Heeey guys. Guess who's updating and uploading the next chapter? Me! Obviously. Anyways I came with this little update to tell all of you that the next chapter is being worked on. Much slower than anticipated. The final chapters are being planned and with the latest chapter I need to reevaluate somethings. However I can give a sneak peek into what comes next. Also this post will be deleted when the new chapter comes.

sneak peek

"Rito, you know we have class together. I'm surprised that you're being this close." Momioka moaned as Rito was trying to calm himself down. The way some of the boys were looking at Risa was...disturbing. Maybe it's because of their relationship upgrade, but Rito seemed to notice more and more of these boys were looking at his girl.

It was strange to feel so possessive, but he couldn't help it. In fact if he wasn't aware that other girls liked him, Rito would kiss Risa right in front of their faces just to tell them to back off. However Kotegawa would probably have his head on a pike for both hurting her displinary actions and her heart. Speaking of which Rin, Run, Lala, Haruna, and even the assassins would pose a problem since Rito was certain some had feelings for him.

He would cross that bridge when he got there, but for now all he had to focus on was the beautiful girl in his arms. He nibbled and sucked her skin gently. Risa knew he'd leave a mark, but didn't care. She would wear this love bite proudly. The warning bell rung and the two flinched at its sudden sound. Rito let go of her neck and was blushing profusely. His time with Risa boosted his confidence, but that didn't mean his shy demeanor didn't return from time to time.


"Rito, you know I'm never against what you give me. Just remember I'm yours." She gave him a small peck and pushed Rito to the door. "Right, sorry it's just a little surreal for me."

When he opened the door the coast was clear and before he could say goodbye, Rito felt a solid slap on his bottom. He yelped at the sudden strike and turn to see Risa try holding back her mirth. "Ain't nothing wrong with that Rito. Now get to class, you don't want Kotegawa or any other member of her club catching you."

He glared at his girlfriend before walking down the hall briskly. He'd return the favor, but she might like that. Rito would find a way, sooner or later.