Chapter 3: Sweet and Savory

I'm back with the final update for Toothache. It was fun writing this. Tell me your opinion about this fic. The suggestions for future stories are welcomed! Thank you for waiting. Any personal questions are welcomed too.

Wednesday, MISAKI POV

I opened my eye as soon as I heard the sound of my phone buzzing. Through my half asleep state, I was able to make out that it was my alarm. I reached out for my phone and shook it to dismiss the alarm. I was thankful to the modern technology, they made life so much easier. Especially at 6:30 in the morning, when even unlocking your phone seemed like a huge task. Though my vision was fuzzy, my body was not. I found myself lying on top of something strong and muscular, I immediately realized it was Takumi's body. I blushed red as I tried to wriggle out of his grasp, but I couldn't, since his arm was draped over my body. I dared to lift my gaze from his naked chest and looked up at his face. He was sleeping—and even in his sleep he had his arms around me, so as to keep me in place.

The sun was up and the room was brightly lit, his face was so serene, I couldn't help but cup his cheek. He sleeping so innocently was a sight I deeply cherished. A smile came over my features before I could control it. I tried to remove his arm from my waist and in the process, I realized I was just as naked as he was. Our legs were intertwined and the sight of it made me feel more than embarrassed. Luckily, the blanket covered us. I heard him shift and mumble as he tried to pull me back into the comfort his body provided. "Mmm, go back to…sleep" He pulled me back into his arms and ran a hand through my hair as he kissed my neck sleepily. I realized I couldn't afford to be late, even though it was so tempting that I had to bite the inside of my cheeks to shove my thoughts away. I gave him a small kiss on the cheek when I felt like I couldn't resist anymore. As soon as I realized that Takumi was going to open his eyes, I scrambled out of the bed and ran to the bathroom, grabbing his t-shirt from the floor and putting it on before running off.

I was ready by 6:55am. I got out of the closet and was greeted by my half naked husband. His eyes were half open as he ran a hand through his hair. Thankfully, he had enough brains to put on a pair of pajamas. I only glanced at him as I hurried to my walk-in closet.

By the time he reached the doorframe of the closet, I was putting my heels on. I wore a black business suit. He looked refreshed now, I guess he had brushed and stuff. I put my foot on the small stool and began to fasten the straps by bending down. I was interrupted as I felt his hands on my foot, I looked up and saw him. He was on one knee as he fastened the straps on my sandal. "Good Morning, Mrs. Walker" He said as he gave me a dazzling smile. I blushed red, "I can do that myself" I stole another glance at him, he was still on one knee, looking like the prince he actually turned out to be. It reminded me of the day he had proposed to me. I blushed more as memories came back to me. He put my leg down and took another one. "But I like doing this. I like taking care of you" he said as he traced his fingers along the length of my leg, starting from my knee and ending at the straps of my sandal. I visibly shuddered, but in a good way. Which was bad. I tried to balance myself on one foot in my four inch black sandal. "Keep your hands to yourself, peasant!" I spoke playfully as I pointed a finger at him. He merely smirked, as he finished strapping my sandals, before I could thank him for his services, he did something which left me rather surprised.

I don't know when or how he managed to pull this off, but the next thing I knew, I was pinned down to the wall next to me, with my right leg hooked on to his waist. He held both of my hands above my head, as always, and chuckled darkly as he looked at me, "So, you don't like my hands on you?" I could feel the teasing in his words, but I was speechless now. My heart raced and my legs felt like jelly, I did not know how the hell I was standing straight in this position. "Y-You!" I stuttered as I tried to frame coherent words in my mind. "Tell me, Misa-Chan. Think your answer through, there might be consequences later"

"I—Let me go! I have a flight in less than two hours" I stuttered, more like pleaded. It was true, I was going to New York for two days for work. I could not afford to be late right now!

"You're a cruel woman" he said as he brought his face near my neck, I could actually hear the beating of my heart. I felt like I forgot how to breathe, "At least give me a parting gift before you leave me here" he said as he pressed his lips softly on my collarbone. I looked at him and snorted, "I'm only going for two days, I'll be back before you know it" I spoke with a smile, in attempts of cheering him up, but it seemed like the alien wasn't pacified yet.

"Two days, forty eight hours, two thousand eight hundred and eighty minutes—"he sighed against my flushed skin as his lips continued their torture. His face resembled a hurt puppy, his actions spoke otherwise.

"Okay, ok—ay" I said as loud as I could, he looked up at me with a bright smile as he let my hands go, my leg was still wrapped around his waist.

"One kiss" I warned him, after I regained my composure and caught my breath. He smile sheepishly as he nodded expectantly. I brought my trembling fingers to his cheek as I kissed him on the lips softly. I felt him smile as we kissed and he picked me up. I deepened the kiss as my hands rested in the deep forest that were his hair, he kissed me back with equal love and passion as I felt the cold wall on my back with my legs wrapped around his waist.

After what felt like ages, we pulled apart, when breathing felt impossible and before stopping became difficult. He placed me down on the floor carefully and I placed both of my hands on his chest to regain my balance. He laughed as he patted my head and made me walk towards the kitchen.

"I thought we agreed on one kiss" I glared at him as we ate breakfast. I ate slowly, since I had to be cautious around my affected tooth.

"Technically, it was one kiss" he chuckled as he popped a berry in his mouth and winked at me. I looked away as I concentrated on my food. I could not afford to be distracted now.

"Anyway, do take your medicines on time. Since we have to delay your treatment for the next two days" he spoke. I looked up and nodded as I finished my breakfast and got up. I dragged my suitcase from the bedroom and came to the living room.

"Let's go" Takumi spoke as he picked up the car keys. I didn't know when or how, but the alien had gotten ready when I was eating my breakfast.

"Don't you have two workplaces to go to? I can take a taxi" I glared at him, I didn't want him to skip his work for me.

"It's only 7:30 right now. I have plenty of time" he spoke as we got in the car, "I don't want any perverted taxi drivers to kidnap my sweet wife" he pouted.

"Nothing of the sort is going to happen, besides, I'm not even as pretty that people will kidnap me" I told him as practically as I could. We didn't live in the medieval era, did we? "You caveman!"

"You're too naïve, Misaki" I felt his face go from sweet and sappy to serious, "Besides, even if someone had the guts to kidnap my wife, I'd personally tear their organs apart one by one and watch them suffer"

He spoke with a sadistic smile which sent chills down my spine. Knowing him, it wasn't impossible for him to actually do that. I face palmed, "You're worse than a five year old"

"Only for you, love"

"Shut it, pervert"

Friday, MISAKI's POV

I impatiently tapped the base of my heels against the floor as I waited for the security to let me through. I was currently standing in the queue just outside the terminal. My flight had landed a couple of minutes ago and I was more than excited to see Takumi. I was back a few hours early, just to surprise him. I kept glancing at my phone again and again, I couldn't wait to get out of here.

"You're free to go" The attendant smiled at me as they let me through. I smiled back, a bit too brightly for someone who just landed after such a long journey. I was used to travelling now, since my job practically required me to work in different countries. I walked out of the airport as far as my sleeping-stiletto-clad feet could carry me and waited for a taxi.

The sharp rays of the sun were soon replaced by the cloudy sky and wind. I paid the money to the taxi driver and went inside our home. One of the maids opened the door for me and I smiled as I gave her a small hug.

"Mrs. Walker! I'm so glad to see that you're back!" Reva exclaimed as she embraced me. The maids were only appointed to come thrice a week. I'd always preferred to clean the house myself by there was no winning against Usui, was there?

"How many times should I tell you? Call me Misaki" I patted her head as she pulled away and took my suitcase. I was greeted by a few others as I made myself comfortable on the high chairs placed in the island kitchen. Mrs. Reese, our cook and housekeeper, gave me a glass of juice with some fruits as she smiled in my direction. I took an apple as I sighed.

"Have you informed Takumi-Sama of your early arrival? I'm sure he would be so thrilled that he'd come home right now! Maybe you should call him if you didn't! " Reva squealed, my ears perked up at the mention of his name. I immediately sat up straight as I looked at them.

"No-No-No-No-No! You will not do that!" I freaked out as flashes of a failed plan came before my eyes, they all eyed me skeptically and started passing looks the next second, some even whistled as I turned red.

"My-My, What have you planned, Misaki? Maybe we should just be done with today's work and give you two some privacy. It's a wrap for today, girls!" Mrs. Reese cheered as she enthusiastically dismissed the girls off in the blink of an eye.

"W-Wait, It's not what it looks like!" I exclaimed as I walked behind them. They all winked and gave me butterfly kisses as they exited the house. I face palmed.

I went to my bedroom after locking the front doors from inside and laid on the bed. The results of my travelling were clearing taking their effect, considering the fact that the only real sleep I had gotten was during my flights, I was tired. I immediately got up from the bed as soon as it started getting too comfortable for me. I could not afford to sleep right now, fuck jet lag, fuck everything, I was going to see my husband right now!

With a mission on my mind, I immediately went to my bathroom and turned the faucet on. As the tub filled with lukewarm water and poured some rose scented body wash in it, I went to the closet to take out a dress. I took out a crème-beige colored dress that reached my knees and went back to the bathroom. The lukewarm water felt so good against my tired body, I sighed in leisure as I slipped inside the bathtub.

I sat in the waiting area right outside Takumi's cabin as I listened to songs using my earphones. I waited patiently for him to finish the appointments, I had asked Risa to not tell Takumi that I was here. I just told her to tell him that there was one last patient on the list, and she did. I was glad that she didn't ask any unnecessary questions or made any observations, which would surely make me embarrassed.

"There's just one patient left, Mrs. Walker" Risa smiled as she informed me. I got up and walked towards the cabin, not feeling like waiting anymore.

"Thank you" I told her as I turned the doorknob. I gave her a bright smile and stepped inside. When I turned my head to see my husband, I was rendered rather… speechless by the scene playing in front of me.

I stood there limply, speechlessly as I saw my husband leaning over some other…girl. She was lying down on the dentist chair. Takumi was looming above her, his muscles flexed, broad back obstructing my view. All blood rushed away from my head as I saw it. I knew it was just a part of his work, but it was …just so inappropriate. It felt wrong. I was frozen in my spot. I was trying really hard to be practical about it but it seemed like my brain had stopped working at that moment.

"Ahh that hurts" she cried out in pain, or squealed in pleasure, I could not make out anymore. My heart was beating so fast that I felt that it would soon explode. I had never felt such an emotion before. It was explainable. It felt as if there was a fire spreading inside my body, in a bad way.

"You're gonna have to open up wider for me to see" Takumi spoke innocently as he did what he always did. With his back towards me, it was hard to make out. But it looked like something else to me. I could almost imagine him pushing her hair behind her ear. Soothing her. Comforting her. Kissing her.

Before I could make any judgments, I closed the door and exited the room. It was getting harder for me to breathe now. I turned the doorknob and shut it behind me as I went out. Risa stood up on seeing me, I was trying very hard to control the tears that were threatening to come down my face. I looked at her impassively and spoke in a low voice before my voice broke and the lump in my throat broke me.

"He's not finished yet, so I guess I will wait" I forced a smile as I sat back on the sofa placed in the waiting area.

"o—kay, do you need anything?"

"Mrs. Walker?"

"No!" I shrieked, almost,

"I mean, I'm fine, thanks" I pretended to clear my throat as I quickly picked up a magazine and shoved my face in it before she could ask me more questions.

"A-lright" She stuttered and didn't bother me any further. I almost felt bad for lashing out on her like that, not that I had any control over my anger right now.

My mind was racing. With so many conclusions and scenarios—none too appealing. My brain left all rational thoughts and played different scenarios in my head as I pushed back a lone tear that managed to slip off from my eye. My eyes were red now, since I was so tired. Too tired to form any rational thoughts. I felt angry, hurt, betrayed, and most of all, tired. My hands were trembling with anger, I did not know what to do, how to react. A part of me screamed out how irrational I was being, but the other part of me told me it was possible. Men had needs, didn't they? And I was mostly gone out of the country. Maybe, just maybe Takumi was tired of it all? He was a man too. I placed the magazine on the couch with shaking hands as I put my hands in my hair that were let open today. My brain was fucking with me, maybe what I saw wasn't real too? Maybe it was just a hallucination? Oh I wished so, because my heart was sinking as I thought more about it. All that echoed in my brain was that I loved Takumi.

"Um, Mrs. Walker?" Risa spoke slowly, very slowly. I looked up and regained my composure. I realized I was being a complete lunatic on the verge of an emotional breakdown, my business façade was back and I smiled, "Yes?"

"The doctor is requesting for the next patient" she told me calmly.

"Okay, Thanks" I said as I gripped the hem of my dress and got up. I held the doorknob once again and turned it for the second time today, with a heavy heart and a lumpy throat.

"Am I doing fine, doctor?" The girl from before purred as she sat in the patient chair, she was my age, I noticed. She wore a low cut top and a mini skirt that was too short. It felt like she was wearing child's clothes. She kept biting her lips as she talked to Takumi, who was writing something in her consultation card. He didn't look up yet as he wrote, too engrossed in his work.

"Yes, you're in perfect health, except for a cavity. I shall refer you to a dentist" he spoke as he wrote more.

She pouted as she extended her hand and placed it on top of his hand. My throat was dry now, the nerve of this woman!

"But I want you…to treat me" She made a hurt expression which was probably ignored by Takumi, not that I noticed.

"Risa will instruct you further" Takumi gave her consultation card back and dismissed her

I was unable to take it anymore, I stomped my way through the room and sat on the chair kept in front of his table. I placed my sling on the table almost too harshly, which made two sets of eyes come on me. The girl glared at me, as she exited, Takumi looked at me with wide eyes.

"Misaki, what are you doing here? Why didn't Risa inform me?"

"I had an appointment. Doctor. You were busy" I looked at him, unable to hide my anger. What was I doing here? So I don't have the permission to visit my own husband?!

"You could just have called me" he said as he ran a hand through his hair and got up. He walked towards his drawers and took out a bottle of water from the mini fridge.

"Why? Are you afraid that I'll see something you don't want me to see if I came without informing?" I spat, everything was getting shittier and shittier by the second.

"I don't know what you're talking about, what's wrong?" he spoke as he walked towards me, before he could reach out to me, I got up. With my shaking legs, I walked towards the dentist chair and laid back down in the same place where that girl had been, "Let's just get this done"

Takumi spoke nothing, he calmly picked up his gloves and walked towards me. I flinched as soon as he placed his index finger on my lip to open my mouth, his eyes widened questioningly, but he said nothing. I opened my mouth and tried to be as calm about it as possible.

I noticed that the first three buttons of Takumi's black shirt were left open and his sleeves were rolled up. I frowned as the face of the girl from before flashed in my mind. Either I was being absurdly insecure or something was really up. My anger kept increasing as I clenched my fists and glared at the plain ceiling, hoping the lump in my throat would go away.

The treatment was over within the next thirty minutes, I knew this because I was counting each and every passing second, the pain was nothing compared to what I was feeling emotionally. Takumi didn't try to touch me after the three times I cringed as he tried to comfort me with his gestures. The silence was aggravating, but I didn't know what to do. I got up from the seat as soon as he was done and grabbed my purse.

Before I could get out of this damned room, Takumi locked the room from inside. I glared at him, since I was locked. The room was soundproof so Risa wouldn't be of any help to me. I looked at him, "Open the door, Takumi"

"Not until you tell me what's bothering you" he spoke calmly as ever. He took off his gloves and went to a sink nearby.

"Nothing" I spoke as I hugged myself unconsciously.

"I have all night" he spoke as he washed his hands. He crossed his arms as he leaned against the wall. I glared at him.

"Why is your shirt unbuttoned?" I couldn't hold my tongue any longer. Takumi was never one to dress sloppy, so why? I saw him smile and before he could say anything, I cut him off, "And I'm not in mood for jokes so you better watch yourself" I sat on the chair when I felt like my legs were dead.

"Because the A.C wasn't working and it was hot" he said with an impassive face.

"Oh?" I looked at him as I picked up the A.C remote from his table and increased the cooling. This was getting too frustrating for me!

He was quiet for a moment, then he spoke, "It was fixed today"

"When? Before your appointment with that whore? Why didn't you bother buttoning it up? Didn't it bother you when she stared at you like a lust crazed animal?" I spat before thinking and placed my hand on top of my mouth as soon as I did. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!

"Wh-Whore?" He looked at me in disbelief. I would have too, since I never used that word before. My anger took the best of me and I didn't care about embarrassment anymore, I just looked away angrily as I circled my arms around myself, feeling the coldness of the room due to the A.C.

"Misaki?" I heard his voice, but I didn't look in his direction. The lump in my throat was getting bigger and bigger, I blinked back my tears as I stared outside the window.

"You have misunderstood, she's just a patient who comes for a regular health checkup. I admit she's a little clingy so I always refer her to other doctors but this time she pretended to be sick and requested for me—I"

"I DON'T WANT TO KNOW!" I shrieked as I yelled out, I was standing now. Tears flowed out relentlessly and it was totally out of my control now. I was tired, so tired. Even breathing felt like too much of an effort right now. I stumbled as I got a head rush as soon as I stood up. My brain was feeling so heavy, hot tears blurred my vision but I managed to make out Takumi's silhouette walking towards me. "Do not touch me!" I yelled out as loud as I could, but knowing my state, I knew I wasn't that loud.

"Do you know how I felt like? I haven't slept in the last two days so that I could finish my work before time and come back a few hours early to surprise you. I—I wanted to see you, so bad. But it doesn't matter, does it? What difference do a bunch of hours make? Right? But they do! When you stay up for forty eight hours working hard so that you can see the one you love. I just wanted to spend a quiet evening with you! Was it too much to ask? Apparently so, and I am a fool" I was crying so much I almost did not recognize the words that were coming out of my mouth, "Do you know what I felt like? To see my husband halfway on top of some, some other girl?" My voice broke, I gripped the table for support, my body was clearly exhausted.

"Misaki, I can explain—"

"NO!" I cried, again, "I know I'm being irrational, but what was I supposed to think?! I'm sorry if I behave like a stupid child when it comes to such matters because I don't know how to react! The only thing I know, is that I love you, and I don't know what I would do if I lost you" I sat down, unable to form coherent words anymore. My head was in my hands again as tears fell on my dress. I blinked as I saw spots of water darkened on the fabric of my dress.

"Promise me that if you find someone better than me, if it becomes unbearable to wait for my return, if someone else takes your heart, that you'll tell me" I looked up at him with swollen eyes and all I saw was his hurt and flabbergasted expression, I laughed lightly as I kept my head on the desk, "It'll take me a while to accept it, you know? Even if it would kill me, I'd still leave your life for you" I found myself laughing as more tears escaped my eyes.

I felt Takumi's hand gripping my wrist, I looked up at him, and his expression was unreadable. He just placed my hand on his shoulder and my head on his chest, right over his heart, "You silly, silly woman, do you hear it?" he looked at me with a stoic face, I nodded as I heard his heartbeat. It was strong and beating rapidly.

"I want you to know, that it only beats for you, now and forever. How can you be so cruel, Misaki? Don't you get it already? You are my life, how can you expect me to just fall out of love with you? I wish you could see yourself through my eyes, only then you could see. Why can't you love yourself like I love you? Why are you so insecure? Don't you already know me? You are the only thing I have. My only one last shot at happiness. Do you think I'd give it all away for a simple fuck? Do you think that I won't even have enough control over myself? I'd always wait for you. I can't even begin to imagine how you spent those agonizing years of college waiting for me as I stayed in England. I can only get the glimpse of it when you leave for work trips. I will always, always wait for you, Usui Misaki Walker" He said with a sadness in his voice that shook me inside out. He kissed me on the forehead as he let me go and looked at me.

"I…I" I was out of words now, see? I did overreact. I misunderstood so much, I bit my lip, I was so stupid.

"I'm not a creature of lust, Misaki. And even if I am, I only lust for you, and only you" he spoke with a finality in his voice. I turned red as he took me in for a kiss that left me breathless and doubtless.

"I'm sorry for overreacting" I spoke as we pulled away.

"It's all because of stress and anxiety, let me take you home, you need sleep and food" Takumi frowned as he looked at me.

"W-Wait" I said as he picked up his car keys. I bit my lip as I took his hand and made him sit on the same dentist chair as before. He looked at me with questioning eyes which turned out to be a shocked expression as I climbed on top of him. I pushed him back as I sat on top with both of my legs on the either side of his own. I kissed him on the lips as I unbuttoned the last few buttons on his shirt.

"I never…" Takumi tried to speak as I cut him off with a kiss each time he tried to finish his sentence, "Thought you were… the…jealous type" he said as he kissed me back with equal passion. I took off his shirt and threw it somewhere as I kissed him once more, "me too" I said breathlessly as I felt his fingers unzipping my dress urgently.

"No more… unbuttoning…other than the first…. two buttons of the…. shirt at work" I halfway glared at him as I kissed his neck impatiently, the adrenaline rush almost took my tiredness away, right now, and sleeping was the farthest thing on my mind.

"I'm glad I unbuttoned my shirt now" Takumi chuckled as he pulled me closer and bit my lower lip.

"Shut it before you regret it, Walker" I spoke as I tugged at the waistband of his pants.

"Yes, Milady, whatever you want" He said as he turned over. I found myself pinned down as he loomed over me, his mouth curved up into an arrogant smirk "I'm going to give you very delicious memories about this chair, right now"
