BBRae Week 2016 Day 7 - Summer

Only a little one for this prompt.

According to most people, Beast Boy loved summer. It wasn't hard to see why, seeing how fond he was of beach trips, games in the park, barbecues (veggie friendly, anyway) and pretty much every activity one would normally associate with the season.


This summer saw the Tower suffer a particularly vindictive cyber-attack from Gizmo, one that not only changed their alert tone to a sample of his own voice screaming 'snotheads go', he had completely disabled the environmental systems. So no air conditioning. The Titans did what they could but the heatwave meant there was little relief from the heat, even outside. Inside, though, the Tower was like a greenhouse and the residents had resorted to some strange measures, some small like taking turns in front of the refrigerator, some desperate like trying to buy one of Mr Freeze's weapons on the black market. Though he resisted at first, Robin had given up on wearing his entire uniform at home, stripping down to just his pants.

Starfire approved.

Beast Boy essentially switched to wearing his swimming shorts around the Tower, occasionally floating in the pool though the room was uncomfortably humid. Starfire thought this was a fantastic idea and went to find her own bathing suit.

Robin approved.

On this day, the heat was at its peak and the Tower was muggy and intolerable. Beast Boy trudged down the corridor with a melting popsicle in his hand. Desperately, he ate the whole thing in only a few bites, holding his head and sliding down the wall to sit on the floor as the brain freeze hit him.

"Nnnnnnggggggoooh I hate summer," he whimpered.

He tilted his head as he heard voices from a couple of doors down.

"Star, are you sure this is a good idea?" That was Raven and, involuntarily, a smile spread across his features.

"Oh yes, Robin seemed to have much of the enthusiasm!" That was Starfire. When she finished, she floated into the corridor wearing a purple bikini and a smile, waving at him as she passed. He smiled and waved lazily back. Robin was a lucky guy.

"Well, I've come this far..." he heard Raven say to herself before following Starfire's path. Beast Boy's eyes widened: Raven was wearing a black bikini, simple but effective. She paused when she saw Beast Boy staring but set her jaw and carried on, all too aware of his eyes following her.

"You're so beautiful..." he breathed, causing Raven to pause.

"And you're obviously delirious from the heat," she quipped, continuing on her way.

"Doesn't mean I'm wrong!" he called after her, almost sure he caught her smirking over her shoulder, even though his eyes tended to drift a little lower. When she was out of sight, he leaned back against the wall.

"Dude... I love summer."

Ha! Dumb but it's all I got. Hope you had fun with BBRae week, I know I did ^_^
