It was soon going to be Christmas. Sin had been worried about how he was going buy presents . Jean had said he would by them but Sin had insisted that he needed a job. Jean had called a meeting with Richard, Anita, some others he trusted, and of course Jason and Nathanial who had taken being parents seriously and always did what they thought best for Sin.

"But I want to job!" Sin screamed, gearing up to throw a fit.

"Enough." Richard pulled the boys into his arms. Sin stopped instantly and leaned his head against Richard's chest. "No fits tonight. You'll give Anita another headache. "

That was one of the reasons Anita and Sin didn't spend much time around each other. Sin cried too much, mostly for Richard, or was too loud and Anita would get a headache and loose her temper which would result in her lashing at him with her power which of course made the situation worse.

"I don't think Sin is mature enough for a job." Anita said, sighing, she was glad Richard had stopped Sin's latest fit. "But..." everyone looked at her in shock. "He has the talent to become an Animator."

"No!" Nathanial cut in. Everyone blinked at him he never spoke against Anita. "I'm sorry, Anita but his Necromancy Powers scare him as much as yours does. "

"I can be a what?" Sin asked, "What's an Animator?"

"I thought you'd ask that." Anita said, "So I brought you those." she pointed to her back log of "The Animator" she'd brought all of them. He picked up the very first issue and sat in Richard's lap to read. "It's called "The Animator" it has all the history on what being an Animator is. Let him read those maybe it will help his fear."

"What would help is if we knew what his fear stemmed from." Nathanial spoke up.

"Still seeing that therapist then?" Byron asked,

"Yes, I am." Nathanial replied, hotly, "and she says that to help someone over come a fear we must understand where the fear came from."

"Came from." Sin parroted, "Came from the Master who raised the cemetery to have sex with the corpses and tried to get me to do it. I didn't want to so he used his powers against me and made me."

"Where is this Master?" Anita growled, her eyes flashing. "What happened to that Master?"

"Master is dead." Sin blinked at her. "I think I did the Necro Power thing."

"Why do you say that, Ma Enfant?" Jean asked softly.

"Cause Master is dead. " Sin answered, "I was really sick and didn't want to ...I didn't mean to...he said we had to play and there were the dead people and I felt something and I could suddenly control them and I told them to kill Master and they did then they went back to being dead."

"Lets not do that again." Anita said, Sin nodded, "But just so you know I've had to do that to survive as well. "

"Okay." Sin nodded he snuggled against Richard and kept reading. "Master used his Necro Power in a bad way and it scared me. It felt like the same as Anita's only kind of different. Not as powerful. "

Sin had been reading almost the whole day he found this all fascinating.

"At least we now know he has the focus for a job." Jason said at dinner. Richard was passed out on one on the couches in the Living Area with Sin still in his lap reading. "Sin, time for dinner." Sin didn't respond. "Sin, that's enough it's dinner time."

"It mentions Master." He stormed out of the room waking Richard with a start when Jason yelled after him not to go into Jean-Claude and Anita's room. "Anita , it mentions Master. "

He grunted as he was suddenly grabbed and pulled against Richard's body. They were outside the room. Anita screamed loudly within. Sin blinked at the door.

"Why did Anita just scream?"

"Don't worry about it." Richard mumbled into his ear. Sin shivered in his arms and Richard smiled, and smelled Sin's hair. "You know when your Masters had sex with you and would release inside you?"

"Uh-huh." Sin nodded,

"That's coming and Anita likes to scream when she comes."

"Oh, okay." Sin said, "I'll tell her when she's done..."

He didn't want to leave Richard's arms but he knew he had to eat soon or he'd get in trouble with his parents. So he took Richard's hand and they went to the Kitchen/Dinning Room. It was meatloaf night. They ate with everyone else. There were always shapeshifters around that ate with them. Anita joined them half way through and Sin pointed out the article that told of his old Master's death. She was shocked and told him that she'd known him.

"He was really big in our circle some years ago." Anita told Sin. "He was one of the best none of us knew he had those kind of..."

"Master was sick." Sin said head cocked to one side. "Right?"

"That's right." Anita chuckled, "I could probably get you in at Animators Inc training with me but you can break down everytime I use my powers."

"I'll try not to." Sin said, "I'll do my best. "

Anita had been true to her word and gotten him the job. Sin hadn't liked meeting everyone.

"Oh, my god are your eyes naturally that color?" Someone asked. She was a secretary .

"I've had these eyes since I can remember." Sin said, tilting his head to the side.

"She means the color, Sin." Anita sighed rubbing her temples she was regretting this already. "Are your eyes naturally that green?"

"Yep." he said, simply. "They've always been this green. The Aunt person didn't like them said they were my mom's eyes."

Anita cleared her throat she'd warned everyone that Sin had had a hard life and didn't remember much and that he was very powerful but untrained because he was scared of his power but had agreed to learn to control it .