As Meadow Sopranos entered the dinner. She was happy that her family had not waited for her to get something to eat but a bit unhappy that it took her so long to parallel park. As she walked towards the table her father looked at her and smiled back.

She smiled back at him. Then she saw-HIM. He had on a black ski mask and black gloves. She saw the large frame blue steel revolver in his hand. He was coming out of her father blind spot. To take him out! It was a HIT!

She knew what she had to do. She was never more calm in her whole life. She did it like she done it a million times before. She reached into her bag with her right hand and pulled out a snub nose revolver. The masked gunman sensed movement to his right. He kept the gun pointed at her father, but turned and looked at her. And saw the gun coming up in her hand! That hesitation with inaction or shock on what to do when he saw the gun coming out of her bag. Was mistake that caused the gunman to lose his life and for her father to keep his life.

Her hand bag dropped to the ground as she took a two handed grip of the gun and calmly fired 5 shots into the man chest. The dinner was totally quiet. People huddled under the tables other just looked at them in frozen shock. Her father looked at her and then looked at the gun man. In an instant he knew what had almost happened and what his daughter had done for him! Tony jumped up from his seat and took the gun from her in one smooth motion. He held it high over his head and said "I just shot this guy who was trying to rob the place. " He pointed at the checkout clerk and yelled "call the police, tell them you just got robbed and a guy got shot." Everyone in the dinner was huddle on the floor or holding love ones tight.

Meadow felt overwhelming pride and love for her father at that moment. He was protecting her. Taking the weight of the shooting! She looked back and saw the teenage clerk was still frozen in place. She yelled at her "take the cotton out of your ears and call the police, tell them you just got robbed and someone been shot." The teenage age girl finally picked up the phone and dialed 911 and started to talk to the 911 operator.

Tony gives nonverbal-signals for Anthony and Carmela to get up from the booth. He put them behind them. No one said anything to them. He waited to hear the police sirens approaching the dinner. Tony new any backup men would run as soon as they heard the police sirens and it would be safe to leave the dinner! Than he motioned for them to start towards the door. In a quick motion, Anthony Jr. grabbed the bowl of onion rings off the table (a man got to eat). Tony gave his son an approving look.

They worked their way out the front door. Tony saw Meadow car parked across the street and they all went over and Tony got into the driver seat, Carmela got in the passenger front seat and everyone else got in the back seat. And they drove off in a slow and legal manner as numerous police cars started to arrive at the dinner.