Happy New Year, guys!

I'm awfully sorry for being late with this one. I wanted to update it sooner but then the holidays and my exams came and I just couldn't find any time to finish this chapter. Now that I succeeded in my hardest exams and had some sleep, here is the epilogue.

Thank you for reading, favouriting, following and reviewing this story! And, of course, enjoy this final chapter!

Kurt looked around in the living room, satisfied with what he saw. It was Lily's first birthday and he couldn't wait for their guests to arrive, even if they only invited his father, Cooper and his son. Blaine didn't want a huge party, remembering how the last one had ended. Although they had nothing to worry about this time, they had gone through so much in the past few months that they only wanted a peaceful afternoon with their loved ones. It didn't mean Kurt didn't do everything to make this afternoon unforgettable for them, especially for the little girl whose birthday they celebrated.

Lily had become a beautiful and smart girl. She was already able to walk, much to Blaine's annoyance. She was quick on her feet and they always had to keep an eye on her because they could never be sure the little girl did nothing stupid. Because she did, so many times. Almost every second when Kurt and Blaine didn't watch her, she disappeared in a blink and when they found her, she was already working on the safety locks or emptied her father's wardrobe. Blaine didn't underestand why Lily always chose his wardrobe and never touched Kurt's things. Maybe because she knew that she better didn't touch any of Kurt's clothes. She was a smart kid after all.

″I think we are ready″ Kurt said as he checked the living room's decoration.

Blaine raised an eyebrow as he looked around. The place was beautifully decorated, there were various drinks and food everywhere, Kurt even managed to add some flowers to the decoration, placing them so that Lily couldn't reach them.

″It's just a small family get-together, you know″ Blaine muttered.

″It's Lily's first birthday″ Kurt replied.

″And she won't even remember it″ Blaine pointed out.

″It doesn't matter″ Kurt said. ″Everyone deserves a fabulous birthday party.″

Blaine smiled as he pulled his boyfriend into his arms. He loved Kurt and how he looked at the world.

″I just don't want you to hurt yourself. You have to be careful, remember?″ Blaine asked.

Kurt rolled his eyes. Of course he remembered. Ever since he had left the hospital, Blaine had been worried about his well-being. No matter how many times Kurt told him that he was perfectly fine and didn't need to be careful anymore, Blaine still acted like he had some major injury. Luckily, his ribs were completely healed, there were no bruises or cuts on him anymore, so Kurt didn't understand why Blaine was still so worried about him. He was fine and he was glad he didn't have to move so carefully anymore. He had felt like a cripple when he had left the hospital. He had been slow, he couldn't even hold Lily in his arms too long and he couldn't take care of the household or his job. It had frustrated him so much. But it was finally over. He was healthy again and back to his old self.

″They are here″ Kurt said as he watched through the window as his father and Cooper arrived.

Blaine sighed and went to open the door for them. It was time to celebrate his little girl.

″Hey, boys″ Burt greeted them as he stepped inside, holding a huge teddy bear in his arms. ″Where is the birthday girl?″

Blaine jumped as he felt little hands sneak around his leg and looked down at his daughter who had just arrived to greet the guests.

″Here″ Blaine laughed, nodding towards Lily.

″Look what I got you″ Burt said as he crouched down in front of Lily and held the teddy bear in front of her. ″Do you like it?″

Lily took the teddy bear without hesitation and tried to drag it across the room, to her other toys. Unfortunately, it was too big for her, so she fell, although she didn't let go of the toy.

″Let me help you″ Blaine said but Lily pushed his hand away and stood up, trying to drag the teddy bear away again.

″She's a stubborn one″ Cooper smiled. ″Like you.″

″Don't remind me″ Blaine groaned.

He stepped to his brother to hug him. It had been some very hard months for both of them but they were finally fine. With Blaine and Kurt's help, Cooper learnt how to be a single father and raise his child properly, without giving up his job as well. Kristoff stayed with Kurt and Blaine often, when his father had to go on business trips, and since they met more often, they talked a lot. There had been a few long and hard talks between Cooper and Blaine but they finally understood each other and were back to normal, much to Kurt's relief. They had noone else left from their family, they had to stick together. They even worked together now, Cooper had offered Blaine a better position in his company and Blaine went back to finish college, so he could take over some of the business from Cooper. It meant a lot more money and less awful bosses. It was exactly what Blaine needed, so he wasn't that frustrated anymore.

″Kurt!″ Kristoff shouted happily as he rushed inside, straight to Kurt who caught him and pulled him into his arms.

″Hey, honey″ Kurt said.

″Kristoff, Kurt is not the only one here″ Cooper reminded his son.

″Leave him. We all know that he loves Kurt the most″ Blaine said.

Spending so much time with Kurt and away from his mother was definitely good for the little boy. He wasn't unbearable anymore, on the contrary actually. He loved coming over and he and Lily had become good friends. He was Lily's favourite person and the girl always cried when Kristoff had to go home. Now that she noticed him, she quickly let go of the teddy bear and walked to Kristoff on her unsteady feet, giggling as she reached the boy without falling.

″Wow, she can walk so well?″ Cooper asked in surprise.

″And disappear just as well″ Blaine replied.

″Well, little bro, this is how things work″ Cooper winked.

He walked to Lily and handed her her gift, a beautiful doll.

″It's time for your first doll″ Cooper told her.

Lily frowned at first but then she grabbed the doll with one hand and pulled the teddy bear closer as well.

″Noone is allowed to touch her toys″ Blaine laughed.

″She's right″ Burt said. ″They are her toys, why would she share them?″

″Can I play with you?″ Kristoff asked quietly.

Lily hesitated for a second but then she held out the doll for the boy.

″Look, she can walk″ Kristoff said, moving the doll in front of Lily. ″She is hungry. We should feed her.″

″They are so cute″ Kurt sighed as he watched the kids.

″They certainly are″ Blaine nodded in agreement.

″Oh, I know this look″ Cooper smirked. ″You want another one.″

″Another what?″ Blaine frowned.

″Baby″ Cooper replied.

″You are insane″ Blaine shook his head. ″We don't… we aren't ready for that.″

″You are great parents. I'm sure you can manage with another kid″ Burt said.

Blaine looked at Kurt for help but the man didn't say anything.

″Let's eat something, okay?″ Blaine asked hastily and went to the table to get them a few sandwiches and drinks.

″Somebody is scared″ Cooper said happily.

″Just rational″ Blaine replied.

The afternoon passed quickly. They had a great time together, the adults talked and laughed a lot and the kids played on the carpet. But as the evening came and the children seemed to be tired, Cooper and Kristoff decided to go home.

″You should come over for lunch tomorrow″ Cooper said before they left.

″Great idea″ Kurt said as he hugged the man.″Thanks for coming.″

″Thanks for inviting us″ Cooper said. ″Bye, guys.″

″Bye, guys″ Kristoff said, waving with both of his hands as his father led him out of the house.

Burt stayed behind to help them clean up in the living room and put Lily into bed. He told her a story that the girl enjoyed a lot but then he left, too, leaving the two men, so they had some alone time together. Kurt and Blaine sat down in the living room, relaxing after the long day.

″You didn't say anything when Cooper mentioned kids″ Blaine pointed out.

″I know″ Kurt said quietly.

″Is it because…?″

Kurt turned to look at Blaine and his eyes told the man everything.

″You want another baby″ Blaine stated.

″Don't get me wrong, I love what we have, I just…″

Kurt fell silent and looked down at his hands.

″I'm in.″

Kurt looked at Blaine in confusion.


″I love Lily and I'm sure I will love our second child as well″ Blaine said.

″You-you really want to…″

″I do″ Blaine smiled. ″Although there is something else we have to take care about first.″

″What do you mean?″ Kurt asked.

″I wanted to do this on Valentine's day but since we are in rush…″

Kurt's eyes widened as Blaine got on one knee in front of him and took his hand.

″Ever since I met you, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you″ Blaine started. ″Okay, maybe things didn's go too well first but I knew you were special… And you are worth fighting for. I was right. You are the most beautiful, the kindest, smartest man I have ever met and I'm so lucky to have you. I never want to say goodbye to you, Kurt. I want to grow old with you and yes, I want to raise a whole football team with you.″

Kurt laughed, shaking his head.

″But also, before we extend this family, I would love to marry you. So, Kurt Hummel, will you be my husband?″ Blaine asked.

″Yes″ Kurt answered without hesitation. ″Yes.″

He got on his knees beside Blaine and pulled him close to kiss him.

″I don't have a ring″ Blaine muttered between kisses.

″I don't care″ Kurt replied.

Because it didn't matter. All that mattered was that they were together, they loved each other and planned to spend the rest of their lives together.