The Collapsed lung

Pete returned to Karen with one of their newborn children, Pete carefully handed his wife

Vanessa Merrell as he took Olivia Rooney into his arms. Karen stopped and looked extremely

confused, she examined the baby from head to toe,


"Yes honey?"

"Come here one quick second with Liv"

Pete slowly approached Karen being aware for the safety of the child.

"Pete do the twins look alike at all to you?

"No, why?" Pete asked confused

"I was told I gave birth to identical twins!"

"Are you sure honey because they don't look at all alike!" Pete assured Karen

"Yes the nurse told me I gave birth to identical twins!" Karen explained feeling frustrated and exhausted

"Honey, calm down, don't worry maybe they'll look alike when they're a bit older or maybe she was mistaken, let's just be thankful we're all ok" Pete told Karen

"You're completely right Pete we're so lucky"

Doctor Forman, a new doctor entered the room with hands full of forms and documents, he placed them down on a desk and stood in front of Mrs Rooney's hospital bed.

"Good evening Mr & Mrs Rooney, how are you two doing with Olivia and Vanessa?"

"Good than….. Wait you mean Maddison?, right?" Karen asked confused

"Excuse me?"

"You mean Olivia and Maddison" Pete asked.

The doctor stared at his clipboard and answered back "No it says here and it's printed on their birth certs Olivia and Vanessa Rooney"

"We didn't name our child Vanessa" Pete stated

"I'm sorry for the mishap Mr & Mrs Rooney but it's been printed out as you know on her birth cert and mailed to your house and will cost a lot of money to replace…."

As he jabbered on about nonsense and cost fees Vanessa started heaving and coughing, all attention was directly placed on her, doctor Forman quickly called for help and carefully lay Vanessa on a portable crib, he assured Pete and Karen she was in good hands and in the blink of an eye Vanessa and Doctor Forman were gone.

This all happened so quickly both parents were left shocked and distraught over all the commotion.

"Pete honey, what just happened?"

"I'm not sure honey but everything is going to be fine"

Pete and Karen soon found out Vanessa lung was collapsed and she was clinging on to life by the time she was taken by Doctor Forman, they also discussed her name and decided Vanessa was a beautiful name as well.