{ Hello guys,

I hope u like my new book. But please understand that I don't speak English. I'm from Czech, so sorry for the grammar.}

I was walking the hallways, looking for my target. The sound of gunfire followed every my step. Oh, I should probably introduced myself. My name is Aaliyah Caitlyn Christmas and I'm 16 years old. I'm a mercenary for hire. Killing is my nature.. I'll come, I'll kill and than I'll leave. No regrets. There is only a few people who are better than me. It's a team called The Expendables. Nobody knows how they look like, because nobody survived.
Right now I'm working for some guy named Church. I don't know much about him, but until he pays I don't care. He sent me to some Island - Vilena to bring some girl.. I think that her name was Sandra. I entered into a small room with girl - probably Sandra and some another guy.

"Let her go!" I said and pointed my gun at his face. He turned around and frowned when he saw a military scarf around my head, so he couldn't see my face. I smirked when he tried to take his gun. "I don't think so, teddy bear. Don't even try."

Instead putting his gun out, he stepped in front of Sandra. "What do you want?" He asked.
This is perfect example of stalemate situation. You see, unfortunately, Church wants this girl alive. So, if she dies - I'll not get my money. "Look, this is my job. If I won't get this girl I won't get paid." I explained. After a while I added. "I promise she won't be hurt."

But the look on his face told be that he thinks something else. Suddenly I heard reloading from 5 guns. 'Damn. How the hell is that possible?' I probably losing my touch. The 5 men came to my view and I took a closer look. They were big and muscular. The big one had a tattoo on his arm.. It was a skull with raven on it and the title said: The expendables. My eyes widened and my heartbeat raised.
The Expendables exchanged looks. The blonde one smirked when he found out what I was looking at. He stepped closer and tried to take my gun but loud explosion stopped him.

The ground shook and my instincts kicked in. I grabbed blondie and punched him in the jaw. The others were still in shock when I pushed my self through the door and than, I ran. 'Right, left, right, left' I ran as fast as I could. But my pursuers were closely behind me. I turned right and entered into room with big window. I stopped and looked out of the window, but my thoughts were interrupted by a knife flying closly to my head. I didn't have another chance.

I took a deep breath and started running to the window - and than I jumped.

To be continued.