AN: So I have no idea where this came from; but it wouldn't leave me alone. Aside I refuse to believe that there's not anyway we can't have both. I have also learned that writing a fic where three people have the same name is difficult. So Laurel is E1 Laurel, Dinah is E2 Laurel and Drake is Dinah Drake.
Dinah stood off to the side, away from everyone else. She didn't belong here, not really and she didn't want to intrude. She didn't feel like she was allowed and yet here she was. On one hand, she didn't know why she was; but on the other hand, she didn't know where else she could go.
Dinah was still trying to wrap her head around the whole multiverse becoming one single universe thing.
Dinah stopped when she found herself looking at - well herself. Or some other version of herself. This earth's Laurel Lance to be exact. She definitely did not understand.
How were they both still here if the multiverse didn't exist anymore?
Dinah titled her head and that's when the two of them made eye contact. Dinah swore but then said fuck it and walked the short distance between them.
This may be just a little awkward.
"So, is this weird to you too?" Dinah asked, coming to a stop next to her.
Laurel tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and pursed her lips. "I mean, a little but there's been weirder things that have happened. However, finding out there was a universe where I was dead takes the cake."
"I mean… meeting me, the woman who tried to replace you."
Laurel shook her head. "From what I hear, you were doing what you had to do to survive and that's why you were working with Zoom, with Chase, with Diaz. But now, after all of that, if you were able to find strength in the Canary mantle, then I'm proud of that."
Dinah was taken aback. "You're being awfully… nice to me. Especially after everything I've done."
"Everyone deserves a second chance, you're no different."
Dinah thought for a moment. "It's just so weird. The both of us still being here. Maybe I really don't understand the multiverse as much as I thought I did."
Laurel laughed. "Oh, I know I definitely do not understand it; but I do believe that everything happens for a reason. So maybe we were both just always meant to exist."
"You don't seem so sure."
Dinah shifted her umbrella to her other hand. "Look, I've done some pretty shady and fucked up shit in my life. I've murdered people. My entire earth was wiped out. I shouldn't even be here."
"And yet you are," Laurel responded with a shrug. "You've come a long way from being Black Siren. You've proved more than enough times that you're not that person anymore. You've still got a long way to go; but don't try and take away your hard work."
"She's right you know."
Dinah and Laurel turned their heads to see that Nyssa had walked up to them. "If my sister and I can become more than just trained assassins, then so can you. Even if you do not believe it."
Laurel smirked. "See, anything is possible."
"Especially if my dearest can forgive for once poisoning her and kidnapping her mother," Nyssa continued, wrapping a hand around Laurel. "And we can come together under the most complicated of circumstances."
Dinah looked between the two of them. "You're together in this reality?"
"We are."
Nyssa noticed something in the distance and excused herself, whispering something in Laurel's ear before she walked off.
"What are you going to do next?" Laurel asked, breaking the silence that had fallen between the two of them.
"I honestly haven't thought about it," Dinah admitted. "I never thought I would actually even have a future to think about."
Dinah found herself trying to get away as Laurel was introduced to Nyssa's sister but was stopped by Sara. Dinah rolled her eyes – these canaries really just came out of the woodwork, didn't they?
"I knew you had it in you."
"Why? Because I look so much like your sister?"
Sara shrugged. "Maybe that was a part of it. But also, because my sister has thought me to see the best in people, in believing in second chances. It was why I believed in myself so much. I never thought I'd get out of the darkness; but Laurel believed in me. She had – has that effect on people."
"It must be really weird for you, your sister being magically alive again."
"I've been through stranger things in my life. I am captain of a time ship after all," Sara admitted. "But yeah, having all the memories of the past reality, as well as this new one is really trippy. Though I'm not surprised because we Lance sister have a way of coming back from the dead."
Dinah pursed her lips. "It's also not weird that your sister is with your ex?"
"I slept with my sister's boyfriend so who am I to judge. Besides, in this reality, it was me who pushed them together. My 'death' brought them closer. I'm happy with Ava and I'm happy that the two people I love most in the world found closure and happiness with each other. I think it would have been selfish of me to move on but not allow Nyssa the same."
Dinah raised an eyebrow. "Wait, you pushed them together?"
Sara nodded. "I saw little hints before I went and joined the Legends. But during that alien invasion we had to deal with, I had enough of the two of them tip toeing around each other – especially around me. So, I pretty much yelled at the two of them to get their shit together."
Dinah snorted. "Very subtle."
"Well they're both very thickheaded, I didn't need to be subtle." Another beat of silence passed between them before Sara added, "how are you?"
Dinah raised an eyebrow.
"I mean, you lost your entire earth and then the universe was rewritten. Your entire family is gone, and the only thing left are doppelgangers," Sara said, glancing around at everyone milling around, chatting. "
Dinah sucked in a breath. "I made my piece with my earth being destroyed. It doesn't make it any easier knowing that it's gone, that there's nothing I can do to bring it back. However, I do think that seeing you all has helped me have a little bit of closure."
"You're more than welcome on the wave rider," Sara blurted out.
"You're joking?"
Sara shook her head. "It's a serious offer. I mean, yeah, we're a crazy bunch of people; but it's fine once you get to know everyone. We could always use another canary."
"I don't know…"
Sara shrugged. "Whatever you decide to do, it's your life now. But just keep the offer in mind. It's not going anywhere."
A few weeks later, Dinah noticed that the other Dinah had just disappeared, she had literally just fallen off the face of the earth. No note, no evidence, no nothing. It was almost as if she'd never existed.
Which was why Dinah found herself getting in touch with Sara. If anyone knew where the other woman had disappeared to, it had to be a time lord.
"Finally accepting my offer?" Sara asked when she appeared in the safe house that Dinah was crashing in.
Dinah shook her head. "I'm actually hoping you can help me. With Dinah Drake."
Sara raised an eyebrow. "Isn't she in Star City?"
"She's disappeared without a trace. I can't find her anywhere. So, I was thinking it wasn't a thing of where she was but when she was."
"Well come aboard and I'll tell you everything that Gideon and I already know."
"You've got to be kidding me."
Sara chuckled. "Maybe it's much too hopefully for Star City to be crime free and stay crime free… But yeah, it also looks like your girl is in Star City 2040."
Dinah rolled her eyes. "She's not my girl."
"Whatever, but we'll drop you off and let you take it from there," Sara stepped away from the console and stared at Dinah. "Maybe you've found your calling after all."
Dinah cocked a brow. "What? Protecting a future Star City?"
Sara shrugged. "Among other things. But I'm not going to tell you all of the things that I know because where would the fun in that be."
Maybe the Canary Network could be a thing…
Let's not get too ahead of ourselves.
She had to find Drake first off and then talk her into teaming up with Mia, finding Bianca and saving the city from going to hell.
Though finding Drake was a lot easier than Dinah thought it would be. It only took her a couple of days being in 2040 before Dinah was able to track her down.
"What brings you all the way here?"
"I have a proposition for you, Drake."