Percy Jackson was your average guy. If you perceived average as Greek god like gorgeous, kinda socially awkward, teenage genius, and hopelessly inexperienced, then yes: Percy Jackson was your average guy.

Most days started off with Percy waking up at exactly 5:57 and resting an extra three minutes in the comfort of his sheets. After the screeching of his alarm, he started his regular morning routine (more like morning routine that is more OCD like than regular). Percy hated, scarth that- despised mornings when he had to wake up early. But, Percy hated unorganization more.

With freshly-brushed teeth, a cardigan with absolutely no wrinkles, and a kiss planted on the cheek of Percy's mother, Sally Blofis, Percy was off in his practical, blue prius to his favorite New York coffee shop to pick up his daily drink (which of course, Percy needed).

Arriving to school, Goode High, Percy parked in his normal spot between Nico and Grover, two of his best friends. They were messy, but Percy still loved them despite their lack of planners and lint rollers.

The three usually would usually sit in the school's courtyard for thirty minutes, waiting for the first period bell. They always sat at the same picnic table, under a tree, with the rest of their rag-tag group of friends (Percy insisted they always had to sit at the table under the tree).

Approaching the three other friends, Hazel, Frank, and Piper, they made their way to the their regular spot right on time (putting Percy at a great ease). But, a group of picnic table-stealing teenagers already occupied the table under the tree.

"Perce come on. I bet we can ask them to move to another table," Grover said with a shakiness in his voice due to the fact that Percy might blow up. (You could tell Percy was about to blow- he spilt his coffee, which Hazel was trying to clean up).

At the table a tall, blonde guy who would've looked scary, but he had on thin, wire-framed glasses, pointed at the band of misfits: Grover Underwood (with a go green shirt! on), Nico di Angelo (clad in all black and no shocker at all, leather), Frank Zhang (the boyfriend of the girl trying to clean up spilt coffee), Hazel Levesque (the girl who was trying to clean up the spilt coffee with her boyfriend, who looked like a giant teddy bear), Percy Jackson (with messy hair, the only thing out of place about him, and was frozen in his spot), and Piper McLean (marching up to the picnic table-stealing teenagers).

Of course the band of misfits followed Piper, the 'Beauty Queen'. Grover dragged Percy, he was still in a frozen state of mind. "Hey, this is our table, and we have a weirdly obsessive friend and could you guys like, leave?" the Beauty Queen asked not so nicely.

"Jeez! Piper! Hey look guys sorry, but could y'all move to the table over there… it would really help us out…" Hazel said as she pulled on Piper's tan arm.

The group of picnic table-stealing teenagers just stared at them, Percy stared back. Then Percy's morning went even more haywire, the evil, picnic table-stealing teenagers laughed.

"It's Hazel right? We would move but this is fucking hilarious because it is a picnic table and is totally not a big deal, but seeing your little friend pee his pants over this is monumental!" a tough-looking girl with coal colored hair said.

'She was talking about him right?', Percy asked himself. 'Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuuuckkkk.' It was oddly silent.

"Goddamn Perce, keep your mouth shut!"

"And the boy who is about to pee his pants speaks! Well, chants profanities like a satanic ritual, but he speaks!"

The three people on the picnic table all yelled "Thalia!" at the black haired girl.

Percy was not one to cause a scene, but he was totally considering it. They are ruining his morning routine, which will most definitely ruin his whole day. Percy Jackson's vision was going blurry. He wanted to puke and kick and scream and shove these maniacal picnic table-stealing teenagers off his goddamn picnic table he sat at every morning. Did they not get the memo?

"Hey, ha, sorry. We will move I guess," a girl who looked to preoccupied with her music, which was most likely something super punk, and her sketch book. Percy's vision cleared and he melted like a popsicle at the sight of her.

"Thanks Annabeth. We really appreciate it!" Frank said to the rock n' roll, blonde girl. He really was a teddy bear, despite looking like a mountain. They left and Percy watched Annabeth fishnet tights covered legs saunter away.

"That wasn't so bad! Was it Percy?" Hazel asked the shaken guy. She was the 'mom' of the group. She was just the mom in general.

"That was bad. And kinda funny," Nico exclaimed. Of course he thought his best friend freaking out was hilarious; Nico was kinda creepy, you got used to it.

"Quit it Nicholas."

"That is not even my real name…" Piper hit him. You could label her as the aggressive one of the group.

"Percy are you okay?" Frank and Grover asked. Percy was still watching Annabeth

The first period bell eventually rang. Percy got up, frustrated, he had lost sight of Annabeth awhile ago. As he walked to his AP World History class, he thought of all the things he knew about his blonde beauty. Not his- you get the point.

She had blonde, curly hair. Annabeth liked music, probably punk, she dressed like she was straight from a Panic! At The Disco tumblr blog. Annabeth had black earphones and liked to sketch maybe. Oh, Percy forgot, she was the most gorgeous girl he had ever seen.

AP World History was more worse than the whole picnic table-stealing situation that had happened this morning. It was mid- September, the beginning of the year. School was starting to crack down and Percy loved it. He chose to sit at the front of the classroom so he would not be distracted by his classmates' antics. So, Percy did not really know the people in his class.

For the first time in three weeks, Percy noticed someone coming into the first period class. Annabeth walked in with her illusions of legs and sat two rows behind him and a seat to the right over. Percy confirmed that the day was ruined.

If you thought the day could not of gotten any worse, you were wrong. Percy had the same lunch, fifth period, and seventh period as fucking Annabeth. Seventh period Percy had with all his friends (the ones who had tried to save him this morning when the picnic table-stealing teenagers stole his picnic table under the tree). They noticed Percy staring at Annabeth and her long legs.

"Aye Percy, a little caught up with something are we?"

"Shut up Nico. I have no idea what you are talking about." Of course Percy knew what Nico was suggesting at. But, Percy was shy about this type of stuff and Piper and Nico loved to tease anyone they could get their scheming hands on.

"Okay class… as your first assignment outside of class in AP Chem. you and your partner, chosen by me, will research either a famous chemist or an important chemistry theory," announced the teacher of the class. "So the the partnerships are…"

The middle aged man rattled on. Piper was paired with the blonde guy from this morning. Other than that, Percy did not pay much attention.

"Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson!" Percy's friends looked at him. Percy blushed. What a stupid cliche.

"Hey Percy I hear she is smart so you will be fine. The project won't be that hard." Easy for Grover to say, he was paired with Leo. Someone he was totally comfortable with- well, Leo always "accidentally" set something fire. Someone Grover was mostly comfortable with.

The chemistry teacher gave them the last thirty minutes of the class period to settle things with their partner and start brainstorming. The project was due November 5th and it was September 18th. It would be a long project, Percy felt like he was going to pee his pants. That mean, picnic table-stealing teenage girl this morning really did a number on him.

"You are the guy who freaked out this morning, right? I mean that's rude, sorry. I am Annabeth. You were really funny." Holy shit she was talking to Percy and she called him funny. His blonde beauty was talking to him?!

All Percy could get out was his name. I mean that was impressive for him. She was looking right up him. Annabeth had grey eyes that looked liked winter storms over the New York City skyline. Percy thought he could not stand any longer. He put his hand on the table for support.

"So let's exchange numbers. You work at the library right? I've seen you there a few times. Maybe I can meet you there later to decide on the topic of our project."

"Yes. That sounds like a plan. Are you okay with meeting around 5:30?" Percy did not know how he was speaking or functioning right now. He was pretty sure he was blushing.

After school Percy wanted to scream. He drove to his coffee shop before his shift at the library. He liked the library. Percy loved to read and loved to put things in order so, what better than to have a job at the library near his apartment complex?

He still wanted to scream at the idea of Annabeth's grey eyes looking up at him with her hair all in her face and shaking her legs clad in fishnets. Percy parked his blue prius in the parking lot of the library. When he turned the car off, he screamed like a madman.

Hey Loves! This is my first fanfic. HOPE you like it. I really do.

-J (comment, review, and stuff like that, right?)