A/N: Hey guys! It's been awhile since I've written here. Hope you enjoy my new fanfic!

Misaki's POV:

The bell rung as it signaled for school to end. I sat down at the desk in the student council room, my pencil was tapping the desk slowly. I was in deep thought. The door slid open quietly and there was footsteps coming closer towards me. I looked up to see a familiar face. The face of the alien pervert from outer space. I closed my eyes for a bit.

"How many times do I have to say this, Usui?" I asked.

"I'm still going to come back until you say yes", Usui replied smoothly.

"If I go with you, will you not bother me for today?" I asked.

"Sure", he said.

"Fine", I said, "I will go to the school festival with you."

Usui smiled.

"Then see you tomorrow", he said.

"Whatever", I said.

"Better dress nicely", he whispered.

He quickly left the room. I blushed. I leaned back into my chair. I swept my hair back and sighed. How did it end up like this? After a couple of hours later, I finished my work. Surprisingly, Usui didn't bother me. I got up.

"Good work today Prez", said student council members.

"Good work today guys", I replied.

I started walking to the Maid Cafe. I had work to do. I changed into my uniform and started to welcome people in. I started to wonder where Usui was. Not once has he interrupted. I looked at the clock. It was already time to go home.

"Ne Misaki", asked Satsuki, "I haven't seen Usui anywhere."

I laughed nervously and rubbed my head.

"Well, I made a deal with him", I said.

"Misaki-chan", teased Honoka, "I wonder what the bet was."

I blushed.

"Ah well look at the time! I should go on my way!" I exclaimed.

I quickly left the cafe. I walked home slowly. Usui still hasn't bothered me. I started to miss his presence.

"Baka Usui, going into my mind like that", I said softly.

I was near my home and I ran into someone. I backed up and bowed.

"I'm sorry!" I exclaimed.

"That's the first you've apologized to me", Usui said.

I looked up and saw Usui.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I missed you", he said.

"I told you not to bother me", I said.

"I'm not bothering you", Usui said smoothly, "Plus…"

He came closer to me.

"I interrupted your mind?" he asked softly.

I started to blush.

"PERVERT!" I exclaimed.

I pushed him away.

"A..as i...if!" I exclaimed, "Miss a perverted alien?!"

I started to laugh nervously. I opened my gate and went through it. I paused and relaxed. My face was burning.

"You better go home", I said, "Tomorrow I promised you to go to the festival with you."

I stood there for a second and then turned.

"So you should get some sle-" I started to say.

Usui disappeared. I blinked. Was I dreaming? I got a message from my phone. I looked at it.

"See you tomorrow. I'll be waiting for you when you wake up."

I shut my phone quickly and bit my lip. My heart was pounding so much. I didn't know what I felt. Was I falling in love? I sighed and leaned against the front door.

"What are you sitting there for?" Suzuna asked.

I jumped up quickly.

"S….suzuna!" I exclaimed, "No no it's nothing! I'm just tired!"

She looked at me with a blank face.

"Well, Shintani was here a 30 mins. ago", she said.

"Shintani?" I asked, "Why?"

"He wanted to drop some fruits off", she said, "He got it from his grandparents."

"I see", I said, "Well, I'm going upstairs to study."

"Want me to bring in fruits for you?" she asked.

"No, I'm good", I said.

I walked up slowly and sighed. Tomorrow was a big day. I sat down to study, but the thought of dressing nicely bothered me. I got up and went to the closet. I started looking for good clothes to wear. What do I wear? Should I wear a dress? No it was too unlikely of me to wear one. I slapped my forehead and sighed. I laid down on my bed. Let's just wait till tomorrow to come. I laid on my back and closed my eyes.

When I woke up, I quickly got out of bed and took a warm shower. I dressed in a white button up shirt with a creamy sweater over it, worn light blue jeans, and sneakers. My fashion sense is the worst, but I thought I did a pretty good job. I tied up my hair and looked in the mirror. A blush of red came over my face. I slapped myself and looked in the mirror again. Just go on this date and get it over with. I grabbed my purse and went downstairs. When I opened the door, Usui was waiting for me. I jumped back.

"Good morning, Prez", he said smoothly, "You're looking pretty today."

I looked up and down his clothing attire. He wore similar clothing as mine. I blushed deeply.

"Oh Prez", he said again, "We're matching!"

I was in shock.

"H..how did you know I was wearing this?!" I exclaimed.

"Well, I guess telepathy works after all", he said smiling.

I sighed and walked past him.

"Well, are we going or not?" I mumbled.

"Hai hai", he replied.

We walked in silence to the school where the festival was hosting. Surprisingly there were a lot of people that attended the festival. We walked around a bit. He nudged me

"Do you want to eat?" he asked.

"Yes I would like some", I said.

He grabbed my hand and dragged me to a takoyaki stall. My heart started beating crazily. He was holding my hand. My face turned red.

"May I have two serving of takoyaki?" he asked politely.

"Hai hai!" exclaimed the student.

"I'm going to pay for you Pre-", he said turning to look at me.

He paused and stared at my red face.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"Y...y..yes!", I exclaimed.

"Are you hot?" he asked, "Do you need water?"

I quickly pulled my hand from his grasp. I held my hand as if it got burned. Usui smirked and turned around to pay for the food. I glared at him angrily. I looked at my hand until I heard a familiar voice. A very high pitched excited voice. My heart started to beat quickly. It couldn't be them right? I turned to see Sakura and Shizuko walking closer to me. I started to freak out. If they saw me with pervert Usui on a date, they would start teasing me! Usui turned around with the takoyaki.

"Prez here is the takoya-", he started to say.

I quickly grabbed my food and grabbed his arm. We started to run to the inside of the school. Usui looked at me while I was breathing in and out hardly.

"Something wrong Prez?" he asked.

I looked at him and looked down.

"You saw them didn't you?" I asked.

"Sakura and Shizuko?" he asked.

"How did you-?" I started to ask.

He scratched the back of his head.

"Well, I did see them when you were pulling me towards the school", he said.

He leaned his hand right next to my head and came close to me.

"Prez", he whispered, "You dragged me here. Does this mean something?"

I blushed and slid downwards.

"No", I mumbled.

"So what they see us here?" he asked.

"I don't want them to know that I'm with you!" I exclaimed.

"Why?" he asked.

"It's..embarrassing that I'm going on a date with you because I lost a bet", I said blushing.

Usui chuckled softly and took my hand. He kissed it gently.

"Well", he said, "If we are on a date that means you're my girlfriend."

I looked at him blankly and pulled my hand back sharply.

"N..N….no!" I exclaimed.

Usui laughed softly.

"Come on", he said laughing, "Let's go more into the school."

We walked more through the school. There were many girls that asked Usui for his number, but he waved them off. He whispered something that made the girls look at me with jealousy. I kinda guessed of what he said. That I was his girlfriend, but I was gonna let that slide. I lost a bet, so I have to put up with it. When we went to the ending of the hallway, there were a bunch of couples in line.

"Would you like to play the Love Trial?" they asked, "It's only 500 yen!"

Usui looked at it and smiled.

"Sure", he said.

"W...what?!" I exclaimed.

"Come on Ayuzawa", he smiled, "Let's have some fun."

I blushed and looked at him annoyed.

"F...f..fine", I said.

We went to put our stuff in the small lockers they provided for us. Usui came close to me all of a sudden and took off my bow. He arms around my neck.

"U..usui?!" I exclaimed confused.

"Stay still", he whispered.

I closed my eyes as he came closer to me. I felt something cold wrap around my neck I opened my eyes and touched my neck. It was a necklace.

"They said you needed that for proof that you are in the game", he said.

I nodded. We walked to the entrance of the game.

"Welcome to Love Trial!" exclaimed the host, "This challenge is where you test how fast you can finish the challenges with your partner! The rules of the games are timed and you have to be holding hands the whole time!"

"What?!" I exclaimed, "Holding hand?"

"Come on Ayuzawa", said Usui, "Let's do this for fun."

He held out his hand.

"Ayuzawa", he said.

I slowly grabbed his hand. His grip was tight against mine and they were warm. As the game started, he turned to me.

"Don't slow me down, Ayuzawa", he said smirking.

"AS IF!" I exclaimed.

We ran quickly down the hallway.

"Since this is a school, shouldn't we be walking?" Usui called out.

"Since this is a game it doesn't matter!" I exclaimed.

We ran to the first station quickly. I showed my necklace to the helper.

"Here's proof!" I exclaimed.

"I could've gotten here in 1 minute", Usui said.

"I could've gotten here in 30 seconds!" I exclaimed.

"Will you please explain the game?" asked Usui.

"Well, you have 10 mins to eat this entire bowl of ramen!" said the girl that hosted the station.

I sat down and picked up the chopsticks.

"This will be easy!" I exclaimed.

I froze. I realized that I was right handed and I was holding Usui's left hand.

"Umm", I said, "Is it alright to let go of my partner's hand?"

"You will be disqualified", she said happily.

I groaned while Usui took the chopsticks from me. He took some ramen and held it out to me.

"Say ahh", he said teasingly.

I blushed as I opened my mouth the get it, but Usui pulled it back.

"Ah", he said, "Come on, Prez. It's right here!"

I started to get really annoyed. I started to eat the ramen at top speed as Usui teased me greatly. After that we quickly ran to the card table. There we dominated the card master. We moved on to the ping pong table. We dominated that game too.

"I can't help that I'm strong", I said, "I think I used too much strength on the ping pong ball."

I heard rumors and whispers surrounding us. We went to the last station.

"You have to find the balloon that says lucky and you have to pop it under 5 mins", said the host, "Good luck!"

We walked to the pit where there were balloons. We started searching. Usui just stood there staring at me while I was searching.

"Maybe I should tell her today", Usui mumbled.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing", he said.

"Stop standing there and help me", I said.

I saw a pink balloon that said lucky.

"I found it!" I exclaimed.

I reached out to grab it, but it was out of my reach. I pulled on Usui's hand and grabbed the balloon.

"I found the balloon!" I exclaimed happily.

I looked up at Usui and stopped. He had a look of love in his eyes. I blushed.

"W..what?" I asked.

He grabbed the balloon and put it between us.

"Time to pop it", he said smoothly.

We popped the balloon and the game was over. We won tickets where we could get a very nice treat for us. I looked at the ticket as I was walking out of the school.

"That was fun", Usui said happily.

We sat down on a bench. The night was soon to come. I thought to myself. I looked at the ticket. Well we did have to use them. Plus I wanted to be with him more. I just had fun being with him. I looked at him.

"Want to go home?" he asked.

"W...w...would it be p..possible", I said, "T...to stay here for the rest of the day?"

He looked at me astonished.

"I mean, I don't want these tickets to go to waste!" I exclaimed blushing, "I..if you don't want to go then that's fine! I'll go all by myself!"

"I'll go", said Usui, "We won the tickets so let's use them."

"Y..Yea", I said.

We walked inside the school again. We were taken to different rooms. Apparently the tickets were used for dressing us up in costumes and making us look pretty. I looked at the dress as they started tying my hair.

"You have such soft hair!" exclaimed one student.

"Oh thank you", I said.

She took a step back satisfied and smiled.

"There we go", she said, "Your Romeo is waiting for you outside."

"Thank you", I said.

I walked to the door and opened it. There was Usui waiting for me there. I looked at him blushing. Usui looked at me surprised. The look in his eyes were soft.

"Well, you look beautiful Juliet", he said softly.

"S..shut up!" I exclaimed.

Usui laughed.

"Apparently they're doing a bonfire and fireworks in a few minutes", he said.

He turned and started walking. He led me to a classroom.

"This would be a good place to see the fireworks", he said.

My heart started beating quickly.

"Are we allowed to be here?" I asked.

"As long as we don't mess it up", Usui replied.

I nodded and scootched myself over to his side.

"What's wrong?" asked Usui.

"N..nothing", I replied.

"Then we can go to a closer place to watch then?" he asked.

"A...are you holding back?" I asked.

Usui looked at me and started walking towards me.

"What makes you say that?" he asked.

I backed up to the window's edge and looked down. Usui put both of his hands next to my hands and looked at me.

"I'm just curious", I answered.

"Then will you answer my questions?" he asked, "Are you nervous?"

"N..no", I said.

"You're stuttering", he added on, "Why are you blushing?"

"I'm n..not!" I exclaimed.

"Why is it all of a sudden you care about me?" he asked.

"Because I do!" I exclaimed.

"Are you the one that's holding back?" he asked.

I stared at the floor wide eyed. I realized that I was holding back. I was speechless, the questions he asked were cornering me. I wanted to tell him my feelings but I just couldn't. I wanted to tell him everything. I felt a hand on my head.

"Sorry", he apologized, "I went a bit too far."

He turned around and started walking to the door.

"I've been holding", I said quietly.

I grabbed hold of his hand.

"I've been holding", I said a bit louder, "I don't know why it has to be you, but everytime I'm near you my heart just speeds up. When you leave I feel lonely and when you're near I feel happy."

"Wait", Usui said, "Slow down. What are you saying?"

"Why is it that you tease me so? Why is it that you annoy me so much, yet you always make my heart run? I know that you're a pervert alien, but I want to think of you as more. Why is it that I get nervous around you?" I asked, "Why is it that you make me so confused in how I'm feeling."

Usui looked at me surprised.

"I wanted to hold hands with you for so long", I said.

Usui looked at me surprised.

"Prez", he said softly.

I looked down. Tears were about to fall down my cheeks. Usui took a hold of my face and lifted it.

"I only tease you because your expression surprises me", he said, "I do all these things because I want to see the reactions that I think that you may make. I want to protect you, I want to be with you, but I'm always not sure if you do have feelings for me or not. I know that I can be selfish once in awhile, but I want to just have you to myself."

He wiped the tears from my eyes.

"The reason why I like you is because you're different from other girls", he said, "You take control and protect people. You save them no matter what the risks are. You do your best no matter what you do. No matter what, you never give up. You try to beat me, but I end up beating you instead, yet you keep going on and on."

He came close to my lips.

"I can't even hold myself back right now", he whispered.

The fireworks began and I looked at them quickly.

"The fireworks are starting", I said.

We stood there in a minute with silence. He held my hand and pulled me towards him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and put his forehead against mine.

"Misaki", he said softly.

I looked at him and his lips pressed up against mine. My eyes closed. That night was the best night of my life. As we were leaving the room, Usui whispered in my ear.

"I love you", he said.

I blushed.

"I hate you", I replied.

Usui chuckled happily as we held hands towards the exit.