Disclaimer - I am not JK Rowling.
A/N - I got really drunk one night and remembered that I wanted to write this. It's a really long drabble broken into a few parts. Enjoy casually.
Trigger Warnings - Blood play, Sex, Mention of Non-Con


She gripped his hand without a thought, lifting it toward her face to get a better look at the ring in the darkened corner of the Department of Mysteries.

Her eyes were inquisitive when she met his, but she said nothing. She didn't have to. Her thumb brushed the stone quickly. Slowly. Pressed into it firmly. Her eyes closed for the briefest of moments; her mouth fell open with a quiver of her lips, and, as though she realized what she'd done, she licked them slowly.

They were dark red today, and she had mascara on her lashes.

He leaned closer to her, breath fanning over her face and nose brushing her forehead. They stood like that for some time, her thumb brushing repeatedly over the stone.

"What if I want more?"

Her eyes opened slowly, darkened by desire.

He tugged his bottom lip between his teeth, watching her chest lift and fall beneath her shirt –it was a strange, light material he was sure was Muggle-made, and her bra was made of lace beneath it, covering her only where is should. It was strange. It was odd. She was unlike the well-to-do witches of Hogwarts, and too far from the Muggle girls of the orphanage.

For a second time, he was noticing her. More than he should or wanted to. He resisted saying anything. He shouldn't have been in her department, anyway. She'd asked him not to come around anymore.

Her eyes met his in a way that told him she knew too much, anyway.

"We could come to an agreement, I'm sure."

She looked back at his ring. Her thumb brushed the stone again, repeating the same actions as earlier. She was trembling. She sighed; and he resisted.

He grinned. She didn't notice.

omnia aut nihil should mean "all or nothing" but i gave up on latin ages ago, so...