Author's Note

This message brought you to by the over-caring nanny club

There's a lot to love and not love about any place in the world, including beautiful Thailand. Haven't been there, hope too one day. As I researched the full moon party, I've come to appreciate just how much of a conundrum this thing really is. It's a major tourist attraction that has a massive dark side to it. Like a black and white monster named Fluffy the Baby Eater. It's bringing income for locals, and destroying the environment all at the same time. There are reports of rapes, drugs, deaths and other horrible stuff going on, and on the other side of the coin, people survive without being stupid and have a great time.

I have written this fanfiction as a light sided version of the FMP, but it doesn't mean it happens in real life. I just figure the mice come from a war-torn planet and are pretty much badass party people who can handle their business without too much trouble, so if anyone is going to survive the FMP and have the time of their lives, it's our fuzzy friends.

Best wishes to all the friends of the fandom out there.
