope. No, I think it's time for you to rest." Shadow Agent said firmly.

"But, but you haven't-"

"No, but there's always next time." Shadow Agent kissed her, in that soft way that Kara liked, that made her feel like she was so treasured and wanted. "I can wait, Kara."

Her dizziness was catching up to her so Kara finally agreed, encircled safely in Shadow Agent's arms. She wondered, guiltily, if Alex had heard them at all and hoped that her neighbour hadn't.