Chapter 1 freeing the kings son

Three girls were in their home enjoying their day. One had blonde hair and blue eyes. One had red hair and green eyes and the last had black hair and brown eyes. These girls were known as Sam Clover and Alex they were spies.

"Ugh I hate Mandy I wish someone would put her in her place." Clover said in annoyance.

"Calm down Clover sure she's annoying but its nothing we cant handle." Sam said before the floor beneath them sucked them in a vent.

"Oh come on not now!" Alex yelled as the fell down on the landing.

"Good day spies." A man named jerry said smiling at them.

"Jerry is it to much for you to just call us like normal people?" Sam asked.

"Sorry but yes anyway your new mission is to rescue the king of Sparta's son." Jerry said brining up an image of a man with black hair and a black beard.

"Sparta the home of earths greatest warriors cool." Sam said.

"Yes indeed but this is serious the kings son has gone missing for the past 3 days who was responsible for a peace treaty about to be signed with Persia. Without him the king is afraid a war could occur." Jerry said brining an image of the kings son. The man looked to be a year older then them 17 years old. He had brown hair green eyes dressed in a grey hoodie grey jeans and black boots.

"Talk about handsome." Alex whispered to the girls who blush.

"Whats his name?" Sam asked.

"His name is Sean Ashburn Kruger the king adopted him since he was friends with his real parents when they were alive and wanted to make sure their son was taken care of." Jerry said

"Wow do we have any suspects or clues?" Sam asked.

"Well council man Theron is the biggest suspect since he's hated the king and his family for unknown reasons. Now your gadgets you may choose since this is a very serious matter." Jerry said giving them what they needed.

"We won't let you down Jerry." Sam said as they took off.


The king known as Leonidas was in his home waiting for some news of his son to be heard.

"Sir some girls from the organization are here to see you." A solder said.

"Very well solder let them in." Leonidas said.

The girls walked in and admired the room.

"Im glade you could come please you must help find my son he is the only one who can help ensure this peace treaty." The king said.

"What happened before he kidnaped?" Alex asked.

"A few of the council were not exactly happy with the peace treaty since Sparta and Persia have always been at each others throats for centuries but my son managed to convince them to stop the blood shed." The king said.

"Is there anyone you think would do this?" Sam asked.

"Theron is the most likely since he's one who believes in letting only blood lines take place as king." Leonidas said.

"We'll look into him. Alex you look around to see what you can find." Sam said as they left.


Alex was looking though various places to find the kings son. She turned on a heat scan and found there was an underground lair beneath her.

"Well lets have a look." Alex said to herself finding an access door and found it was abandoned.

"Well look what we have here." A voice said that she heard before she was knocked.

With Sam and Clover

They were looking through Theron's office. They found all sorts of proof that he was behind this.

"So he's the one behind all this but why?" Clover asked.

"Because he wants a war to happen. This was he can overthrow the king and take his place instead of his family." Sam said as the files she found listed all sorts of plans he made.

"We better warn him." Clover said as they left not knowing what was about to happen to Alex.

With Alex

Alex opened her eyes and found herself being dragged to a cell.

"Look she's waking up time to see what she's like." A man said about to strip her but as they opened the door she was pulled in making her nearly scream but a hand clamped over her mouth.

"Do as I say and you live. I'm not going to hurt you but they will do horrible things to you unless you do as I say ok?" The man whispered making her see he was trying to protect her.

"What do I need to do?" Alex asked shaking.

"Take off your suit its what they want trust me I won't do anything." The man said holding her close making her sigh and with shaking hands took off her suit revealing her nude but happy and relieved he kept his eyes on her face as she handed him her suit and he threw it at the guards who took it away laughing.

"Sorry about this but I knew what they were going to do to you so I had to act for your safety." The man said giving her a large jacket to cover herself.

"Thank you." Alex said covering her body. She then looked at the man dressed in grey jeans and black boots. His chest was very muscled and had a six pack. She looked at his face and gasped.

"Your the kings son." Alex said.

"Yup. I assume my dad asked for help to find me?" Sean asked making her nod.

"Yeah. How do we get out of here?" Alex asked shivering but found a blanket over her body and saw he gave it to her. She could see he had a very kind heart since he not once looked at her nude body but just her face which made her smile.

"Well I had a plan to get out when they came back but now because of you we can get out faster just stay close to me." Sean said kicking the door down and crashed it into a guard who was in front of it killed in the process. Sean found her suit with him and threw it to her.

"Thanks." Alex said getting dressed again. They soon ran down the halls.

"Hang on." Sean said picking her up bridal style making her blush but squealed as he jumped very high and out of the prison.

"Whoa how'd you do that?" Alex asked in excitement.

"Spartan training now come on my dad needs to hear this." Sean said picking her up and ran to the meeting.

With he council

"This is absurd why should we listen to these outsiders?" Theron yelled trying to cover his actions.

"We have proof you've been plotting to overthrow the king and his family for months this just made you act faster." Clover said.

"Lies you tramp!" A man said before a shield was thrown at him. They all turned and saw the kings son and Alex enter.

"Alex!" Clover and Sam yelled happy she was ok.

"What they say is true Theron tired to overthrow my father so he could gain control." Sean said shocking the whole council and glared at Theron who tried to run away but Sean threw a Speer at his leg making him yell in pain. "Your going to pay for your crimes." Sean said punching him in the face.


"You were forced to do what!" Clover asked Alex as she told them her story.

"Yeah it was really embarrassing but he said it was for my protection since he said they do terrible things I knew what he was talking about so I stripped but he never looked at my body just my face and when I was naked he gave me his jacket and a blanket to cover me." Alex said blushing remembering how close they were together as he covered her from her attackers.

"Aw thats so sweet." Sam said.

"I wish he could come with us though." Alex said as they had to leave in an hour.


Alex sighed in sadness as she Sam and Clover walking into their school.

"Whats wrong Alex?" Sam asked already guessing what she was sad about.

"I miss him." Alex said but saw the shocked looks on their faces before smiling. "What are you smiling about?" Alex asked before a finger tapped her shoulder. She turned around and saw Sean smiling at her.

"Wha?" Alex tried to say but just pulled him into a hug. "What are you doing here?" Alex asked happy to see him.

"Well my dad and that Jerry guy talked me to coming here and so surprise." Sean said making her and the girls giggle happy to see him.

"Hello handsome." A woman said with an annoying laugh and voice. He turns and sees a girl with black hair and purple eyes.

"Mandy leave him alone." Sam said.

"Come on handsome lets leave these little whores." Mandy said and shrieked as he punched a locker right next to her head and shakes as it went right through it and glared at her.

"Get lost little whore now." Sean said in a dangerous tone making her nod and ran away in fear. "What a bitch." Sean said while the girls snickered before bursting out laughing.

"Oh I'm so happy your here more then ever now." Alex said hugging his arm.

Later back at the house

The girls had no problem with him staying with them at all.

Sean was on the couch about to fall asleep till he felt something on top of him. He opened his left eye slightly and saw Alex in her nightgown showing him she was in a bra and thong. Sean smiled holding her close which made her smile happy he was here with her and the girls.

Authors note: Friend of mine asked me to make this so here it is. This will be a harem like all my stories and have girl on girl action. No Mandy isn't in it.

List of girls are.







See ya