Little Brother
By Maikafuiniel

Disclaimer: I do not own any thing in this story, from the characters to the plot, I'm pretty sure they all belong to somebody else. Let's hope they don't sue, eh?
Summery: Mikey is out late at night when chemicals from Shredder find themselves on him. Mikey is, of course, transformed into a child. But, unlike almost all stories written with this story line, he keeps his memories and is a eighteen year old in a three year olds body.
Rating: PG for adult situations, kidnapping, pain, and such, turned into readable substance for kids. I'm going to try and not use any foul language, okay?

Theories and Science

The room was metallic silver that seemed to shine and glow because of every light that was there. Everything was made of metal, and was cleaner than any science center a normal person would come across. Along every wall was shelves full of strange liquids. Some of the acids and strange chemicals were boiling; some bubbling, and even more were quietly simmering. This was all strange as none were turning Bunsen burners.

No, the reason that all of there were so strange was because these were not normal chemicals. These were the chemicals made by Shredder himself in his attempt to, yet again, kill the turtles.

"Bebop! Rocksteady! Get in here!" A muffled yell came through the metal that constantly covered Shredders face. It quickly caused two pairs of feet to shuffle to attention just outside the door.

It opened, and the two men ran inside, making many of the liquids jerk and jump just barley landing without spilling anything on the ground, or themselves. "Yes Shredder?"

The other one saw fit to open his mouth. "Whadda ya' want?"

"Imbeciles! Be careful! If you had spilled that stuff on yourself you'd make yourselves even more useless than you already are!"

"Ya, and we woulddna want that!" Bebop said happily, as though he had just been complimented. He was really to stupid to realize that he had just been insulted horribly.

"Listen fools! I've got a job for you!" He looked at the two as though checking to make sure they were paying attention. Even if they were he wasn't likely to make sure they had all the information he had given them. "I've just finished with my latest substance, and it's not worth dick. You're to dispose of it for me, as soon as possible. Make sure that there is no lead back to me."

"Where are we supposed to, err, dump it boss?" Rocksteady asked, surprising Shredder. It was actually a fairly intelligent question for something that came out of the rhino's mouth. Of course, he wouldn't tell him that. This was the man, to use the term loosely, that was crying over the fact that he didn't get to be king of Atlantis.

"I don't care! Put it in the sewers! New York city is so dirty already that nobody will notice. Besides that it just might kill the Turtles for me. I don't know exactly what kind of effect it would have on them..."

"Don't cha worry boss! We'll dump the stuff fer ya."

"Good!" Shredder rolled his eyes slowly, but nobody saw him doing it. He was glad. It wouldn't be any good for his reputation as a bad guy. It was at that point that he noticed that those two were still standing there.

"Now you imbecilic buffoons!"

They both ran out of the room at top speed.

He sighed. "Finally." And continued on his experiments. Things were looking up. That is, until the explosion.

Living with three brothers wasn't easy. It never was, and especially not for Michaelangelo, the youngest of the four. It was terrible!

Michael had to be the one who was so happy ALL the time. He ALWAYS had to act as though he was a party animal. He ALWAYS had to be the fun one. Of course, he loved parties, and he loved dancing and surfing, but everyone needed a break every now and then.

And that was not what he was getting in the sewers. Yes, he had a little bit of quiet when he was sitting his in room drawing, but that was only a temporary escape. What he needed was to get away for a little while. Just a night or two...

And so that was how the unhappy turtle had ended up laying on the grass in one of the only fields in the entire city. Of course, he had a sewer pipe jutting out of the grass right above his head, but he knew he had to have an escape route. Even if it meant that he had to ruin his view of the stars a little bit.

Mike loved looking at the stars. Donny would have thought that he wasn't being himself. That he was acting, or just being odd. But Mike loved looking at the stars, and drew pictures of them all the time. He would NEVER show the guys though. He wouldn't be able to live it down if Raph saw it.

A song started going through his head, and everything was perfect. Absolutely perfect.

Until all to suddenly a burning splash jumped into his eyes. He immediately jerked his hands to his eyes, clawing at them to get out the unknown substance. But his hands felt strange, his whole body did. He felt dizzy and was quickly lying on the ground in the chemical soaked grass.

He was in so much blinding pain that he didn't even notice he was screaming his voice raw.