Please Note all characters and rights of the Independence day Franchise belong to Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin. Please note that this Independence Day story is My own and I used some of the character names from the Independence day Franchise.

The Republic Federation Empire and Progress

the date is now September 22, 2150, 110 years sense the U.E.R. wars with the Skotadian Imperial Empire. over the past century the U.E.R. has gone thought some changes; they U.E.R. scientists and engineers have Designed New warships and invented New Technology. the U.E.R. has colonized or Terraformed over 26 other star system planets spread across a broad 1,400 light year territory perimeter toward the northwest and southwest part of the Milky Way to not head to the Northeast and southeast part of the Milky Way Galaxy to not start an Interstellar war with Skotadian Imperial Empire.

as of Mid March of 2088 the U.E.R. quickly began to adventure outside their home star system to colonize or terraform other star systems they decided to set up Mankind's 1st Interstellar government to help maintain order and peace in 13 star systems that they have Colonized or are terraforming spread across a broad 700 light years territory Perimeter that they now have explored. the U.E.R. decided to by reformed and Reorganized into Mankind's 1st interstellar Government called the Republic Federation Empire or R.F.E. for short.

the R.F.E. was Similar to the old U.E.R. government system but with a Few differences. the R.F.E. would have a copy of the U.E.R. Constitution to have a Basic Foundation. 1st instead of having 2 main houses of government the U.E.R would have one Main Governing body called the R.F.E. senate that would have 49 Senators(3 to 4 Senators to Represent each Star system equally) to Represent of all Star systems. the R.F.E. Senate would to due the incredible long an complex decisions that would effect the Future or their Interstellar government like New Interstellar Laws to keep the peace or to regulate their Interstellar taxes rates to get income to keep their interstellar government proposing, the organization the supply of the R.F.E. Natural Resources, to determine How large the R.F.E. Military forces would in time of Peace and in it's time of War.

2nd they R.F.E. knew that with their Colonization fleet would continue to expansion and set up new Colonies that later on their New Colonies and star systems under their protect reach a servant population size and wanted some since of Independent and to have their own Planetary Government and Economy in the R.F.E. The R.F.E. to said to all their colonization fleets and star systems control their control or Protect that went their Planetary Population reaches over 25 million people as citizens in the R.F.E. Galactic territory under their Protection they have the option to become a R.F.E. State with 3 to 4 senators to represent them in the R.F.E. Galactic Government.

3rd the R.F.E. would a small governing council made of 15 Members(Included the Emperor of the R.F.E.) that would make the Quick Decisions for the R.F.E., like if the R.F.E. was suddenly attack by an Alien Race that might try to destroy them, their way of life and take their Galactic Governments Resources then the Governing Council could Quickly response to the threat by send a Strike force to Retaliate against the Threat.

In July of 2088 the U.E.R. decided to dramatically expanse the T.G.F.C. by reformer them into Mankind's first: Federation Imperial Navy or the F.I.N. for short. the R.F.E. Decided to transfer 75% of all of the R.F.E. Military Resources and Production facilities to the F.I.N. to have them have the ability produce their Galactic Warships to defend their home world or solar system or another solar systems that they might colonize. the F.I.N. Section was found by the Military Officers and personal of the T.G.R.C. a few of the New Officers Included the F.I.N. Commanding Fleet Admiral, Admiral Abraham Wright of all F.I.N. forces, General of all F.I.N. Air and ground forces, General Steven Hiller, Admiral chief of F.I.N. operations, Admiral Alex Jacob, Lt. General Mitsu Mutsuko, Major General Dylan Hiller and Brigadier General Ibbie Macario.

the F.I.N. has a Galactic Fleet made up over 2,195 of the Latest 4th generation Interstellar ships: 335 X-212D's, 1,007 of the R-936D's, 159 of the TW-425D's, 146 of the UR-145D's, 174 of the SY-825D's, 196 of the YP-912D's, 94 of the GR-245D's, 84 of the QT-183D's and 420 JB-695C's along with over 123,075 T-Rex-306D fighter spacecraft interceptors and 58,500 Velo-201D bombers. the F.I.N. has a Planetary fighter force made of over 45,000 T-Rex-306D fighter spacecraft interceptors and 15,000 Velo-201D Bombers to defense Earth from any Human or Interstellar threat.

the F.I.N. has 480 Planetary Ship-to-ship laser Cannons and 2,400 Planetary missile silos across the planet to defend the planet from a Massive Alien fleet that might try to attack their home world: Earth. the F.I.N. has a defensive fleet above Earth under the Command of Vice Admiral, Admiral Jesse Whitmore; the Defensive fleet is made up of 28 of the X-212D's, 84 R-936D, 14 of the TW-425D's, 16 of the UR-145D's, 12 of the SY-825D's, 14 of the YP-912D's, 5 of the GR-245D's and 7 of the QT-183D's along with over 35,285 T-Rex-306D fighter spacecraft interceptors and 16,875 Velo-201D Bombers.

the F.I.N. has a ground force have 46.266 million troops, 462,667 advance tanks and 231,333 artillery Pieces along with the most advance Firearms their I.R.D.P. facilities can Produce to protect their interstellar Territory. Each Colonized Planet has 120 Planetary ship-to-ship laser cannons and 600 Planetary missile Silos and over 150,000 Advance Anti-spacecraft Laser turret defenses and 3,800 advance Mobile missile Launchers to launch advance missiles to protect the their Planet Civilization and city's from human or Interstellar Spacecraft that might try to attack any of their Planets.

the F.I.N. has 13 defensive fleets in their Interstellar Territory under the Command of Admiral Chief of F.I.N. operations, Admiral Jessica Alexandra. each of the Defensive fleets are made up of over 23 to 24 of the X-212D's, 71 R-936D, 12 of the TW-425D's, 10 of the UR-145D's, 12 of the SY-825D's, 14 of the YP-912D's, 7 of the GR-245D's and 6 of the QT-183D's along with over 15,095 T-Rex-306D fighter spacecraft interceptors and 6,750 Velo-201D Bombers.

as of Late January 2090, the R.F.E. scientists and engineers have final being able to design and create their 1st generation Quantum computer holographic technology. they create to versions one packet size Quantum Computer Holographic Technology for the R.F.E. Public to use and a Massive version for the R.F.E. military to use on a massive scale to create holographic simulations for the F.I.N. to use in war games. the holograms the 1st generation computer Holography technology were complex like it could project a 3d image of the human body and show the layers of the human like the skin, organs, and skeleton is detail. however there was a down side the 1st generation Quantum computer holographic technology Imaging Matrix was last about 36 hours before it burned out without a cool down time. they give the 1st generation Quantum Computer holographic Technology to the R.F.E. government to begin massive produce the 1st Generation Quantum Computer holographic Technology to the Public and for their Military to use.

in the Mid August 2136, the R.F.E. scientists and engineers have designed the 5th generation Colonization class ship Called the Diego de Almagro class or the JB-695E to use in transporting Massive Amounts of Colonists to seed other planets or Star systems for mankind inside their home solar system or beyond it to other star system. they said that it would take 48.80 years to have a JB-695E constructed and ready for service at normal production at a single shipyard to have a JB-695E ready for service. the JB-695E is 33,535.766 meters in length, 11,598.960 meters in width and 810 meters in height/depth. the JB-695E would have a crew of 24,671 crew-members to maintain ships systems and can carry up to 50,817 Passengers to other planets of Star systems to Colonize. the JB-695E is powered by 13 Massive fusion Reactors to power its advance defense systems and Advance Proportion systems. the JB-695E has an Auxiliary bridge control, and a Galactic Map of the Galaxy, a Self-destruct system as a last resort and Escape pods to evacuate the ships crew and passengers. the JB-695E defenses were an R.F.E. Capital shield generator to generate powerful shields, 3.047 meters thick energy absorption armor Plating and 4,582 Anti-spacecraft laser turrets to shoot down enemy fighters or Bombers.

The JB-695E would have 3 Engine units installed it, 1st 116 Capital Sub-light Engines and 6,871 Maneuvering thrusters (to move the JB-695E Right, left, and down in space), 2nd 540 traditional supersonic Jet engines to move the ship inside a planets atmosphere and 3rd the latest warp dive. The JB-695E has 3 massive and a small spacecraft hangers that can carry 454 T-Rex-306F fighter spacecraft interceptors and 58 scout ships to defend the ship from an enemy attack. they give the Diego de Almagro Class or the JB-695E Prototype to the R.F.E. government to begin mass production 5th generation colonization ships to colonize other planets in their Solar System or other Star systems that they have Colonized or have meet other Intelligence Alien species that have mastered Space faring technology and made peaceful contact and have become allies.

In mid October of 2141, the U.E.R. Scientists and engineers have designed their 7th generation Capital ship shield generation technology. they said in theory that the 7th generation Capital ship Shield generation technology can produce a protective shields around an interstellar spacecraft 25% stronger than the 6th generation capital ship shield generation technology to take 49 Capital ship-to-ship laser cannon hits before failing and making the ship valuable to enemy fire. they test their theory by firing 6th generation ship-to-ship laser cannon 33 times and found that the capital ship shield strength was down to 67.34% and still could more of a pounding. they give the 7th generation Capital ship shield Generation Technology Prototype to the R.F.E. government to begin producing the 2nd generation Advance Military Capital ship defense Technology to protect any of their own interstellar spacecraft to explore the universe or Defend from any Human interstellar spacecraft or Alien Interstellar spacecraft like the Skotadian Capital ships or from other interstellar threats.

In late January of 2142, the R.F.E. Scientists and engineers have designed the 7th generation interstellar Scout ships and cargo ships called the Saint Paul Scout ship or the X-212G Class and the Orion Class cargo ship or the R-936G class. they said that it would take 1.17 months to have a X-212G constructed and ready for service at normal production at a single shipyard to have X-212G ready for service. The X-212G is a lot larger than it's Previous class, the X-212G is 838.7533 meters in length, 125.7839 meters in width and 66 meters in height/depth. the X-212G would have a crew of 571 crew-members to maintain ships systems and can carry 1,140 passengers. the X-212G is powered by a Massive fusion Reactor to power its advance weapons, Advance Proportion systems and life support systems.

the X-212G has an Auxiliary bridge control, and a Galactic Map of the Galaxy, a Self-destruct system as a last resort and Escape pods to evacuate the ships crew. the X-212G defenses were the latest R.F.E. Capital shield generator to generate powerful shields and 100 Anti-spacecraft laser turrets to shoot down enemy fighters or Bombers. the X-212G armaments: 63 missile launch tubes to launch I.S. missiles among other missiles. The X-212G would 3 Engine units installed it, 1st 2 Capital Sub-light Engines and 272 thrusters (to move the X-212G Right, left, and down in space), 2nd 19 traditional supersonic Jet engines for the ship inside a planets atmosphere, and 3rd the latest Warp dive. they give the Saint Paul class or the X-212G Prototype to begin mass production X-212G's scout ships to defend against any Human interstellar spacecraft or Alien Interstellar threat like the Skotadian capital ships or from other interstellar threat.

the Orion Class cargo ship or R-936G would be the 7th generation Interstellar Cargo ship. they said that it would Nearly take 3.957 years to have a R-936G constructed and ready for service at normal production at a single shipyard to have a R-936F ready for service. The R-936G larger than it Previous class, the R-936G is 2,944.3051 meters in length, 125.812 meters in width and 165.33 meters in height/depth. the R-936G would have a crew of 1,514 crew-members to maintain ships systems and the ship can carry 378,473 tons of cargo. the R-936G is powered by 3 Massive fusion Reactors to power its advance defense systems, Advance Proportion systems and life support systems. the R-936G has an Auxiliary bridge control, and a Galactic Map of the Galaxy, a Self-destruct system as a last resort and Escape pods to evacuate the ships crew. the R-936G defenses were the latest R.F.E. Capital shield generator to generate powerful shields and 302 Anti-spacecraft laser turrets to shoot down enemy fighters or Bombers. The R-936G would 3 Engine units installed it, 1st 8 Capital Sub-light Engines and 418 thrusters (to move the R-936G Right, left, and down in space), 2nd 34 traditional supersonic Jet engines for the ship to move the craft inside a planets atmosphere and 3rd the latest warp dive. they give the Orion class or the R-936G cargo ship Prototype to begin mass production 7th generation cargo ships to go along with X-212G Scout ships in set up Military Bases or to set up Colonies on other planet.

In mid February of 2144, the R.F.E. Scientists and engineers have designed their 7th Generation Fighter-spacecraft Interceptor called the T-Rex-306G Fighter interceptor. The T-Rex-306G is a little larger than the T-Rex-306F fighter spacecraft Interceptor class, it is 38.434 meters in length, 27.225 meters in width and 5.875 meters in height. the T-Rex-306G would have 2 pilots to operation the fighter(a Pilot and co-pilot). the T-Rex-306F is powered by 2 Miniature fusion Reactors to power its advance weapons and Advance Proportion systems Reserve engineer from Alien Technology. the T-Rex-306G armaments were 4 Miniature anti-spacecraft laser turrets, 16 I.S. missiles (to use in space battles above a Planet or in Space engages away from planets), 7 traditional Air-to-Air Missile (to use in Planetary battles) and 7 Advance Air-to-Air Heat-seeker missiles(to use in Planetary battles). The T-Rex-306G would 2 Engine units installed it, 1st a Sub-light Engine and 2 traditional supersonic Jet engines for the Fighter to move the craft inside a planets atmosphere. the T-Rex-306G would have 21 Maneuvering Thrusters(6 to 7 thrusters on each wing and 8 inside the mainframe) to move the fighter right,left, up and down while in outer space to operation better and to do space combat with other interstellar Fighters. they give the T-Rex-306G Fighter interceptor Prototype to begin mass production the T-Rex-306G Fighter-spacecraft Interceptor to replace the T-Rex-306F to defend against any Human or Interstellar threats.

In late May of the same year the R.F.E. Scientists and engineers have design their 7th Generation Interstellar Bomber called the Velo-201G Bomber. The Velo-201G is a little larger the Velo-201F Bomber, it is 95.8414 meters in length, 35.811 meters in width and 15.851 meters in height. the Velo-201G would have crew of 4 to operation the Velo-201G(pilot, co-pilot, bombardier, defensive systems operator). the Velo-201G is powered by 2 Miniature fusion Reactors to power its advance weapons and Advance Proportion systems Reserve engineer from Alien Technology. the Velo-201G armaments be 16 I.S. missiles (to use in space battles above a Planet or in Space engages away from planets), 7 traditional Air-to-Air Missiles (to use in Planetary battles), 7 Advance Air-to-Air Heat-seeker missiles (to use in Planetary battles) and 20 Anti-starship cruiser missiles. the Velo-201G defenses would be the latest Fighter-spacecraft shield generator to generation defensive shields to protect it from enemy fire. The Velo-201G would 2 Engine units installed it, 1st a Sub-light Engine and 2nd 2 traditional supersonic Jet engines for the Fighter to move the craft inside a planets atmosphere. the Velo-201G would have 23 Maneuvering Thrusters(7 to 8 thrusters on each wing and 8 inside the mainframe) to move the fighter right,left, up and down while in outer space to operation better and to due space combat with other interstellar Fighters. they give the Velo-201G Fighter interceptor Prototype to begin mass production the 6th Generation Interstellar bomber to replace the Velo-201F to attack any Human Spacecraft or Interstellar spacecraft threats.

in Early August of 2143, the R.F.E. Scientists and engineers have designed 7th generation massive ship-to-ship laser cannon system. they said in theory that the massive ship-to-ship laser cannon technology can were powerful enough to drain the protective shields around an interstellar spacecraft with 7th generation shield generation technology by 2.66% for every shot. they test their theory by firing a massive ship-to-ship laser cannon 30 times and found that the capital ship shield strength was down to 79.8% and still could take more of a pounding. (if a 2nd generation capital ship shield generation was firing on with a 7th generation capital ship-to-ship cannon each shot would drain the shield strength by 10.33%). they give the 7th generation Capital ship-to-ship laser Cannon Technology Prototype to the R.F.E. government to begin producing the 1st generation Advance Military offensive Technology to protect any of their own interstellar spacecraft to explore the universe or Defend from any Human interstellar spacecraft or Alien Interstellar spacecraft like the Skotadian Capital ships or from other interstellar threats.

in Mid April of 2143, the R.F.E. scientists and engineers have designed the 8th generation fighter-spacecraft shield generation technology Prototype. they said in theory that the 8th fighter-Spacecraft Shield generation technology can produce a protective shields around a object strong to take 25 Anti-spacecraft turret hits before failing and making the ship valuable to enemy fire. they test their theory by firing a Anti-spacecraft turret 25 times to see if the shields would hold for 25 shots and it. they give the 8th generation Fighter-spacecraft shield Generation Technology Prototype to the R.F.E. government to begin producing 8th generation Military Defense Advance fighter spacecraft Shield generation Technology to give their T-Rex 306F Fighter-spacecraft interceptors and Velo-201F bomber's a better fighting change against any Human fighter-spacecraft or Interstellar fight-spacecraft like the Skotadian Fighters.

In Late August of 2148, the R.F.E. scientists and engineers have developed their latest Generation warp dive technology called the Warp dive XI(11).they said in theory that their XI generation warp dive technology can warp space around a spacecraft 1024x's the speed of Light(meaning that it would take an interstellar spacecraft about 97.65625 years to travel across the Milky way galaxy) working around the E=MC2 equation to travel around the universe faster and their own terraforming technology. they tested the Warp dive by have a Volunteer X-212F scout ship and crew to test the Warp dive.

the Crew of a Scout ship: USS Columbus under the command of Captain Alex Hiller Volunteer to test the Warp dive XI. they installed the Warp dive technology into the X-212F scout ship and have the scout ship go to from the Terra Solar system to Terra Nova Star system(Gliese 581g system) by using the Warp dive technology to see if their theory was proofed. they went to lower earth orbit and the Navigator Commander Daniel Marcos of the Scout ship put in the course of Terra Nova Star system and Activate the Warp dive XI.

7.219 days later the USS Columbus came out of sub-space and Lieutenant Daniel Marcos checked the coordinates on the computer and found that they have traveled 20.2 light years in 7.219 days. they contacted the R.F.E scientists and engineers and told that the warp dive XI worked. the USS Columbus return to Earth by using its warp dive XI and the R.F.E scientists and engineers gave the their warp dive XI prototype to the R.F.E. government to begin massive producing it for all of the interstellar starships to have a Warp dive XI to travel around the universe.

In May of 2148 they have designed the 7th generation Patrol ship called the Zeus Class or the TW-425G, they said that it would take a little more than 10.45 years to have a TW-425G constructed and ready for service at normal production at a single shipyard to have a TW-425G ready for service. The TW-425G is a lot larger than the R.F.E. R-936G cargo ship class. the TW-425G is 7,690.429 meters in length, 1,538.025 meters in width and 266.73 meters in height/depth. the TW-425G would have a crew of 2,458 crew-members to maintain ships systems. the TW-425G is powered by 4 Massive fusion Reactors to power its advance weapons and Advance Proportion systems.

the TW-425G has an Auxiliary bridge control, and a Galactic Map of the Galaxy, a Self-destruct system as a last resort and Escape pods to evacuate the ships crew. the TW-425G defenses were an E.R.F shield generator to generate powerful shields, 1.138 meters thick energy absorption armor Plating and 1,024 Anti-spacecraft laser turrets to shoot down enemy fighters or Bombers. the TW-425G armaments: 75 missile launch tubes to launch I.S. missiles among other missiles. The TW-425G would 3 Engine units installed it, 1st 14 Capital Sub-light Engines and 1,409 Maneuvering thrusters (to move the TW-425G Right, left, and down in space), 2nd 164 traditional supersonic Jet engines for the ship to move the craft inside a planets atmosphere and 3rd the latest Warp dive. a medium sized spacecraft hanger that can carry 69 T-Rex-306G fighter spacecraft interceptors and 7 scout ship. they give the Trinity class Patrol ship or the TW-425G Prototype to begin mass production the TW-425G interstellar Warship to defend their Solar System or other Star systems that they have Colonized or have meet other Intelligence Alien species that have mastered Space faring technology and made peaceful contact and have become allies.

In October of the same year they have designed the 7th generation Interstellar Frigate called the Judgement class or the UR-145G, they said that it would take 25.53 years to have a UR-145G constructed and ready for service at normal production at a single shipyard to have a UR-145B ready for service. The UR-145G is larger than the R.F.E. TW-425G class. the UR-145G is 17,212.5 meters in length, 3,442.5 meters in width and 346.5 meters in height/depth. the UR-145G would have a crew of 11,364 crew-members to maintain ships systems. the UR-145G is powered by 18 Massive fusion Reactors to power its advance weapons and Advance Proportion systems. the UR-145G has an Auxiliary bridge control, and a Galactic Map of the Galaxy, a Self-destruct system as a last resort and Escape pods to evacuate the ships crew. the UR-145G defenses were an R.F.E. shield generator to generate powerful shields, 1.474 meters thick energy absorption armor Plating and 368 Anti-spacecraft laser turrets to shoot down enemy fighters or Bombers. the UR-145G armaments: 12 Capital ship-to-ship cannon and 224 missile launch tubes to launch I.S. missiles among other missiles.

The UR-145G would 3 Engine units installed it, 1st 47 Capital Sub-light Engines and 2,407 Maneuvering thrusters (to move the TW-425G Right, left, and down in space), 2nd 117 traditional supersonic Jet engines to move the craft inside a planets atmosphere and 3rd the latest warp dive. a massive and small spacecraft hanger that can carry 176 T-Rex-306G fighter spacecraft interceptors and 23 scout ships. they give the Judgement class Frigate or the UR-145G Prototype to begin mass production the UR-145G interstellar Warship to defend their Solar System or other Star systems that they have Colonized or have meet other Intelligence Alien species that have mastered Space faring technology and made peaceful contact and have become allies.

In mid January of 2149 they have designed the 7th generation destroyer called the Bohlale Malaika Class or the SY-825G, they said that it would take 31.07 years to have a SY-825G constructed and ready for service at normal production at a single shipyard to have a SY-825G ready for service. The SY-825G is larger than the R.F.E. UR-145G class. the SY-825G is 23,343.75 meters in length, 4,677.75 meters in width and 390.5 meters in height/depth. the SY-825G would have a crew of 24,912 crew-members to maintain ships systems. the SY-825G is powered by 28 Massive fusion Reactors to power its advance weapons, Advance defense system and Advance Proportion systems. the SY-825G has an Auxiliary bridge control, and a Galactic Map of the Galaxy, a Self-destruct system as a last resort and Escape pods to evacuate the ships crew. the SY-825G defenses were an R.F.E. Capital ship shield generator to generate powerful shields, 1.67 meters thick energy absorption armor Plating and 2,581 Anti-spacecraft laser turrets to shoot down enemy fighters or Bombers.

the SY-825G armaments: 28 ship-to-ship cannons and 300 missile launch tubes to launch I.S. missiles among other missiles. The SY-825G would 3 Engine units installed it, 1st 84 Capital Sub-light Engines and 4,208 thrusters (to move the SY-825G Right, left, and down in space), 2nd 210 traditional supersonic Jet engines to move the craft inside a planets atmosphere and 3rd the latest warp dive. 2 Massive spacecraft hangers that can carry 280 T-Rex-306G fighter spacecraft interceptors and 42 scout ships. they give the Bohlale Malaika class destroyer or the SY-825G Prototype to begin mass production Mankind's 2nd interstellar Warship to defend their Solar System or other Star systems that they have Colonized or have meet other Intelligence Alien species that have mastered Space faring technology and made peaceful contact and have become allies.

In Early March of the same year they have designed the 7th generation Cruiser called the Abraham Marcos Class or the YP-912G, they said that it would take 34.74 years to have a YP-912G constructed and ready for service at normal production at a single shipyard to have a YP-912G ready for service. The YP-912G is larger than the R.F.E. SY-825G class. the YP-912G is 26,274.375 meters in length, 5,254.5 meters in width and 475.2 meters in height/depth. the YP-912G would have a crew of 31,557 crew-members to maintain ships systems. the YP-912G is powered by 28 Massive fusion Reactors to power its advance weapons, advance defense systems and Advance Proportion systems. the YP-912G has an Auxiliary bridge control, and a Galactic Map of the Galaxy, a Self-destruct system as a last resort and Escape pods to evacuate the ships crew. the YP-912G defenses were an R.F.E. Capital ship shield generator to generate powerful shields, 1.877 meters thick energy absorption armor Plating and 3,435 Anti-spacecraft laser turrets to shoot down enemy fighters or Bombers. the YP-912G armaments: 42 ship-to-ship cannons and 400 missile launch tubes to launch I.S. missiles among other missiles.

The YP-912G would 3 Engine units installed it, 1st 84 Capital Sub-light Engines and 4,189 Maneuvering thrusters (to move the YP-912G Right, left, and down in space), 2nd 209 traditional supersonic Jet engines to move the craft inside a planets atmosphere and 3rd the latest warp dive. 2 Massive spacecraft hangers that can carry 280 T-Rex-306G fighter spacecraft interceptors and 42 scout ships. they give the Abraham Marcos Class Cruiser or the YP-912G Prototype to begin mass production the YP-912G interstellar Warship to defend their Solar System or other Star systems that they have Colonized or have meet other Intelligence Alien species that have mastered Space faring technology and made peaceful contact and have become allies.

In late may of the same year they have designed the 7th generation battleship called the Australia class or the GR-245G, they said that it would take 56.76 years to have a Australia class battleship or GR-245G constructed and ready for service at normal production at a single shipyard to have a GR-245G ready for service. The GR-245G is larger than the R.F.E. YP-912G class; the GR-245G is 42,646.712 meters in length, 8,529.3 meters in width and 712.8 meters in height/depth. The GR-245G would have a crew of 42,919 crew-members to maintain ships systems. the GR-245G is powered by 28 Massive fusion Reactor to power its advance weapons, advance defense systems and Advance Proportion systems. the GR-245G has an Auxiliary bridge control, and a Galactic Map of the Galaxy, a Self-destruct system as a last resort and Escape pods to evacuate the ships crew. the GR-245G defenses were an R.F.E. shield generator to generate powerful shields, 3.047 meters thick energy absorption armor Plating and 5,622 Anti-spacecraft laser turrets to shoot down enemy fighters or Bombers.

the GR-245G armaments: 56 ship-to-ship cannon and 200 missile launch tubes to launch I.S. missiles among other missiles. The GR-245G would 3 Engine units installed it, 1st 169 Capital Sub-light Engines and 8,432 Maneuvering thrusters (to move the GR-245 Right, left, and down in space), 2nd 99 traditional supersonic Jet engines for the ship to move the craft inside a planets atmosphere and 3rd the latest warp dive. 3 Massive and a medium sized spacecraft hangers that can carry 492 T-Rex-306G fighter spacecraft interceptors and 70 scout ships. They give Australia Class Battleship or the GR-245G Prototype to begin mass production GR-245G interstellar Warship to defend their Solar System or other Star systems that they have Colonized or have meet other Intelligence Alien species that have mastered Space faring technology and made peaceful contact and have become allies.

In Mid February of 2150 they have designed the 7th generation spacecraft carrier called the Boris Yeltsin spacecraft carrier class or the QT-183G, they said that it would take 45.66 years to have a QT-183G constructed and ready for service at normal production at a single shipyard to have a QT-183B ready for service. The QT-183G is larger than the U.E.R. GR-245G class; the QT-183G is 17,697.894 meters in length, 3,593.5788 meters in width and 712.8 meters in height/depth. the QT-183G would have a crew of 22,045 crew-members to maintain ships systems. the QT-183G is powered by 6 Massive fusion Reactors to power its advance weapons systems, advance defense systems and Advance Proportion systems. the QT-183G has an Auxiliary bridge control, a Galactic Map of the Galaxy, a Self-destruct system as a last resort and Escape pods to evacuate the ships crew. the QT-183G defenses were an R.F.E. shield generator to generate powerful shields, 3.047 meters thick energy absorption armor Plating and 2,257 Anti-spacecraft laser turrets to shoot down enemy fighters or Bombers. the QT-183B armaments: 6 single ship-to-ship cannon and 225 missile launch tubes to launch I.S. missiles among other missiles.

The QT-183G would 3 Engine units installed it, 1st 63 Capital Sub-light Engines and 3,722 maneuvering thrusters (to move the QT-183B Right, left, and down in space), 2nd 303 traditional supersonic Jet engines to move the ship inside a planets atmosphere, and 3rd the latest warp dive. the ship would have 26 Massive aircraft hanger that can carry 3,666 T-Rex-306G fighter spacecraft interceptors, 917 Velo-201G and 509 scout ships. they give the Boris Yeltsin spacecraft carrier Class or the QT-183G Prototype to begin mass production of the QT-183G interstellar Warship to defend their Solar System or other Star systems that they have Colonized or have meet other Intelligence Alien species that have mastered Space faring technology and made peaceful contact and have become allies.

Between June of 2149 and May of 2150, with the Terraforming of Venus and Mars Completed with them becoming Self-Sustaining planets like Earth, the R.F.E. began a Massive Migration between the 3 inhabitable planets(Venus, Earth and Mars) in the Terra Solar system and the closer core star systems(there are 15 star systems between 13.8 light years and 42 light years away from the Terra Solar system, 1/3 of the star systems have habitable planets orbiting their star(s), the remaining Star systems with planets were either being terraformed or bypassed.) to the Terra solar System to give the people of Earth more Space to prosper on Earth.

By the Year 2149 the Population of Earth was reaching over 14.5 billion people living on the Planet and with the R.F.E. having Population control laws. By May of 2150 the R.F.E. was able to Migration between the Terra solar system planets (Venus, Earth and Mars) and the closer core star systems Meaning that each Core star system now has a population of 2.416 billion population people and still having room to prosper without the need of Population control Laws for a while.