
They could be defined as merely tools for battle - replaceable pieces of metal.

Others could define them as achievments of past exploits. Be it the sword of a famous hero, the gun of a vigilante, or even the staff of a defeated villain. Weapons commonly used as reminders of our pasts, horrific or not.

One last definitive way of describing weapons, however, honestly trumps the former two.

Weapons can be further extents of us. It could be the very description of your soul - aside from your semblance, of course. You could share some sort of bond between you and your weapon.

You could look at it as something could be another version of you.

A sword and shield - commonly associated with fabled knights - can be used to symbolize the desire to protect those around you. Showing the act of putting your needs second, and everyone else's first.

So it would make sense that 17-year old Jaune Arc would try his hand at the weapons used by his ancestors. To show he could be the knight he always wanted to be...the hero he always wanted to be.

Alas, things don't always turn out the way we plan. In this case, Jaune was unable to move how he wanted with the extra weight of the shield hindering him. He wanted to be able to maneuver, not to stand there and willingly take hits.

To top it all off, the sword - Crocea Mors - couldn't even use dust.

It made sense, though. Back when the sword was first forged, during those times, dust hadn't been used in such intricate ways - the furthest they'd gotten was using dust crystals to blow things to kingdom come.

It made sense...but that didn't mean he had to like it.

Many people used dust as a show of being flashy, or in other cases, making them look more dominant. Jaune however, wanted to use dust to make up for his lack of skill. With a regular sword and shield, he would probably only be able to block, shield bash, and slash at enemies halfheartedly.

If he had dust at his disposal, though, he would be able to sever anything that stood in his way with bursts of energy created by created by said item.

Despite having little to no training and teaching about the many oddities of Remnant, he knew a lot about dust, very much so to the point that, with teaching, would be able to teach a class about the subject.

He could stand here for hours and talk about the many applications of dust, but decided to go for the shorter summary on the topic.

Many years ago, the war between grimm and man had taken a turn for the worst, all of mankind slowly losing hope after every fallen person they layed eyes on.

In their time of need, a being more powerful than anything they've seen before, heeded their requests. Thus came to the creation of what we call...dust.

A powerful substance still researched on to this day, something that has many properties we can't even begin to understand.

Three forms of dust are commonly used throughout the entirety of Remnant - crystallized, powder, and liquid.

Dust crystals could be used to create projectiles of their respective elements, used in the making of armor/weapons, or even used in the weapon itself.

Powedered dust could be used to create fabric infused with dust, effectively making clothes with dust properties available.

Liquid dust is essentially used in the research of all things even remotely related to dust.

All these forms of dust, and not one of them was at Jaune's disposal. His family had wanted to keep it 'nice and simple'. In Jaune's mind, nice and simple - usually - didn't go together.

Upon eventually giving up training with Crocea Mors entiretly, he had stumbled upon something in his room.

A great-sword...right under the floorboards of his room.

"Woah~" he murmered to himself in amazement, slowly examining over the weapon he had stumbled upon while looking around in his room.

The sword was long, 36 inches to be exact. Expertly crafted by using fire dust crystals, the blade of the sword was emanating a faint orange glow - side effects of infusion with dust.

The hilt was a fine, shadowy black piece of leather, and on that was a single word engraved within.


Not fluent with anything even a little bit related to a Latin word, he at the time had no idea what this word exactly meant, but he decided to go with it - it sounded cool.

The word itself, though, having a multitude of definitions...and they weren't pretty.

It meant being a fraud.

A lier.

A fake.

He had always wanted to become a hunter throughout his lifetime, so much so that he would get into the famous training school for soon-to-be hunters/huntresses in training through dishonest means.

His heart was in the right place, sure. But to anyone else who found out about this, they would look upon him with disgust, for taking away someones chance for a spot to be where people they aspired to be trained. He has to remember by doing this, he replaced one student with his own presence, making him feel bad at just the though of it.

How he was able to cheat his way into Beacon?

With forged transcripts, of course.

He had been able to contact someone with extensive knowledge of the criminal underworld - how he did it was a question for us all - to set up a meeting with a guy who went by the name 'Junior'.

He was to meet up with this guy at a club he owned, pay him the amount of lien, and get forked over the best forged transcripts the world could find, in good time at least.

He looked over to the torn floorboard and picked up the leather sheath that was supposed to accompany it, he was hesitant to even bring this sword around, who wouldn't be?

He had just found this sword in his room under the floorboards.

Of course he would be hesitant. It felt wrong to use something that wasn't even his to begin with. To bring around a weapon he wasn't premitted to bring by his parents.

On that topic, why hadn't his parents talked to him about this weapon? Were they trying to hide it from him? Or did someone else entirely do this?

Highly unlikely, seeing as there was no logical standpoint of doing all that.

He breathed out a heavy sigh, slinging the leather sheath over his shoulders to a somewhat comfortable position. He gripped the sword by the hilt a little tighter then before, his eyes swirling with emotions. The most prominent being...


He hated himself for stealing something that wasn't his. He hated himself for being too weak to meet up to his parents expectations. He hated himself for going through with faking his way into Beacon.

Although, stealing this sword wouldn't change people's views on him.

He was already too far down to begin with.

He walked the streets of Vale, absently looking around at the wonders that made this place great for sightseeing - even if he had seen them many times before, it was still cool to look at.

As he grew closer and closer to his destination, everyone around him was noticeably more...ah...disheveled. Everywhere around him, the aroma of the bustling city of Vale had turned into the smell of smoke and drugs, it disgusted him.

He was met with stares of some of the people, looking far too young and innocent to even step within a good radius of a place like this, but to Jaune's relief, didn't make any moves to sell him things like Bricks or X - if that even was a thing, Jaune didn't have an exstensive knowledge on the terms the slums used for the drugs they sold.

He could pick up the faint ring of clun music, not too far off in the distance.

Though in hindsight, it was actually further away then what Jaune had percieved - club music was just too dang loud.


An explosion sounded in the distance, causing everyone around him to go into a panicking frenzy and run the opposite direction. Jaune grit his teeth as he came to a descision, unsheathing his sword and holding it with both hands, he ran towards where the sounds originated.

He realized the club music had stopped.

'Did the explosion come from there?' he asked himself, knowing fully well he wouldn't get an answer.

He felt his finger itch on the hilt towards a piece of metal sticking out from the bottom, he slowed his pace to examine just what it was. Flipping his sword into a reverse grip, his thumb carefully trailed over the offending item. He accidentally swiped his thumb to the left, which opened the bottom of the hilt and revealed something.

Dust crystals.

He quickly closed it, a huge grin spread out on his face as he returned to his normal running speed towards where he could get his transcripts.


Another explosion sounded out, louder then the first. Jaune saw a guy in a black jacket, wearing a red tie, and sunglasses get launched out the window.

His grin faded and let his eyes widen. The person doing this must've been good, horridly so. Having second doubts, he slowly started to back away, at least, until a thought came to mind.

'Maybe if I help him I can get my transcripts for free.'

He knew he would probably get his ass kicked, more then that, if he wasn't careful enough, he could ultimately get killed.

He very much enjoyed living, but decided to go with the route that held the most risk. Besides, he had a new and awesome sword! Made of dust crystals! To top that all off, more dust crystals were stored in the hilt!

So, he was feeling a bit cocky - which, in itself, was a rare occasion given his normal, dorky and nerdy attitude.

He took a deep breath, closing his eyes in tranquillity for all but a second, before rushing in through the big doors, sidestepping another goon from hitting and knocking him down.

'Is it just me? Or did this place get hotter?' he mused.

"Hello there~" a teasing voice said from the smoke that encompassed the middle of the dance floor.

Jaune raised an eyebrow, surprised at how easy he was taking this. Before he knew it, words that he didn't try to speak came out of his mouth ,"Uhm...hello?"

He heard a smirk, and raised his sword up in a block just in time to defend a shotgun powered punch from hitting him in the chest. Now out of the smoke, the cause for all this commotion was...actually quite a beautiful blonde, with those nice big...STOP THAT! Stupid teenage hormones...

The girl flipped back and got into a boxing stance, never losing that teasing smirk on her face, "Oh look, a fellow blonde~ What are you doing here~?" she winked for good measure, using the art or seducing to try and pry information off of him.

To her disappointment though, he just let out a grunt.

'Wait...why can't I speak?'

He willed his body to stay still, but said thing did otherwise, running towards the girl in an offensive stance. The tip grazing the ground with a metallic 'shrrrrrnk'.

The girl cocked her fists back, reloading her weapon of choice - shotgun gauntlets - and proceeded to fire two, fire dust projectiles straight at Jaune.

Jaune's body - as if it had a mind of it's own - willed power into his newly acquired sword, closing his eyes in concentration, running forward all the while.

His eyes opened abruptly, a fierce gaze etched upon his features. He let out a roar.


The sword within his grasp quickly shifted in a burst of harsh, orange light, changing to a longer sword and hilt. The whole sword now having turned orange, he swung at the two projectiles aimed for him, which caused a blazing fury of fire to erupt.


Flames engulfed what used to be the club, the ringing in his ears slowly dying down as he got back into a ready stance, his sword shifting back into it's normal state.

'What the heck was that!? How did it change shape!? How did it even make an explosion that big!? Even better, how am I doing this!? What even is-'

His thoughts were cut of as he heard an ear piercing shout, seeing more flames erupt around the girl - not too different from what Jaune had done before.

The girl charged forward with newfound speed, her fists cocked back, eyes red. He took a deep breath and rushed in to meet her halfway. He let out a shout of his own.


His sword glowed a bright, blue light, shifting itself into a different sword, blue energy emanating off of it. The sword now shrunk down a few inches, it led to a faster approach on Jaune's end, his steps became more agile.

The sword held at his side, he let out a battle cry and lashed out at her with a speed no one could even begin to comprehend, effectively sending her to the nearest wall.

"It's over..." he mumbled to himself, his sword shifting back to it's normal state. Shaking slight from exertion, his breaths became more shallow.

He felt control come back into his body, allowing himself to twist his wrists and jump in tiny hops. A groan sounded out from the smoke, causing him to take on a slightly less professional stance then before.

"Your pretty good." The girl he had just fought admitted with a chuckle, getting out of the debris and dusting herself off.

"Nice fight!" The girl offered cheerfully, upon hearing no response, though, raised an eyebrow.

Jaune felt his eyes start to become more blurry, his hearing becoming distorted. He tried to take one step, but fell over.

"Woah, I got you." Were the last words the young Arc heard before losing his consciousness.

AN: Hello and welcome, to the horridly rushed first chapter of Imitatio.

This had been an idea that just didn't want to leave my head, so I decided to try and write it - which proved to be a harder task then I thought. To get the plot going in the first chapter, ultimately deciding how the story was going to to, and even just writing it in general.

Pairings. I'm not so good at doing anything even remotely related to a relationship, so no promises on how that may turn up. It may be a poll, or maybe I'll just decide with the flip of a coin...who knows?

The weapon. If any of you didn't notice - or don't know what this is - I got the sword idea and attack names from an anime called Rave Master - It might be something else, but I found this out by watching the OVA of Fairy tail X Rave Master, so...yea. He can call out any attack of his choice, which effectivley makes the sword shift to the desired attack.

For example...'EXPLOSION' lets his sword change into an all orange, slightly longer sword. When it makes contact with something, it creates an explosion, hence the name.

'SYLPHARION' makes the sword into a shorter, blue sword. Which causes his speed to increase immensely.

There are more, some from the show, and some I just make up on my own.

Jaune's mindset was pretty messed up on my part - it was basically plain stupid. I wanted to get this chapter out as soon as I could, though. So that also meant doing it a little late at night...10:00 to be exact.

So what did you think? Was it too short? Just right? Or maybe just plain horrible?

Don't forget to leave a review! Even if you love it or you hate it!
