I do not own anything, as you maybe already knew...

Sirius and Remus sat in their garden, enjoying the nice summer evening.

'You know what I can do?' Sirius asked, with a drunken smile on his face. Remus sighed. 'No, I don't. Tell me.' 'I can do the whole "Thriller" dance!' Sirius replied.

Remus looked at him, raising one eyebrow. 'When did you learn THAT?!' Sirius shrugged. 'The guy I "roomed" with in Azkaban taught me.' 'Those Dementors have more effect than I ever thought...' Remus said.

'Can I have you umbrella?' Sirius asked. 'My what?' Sirius pointed at the red umbrella in Remus' drink. 'Oh yeah... sure...'

Remus handed Sirius the umbrella, who stuck it in his black hair, next to his own green umbrella. 'Look! They're brothers!' 'That's nice, Sirius, that's nice...' To his horror, Sirius started to sing. 'Do you know the umbrella man, the umbrella man...'

'HEY! Shut up, Black!' A voice came from the garden next to them. Sirius climbed on his chair and looked into the other garden. 'Hiya Severus!' He said, smiling and waved at him. 'Do YOU know the umbrella man?' 'I'm afraid I do...' Severus replied.

'What plants are you growing there?' Sirius asked, eyeing a familiar one in Severus' garden. 'I... uh... er...' He stand in front of the plant. 'What are you talking about?' He asked innocently. Sirius grinned. 'You're not fooling anyone! I know what that is!'

Remus snorted, he also knew about their neighbours' plants. Sirius started to sing again. 'Do you know the cannabis man, the cannabis man...' 'Yes, I do!' Remus said. 'I believe he lives next to us.' Sirius sat down again. 'You are correct sir! He has weeds in his garden!'

'Yeah, and he's not the only one...' Remus replied, looking around their garden, which was full of weeds and random plants. 'I like the untamed look of it.' Sirius said, walking into the house to get another drink, but not before tripping over a lawngnome that was running around.

Remus sighed. What a fine evening it was, so quiet, so peaceful... Sirius came running outside, his eyes wide. 'I'VE GOT SUCH A GREAT IDEA!' 'I bet. Tell me!' Remus said, knowing this was going to be another no sense making, idiotic plan.

'We're going to Harry and tell him about Severus' plants!' Sirius said, looking very proud of himself. 'I am a GENIUS!' Remus looked at him. 'Then what?! What's the point of it?' The genius shrugged. 'Who cares?! Let's go!' 'Oh all right...'

What will happen next? Will they go to Harry and tell him about Snape's plants? And if they do, who cares? What will Harry do? Do you like the story?

Stay tuned & please review!