Author's Note: Listening to a song and this popped up in my head. Sorry this chapter is so short its worth crying over. The song is: 'Forgotten Toys' Parade'. I dont know by who, but its instrumental.

Disclaimer: I own nothing!

Chapter One: -Welcome to living misery-


That's my family, my life, my mind. There is no escape from the stinging pain of inside.

My lips purse together as I flip down the story I'm reading on my phone gradually losing and gaining interest. I sigh heavily turning off the device and putting it on my desk, staring at it for a second.

I stand, looking at the pile of finished homework sitting on my desk waiting for me to shove them into my backpack. A small groan escapes my lips as I hear footsteps down stairs.

Probably another politician. As my father is mayor Berk you'd think I'd be used to it but I'm not. They still manage to bug me at two in the morning.

I pick up a pen spinning it back and forth as I decide whether to risk the chance of sneaking into the kitchen and steal a roll to make up for the food I've missed the last few days or just pretend I'm not hungry again.

Deciding on the latter I turn looking out the window of my small room staring at the flickering lights of dark city. Gobber a car repair shop owner I work for once told me that the stars are our guardian angels watching over us, twinkling to let us know we're never alone.

I let out a breath through my nose looking at the frosted edges, some job my guardian angel done. My mom died at my birth, and I'm bullied every day, and my dad ignores me, I'm pretty sure he blames me for my moms death.

I would too.

I put a hand on the glass clenching the black pen in my hands, turning my gaze to the forest. The isle of Berk isn't largely populated, lots of wild animals wander the streets. My breath fogs my vision and I rub it away with ym brown jacket.

I should sleep, but I can't. Night is when I feel alive, my brain jumping into action, actually functioning right.

The pen cracks and I look down at it and the ink leaking onto my fingers. Shattered pen.

I look forward as I see something running through the woods. It's a blur in the darkness, but free.

Oh, how I long to run away to.

A/N Let me know what you think. Again, I give apologies for the short chapter. But its better than a really long boring one right? :)

Please Review!