Love Can Mend Your Soul

maybe home is nothing but

two arms holding you tight

when you're at your worse

When Something Feels Off, It Normally Is

A couple of hours later, Marcel stirred from his position in the chair he eventually fell asleep on but ended up waking himself up as he shifted uncomfortably. Flustered, his eyes shot straight towards Davina, unsurprisingly he was terrified waking up she wouldn't be there, that very reality only happened hours ago. Fortunately, that horror was over.

Blinking a few times, he sleepily drags a hand through his hair roughly, glancing ahead at the picture before him.

Even in his sleep, Kol was still holding her against him in a protective embrace. His head was nestled against her shoulder and an arm covered around her frame. Though she as expected shifted in the night, her hand remained clutched in Kol's and she still remained in his arms.

Holding on even in their slumbers came naturally to the two.

It had taken Marcel a long time to give in to his own rest after putting up a fight when his eyes kept trying to close on their own accord. He fought it and just watched whilst listening in on every beat from the girl he called his daughter at the same time. Naturally, he couldn't shake the anxiety that falling asleep something, anything could happen again.

How could any of them not be so paranoid considering?

Davina's heartbeat was the first thing to reach his sensitive ears mixed with her typical induced breathing as she slept. It brought him back to a time when after he saved her from that horrid night, being slaughtered in that harvest ritual and though they were practically strangers then, one thing was obvious he wouldn't let anyone hurt her. From there that family bond came naturally between the two and now though he felt more protective than ever before. It didn't help matters that the second sound to run through the attic room was that of Kol's low breathing as he slept beside Davina, an image Marcel knows though he doesn't have a choice in and there isn't a lot he can do but it still isn't a sight he approves of but putting Davina first the thing was he had no choice but to accept it.

She loved him, it couldn't be more obvious whilst at the same time he has never seen this Mikaelson love any before himself or at all in all the years he were familiars with him, dare he say raised with him as a young boy, still didn't mean he would push it to say they were family. But the upside to all this hell? Kol didn't snore, a thought that briefly brought a snicker out of Marcel.

He watches a moment longer before slumping back down allowing his eyes to close once more.

A few chimes of the clock later, a hasty jump in Davina's heartbeat rang in Marcel's ear causing him to glance back.

While he looked on, his forehead creased with lines of worry and he made the instant decision to walk over making sure she was okay, mentally ignoring feeling like an overly paranoid father. A creek in the floorboard caused Kol to stir, an evident sigh left him as he wraps his arms further around Davina. The relief there at once fell upon him. "Marcel, what on earth are you doing?" Kol abruptly asks sensing eyes suddenly on them. ''Her heart it spiked and I'm just –'' Marcel paused as Kol fully opens his eyes meeting the puzzled ones that stared at him. Realizing Marcel's worry, the hasty beat Kol perceived straightaway but the major positive here, it was beating.

''You know you are more likely being too dramatic right now?'' utters Kol lowly, hoping he was. Marcel rolled his eyes dramatically in response ''After the last twenty-four plus hours I don't think dramatic qualifies here Kol' retorts Marcel clenching his hand into a fist at his side.

Davina's head was on Kol's chest since she moved in her sleep throughout the night and Kol had to glance down to ensure she was okay and that they were simply being overly paranoid for nothing. But Marcel had a valid point there, paranoia doesn't count at the present moment.

As Kol shifted ever so slightly, she didn't budge although the beat of her heart grew wilder and the grip that remained upon Kol's hand loosened.

My Nightmares Are Where I Lost You, Again.


It felt somewhat familiar to Davina. As if she has been in a similar place before yet she couldn't make out where she was. However, she could make out the intense drumming in her chest as she trembled attempting to plead for her eyes to aid her through the pitch black room but there was no light anywhere. Darkness surrounded her. She swallowed shaking the image away deciding this couldn't be real. She was safe, ''this isn't real'' she told herself two, three times in a row. Feeling suddenly paralyzed in her own body in addition to not knowing if she was alone made her jump in her skin through every tiny noise. Moving out her hand she mumbled an incantation quietly and waited a moment but nothing happened. She was powerless in the dark and the fear of being so alone and confused took her captive.

The thought of hiding through the shadows embedded itself firmly in her head. She couldn't let them take her, again. She didn't belong here; wherever this was. This was meant to be over; she thought to ignore the darkness and still attempting to glance around, chanting lowly for some light, anything.

Her love in her grasp felt away from her reach. 'This is a dream', she told herself through the silence. Only the roaring beat of her increasing pulse thudded in her ears. The silence was deafening. With a silent moving motion, she felt herself shake as if something was shaking her but where she was there was no-one there. Whoever it was called her name and it took Davina a moment to process what it was. 'Davina wake up' he pleaded desperately. She didn't know where she was or what was happening, she only knew what she saw and felt, she was powerless, she was alone and she lost Kol all over again. They lost each other for the third time and she felt herself almost fall unaware of what her feet would meet beneath her but she heard it again and it abruptly stopped her.

'D, you're having a nightmare, you're okay'

Davina jolts up in the bed suddenly gasping wildly. Her eyes snap open expecting the worse, the terror evident in her eyes but the first thing to greet her is the light causing her to squint lowly allowing her vision to adjust. The relief at that meant the darkness was gone, it was a nightmare and that was eyes dart around the room in a panic and it's then she remembers where she is. A choked cry forces itself from her throat, she saw Marcel rush to her side and it was then she glances to the arms holding her, around her and protecting her 'Kol', she breaths and he nods his head worriedly. The panic in Davina's eyes slowly departs and complete relief replaces it realizing she hadn't lost them again. A confusing but nonetheless a daunting vision made her believe otherwise.

'Davina, you're okay' hushed Kol, realizing what happened. She almost wept with relief then and there and felt her throat tighten as she met Marcel's eyes.

It was automatic as tears welled up in her eyes, she nodded briefly, absorbing the pure relief of the simple word okay. She's okay, Marcel is okay and the man she loves and is terrified to lose again is okay.

It terrified her, that reality happening again.

Before any words left their mouths, Kol rose fully up from the bed beside her and pulled her to him. 'A bad dream', she mumbled her head falling into the crook of Kol's neck, inhaling deeply. His hands softly took away the tears that fell from her cheek, only imagining what plagued her mindset as she slept, after today.

'What you saw, whatever it was love, it wasn't real just a nightmare' Kol assures her barely compressing his own worried state towards her. Arms shelter her tightly as the remnants of the nightmare cling to her mind. 'It wasn't real' she repeats out loud though the tremble in her voice couldn't be masked 'I'm not alone anymore'. Kol stiffens momentarily and glances towards Marcel startled by her admission, who felt frozen to the spot beside her. Her stomach dropped, she felt that sinking feeling in the pit of it and for a moment she felt so overcome with the shock of it all and everything that happened hit her again. She felt sick. She was sure if there was anything in her she would be sick. However it was empty, there was nothing to get up. She just felt numb.

'Do you want to talk about it?' Marcel asks her cautiously.

But she's still feeling so shaken up all she can do is shake her head mutely in response. She wasn't ready to talk about any of it. The worst part was the nightmare could have been a lot worse and yet it terrified her. She wasn't back in the Compound or in the circle after leaving the ancestors yet she was alone, terrified of the unknown and further terrified her current reality was too far to come back towards. Yet they both dragged her out of it and she hadn't lost them as her nightmare made her believe. It felt too real; thankfully it was far from reality. She didn't need to voice her demons, they felt like they both had a similar idea to what plagued her subconscious.

''Here D, drink'' said Marcel passing her the water from her nightstand suddenly. She nods, sitting up and leaned forward, a timid smile towards her father formed on her lips. "Thank you," she said appreciatively accepting the glass in her shaky hands and gulping the water down, her dry mouth grateful for it.

Marcel sucked in a breath watching her, as Kol did. Davina drags a shaky hand through a curl, removing it as it threatened to come loose. 'I can't explain it' she sighs, her eyes becoming glassy with emotion. The very curl from a mere moment ago fell once more but Kol moved forward brushing the ringlet out of her way, stroking her cheek softly whilst a few shakes of his head. 'You don't have to explain anything, okay?' his voice is soft though serious.

She had nothing to explain to either of them, they understood.

Kol alternates between stroking the wet patch on her pale cheek, wiping away sudden tears before she allows herself to fall back into his arms, nodding numbly.

''My mind was playing tricks on me'' she admits, her voice low, an unmissable tremble to it. The lines on Kol's forehead crinkle predicting the type of tricks and dark things that held her captive in her dreams. He wants to ask her what happened, every piece that plagued her mind. He also wants to ask to make sure it never happens again. He wants to compel it away; he knows why this happened. He wants to know if she experienced similar haunting dreams the first time she came back. But this second, all of that could wait. She has been through enough. Kol as Marcel is also aware there is a major difference this time, she isn't just facing trauma from every single thing that happened but what could have happened, what the Mikaelson's were about to do, this was very different from the Harvest ritual.

That was the final blow.

But Kol didn't ask questions. Truthfully a part of him was afraid of those answers.

Her mind found its weakness and with what happened toying with that weakness left her trembling in the arms that she was almost made believe was gone, believe they were taken away from one another again.

Her heart was very heavy. There was a weight there, a numbness present.

Across from Davina and Kol, Marcel felt helpless. There was a huge part of him that couldn't deny the wrath in him with this all. What does a father do in this situation? How can he take away the pain of all that occurred from the one he sees as his daughter?

He closed his eyes tightly, 'Davina, what can I do?' Marcel asks, his tone desperate.

'Marcel' she breathed, shaking her head towards him. 'There's nothing that can be done', she states, the shake in her voice remains. ''All I know is that you two are here and that's all that matters' to me' Davina exhales into Kol's hold, appreciative of the grip, the squeeze she got from him.

'What if it happens again?' she asks, fear obvious in her, written on her as she spoke to both Marcel and Kol. 'It felt real, too real and I just thought...'' panic rose with that statement.

'Then Darling I will wake you up and remind you those nightmares don't hold a strand of truth to them, I promise you' vowed Kol to Marcel's surprised gaze and a small grateful smile from her.

''Davina'' Kol says gently angling her face so it remains to his, "Whatever it was, none of that is remotely real love' he pauses kissing her temple slowly 'Darling you are safe' he reminds her in a hushed whisper against her skin. Kol moves his hand from hers for a moment and before she has time to grab it back, he places it against her heart, to make a point. She glances up meeting his genuine smile and a nod, her gaze flickers to his hand resting upon her heart and he nods once more. 'Darling, feel that and listen to that beat'' he whispers at his favorite melody that ever crossed his ears.


'You see although it's a rather hasty beat right now, it's one healthy, beating heartbeat and you are okay''

Her heart which beat beneath her rib cage was genuine.

Kol rendered her speechless. She smiles gently, her own heartbeat though rapid and beating anxiously the loud sound was every reminder of the true reality. It was beating. With a hand upon her heart, Kol keeps it there and holds her tightly, slowly coaxing her heartbeat back to normal. As he zoned in on the beat, it further calmed him down at the same time, it was a sound today especially he wouldn't take for granted ever again.

'Nothing is going to happen', Marcel voices towards her, not sure how to take this Kol in front of him in, further from the Kol he knew as a young boy. When it came to Davina, when it came to losing her and what had happened Marcel had seen a different side to this Original, it was a lot to process.

'Do you want to lie back down?''

Mulling over the idea she wanted to shake the thought away, anxious about the same thing happening once she does. However, she nods nonetheless. All too aware of the sudden tremor in her hands, they find Kol's beneath the sheets and he squeezes tightly. She doesn't let go, content to keep them to her.

They say nothing as they watch one another closely. Kol gathers her fully in his arms lowering back down. Rocking her slowly in his arms, Davina burrows her head against his the hollow of his neck. His head rests against hers, his arms cover around her and he pulls the sheet back around her. One of his hands runs through her hair at the same time as the other remains in hers tightly. The soothing gesture causes Davina to snuggle deeper into him and he felt her, fortunately, start to calm down against him, ever so slightly.

Marcel eyes Davina carefully running a concerned hand through his hair roughly. He wasn't fully there after the first time she came back. Any trauma she endured with that she faced alone and without him and especially now he felt guilty for that. Things were different now though, very different. Though Davina was holding on and refused sleep to cave her in, she was confident in one thing that she wasn't only moments ago. She wasn't alone. Her eyes start to close again. She blinks them open straight away but seconds later they would flutter shut again.

She isn't sure how long she lays there. The shake in her takes a long time to die down but it lessens, her muscles start to feel less rigid, her heartbeat slows, she calms down. Even a bit feels like a lot. She isn't sure how long she lays there with Kol stroking her hair softly, a hand on her heart stroking lovingly taking in each beat, ensuring her it what's real, soothing her.

Davina didn't want to sleep after that. But after her own fight to stay awake became too tough to win she against her will gave in.

"Remember it's not real love" he muttered against her hair, she felt his harsh breath as she whispered three words into the room.

It wasn't real.

When Kol quietly gazes down, this time he watches her heavy eyes close for good. Enclosing his arms fully around her he kisses her head softly.

What was real was the arms embracing her felt like home. In Kol's arms, she knew she was safe and her body finally relaxed.

''Rest Love, they can't get to you anymore''

'We're here' finished Marcel to Kol's shock. But that's the thing, whether he would ever approve of their relationship, how clearly serious it is and how they once again clung to each other, terrified to lose one another, Marcel put his own wishes second here, she's been through enough and he couldn't do anything about them together, he didn't have to like it and no-one thought he did but he loved her and Marcel loved her, so he tightly closed his eyes with a sigh and knew he had to deal with it.

For her.

Cupping Kol's cheek, she smiled sadly 'Don't let go' he held her gaze and she squeezed his hand tightly under the blanket. 'Oh love, I have no intention of doing that' this time her smile isn't that of sadness, anything but.

He didn't let go.


Not Real

The sting of the nightmare hung.

The nightmare though not real was formed beneath the deceit and all that occurred and there was no denying that. She wasn't sure how long they remained in that position. Kol never ceased his rocking with her safely in his arms and for a while, she forced her eyes open petrified to sleep again. Scared of what would greet her in doing so again. But after a while and some gently pleading towards her she gave in and as she did she knew one thing that no matter how bad the nightmares could possibly get, they weren't real. She was safe, Kol was with her and the true nightmare was over.

The moment she stopped squeezing his hand was the moment he realized sleep took her. Davina drifted off relishing in the familiar arms wrapped around her, loving her, and those arms had no intention of letting go, there were no doubts there.

It meant everything and helped that Marcel was nearby, he wasn't in harm's way and that was everything presently to Davina.

'It's not real, you're safe, it's over, and you're safe'

As sleep dragged her down, she prayed he was right.

The words, not real hung in the air.


there are these moments

you think you won't survive

and then you survived

AN: To those who waited, I really am sorry. Funny thing was I didn't stop writing, I just wasn't able to finish it and didn't believe in what I wrote either. Personally, it hasn't been the easiest time for me last year and other things had to come first and I had other things to work on, we are all works in progress. This isn't my favorite chapter, from what I've written next is a lot more but I don't believe you can go through all Davina has in this story, the end of season 3 and not be affected. Reality, trauma, for example, doesn't work that way. If you want more, please review. any suggestions are welcome always, please be patient and be kind though, confidence in writing has been knocked honestly, slowly getting back with this.

unbeta'd at the moment, all mistakes are mine, please forgive me there!

Twitter ; Ohgivemelove_

Kellie Marie xo