A Single Choice Can Change Your Fate
By: Sandreline
Hello everyone! So I know I just posted a new SM/DBZ crossover yesterday, but then this idea hit me like a ton of bricks. So, here you go! Haha. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or Dragon Ball Z. If I did, I wouldn't be writing fanfiction, I would be rich, etc.
A Single Choice Can Change Your Fate
Chapter 1: Taking A Chance
The sliding doors to the Crown Arcade opened with a ding, and a true vision walked inside. Serenity Tsukino was eagerly looking forward to enjoying the final day of break before starting her first day of university tomorrow. To be honest, she was more excited than she thought she would be.
The young woman was oblivious to the looks of admiration sent her way. Her long hair was a silvery blonde, and though done in a strange bun style, she made it look entrancing. Her dark blue eyes popped against her creamy complexion, accented by a blinding smile. She wore a short blue dress that clung to her curves as she glided to the counter, eagerly greeting her long time friend.
"Motoki!" Serenity cried cheerfully.
The blonde arcade owner gave her a bright smile in return. "Hey, want the usual?" He asked.
She nodded eagerly. "Yes, please! But can you add in a large sundae? I want to celebrate today!"
Motoki gave a knowing chuckle. "I'm glad you're so excited. I remember when I started Uni, I was so nervous I almost threw up."
"You did throw up, Motoki." Came a deep and familiar voice from behind her.
Serenity's mood soured instantly, looking over her shoulder at the man who seemed to get his kicks in life by making her miserable. "What are you doing here?" She asked with a narrowed gaze.
"Last time I check, Odango," the ebony haired man replied as he took a seat at the counter. "This was a public place."
Motoki frowned. "Can you not make me look bad, here? And don't rain on her parade, it's a big time for her."
"Oh, I won't." Mamoru smirked. "After all, it's an impressive feat that she managed to get this far. I thought for sure she would be in high school for another few years."
Serenity gave a growl in her throat. "Would you let it go, Mamoru? That was back in middle school!"
Spinning on the balls of her feet, she disappeared to go take up her usual booth. She missed how the ebony haired man watched her retreat, admiring the shine of her hair and the sway of her hips.
Motoki rubbed his face with his hands. "I'm not even going to…" He said to himself.
The new medical intern at Tokyo Hospital turned to look at his best friend. "What?"
Green eyes sparked angrily. "You are the biggest idiot I have ever met!" He told him. "For years I have watched you torment that woman, despite the fact that you practically drool over her. Good god, man; strap on a pair and ask her out, or trust me, you'll regret it when another guy swoops in and makes takes her away!" Throwing his towel on the counter, he moved to the kitchen to put in her order, leaving Mamoru to his thoughts.
The handsome male turned to look at her over his shoulder, noticing she was texting someone on her phone. Oh, he knew that Motoki was right. But after teasing her for years, he wasn't sure he would be able to change the state of their current relationship now. He never understood what happened to him, but it was almost like his mouth was possessed whenever she came near. He always said the exact opposite of what he was really thinking. He's spent so long pushing people away, that making connections with people was foreign.
A hot, black coffee was placed none-to-gently before him as Motoki passed, carrying a tray full of food. Based on the contents, he knew exactly whom it was for, too.
Mamoru's eyes were on Serenity in her booth, so he wasn't aware of the two men walking in. They were younger than him, but older that Serenity. Both males were physically intimidating with striking characteristics. Which would probably explain the squealing girls that were loitering behind them.
"Why are we here?" The lavender haired male asked as he looked around. "Isn't this a little juvenile?"
"Man, you need to lighten up." His best friend replied. "We're supposed to be having fun, remember? So why not at a place where we can eat and play video games in the same spot?"
"Alright. The food does smell pretty damn good." He added as a blond haired man walked passed with a tray full of food. Turquoise eyes followed, watching as it was all placed in front of one woman - a very attractive woman. "Whoa," Trunks whispered with wide eyes.
"No way is that all for her," Goten shook his head. "She's probably waiting on a boyfriend or something. Come on," the dark haired man with crazy hair told his friend. "I'm starving."
The two walked to the booths, choosing one nearby the female and the delightfully smelling food.
Serenity smiled brightly. "Thanks, Motoki! It looks amazing as always!" She told him.
Her brother-like figure gave a smile. "Of course, anything for you. I added an extra scoop to the sundae for you to celebrate." He gave her a playful wink.
Serenity gave a squeal. "Thank you, Toki!" She cheered as she grabbed a spoon.
Mamoru couldn't stop the words from coming out of his mouth. "Jeez, Odango, it's got to be magic how you are able to eat like such a pig and be that thin."
The spoon remained stabbing a scoop of chocolate ice cream, and Mamoru mentally slapped himself. Oh yeah, this is how to get a date.
Trunks and Goten overheard, and the lavender haired male moved to look over his shoulder at the man at the counter. What was his problem? What kind of gentlemen said something like that to a lady, especially one that looked like her?
"Mamoru," Motoki's warning voice rang out as he sent a scathing glare to his best friend.
Serenity gave a weak smile. "It's ok, Toki. Mamoru is just being an jerk, like he always is."
"It's not like she cares. It's no wonder she can't get a boyfriend, which how she eats. They would all go broke within a week to feed that stomach." Mamoru wanted to curse himself.
Goten scowled. He wasn't one to stand by and not say something in defense of a woman. His mother taught him better than that. "Dude, what's your problem?" He asked.
Mamoru looked over with wide eyes at the booth where two very muscular men were sitting. My god, they could pummel him flat with a single punch. He hadn't seen them around before, but one of them did look very familiar.
"Stay out of this," Mamoru told them before turning back to brood over his coffee.
Trunks stood up, his shoulders broad as he decided to do step in. He walked over to Serenity's booth and sat down next to her. Serenity was frozen, her dark blue eyes wide as she looked at this godly male that dared to sit with her. What was he doing?
"Is this all for you?" He asked. Her gaze met his, and she saw that they seemed genuine and kind, so she nodded as a faint blush colored her cheeks. Trunks gave her a small smile. "I'm impressed. I haven't met a woman who can eat all this. Personally, I find it attractive as hell."
Serenity was so thrown that she didn't hear Mamoru choke on his coffee.
"You do?" The silver haired woman asked in alarm.
Trunks gave a full-blown smile. "I do. My name is Trunks Briefs," he said, extending a large hand.
Serenity's blush darkened as she placed her hand in his. "Serenity Tsukino," she introduced with a shake.
Motoki's jaw dropped open at the name, and it fell to floor when said named person took his friend's hand and brought it to his lips to place a kiss. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Serenity. So," he said as he slowly let her hand go. "Is that any good?"
Serenity let her eyes drop to her uneaten sundae, the spoon still standing up from where it impaled the ice cream. "Motoki makes the best." She answered.
Trunks turned to the blonde male that was staring at him with wide eyes. "Can we get two more of these?" He asked. "Oh, and four cheese burgers, three large pizzas, and four baskets of mozzarella cheese sticks?" He asked.
Serenity's eyes were now wide as Trunks ran off the list of food he ordered, before he waved his friend over. "Serenity, this is my best friend Goten."
Goten slid next to Trunks, and gave a smile. "Nice to meet you." He told her.
"Like wise." She added just as Motoki had to fall into a chair in shock.
Mamoru's coffee mug had been knocked over, and the black liquid ran down the counter to the floor as he stood up. He had dropped it when he saw the stranger dare to kiss Serenity's hand. No way, there was no way that he was going to let some guy start hitting on Serenity! She was too oblivious to know that they were probably only after one thing!
Motoki was clearly not going to be any help, either.
"I think you two should leave her alone."
Trunks and Goten looked up at the man that was walking over to them, clearly trying to be intimidating. Was he serious? "Why should we?" Goten asked. "We're at least being civil with her. Something that you don't seem capable of."
Mamoru was internally seething, especially at the way the lavender haired male seemed to move as if to shield Serenity from him, her form now hidden behind his broad back. "I can talk to her how I want, I've know her for years." Mamoru argued.
"Starting right now, you will not be talking to her ever again." Trunks told him. "Not until you can prove that you will speak to the lady properly."
"Thank you both," Serenity began. The hostilities were going crazy, and she needed to do something to get the testosterone levels down again. "That's just how Mamoru is, he doesn't know how to be polite to me. It's alright."
"No, it's not alright. And that's going to change." Trunks told her without breaking from the staring contest he was in with the guy. Sure, the guy was a little taller than him, but Trunks was one of the most powerful people on the planet.
"Who the hell do you think you are?" Mamoru snapped.
"Trunks Briefs," the half Saiyan answered calmly, "of Capsule Corp."
Eyes all around the establishment opened wide.
"You're…" Serenity breathed in awe. That was why his name sounded familiar!
Motoki snapped out of it, jumping out of the chair to grab Mamoru by his arm. "We need to talk in the back, now."
"Motoki…" Mamoru began to argue, but he lost as the arcade owner was able to get him out of sight and into the back.
"He's always treated you like that?" Goten frowned.
Serenity only nodded, still in a state of shock herself. "Thank you both, for defending me." She spoke softly. "That was very kind. I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble."
"It's was no trouble at all," Goten answered with a goofy smile. "Think of us as knights in shining armor."
Serenity gave a small laugh, and Trunks finally relaxed. He let his attention shift from the hallway to the employee room so it could return to the woman at his side. "I'm pretty sure he likes you."
Serenity wrinkled her nose. "No offense, but that's the craziest thing I ever heard. That man has done nothing but make me miserable since the day we met." His eyes locked on hers one more time, and Serenity blushed again. "Thank you both, again, for saving me."
Goten smiled, and Trunks gave her a wink. "It's our pleasure. Now, I think that poor sundae has been neglected a little too long."
Serenity instantly brightened at his words, feeling much better as she reached for her spoon. "You know, you're right. I'm not going to let that jerk ruin my day." Taking a large spoon of the sugary confection, she put it in her mouth and gave a hum of approval.
Trunks had never seen anything more beautiful.
Goten looked over at his friend, wondering if he was aware that he was totally staring at their new acquaintance. Not that Goten could blame him, as she was incredibly attractive. Goten himself preferred dark haired women, but he also wasn't blind. "So, I take it you come here often?" He asked.
Serenity nodded, swallowing the cold sweetness in her mouth. "This is like my second home. Motoki, the owner, is like the big brother I never had. We go back to our playground days." She smiled. "This is your first time here." She stated, having never seen the two of them before.
Goten nodded. "We wanted to venture out and explore new territory. All of our usual spots have become over ridden by girls."
Serenity gave a warm laugh, causing Trunks to unconsciously lean in towards her. She smelled like vanilla and strawberries "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, especially since you both came to my rescue, but you have a crowd of admirers behind you."
"Huh?" Both men stated, their faces that of complete confusion.
Taking her spoon, Serenity pointed to the window that was three booths behind Goten, who had his back to the spectacle. Sure enough, a herd of young women aging from high school to university were pressing against the window, watching the two men with hearts in their eyes.
"Oh, for the love of…" Trunks rubbed his face with one hand.
"Dude, you should be used to this by now." Goten shook his head.
Serenity blushed, placing her spoon once more in her ice cream. "I can't believe I didn't recognize you. I feel like an idiot."
Trunks quickly dropped his hand, turning his gaze once more to the silver haired goddess to his right. "You're not. The fact that you didn't means that you care about other things than gossip, magazines, and fame."
Serenity blushed darker, to his pleasure. "Or I'm just oblivious…" She whispered.
Motoki returned with half of the requested order, silently watching how the male celebrity in his arcade was engaging his friend. Aside from the fabulous publicity this was going to give him, Motoki was a little worried about what was going to happen between the Briefs heir and the person he looked at as a little sister.
"Here is part of it, I will get the rest out as soon as it's finished." Motoki told the trio.
"Thanks, man!" Goten beamed.
"I'll be paying for our bill, and the lady's." Trunks told the owner, handing him a card.
Serenity's head snapped up, and she waved a hand in front of her. "No, no!" She pleaded. "Please, Trunks! I couldn't let you do that. If anything, I should pay your bill as a thank you!"
"It's pointless to argue," Goten mumbled with a mouth full of pizza.
Trunks, still holding the card out to Motoki, looked Serenity once more in the eyes. A spark of playfulness was in his as he gave her a wink. "What kind of gentlemen would I be if I didn't take care of a lady? It's my pleasure. I wasn't kidding when I say that I find it attractive how much you eat."
Masculine pride filled him as her cheeks took on a red hue, but they didn't break eye contact until Motoki took the card. "As you wish," The arcade owner answered, eyes taking in the interaction as he retreated.
"Thank you," Serenity whispered to Trunks.
Goten ate silently, shoving food in his mouth as he watched. This was better than the television dramas his mother enjoyed!
"Don't listen to that guy," Trunks told her, taking her hand once more and placing a kiss on her soft skin. "I think you have a healthy appetite. So don't let this food go to waste." Letting her hand go, he then offered her the basket of fries that was quickly cooling.
With a soft smile, she nodded, and began to eat her food. Trunks quickly joined in, and soon the three had polished off everything that was on the table.
"Wow, I can't believe this!" Serenity was beaming. "I never thought I would meet people that can eat like me!"
"I know, this is awesome!" Goten added, lifting a hand for a high five.
Serenity eagerly did the same, not even fazed at the strength of the slap when Goten forgot to tone it down. Goten, however, had wide eyes when he realized his error, which only widened more when he noticed that she didn't notice. Was there something more to their new friend?
"So," Trunks began, a desire to have her attention back on him once again. "Did we hear that you were starting University tomorrow?"
Serenity gave the lavender haired male a smile. "I am!"
"Where at?" Goten asked after he looked to see where the rest of their food was.
"Tokyo University of Foreign Studies," She answered with a smile. "I've always had this interest in diplomatic relations."
"No way!" Goten cheered. "We go there! We are second years."
Serenity's eyes widened. "No way! That's so cool, I'll know people there now!"
Goten turned his attention to Trunks as Motoki appeared with the rest of their order. He spoke soft enough so she wouldn't hear, but his fellow half Saiyan would. "Tell her you'll show her around."
Goten's words knocked Trunks out of his daze. "If you like, we would be happy to meet up with you tomorrow and show you around."
"I can't," Goten quickly cut in, giving his friend a pointed look. "But Trunks is an excellent tour guide."
Serenity gave Trunks a grateful smile. "I would really appreciate that, thank you!"
"Hey dumbass," Goten whispered again, using his burger to hide his mouth movement. "Give her your number."
Trunks wanted to slap himself. What the hell was wrong with him? And since when did Goten give him advice on girls?
"I should give you my number," Trunks told her, pulling out his cell phone.
"Oh, thank you." Serenity said. "Here, trade you?" She offered him her cell phone.
Trunks gave her a grin. "Have at it." He told her, taking her phone and giving his.
Goten finished his burger, and one of the pizzas, all while smugly watching his friend. Trunks had never really reacted this way to a woman before, and Goten liked Serenity. She was sweet and genuine…even if there was something 'other worldly' about her.
Trunks and Serenity returned the phones, sharing a smile between them. Suddenly, a little wrist watch went off, and the silver haired woman gave a pout. "I have to go," She told the two as she turned it off.
"Call me in the morning." Trunks told her as he slid out of the booth. He immediately offered her a hand to assist her, which she took. After easily pulled her from the booth, but did not let her hand go. Instead, Trunks once more brought it to his lips, placing a lingering kiss on her knuckles.
Serenity was swept away. "I will," she told him. "Thank you," she added, turning to give Goten a smile in farewell. "Both of you. I really appreciate everything."
"See you around!" Goten told her with a wave.
Trunks finally let her hand slip from his as she slowly took a step back before she turned to Motoki, who had been cleaning the same spot on the counter for seven minutes. "Bye, Toki!" She called with a wave.
Motoki could only nod, his eyes still wide in shock. He watched Trunks watching her leave, not sitting back down until the petite woman was out of sight.
It looks like Serenity had an admirer, and quite a catch at that. Motoki gave a sigh. He had been telling Mamoru for years to take a chance, and it looks like the ebony haired doctor finally lost his.
SO, what do you all think? I am not sure how long this story will be… a few chapters… a dozen… I have not idea where I want to go with this, either, so we will just have to see!
Please let me know what you think! Thank you!