Alright! New story! I hope you enjoy, and this obviously contains Goblet of Fire Spoilers (excuse my sarcasticness).

The Tournament

Harry POV

Today was the day. It was the day the other schools would arrive. I had been told that it would be three schools arriving. The students were all outside on the steps.

Two of the four schools had arrived. Most students had gone in when Krum had arrived-including Ron- but I wanted to see the next contenders. We waited for a good fifteen minutes before we got a glimpse.

It happened so fast. First, a giant metal dragon came hurtling into our midst. Atop it was a Hispanic looking boy who was whooping and shouting. He looked to be the age of a sixth year.

Then came the ship.

It was a giant warship that came flying in to their midst. It dwarfed the Durmstrang ship by a lot. It sailed in and a few people jumped off the boat. A few Hogwarts students cried out in alarm. The people hit the water and went under, before a large wave rose up with the people on top of it.

I cheered along with the others. This had to be one of the best entrances I had ever seen. Atop the wave there were eight figures. The one in front had his hands outstretched and seemed to be controlling the wave. He looked to be about the age of a sixth year. Next to him was a girl with blond hair, sixth year as well. Behind them in a row of six there was a shorter, black haired boy who looked to be the age of a second or third year, with a girl with long braided black hair next to him that looked to be the age of a fifth or sixth year. Then there was an asian boy who was the age of a sixth year. Next to him was a shorter girl who looked to be a sixth year. Then there was a blond haired boy with glasses who looked to be sixth year age. Lastly there was a girl who had a native american look with brown hair. She looked to be the age of a sixth year as well. They landed on shore and started walking towards the gawking students. The boat landed behind them on the lake with a whooping older guy at the controls. The kid with the dragon landed next to the other kids and jumped off his dragon. The dragon turned his head and shot fire at him. When the flames subsided the kid was still there intact, only laughing.

"I love you too Festus. Thanks for the ride, buddy," he said. The other eight had turned to us and were laughing at our bewilderment. The rest of the school jumped off the boat and swam, or got to shore by a mechanical gangplank that was lowered. They were wearing a mix of orange or purple t-shirts. Their leader was a centaur who clip clopped up to Dumbledore.

"Chiron! Long time no see!?" He cried, clapping a hand on the centaurs shoulder. The centaur wore a tweed jacket over an orange shirt.

"Yes, Dumbledore, long time no see. I am glad to see you are still in good health, how is the, ah, Lord Voldemort threat?" There were some gasps and flinches when the centaur used the name so easily. The two headmasters started walking in while chatting, followed by the students. The black haired boy who had been controlling the wave and the blond haired girl followed right behind them, laughing and joking around. I was in awe. How could they act so casual with the Triwizard Tournament in the balance? The Hogwarts students followed fairly eagerly.

We got to the dining hall and found the students from the new school standing around awkwardly wondering where they should sit. I approached the eight who had been on the wave.

"Hey, uh. I'm Harry. Would you like to sit at the Gryffindor table with us? We have, well, uh, not plenty, but enough room. I'm sure Dumbledore could make it bigger if he wanted to I guess," I offered.

"Thanks Harry!" The wave boy said. Now that I was next to him, I could see he stood a few inches higher than me. "I'm Percy," he continued. "These are my friends, Annabeth," he motioned to the blond girl next to him. "Leo," the hispanic boy grinned and flashed a peace sign. "Jason and Piper," he motioned to the blond boy, and the native american girl who both smiled. "Frank and Hazel," the asian dude and the shorter girl. "And lastly, Nico and Reyna," the short black haired kid and the long haired girl. I nodded and tried to cram the new names into my brain.

They followed me to the Gryffindor table. I sat down next to Hermione and Ron, who was staring in awe at Krum, and we started exchanging names with both of them. I had just finished introducing Frank and Hazel when Dumbledore clapped twice. All eyes turned to him. I spotted the centaur named Chiron sitting next to Professor McGonagall and Snape. The poor chap.

"Welcome students from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons! Welcome students from Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter! We welcome you to Hogwarts School For Witchcraft and Wizardry. This year, as your headmasters and headmistresses have informed you, Hogwarts will be hosting the Triwizard Tournament. Now, as you know the Triwizard Tournament usually only has three schools. But this year, we have decided to make an exception for the Camp Half-Blood and Jupiter folks. Chiron, their co-leader, the other two leaders are the students Frank Zhang and Reyna Ramirez-Arellano. Since they are students, they were deemed not old enough to lead their campers into the Triwizard tournament," I looked over at Reyna who was scowling deeply.

"I led these campers through the war on Gaea. I can lead them through this," she muttered. Nico was patting her arm, trying to comfort her. I noticed he winced when she said Gaea. Maybe this Gaea was a threat like Voldemort. I also noticed that Dumbledore and Reyna had referred to the students as campers. Wondering what that meant, I turned my attention back to Dumbledore.

"Anybody wishing to submit themselves as champion must write their name and school clearly upon a slip of parchment and drop it into the goblet," said Dumbledore. "Aspiring champions have twenty-four hours in which to put their names forward. Tomorrow night, Halloween, the goblet will return the names of the four it has judged most worthy to represent their schools. The goblet will be placed in the entrance hall tonight, where it will be freely accessible to all those wishing to compete. To ensure that no underage student yields to temptation," said Dumbledore, "I will be drawing an Age Line around the Goblet of Fire once it has been placed in the entrance hall. Nobody under the age of seventeen will be able to cross this line. There is one slight exception however. You have all noticed that the campers from the camps, most are significantly younger than you, yet most have been through more than you. Just ask Perseus-"

"It's Percy!" Percy called.

"I beg your pardon young man?" Dumbledore asked calmly, not seeming to mind that Percy had interrupted.

Percy stood up, and all of the eyes were on him. However, he did not falter. "My name is Percy Jackson," he said. I could see Chiron the centaur sighing at the head table. Dumbledore however, chuckled into his beard.

"Ah, I beg your pardon. I'm sorry. As I was saying, just ask Percy Jackson about the things they have done. I am sure he would be happy to talk about it. They will be allowed to cross the age line, as long as they are older than thirteen," Nico sighed dejectedly.

"That's rubbish!" The Weasley twins called.

"No, Mr. Weasley and Mr. Weasley, it is not rubbish. Just ask Percy what he has gone through. You can all see that Percy and Annabeth have grey streaks in their hair. That is a painful memory from when they held up the sky. Now, I know you don't believe me, just ask them, any other camper, or Chiron here. They have saved our world from harm more times than you can count, and have made our work easier without the threat of other monsters like the Titan Kronos or the Elder Titan Gaea. They have made all of our work easier and have let Harry continue to fight the threat that is Voldemort. Now, back to the Triwizard Tournament. Now that we are done talking about that, you may start to eat. Bon appétit!" The Beauxbatons students said a Bon appétit back, leaving the non-french students, and me to wonder what it meant.

"It means enjoy your meal," Hermione whispered. "Or, more directly, good appetite."

"Yeah, yeah, Hermione, we know that you're a know it all. You don't have to rub it in," Ron mumbled.

"Oh, you're a know it all? Then you'll get along really well with Annabeth. She's a know it all as well!" Percy said.

"Hey!" Annabeth cried in protest. "I'm not that bad… Am I?" She asked. Percy laughed and gave her a peck on the cheek.

"Don't worry, I can handle it… most of the time," he said, it earned him a slap on the arm from Annabeth. I snorted.

"Now, how do you get food in this joint?" He asked.

"Oh, you just take it from these plates," I said, just as Dumbledore clapped his hands and the food appeared. They all dug in eagerly.

When they were all full, it took a while for Percy to get full, and we stood up.

Percy took a pen from his pocket, and uncapped it. It turned into a three foot long bronze sword. We all cried out in alarm.

"Oh, sorry to alarm you guys. Just gotta get this into pen form," he said, capping the hilt. It turned into a ballpoint pen. "Anyone have a piece of paper?" He asked. Annabeth handed him one and he scrawled out Percy Jackson - Camp Half Blood on it. He then walked over to the Goblet where Dumbledore had just finished installing the Age Line. Percy stepped up confidently, was waved forward by Dumbledore and crossed the Line. There was a loud cheer that came up when nothing happened. He grinned and deposited his name in the goblet. The fire flared up and accepted the paper. Percy walked back confidently and was smiled and nodded at by Dumbledore. I wondered who Percy really was, to be accepted by Dumbledore so respectfully.

We all separated to go to bed. I walked back to the Gryffindor Common Room. We got there, entered and Hermione went for a book. Ron and I sat down on chairs in front of the fire and started playing Wizard Chess.

About an hour later, Hermione came running down the stairs from her dorm yelling our names.

"Harry! Ron! I've figured it out! Dumbledore called the centaur Chiron, so I looked into it, and there is a centaur in the Greek Myths called Chiron. I looked through the whole thing, and it never said anything about him dying. What if that's really him? What if he was really the Chiron from the stories? That would explain the lack of wands near with the other students!"

"Blimey, Hermione. You really think a dude that old would still be teaching? It just seems really unlikely!" Ron said. I nodded, then yawned.

"Well, good theory. I'm going to bed. G'night," I went up and changed, then collapsed on my bed.

There you go! First chapter up! Next chapter this weekend! Weekend updates remember. :)

In the mean time, go check out my other stories! Don't forget to review!

