Chapter 33
Emmett quickly went to her side and she broke eye contact with Edward. Her gaze softened when she looked at Emmett, and she looked so very vulnerable that I almost felt sorry for her. Her awful behavior had caused a rift in her marriage. I knew how she felt. My poor decision cost me Edward once and although it's not exactly the same, both circumstances were bad. I couldn't be a hypocrite; Edward had given us a second chance, and she deserved one as well.
The fact that Emmett was even considering giving her another chance was also a testament to how much he loved her. And because of that, I would be open to reconciliation.
Emmett himself was visibly nervous, we all knew this dinner was critical. Edward had already proven he could and would live without them in his life. His choice had been made. After whispering in her ear, Emmett took Rosalie's coat and ushered her into the room. I gave him a tentative smile just to let him know I wasn't going to play hardball. We all deserved to be happy.
Edward instinctively wrapped his arms around me as she approached us. "Edward," she spoke with a shaky voice, "can I talk to you and Bella alone just for a minute? I know I owe everyone an apology, but I'd really like to say a few things in private first." I could tell she was putting on false bravado.
She looked calm and collected, but I could see her hands shaking. She bit her lip as she waited for a response. I had a distinct feeling Edward was about to turn her down, so I spoke up. "Sure, Rosalie." Edward looked at me in surprise. "This dinner is about making amends Edward," I said softly in his ear.
He huffed out a breath and said, "Let's take this to Dad's study. Mom, this shouldn't take long if you want to set the table." Esme nodded her head apprehensively, and the entire room watched the four of us head to Carlisle's study.
The study had a sitting area in front of large bay windows. Four chairs sat in a circle surrounding a small coffee table. I imagined Carlisle entertained his friends here when they visited. I spied a small bar filled with what looked like scotch, in a corner. We all sat down, and for a moment, an awkward silence filled the room until Emmett cleared his throat.
"Uhhh first off, Bella thank you for coming today. I know this isn't easy for anyone involved, and I'm grateful you are giving us the opportunity to make amends. I missed my brother." I could hear the sincerity in his voice.
"Emmett, as far as I am concerned, you have more than made amends. We have a long way to go but I'm open and willing. Thank you for everything you did helping with settling my legal affairs," I replied honestly. Emmett and I were far from friends, but he had proven he was serious, and we were working on building a relationship. I wanted Edward to have that.
Rosalie, who had been quiet up until this point, took a deep breath. "I've never been denied anything in my life. Not as a child or a teenager, never. My parents doted on me and gave me anything I wanted. I was an only child, one they thought they would never have with my Mom's fertility issues. As you can imagine, and witnessed, they created a monster. If I wanted it, I got it -no exceptions. This extended to school as well. Beauty and privilege gets you noticed and popular. I've done some things to people that I should be ashamed of. Things I care not to repeat." She paused for a moment, and Emmett grabbed her hand in support. "I met Edward before Emmett, and I decided I wanted him. He was handsome and came from a wealthy family. In my head, he was perfect for me. We would be this golden couple. I flirted, flaunted, and he turned me down flat." She chuckled. "I made the mistake of hinting I wanted him to ask me out in front of everyone. I have never in my life been so embarrassed. He rejected me in front of my friends and I've hated him ever since. In reality I knew he wasn't into me. He had never even looked my way. Me cornering him in front of my friends was a deliberate manipulation to get my way." She stood then and walked to the bar, making herself a drink.
"I've started to see a therapist to work on my behavior." This surprised both Edward and myself.
"In the beginning, I ranted and raved about the injustices against me. When she asked me if I thought I was….was a narcissist, I was shocked. She gave me the definition of a narcissist, and I really had to examine my actions. I am ashamed and embarrassed because even to my ears, this excuse is so flimsy that I question my own sanity." She took another breath and a drink. "Even when I first arrived, I had a moment where I was angry when I saw you two. I've had to learn how to accept my role in everything that happens in my life, something I've never had to do. I'm really sorry for what I did to you, Bella. I am working on myself every day. Can I say that I'm completely changed?" She shook her head. "No no I can't. But I can say that I am trying to be a better person. I …I also am battling a drug addiction. I am addicted to pills, have been for years, and I'm trying to kick the habit. I'm checking myself into a rehab center after tonight. I've been in denial, and I've suffered 3 miscarriages as a result. It's forced me to admit I have a serious problem." She looked at her glass. "I probably shouldn't be drinking this, huh?" she chuckled again before getting serious once more.
"Bella, I hated you because honestly I had convinced myself that Edward was secretly gay. I mean, who wouldn't want Rosalie Hale, right? So he must not be straight. He had never dated anyone seriously, and I just assumed they were covers. When he brought you home, I was unjustifiably furious. I felt wronged and lashed out. When your secret was discovered, Alice and I took it too far. We didn't think about how it would affect Edward, which was stupid." She wiped her face free of the tears that were falling. "But I had never thought about how anything affected anyone but myself. And then I lost Emmett, and the bottom of my world fell out."
"I know I can't take back what I've done, and I know we may never have a close relationship, but I would like to make it up to you, however you see fit. Just please give me a chance to make this right." She sat back down and waited tensely for our response.
I took a breath. "Rosalie, I would be a hypocrite to deny you a chance to redeem yourself. You aren't the only one to make mistakes. I made my own, as well. I think we have all suffered enough. I just want to live my life in peace. We may never be close friends, but we can be civil and try to develop something."
She looked surprised that I didn't tear into her with self-righteousness. But I was being truthful; I wanted peace. As long as I didn't have to walk on eggshells or dread family events, I could be the bigger person.
Emmett beamed at Rosalie. "See, I told you it would be fine. Bella is better than we deserve."
He looked at me and mouthed "thank you" before looking towards Edward, who had yet to speak.
Edward's jaw was locked, and I knew she wasn't getting off that easily. "Rosalie, over the years I've tried to understand your motivations, and honestly, I still don't. I was furious at Emmett for not reigning you in, and I was just done. While Bella may be forgiving, I'm not. At least, not so easily. The vindictive part of me wants to reject this apology and tell you to go to hell. However, I will give you a chance to redeem yourself. But, for now, get yourself better, and then we can try to mend these broken fences. I don't know if I will ever like you, but you love my brother and he loves you. I would be no better than you if I took him away from you maliciously."
Rosalie look relieved and smiled gratefully.
"Thank you both," Emmett said gruffly. "Guys, we want to keep Rosalie's rehab quiet if you don't mind."
"Of course," I replied.
My stomach took that moment to growl loudly lightening the mood. We all laughed and decided perhaps it was time to eat.
As we entered the dining room, I noticed Alice watch me warily. Her eyes darted to Rosalie. She was trying to determine how our talk went.
We all took seats at the table and began to eat. Esme had prepared braised lamb shanks served with potatoes, carrots, and asparagus.
As we cut into our meal, Jasper started the conversation up. That was surprising to me, as he had never really addressed me directly. "Bella, I would like to start off by saying thank you for coming." I nodded my head in acceptance as I had a mouthful of the delicious meat Esme had cooked.
"Secondly, I want to give my apologies to both you and Edward. I did not treat you with the respect you deserved as Edward's girlfriend. I allowed both Esme and Alice to influence my attitude towards you. Edward is the only person who can decide if you were a passing fling; no one else. I didn't take the time to get to know you and turned a blind eye when Alice was scheming against you. I should've stepped in and for that I'm sorry and I hope you accept my apology," He finished.
I had always known that was exactly why he never really got close to me but hearing him say it made me feel sad. Edward squeezed my thigh, almost as if he could read my mind.
Alice chose that moment to speak up. "Bella, I know out of everyone here, I was the worst. I put things in motion that caused a lot of heartache, and for a long time I felt justified in what I did. I wish I could say that I came to my senses early, but I didn't. It has taken some stern talking from Dad and me losing my brother to realize that I was wrong. I'm sorry to both of you. Sorrier than you will ever know. I caused my brother so much pain, and I almost ruined your career. All of this could've been avoided, but I had tunnel vision, and once I made my mind up, nothing could change it." Her eyes watered. "Bella, please don't think this is just to get Edward back. I looked in the mirror and didn't like who I saw. Edward actually said to me that I didn't care who I hurt just as long as I could say I was right. He made me realize it didn't matter what your sexual orientation was, he was in love with you, and I had stolen that from him so callously. I couldn't imagine if I lost Jasper in such a way. I would be crushed."
"That's what hurt the most, Alice. You didn't care about how this affected me. Rosalie and I never got along, but you….You are my sister, and the way you went about everything is something I will never forget. Even after the fact, when I told you how I felt, you kept at it. You had no regard for anyone at all, and that is what is so difficult for me to wrap my head around," Edward spit out. "How could you hurt me the way you did?"
"I know I know I'm so sorry Edward." She cried. "I'm sorry!" Jasper looked pained and I could tell he wanted to come to her defense but what could he say?
Edward opened his mouth to continue on, but I grabbed his hand. "At this rate we would just go round and round in circles. He quieted down as he looked at me, and his eyes softened.
I took a deep breath "Alice, I'm not going to try and condemn you for your actions, but I'm going to tell you the same thing I told Rosalie. I just want peace and with that peace, I want Edward happy. We may never be extremely close, but we can salvage some type of relationship. Edward deserves that, he deserves his family, and I refuse to be the one to take that away. I'm just at the point in my life that I have no time for petty grudges. I'm not entirely blameless in this situation. I should've come clean to Edward before he heard it from anyone else. So, I forgive everyone. Let's just start over." I raised my wine glass. "To new beginnings."
Everyone raised their glass, and I could see the relief on Carlisle's face. As a parent this situation had to wear on him and Esme. Having your children at odds had to be taxing. I hope this was the beginning of mending the bridges that were burned.
The remainder of the evening was lighter. Esme asked me questions about Erin and hinted that she would love to meet her. Carlisle and Edward talked work. Alice gushed over my clothes asking where I shopped. Rosalie although much quieter, joined in conversations where she laughed and was pleasant. Jasper observed and joked with Emmett about football. It was far from perfect, but it was a start to healing.
Edward and I ended the night wrapped around one another. Just as I drifted off to sleep I heard him murmur in my hair, "Thank you, Bella."
The next morning, I woke up to giggles and opened my eyes to Erin and Edward both staring at me.
"We're hungry, Momma, and Auntie Tanya is not good in the kitchen," Erin implored. I groaned and laughed. "Ok, give me five minutes, and I will be downstairs." She shot off, calling out for Bandit.
Edward kissed me good morning and headed towards the bathroom. I watched him walk away, his back muscles mesmerizing me.
After freshening up, I headed to the kitchen to cook everyone breakfast. Demetri was seated at the table in his scrubs. Tanya had her head buried in the fridge, pulling out food. She emerged with a carton of eggs and Orange juice. Pancake mix and bacon were already on the counter. She looked up and scowled at me, as if to say "It's about time." Edward was making himself a cup of coffee, and I felt so utterly complete that my eyes watered.
Edward looked startled for a moment, but Tanya knew what was up and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek "I love you, too, babe."
I smiled, and Edward relaxed. "I love you," he mouthed.
"I love you too." I mouthed back with a grin.
Erin chimed in "Yeah yeah. Everybody loves everybody. Make my pancakes." And all was good with the world.