After some really hard times here, I needed something like this to grin again.

Author's note: In case last chapter wasn't obvious, I don't particularly like Natsu or that many of the male characters from Fairy Tail. Like I said in the note at the end of the previous chapter, the girls all have some backgrounds I can relate to, and Lucy's the one I find the most human. But guys like Natsu just stick to a single character trait and don't really evolve. I mean, he found his dragon dad and didn't change him at all.

Bottom line is, if you like Natsu that is fine and all, but this has been written as a warning from someone who doesn't like him writing this character. Don't expect me to apologize for what I do to him here, and don't expect me to change what I write. Natsu is the most un-relatable character to me. All he amounts to is being the hero and getting stronger because he's the hero.

I know I'm being a hypocrite with this story, but the reason I like Naruto despite his flaws and his manga committing some of the same sins as Fairy Tail is because he wants to try hard. Even if his reasons are bullshit for Kishimoto's plot devices, Naruto still tries, bleeds and has to learn and adapt. Natsu beat Jellal by eating some magic power that was around, and got power-ups from Ultear using team magic, not training.


Butler or not, every man gives kindness to his lady with a smile. This Lucy knew as she woke up with a smile on her bed, fully in the nude. With wide hips, a round but amazingly perfectly level of plump in all the right places, and proof that she was a natural blonde, she was a sight no man would get to see without dying after meeting her butler. No other man but him was allowed close to her, and he was equally naked.

Sitting on her bed with her sheets barely covering her rear, Lucy smiled sleepily as her butler had a pleased look on his face while the sun showed his muscular upper body, and scratch marks on his sides and back. She sighed upon trying to get out of the bed, took in a deep breath, and almost let out a sharp gasp at the soreness and pain shooting through her. A hand instinctively went to her stomach, rubbing her abdomen.

Also, one should note she was straddling Naruto, her legs on both sides of his waist, and feeling her move he stirred and woke up with a smile on his face, "Good morning, my princess." He put his left hand on her hip, making her giggle while her marveled at how good her hair looked down, "What would you like for breakfast?"

She leaned down, pressing her body on his before placing her lips softly on his, "No need for that, you no longer have to obey me."

He grinned, "I do remember you wanted me to obey you when you put me down and…" he lifted his right arm, which had its wrist tied to the bed with Lucy's missing bow.

She shook her head, her ears growing hotter by the second, "I was just… it's called roleplay… Never mind. Naruto…" she looked at him with soft eyes, "How will we make this work? I mean, I did crush on you as a little girl, and I love you, but… In many stories I read there's one thing like love and another is to… like someone. I know we're together, and I'd be happy to just be your friend even after… this."

He chuckled awkwardly, "I'm not sure I follow you. I love you, so of course I like you."

"Not like that… One story I read, about that adventurous treasure hunter you sort of dislike…"

"The one whose entire dialogue is full of smug quips? Eh, he sort of grew on me when he settled with that blonde journalist."

"Yeah, they always broke between books. In the second, they lost the rush of adrenaline that made them, you know, fall in love. It happened in the third book too, even if in all of them they ended together. In the end, it was all adrenaline between the two, but in the fourth they tried to like each other, and even had a daughter because they could see past all that rush of hormones and still enjoy being together."

Cocking an eyebrow and tilting his head to the side, Naruto showed Lucy she needed to work on her knots when tilting her chin with his hand to make her look him in the eye, "I'd have never been here if I didn't like you the very moment I met you. You were kind to me, and I liked that about you, that you are always kind no matter what. I ended up loving you because of… I'm really getting melodramatic, aren't I?"

She giggled, her voice music to his ears, "No, it's alright! You can go on. I could use it to write a novel for little girls about knights in shining armor!"

He sat up, pressing his forehead on hers, "Well, I'd be delighted to keep serving my-"

"Princess, breakfast is ready. Also, if it is your desire, you can punish me for interfering in your private time with-"

"Virgo, out!"

In a matter of seconds, a maid with short pink hair had entered in with a tray in her hands, got thrown a pillow to the face by the shocked Lucy once she covered her naked self, and walked out. Remarkably, the maid still had the pillow on her face and didn't seem to be bothered by it when returning to the kitchen to put the tray down. While Lucy was busy hiding her body from view, Naruto just stared at nothing, baffled.

Finally, he let out a small if odd laugh that showed how confused he still was, "So, she also calls you Princess. I guess you missed me."

Lucy pulled another pillow and smacked him on the face with it, but it was a pillow so it didn't hurt, "Just… be sure to clean yourself and we can have breakfast. Virgo does the work and-"

"Wait, Virgo?" Naruto took the pillow off his face, which showed even more surprise, and looked at the maid, "You told me she was a mixture of a gorilla, a sumo wrestler and every bad choice your dad made."

"That was before she signed a contract with me." The girl replied, "Trust me, I was surprised when seeing her like… that."

With that said, but got up and started picking their clothes, though Lucy had to get new panties on since Naruto ripped them off, and he had to take a spare orange shirt since she shredded the one he wore. But, of course, they also needed a bath. Virgo for her part tuned them with a pair of earplugs and a tune she hummed when she heard the water fall to clean her summoner's naked body and said girl's butler's.

Inside the shower, Naruto was presented with Lucy's back and was happily shampooing her hair, "Since you have a maid spirit, does this mean I get to boss someone around?" he had a playful smile.

"Let's see. I mean, you're really good as a butler and an even better bodyguard, but if we're… well, together in this weird way, we should ask her about it. Now turn around, let me wash your back and hair." He did as told, his hair out of the ponytail and shampooed by Lucy's skilled hands, "I'm surprised you let it grow this long."

"That sensei your father hired said shinobi and samurai used their hair as a way to mark their growth, honor, status… or something like that. I kind of dozed off between his speeches." He gave a sheepish grin at the thought before shaking his head, "Point is, he told me to keep my hair as a symbol of my servitude to the one I must protect as a ninja. I have my hair this long because I haven't cut it once after that lesson."

She smiled at his dedication, but her grin fell when seeing the scars across his body from that brutal training, "You still had no reason to take that abuse my father forced on you."

"Without it, I wouldn't have been able to protect you, that's all I thought about." He didn't even miss a beat for his reply, and his eyes were still warm like his grin.

Lucy smiled and pressed her face on his back, "Thank you… And I mean it. I don't think I ever earned the right to be with someone like you-"

"I never got the chance to be with someone like you before I met you." He smiled, turning around and cupping her cheeks before pecking her lips, "So don't worry, your dear knight Sir Wizard shall always keep safe the princess that was kind to him. Or do you really think I need another reason to want to be with someone like you?"

Her ears grew hot as she nestled her face on his chest, letting the water drip down their bodies, "No, it's fine just like that."

Once both were bathed and seated, breakfast was served by Virgo who did her best to avoid eye contact. The two ate in peace with Naruto digging into a large stack of pancakes and Lucy enjoying a fruit salad. But, being his princess for some time, Lucy could tell Naruto had something in mind. He ate but did so slowly and calmly, and even if he had been taught good manners there was no stopping a hungry Naruto.

"So…" just like she expected he tried to avoid eye contact while slowly cutting his cooked dough, with the look a boy would have when trying to tell his mother he broke a valuable vase, "I went to Fairy Tail before meeting Levy, asking questions about you at the guild. They were really reluctant of giving you away, though there was this guy, Lux or something…"

"Laxus." A groan escaped her at the thought, "I don't even know him that well but I can tell what must have happened… Wait, did you-"

"Kick his teeth in? Only after he badmouthed you." He put down his fork and knife with a sigh and decided to be honest with a shrug, "I also met Natsu there, some stripper boy and quite some questionable people like some tall guy trying too hard to be manly. It was only the barmaid that tried to scold him for calling you a certain word I won't mention before a lady like you and Miss Virgo here."

"Thank you for minding me, senpai." The maid bowed, having taken off the earplugs when seeing Lucy enter the kitchen.

"Uh, I'm not your senpai." Naruto was uneasy and it could be seen in his expression, though he really wouldn't mind having an underling there were stories of girls obsessing with seniors that scared him.

"Sir?" she kept her face in that blank, basically dead expression.

"No, not that either." He could feel his face tensing while he shut his eyes, trying to keep himself collected for he knew a migraine would come.

"Master?" her expression didn't change, voice still monotone.

But Naruto gave her a thumb up, "I can live with that."

Lucy looked away, tempted to say something but knowing she had done something similar, but questions had to be made, "So, what were you trying to get to?"

"I've seen the guild you say you love." He focused on her, eyes closed, "You and I know now that Fairy Tail isn't safe, because there must me other guilds like Phantom Lord out there who won't like their popularity. To this day your father and I have worried if they could keep you from harm, and yesterday proved they could bring harm to you. Lucy, I have to ask, is it really worth it? To risk your life to be with these people?"

Her eyes widened, her mouth opening slowly and letting out a silent gasp, "What do you mean? You want me…"

"You could look for the keys yourself." He explained, "Think on it, you'd be a mage to do your mother proud if you could find all twelve of those special keys. You could do that better by leaving Fairy Tail, just traveling with me to search for every single one without being put in danger just because you're with them. So, that is why…"

She shook her head, "No! You can't! You… Are you even listening to yourself?! You just got back in my life to tell me what to-"

"That is why…" he silenced her by increasing his volume with a raised hand, "I will… gladly stay by your side if you want to continue working with them."

Lucy's eyes went blank, her mouth hanging open, "What...?"

"If you want to put yourself in danger, I'll gladly take the pain for you as if I were another one of those spirits, my princess." He put on his best charming foxy smile, "Of course, I won't work for them or get tattooed. I just want to see you safe and sound, and I can always look for ways to get money with plenty of free time for myself just to help you."

"But everything you just said…"

"Lucy, I will stand by what I think, and I think Fairy Tail will bring you nothing but trouble if you stay with such a dangerous guild. Perhaps it has only three responsible people, the barmaid, Levy and some lady called Erza, but that's about it. I'm not saying this as a butler or a friend, but as the little boy you played with, the stranger you met at a park once. I will keep you safe, my princess, whatever your choice is."

She blushed, "You're being the perfect boyfriend, you know?"

He grinned, "I'm Sir Wizard, aren't I? I like to keep my princess happy. Besides, after last night there's no way I wouldn't try to keep making you happy."

Her blush intensified, and got even worse when Virgo spoke, "If you do not mind, I could prepare your bedroom for when you desire to repeat such an occasion and give you pointers on how to tie a servant for-"

Naruto was surprised Lucy's head didn't explode when steam started coming out of her ears from anger, "Virgo, bad! Go back this instant!"

He couldn't help it and burst out laughing, not really helping Lucy when the two were left alone after the maid returned to her realm, "You could have let her continue, I wouldn't mind serving you again!" he got out between fist of laughter.

"Not another word, I was just… caught in the moment, is all…" she lifted her glass of juice, but couldn't bring it to her lips with how much her hand trembled, "I mean, tying you down, making you worship my body, having you call me such sexy things like mistress… That's not what I'd do, it was just roleplay, that's all, it's not like I have had dreams about it or read anything dirty when thinking about you…"

"Right…" the dull tone said he didn't believe her, but his smirk remained in place… for two seconds.

"LUCY! I'M HERE! Hey, is that breakfast?! Can I get a bite out of your plate?!"

The window suddenly swung upon and Naruto's expression soured while Lucy slowly gained a look of utter shock, mortification, and mind numbing rage. Natsu climbed into her apartment while Naruto got off the table, the beautiful blonde summoner slapping her face while the pink haired Dragon Slayer looked straight at Naruto who merely held out his hand. The fire using mage just drooled when looking at the table.

A trio of small kunai were held between the butler's fingers as he calmly said, so calmly it was terrifying, "You have three seconds to leave before I get nasty. This is my mistress's home, you're breaching her privacy, and you're demanding to eat her food after entering without any good manners."

Natsu snapped at him, "Hey, you can't tell me what to do! Especially as Lucy lets me come here! Not like she has anything more important to do."

"It's time I perform my duties as her butler… Removing the trash." Naruto said with a serious stare that made Natsu grin widely as he beckoned Naruto to try and remove him.

Natsu's glare intensified before he jumped at the blond, "Just do it you ponce! I'll kick your ass and Lucy can get back to the guild! I have a mission I want to do with her!"

Two seconds later and Natsu had been thrown out the window with a well-placed kick, landed flat on his back and groaned while the whiskered man closed the window swiftly, "I'll have to take measures to-"

"Man, these are some killer pancakes." Happy said while finishing Naruto's breakfast, and seconds later the window was yet again opened to throw the cat down into the half-conscious Natsu.

"As I was saying…" Naruto grumbled while closing the window a second time, "I'll need measures to-"

"Hey Lucy, what's with this bra in the living room?" none other than Gray asked while sitting down on her sofa, fully nude. The window was opened a third time by one Naruto, a clone sending Gray flying down into the barely conscious Natsu and Happy, and the reaction got the two male mages fighting.

"Anyway… before I jinx it again…" Naruto picked up the bra with fire threatening to come out of his mouth, handing the large undergarment to a very embarrassed Lucy. She regretted having thrown it out before pushing him on the sofa to show him some moves, "Is there anyone else that has entered this house without your permission that I should be aware of?"

"This tea is delightful, Lucy, I may need the recipe… Oh hi, Naruto." Erza put down the cup with a small smile on her lips as she sat on the table.

He pinched the bridge of his nose, turning to Lucy afterwards, "Are you sure you want to remain with this group?"

"I tend to ask myself that at times." Lucy's voice was flatter than her maid's. She turned to Erza, "At least she's not eating everything in the fridge and is actually dressed."

"Considering that, I guess I can make an extra cup of tea." Naruto got up and walked to the cabinet, "What'll be your pleasure, Lady Erza? Let me warn you, though, I make an excellent green tea."

The armored mage smiled softly, "I'd be delighted to taste some, and tell you something." She got up and bowed to him, "Your deeds haven't been unheard, and I'd like to thank you in Fairy Tail's sake. To fight a guile like Phantom Lord and stopping a war in which many could be hurt, I'm speechless when it comes to trying to express how grateful I am that you are Lucy's friend."

He gave her a large, admittedly goofy smile as he barely contained a brief laugh, "Come on, you're going to make me blush… but do go on, I'd like to hear more of-" he was lightly elbowed by Lucy.

"I thought you were taught manners." She gave him a look that said she expected him to not behave like a child.

He gave her a cheeky grin and shrugged, "Modesty was part of the course, but I'll take what I get when it comes to praise. I am human, Princess."

She pouted, he used that nickname to basically call her a hypocrite since when it came to vanity it was hard to tell who was vainer, her or Naruto. In the end the three sat at a table and enjoyed their tea peacefully. It was also a good thing Naruto had closed the window for it started to rain outside, though he couldn't help but feel watched. And indeed, he was, by a growling blue haired young woman with binoculars.

"She's fast, but Juvia has read enough books to understand what good netorare is… She shall steal the handsome butler all for herself."

Inside, Erza had some things to talk about, "Modest or not, the council would like to question a man that attacked a legal guild, as questionable as Phantom Lord was." She sounded somber, and yet a smile grew on her face, "But thanks to Levy's testimony and that of a witness who claims you aided her from going on a forced date with one of them, things have changed."

"What do you mean changed?" Lucy knew the council was bullshit, "Those guys would lock Naruto up, wouldn't they?"

"The council would rather make it out as having a civilian defending himself from a corrupt guild and using whatever control they have over the media to cover their negligence than admit their faults." The knight woman closed her eyes somberly, "It's all made out to be that Naruto was fighting to keep civilians safe and that the council knew nothing of it until hearing the testimony. Sadly, that's how they run things."

Kurama huffed in the blond butler's mind, "Sounds a lot like home, doesn't it?"

Naruto ignored the comment and decided to make tea, but inwardly accepted that no matter where he went, there'd always be people trying to look good while doing evil.


"Are you sure about this, Princess?" Naruto asked, clad in a pair of black swimming trunks with orange flames, a white Hawaiian shirt, and his orange cap.

Lucy had taken him to the nearest beach she knew of and was wearing a swimsuit that was best described as delectable for the eyes. With a white top that hugged her bosom and moderately showed her skin, a matching bottom part that didn't wrinkle as her hips moved in the air, and her skin shining with the sun on the sea water over it. Having her hair in pigtails added to the charm as well as a blue cloth as a skirt.

"You're the only one that can keep her in line." Lucy said, sighing, "I mean, I summoned her when I met Natsu and she got a bit too…"

"Destructive, crazy, cranky that you still haven't found her boyfriend's key… I can go on."

"Just be ready." Lucy said before putting the key on the water.

And in a split second, Naruto stood on the sand, watching with his arms crossed at a blue haired mermaid with a very sensual figure, a long mane of hair… and a furious look in her eyes, "You!" she aimed a finger at him, "You're the little punk that always gets in my way whenever I get summoned by-"

"I'm also the Princess' boyfriend." He cracked his knuckles with a dull expression on his face, "I'll advice that your next words are chosen very, but oh so very carefully."

Aquarius, the magical water controlling spirit, scoffed, "So she thinks she's a fully grown woman just because she went out with… Wait, that… that aura… the way you smell of each other…" her eyes grew in realization, a single accusatory finger aimed at the blond, "You two have done it already?! Why?! How?! I've been going out with my darling far before you two… and you have already gotten to that point?!"

"You don't have to shout it to the four winds!" Lucy felt her face glowing so hot she swore the sea was evaporating around her.

Aquarius cringed, "No, it doesn't matter, I'm sure it was a moment of lust! Yes, that's it! Just two kids lost in a daze of emotions and-"

"And sharing breakfast, a house, and all that stuff lovers in our position share." Naruto's face was the definition of a shit-eating grin as he tilted up his cap to look at the mermaid, "Of course, you should know what that's like, right? It's not like you haven't done everything you could to remind Lucy she was single, that you had a boyfriend every time you could, or that your love life was perfect while I was and wasn't around."

If it wasn't obvious, Naruto didn't like Aquarius when he first met the spirit as a young child when Lucy was introduced to Spirit Magic by her mother. The mermaid was always in a bad mood when away from some boyfriend of hers, and the blond never liked how she constantly spoke about that detail while looking down on single girls. Aquarius did have power and he'd argue cared for Lucy, but she left a bad first impression.

"Why you little…" Aquarius was more than ready to bring a tsunami down on Naruto, but there was one problem: he was strong, he was insanely strong, and, dare she admit it, he was stronger than her. It wasn't every day that a spirit that could shift the tides on a whim would find a tiny boy learning to be a perfect butler just punching one of her attacks… and splitting in half a tidal wave. All before returning to make tea.

"This is why I prefer to summon Cancer…" Lucy put a hand on her face, using her fingers to massage her temples. And true enough, the hairstylist was the one spirit Naruto got along because he the two did serve Lucy well. Taurus on the other hand had been introduced to Naruto's fist several times when puberty hit Lucy and gifted her with great wonders. Virgo he had just met, and her new key had yet to be used.

Then again, Naruto prided himself on being Lucy's knight in shining armor, "If she gives you trouble, give me the call." The butler returned to his cross armed position while standing on the sand, watching his mistress practice controlling Aquarius. The mermaid glared at the blond but had no other choice, she knew he would suplex a train if Lucy asked, and five more for good measure whether she said so or not.

It was actually good for the blonde summoner, for once she got to get her most rebellious summon to help her rather than helping her while simultaneously nearly drowning her. It was almost empowering. However, all good things have to come to an end and after Naruto watched the waves change to the mermaid's whims, they called it a day. They had plans to return to their home and everything, but…

"Hey, I know that guy…" Lucy spied a lion-like guy with her eyes, a guy that Naruto saw at her guild, "Hey Naruto, do you mind going ahead? I've wanted to talk to that guy for some time and-"

"I…" he froze, his mind racing, "You, alone with a playboy like him? I watched him at the guild, there's no… I mean, I… I can't really say this without sounding like the jealous guy, but-"

"He's actually afraid of me." She had a light blush on her face when mentioning that, feeling embarrassed at the thought, "It's because I'm a Spirit Mage. I don't know what it is, but I got to know. Could you just let me do so alone? Otherwise… well, I do fear you may do something reckless if you get protective."

He put his hands on his hips, "Please, like I would-"

"Do you remember the time a boy took my cake slice on one of my birthdays? He does, because you broke his nose." Her eyes didn't leave him any chance to argue, "Or what of the time a punk spilled his drink on me and didn't apologize when you told him to? You had him on his knees with a headlock… and you weren't twelve that time!"

She got him there, he had to admit while keeping his eyes away from her, "Ok, maybe, just maybe, I do go a bit over the top to make sure… you're still going alone to talk to him, aren't you?" she nodded with a serious expression, making him sigh in defeat, "Fine, I'll see if I can buy something for a proper caprese salad… But not without this."

Her eyes squinted at the small three-pronged kunai he handed her, "One of your magical kunais?"

"If you get in trouble, put a little magic in it and I'll be there in a flash to start punching." He emphasized his statement by punching his palm.

She giggled, "Don't worry, I still got my keys and whip. I did say I'd be able to stand by your side one day, right? I may still not be that tough, but just give me time."

He nodded uneasily and the two went their ways… And soon Naruto would come to know that the playboy was actually the spirit of Leo, Lucy had set him free from a really unfair punishment, and she had another key. Also, just to make things even more ridiculous with how life could change around Lucy ever since she joined the most questionable guild ever, Leo had gotten them tickets to a wonderful beach resort.

It was no surprise they made their way there quickly.

"Aaaaaahhnnnmhhh~" Lucy's jubilant moan echoed in the warm sunlight, as Naruto calmly messaged her back and gently rubbed sun lotion into it while she rested her heavy bosom on a towel. Her bra was currently unstrapped as she felt her lover and butler relieve her back of its knots and various cramps. Dealing with Natsu and other loud mages at Fairy Tail gave her no small amount of stress and tension.

The sun beat down on their head yet the cool coastal wind gave the Akane Resort an altogether very pleasant atmosphere. Natsu was strung up against a palm tree by his scarf, several kunai nailing him to it while he was beaten unconscious for trying to burst in on Lucy when she and the other girls were changing. For once Naruto didn't need to wail on him, Erza did that just fine in a towering fury.

That being said… Lucy loved Akane Resort. It was an absolutely gorgeous locale, and it was easily among the best looking places she had ever had the fortune to go to. She opened her eyes after Naruto had left to let her sun bathe, a shadow blocking out her sun and making her grimace until she looked up. Rain was pouring all around her and moistened the sand, but thankfully she had an umbrella to remain dry.

However, an astonishingly attractive blue haired woman was standing in front of her, wearing a daring and skimpy V-cut swimsuit, she looked down her nose at the blonde beneath her. "Can… I help you?" Lucy asked, refraining from groaning as she had a bad feeling about the blue haired woman.

She just glared at Lucy and bluntly told her, in third person no less, "Juvia doesn't like you. At all. So she'll steal Naruto from this unlikeable blonde strumpet."

Point blank and refreshingly simple, why couldn't more people be... "Wait, what!?" She almost leapt to her feet until she remembered her top was off, so she could only glare angrily at the girl looking down at her.

"Juvia will NTR Naruto from the blonde harlot, she doesn't deserve someone as absolutely wonderful as Naruto." The water mage said bluntly again, glaring harshly at Lucy who gaped for a few more moments before she glared right back.

"Like hell you will! Listen here, you blueberry-haired freak show, I'm not going to give up my lover to someone who hasn't even known him as long as I have... Especially not some creep like you who wants to steal him!" Lucy finally sat up, her arm covering her breasts. Juvia just smiled nastily, a water blade appearing around her arm as with her other she made a full scale replica of Lucy, getting even her proportions right.

Then she swung the water blade at the clone's body, bifurcating it cleanly. "Juvia doesn't have to do it when the trollop is alive, of course." Her smile was chilling and Lucy slowly gulped as she saw how dark the blue haired mage's eyes were in that moment.

"Can I help you?" Naruto stood right behind Juvia, his cap shadowing his eyes. "Because it seems you're looking for trouble, and I don't want anyone troubling my princess."

"Oh, N-" and that's as far as Juvia got before Naruto put a hand on her shoulder and his fingers applied pressure. However, still being gentlemanly enough, he used his other arm to catch the water mage before she hit the sand with a heavy, tired sigh.

"I honestly didn't expect this." He gave his princess a sheepish smile, "You can't say life is dull, huh?"

"And you said Fairy Tail attracted trouble." She got him, making him cringe.

"Ok, on my defense I just tried to be nice to her since she wasn't as cartoonishly evil as the other Phantom Lord mages… I certainly didn't expect his kind of obsession." He settled Juvia down besides Lucy, and helped his mistress to put her top on before grabbing the Umbrella to keep themselves dry, "Let's just leave her here and move somewhere else quietly, what do you say?"

"Yes, please." She accepted his hand to get up and the two left the blue haired young woman to avoid having her giving them trouble.

Juvia woke up quickly, quicker than Naruto would guess, thanks to… the power of love, as she'd put it. Her eyes snapped open and her heart beat rapidly, a huge blush coming over her face as she rose up slowly.

"Naruto touched this unworthy Juvia… o-oh! His hands were so warm, and he set Juvia down gently too…! Naruto! This Juvia will forever love you! She'll steal you away from that unworthy blonde harlot, that she will! Aaahnn~ Naruto~!"

Further away where he and Lucy were about to get some shaved ice together, Naruto had a weird shiver go down his spine. It was equal parts pleasant yet disturbing if he was really honest with himself. Kind of like his mixed feelings regarding Juvia Lockser herself. On one hand he felt responsible for her situation and the destruction of her guild, on the other her obsession with him was a bit off-putting.

Overall he liked Juvia and could see her inner good just about to burst out, but he didn't like her immense antipathy towards his girlfriend and mistress, "Shall we get ready for the casino? I think the guards will do a proper job alerting us of her presence in case she tries anything."

The blonde nodded, "I'll go ahead with Erza, she is more than enough to take care of her and I know you can keep her away on your own."

"Sounds good, Lady Erza has shown to be strong enough to take care of Natsu and Gray." He pondered on it, "Just make sure to give me a call should there be a surprise. Let's rendezvous at the casino in fifteen minutes. If I take longer then I'll probably be with Juvia, and not in the good way… Yeah, that came out wrong."

He groaned at the way he worded it with a grimace, Lucy sighing heavily, "If you can't arrive for whatever reason, I'll have your kunai with me."

With that said, the two went their separate ways.


While both Lucy and Naruto were lovers… Erza was invited to the trip, and inviting her was a bad idea. Erza was basically the fun police, she frowned upon a fellow guild member and some guy sleeping together in the pure-thought way, and would lose it if she knew they did it in the non-pure-thought way. So she forced Naruto to sleep with the boys, which he could tolerate just to see his princess relax.

Meanwhile, the girls shared a room, "A casino, I don't believe I'm particularly lucky enough to try one of those games." Erza was putting on an elegant dress, "But for some reason I imagine your butler being good at it. I may be rude saying it, but the idea that he's a butler and picturing him in a tuxedo makes me think of those novels of the spy with the golden gun… or was it the spy against the man with a golden gun?"

"The latter, and I know which one you mean." Lucy said with a smile, "And yes, Naruto's surprisingly good. Though I think he cheats. It's really hard to tell, every time we were kids and played cards I could never figure out how he got to beat me. Even my father had trouble with him, and his clients, associates, and really anyone. Many have tried to find out how he does it, but it's like something beyond magic."

Erza smiled, "It should be fun to play with him, then. And…" she closed her eyes, "I'm sorry for forcing you two apart. I do know you two are close, yet we have to try to behave. If people saw you two sharing a room and heard of what he did to Phantom Lord, well, I dare not think how the council could try to twist that around."

Lucy frowned, "Those guys really need to learn some humility… Then again…" there was a loud crash outside, and they peeked out to see Natsu and Gray fighting over who'd get to enter their room first, "I feel like they have a point when looking at those two. Poor Naruto, though, sharing a room with them."

"Let's go on ahead." Erza escorted her blonde friend out, keeping an eye out for any water mages in the vicinity.

Naruto for his part merely locked the door while the fire and ice mage were fighting each other, mentally repeating a mantra to himself that he was there to make his princess happy. He'd have preferred doing so in a suite with her in a sexy fox girl outfit and on top of him. As much as he liked being number one, Lucy had ways of making being her servant enjoyable. But he had to get dressed and put those thoughts aside.

Thankfully he had kept his old tuxedo and was swiftly buttoning up his shirt, just about to put on his bow tie when he heard the commotion outside gaining volume. Groaning to himself, he simply put on his black coat, leaving it open and showing his white shirt with the top two buttons still undone, and looked with disbelief at the sight before him. Natsu and Gray were fighting like rabid dogs on the floor.

"Hey, it's about time you opened the door!" Natsu growled.

Naruto gave him a blank stare, "And it's about time you two get dressed." He calmly pulled back his hair before tying it with a single hairband into a fashionable ponytail.

Natsu grinned, "That is if one of us can keep his clothes on."

"At least I wasn't nailed to a tree for trying to peep on the girls." Gray shot back.

Seeing that the two would fight soon, Naruto, with his arms to his sides, rolled his wrists. Needles shot from his sleeves and he swiftly caught them between each finger. With mastered precision he had nailed both mages' necks with three needles each, paralyzing them completely from the head down. They gasped and tried to twitch their heads, but could only remain frozen in the hall.

"I can make absolute fools of you two." His voice was dangerously calm, as was his smile, "I could leave you two fully undressed in the women's changing room with your hands on the other's crotch. I could sneak on you in your sleep and glue your asses together. Hell, I could even just put heavy aphrodisiacs in your drinks and leave you two alone in a locked room for weeks. All I need is an excuse. Will you two give me one?"

The two mages grinned awkwardly, "N-No sir…" they hoped he'd remove the needles, but he didn't.

Keeping his smile in place, the butler nodded, "Good." He closed the door and was about to put on his bow tie before looking at the mirror and shrugging. "Maybe a finely suited bad boy look could be fun." He smirked and pulled up his collar, trying to look informal as he also pulled his shirt out of his pants and put his hands in his pockets. He tried to look like a gangster with a cocky smirk.

The idea of the girl he loved around his arm, playing at a table and winning big while looking dangerous was most men's romance, and Naruto was no exception. He was happy with the look, he just needed to… not see Juvia still in that very revealing swimsuit at his window. Her eyes were locked on his body while her curvaceous legs hung a few inches from the floor. At least the rain cloud didn't follow her into the room.

"This Juvia is all yours…" she had a massive blush, and a hand reaching for the top of her bikini behind her neck.

In a split second, Naruto's body was covered in smoke and in his place were the frozen Natsu and Gray, needles still in place. Juvia's face turned a furious shade of red when the two mages ogled her just as she was about to reveal her body to her beloved. The butler for his part grimaced in actual guilt when hearing loud noises and screams from the room. He started whistling and put on a pair of sunglasses to try to be casual.

"I should feel bad but…" he kept whistling, trying not to think on what he had done, but… "Ugh… Why do I have to have a heart?"

Turning around, he found the door burst open, the two mages pinned to a wall by Juvia's water with the needles still on their necks, and the woman looking absolutely livid until seeing him, "Ah, Naruto! You came back for me, my love!" she squealed like a schoolgirl before her crush.

"I actually came to help those two." He reluctantly aimed a finger at the two mages, "See, my plan was to leave them behind since I just don't like the way they treat my princess, but then I have to think that she likes these two. On that note, I have to also think that if she likes them, then I will have to try to… not murder them." He scratched his head in mild embarrassment, "Sorry, that's the best I can give."

"Fine by me, just get us out!" Natsu cried.

Calmly pulling his shirt's sleeves out of the coat's wrists, the butler approached the rain maiden while she stared at him with hearty eyes. She approached him with the water turning into large tendrils that moved together into the shape of a heart. It felt tense as both stopped a couple of feet from each other with the blue haired young woman feeling her chest beating madly and Naruto somehow keeping his cool.

"Juvia doesn't mind it's those two she has to beat up to get to see you, she shall always do whatever it's needed to be with you…" her cheeks were rosy and her eyes sparkled.

He sighed, mentally pondering what he'd say while his sensei groaned, "Just knock her out, a good and hard enough punch should knock some neurons loose and she may forget about you."

He wondered if he really had the heart to do such a thing, but the water mage was giving him that infernally adorable look only a cute puppy would have, only seen in childish comics for little girls. His mind raced with a million ways he could solve it. Juvia wanted to be with him, and steal him from Lucy. He loved Lucy and liked to be with her regardless of how good it was to have someone as in love with him as Juvia.

Also, he also barely knew the young woman before him, even if any sane man would want to with her body. But he had talked with her, seen she was good but really needed some good friends despite her insane desire to… serve… An idea quickly brewed in his head and he almost snapped his fingers. It had been just five seconds inside his mind but he had an idea so stupid it just may work.

"Do you know why I serve Lucy?" he didn't expect to see a vein bulging in her forehead, threatening to pop.

"It's because of duty, nothing else." She was clearly in denial.

"Juvia, if it weren't for Lucy, I wouldn't have met you." He tried to phrase things better, he was just going along with whatever he was saying.

She balled her hands into fists, the water boiling around her from rage, "It means nothing, Juvia can show you actual love, she can-"

"You can try, but I owe Lucy a lot." He was firm, "I know you'll be mad, and I know you won't like what I say, but I have to put it bluntly. I serve a person who rather than look down at me took me in… Juvia, it is because of that kindness that I wanted to be kind to you."

While she had been ready to lash out and destroy the hotel, those last words made the water mage stare at him in surprise, "What?"

He nodded, "I am the man you see because that one person was nice to me when I first met her. Juvia, who knows what I'd have ended up if I didn't, but truth is… I don't regret it. It is because of her that I would like to, at the very least, help you. Just like she helped me out of the streets I want to see you doing better than being in Phantom Lord. So, you have to admit, you owe Lucy that."

She gave a pouty "Hmph!" before turning her head to the side, "Fine… Juvia shall admit that and not murder her in her sleep, but she won't give up. She will make you accept her love!"

He slipped a hand over his head to try to remain calm, as if it'd help keep his thoughts in line, "I guess that's a start."

His sensei grumbled, "Only you can get into this kind of trouble. Just get back to your princess and act like nothing ever happened."

He did as told, "I'll have to leave now, though I hope to meet you again in less tense scenarios." He gave his best charming smile before vanishing with a golden flash.

Juvia's eyes turned into hearts while she clasped her hands together, "That blonde bimbo may have helped you be the man you are, but Juvia shall always love your kindness to her." She skipped off to try to find him, knowing he'd have to be at the casino.

However, both felt like they were forgetting something… "Hey Naruto, this isn't funny, let us go!" Gray cried while he and Natsu remained paralyzed with the needles in their necks.

A nearby blue cat stared with a smug smirk, "Say, what would you two give me to take those out for you?"


Once at the casino, the butler whistled at the luxury displayed shamelessly for anyone who'd set foot into it. He also found it surprisingly deserted with the only players in it being Lucy and Erza at a poker table with a dark skinned boy as the dealer. He swiftly made his way to their side when seeing Erza react to something the dealer showed her, which also had Lucy quite shocked. He had to stop when someone took aim.

"You should have never met me." A polygon-shaped man dressing like some dandy out of Lucy's books said, aiming a polygon-shaped gun at him.

The trigger was squeezed and Lucy turned to see in shock how her butler fell to the floor, her hands clasping her mouth… before a grin grew on her face from relief when a cloud of smoke showed log, not her butler. Gasping in surprise, the dandy was left wide open for the butler that appeared at his side, throwing his hands at him from a few yards away. Six sharp shurikens flew at the square dandy who barely had time to aim.

With impressive aim and gun skill, the gunslinger got the projectiles and broke them midair with well-placed bullets while the butler kept rushing at him. Showing mastered skills, Naruto jumped into the air, flipping his body while spinning around, and landed behind the dandy in a crouched position. The gunslinger had just turned his head, but the rest of his body wasn't as fast and thus he had an elbow on his gut.

Naruto's strength was shown yet again when the fedora wearing man was sent flying and crashed on a table before he returned to his crouched stance, three kunais in between each hand's fingers, "Next." His words made the young dealer gasp in surprise at first before glaring hard at him, but he didn't seem that bothered, which worried Naruto.

"We have her, let's leave now!" the dealer held up a card… which housed Erza inside.

Due to his training as a gentleman, Naruto's first instinct was to dash and help the redhead woman, but another problem arose when he heard Lucy yelp. The blonde girl was confronted by a brunette with two tufts of hair on top of her head resembling cat ears… and most of her features being quite feline-like. However, his princess did have a promise to uphold of protecting herself, and thus lifted her skirt, grabbing…

"Back!" Lucy lashed at the cat girl, making her step back when a familiar whip nearly got her. The Heartfilia heiress held her weapon in both hands, stretching one half while having the other coiled around her other hand with fury in her eyes, "What're you doing with Erza?! She clearly doesn't want to go with you, so if you're her friends you shouldn't treat her this way!"

The brunette held up her hands, showing sharp claws, "She betrayed us, what would you know of Erza anyway?!"

The butler merely adjusted his shades with the back of his hand, "I know a good person when I meet them, and Lady Erza doesn't strike me as the kind to betray her allies." He stabbed the ground with the kunais in his right hand, holding the others threateningly near his face, "She's also someone my mistress cares for and respects while treating my lady as a friend."

Turning around to face him, the brunette was ready to lash at him… before her eyes focused on his birthmarks, "K… Kitty…" Both servant and heiress felt their higher brain functions die when the girl before them went misty-eyed, staring intently at the butler, "So… cute… Must. Pet." It was like she were hypnotized by Naruto's whisker-like marks.

Lucy spun her head to give him a questioning glance, to which he shrugged, "I'm as surprised as you, I never expected to have this many issues with ladies."

His mistress tried to process what just happened, "Maybe it's true and Fairy Tail combined with you makes this kind of people pop out…" she kept it all under her breath, she didn't want to give him the reason on his theory of Fairy Tail being dangerous. She enjoyed having adventures as a mage, and dare she admit it the adrenaline was quite hooking, she may as well say she was addicted to the thrill.

"I guess opposites do attract." He smugly smirked to his lady, "You got a cool, collected and competent butler ready to service you while they got a pink haired loud-" she immediately stopped him with a simple look, "Ok, ok, I won't go that far."

"Just don't get too full of yourself." She turned to the brunette, still surprised to see her just staring at her butler, "Alright, she's starting to creep me out…"

The cat girl merely brought her hands balled like paws to her cheeks while her eyes scanned Naruto's birthmarks, "I'll comb his hair, feed him from my hand some fresh fatty tuna sushi, and…"

And an idea hit Naruto, "You want to take me home?" the cat girl nodded furiously, making him smirk again before throwing his arms to the sides, "Well, I'm all yours."

"What?!" Lucy was about to shout a storm, but was stopped when the brunette wrapped her and her butler in strange colorful tubes.

"Don't worry, if we can't follow Erza, we'll let them take us give us a ride." The blond man merely sat up and enjoyed the position he was in.

Lucy nodded reluctantly as the cat girl gleefully dragged her and Naruto to her room in a large tower, said room was decorated with everything cat related in a shameless display of cat love. It'd make any cat lady blush with envy to say the least. And just to make things weirder, Lucy found herself strapped to a chair with the brunette's weird magic tubes while Naruto had his head resting on her lap, her hands caressing him.

Though while getting wonderful head patting he couldn't help but worry at his mistress' stare, "Ok, that's enough petting, will you let him go and tell us what you plan to do with Erza?" she gave the cat girl a pouty glare, quite adorable to look at and quite uncomfortable for Naruto. However, her eyes did catch a kunai in his hands, which he slipped out of his sleeves whenever he could get out.

"We're going to make her pay for betraying us." The brunette narrowed her eyes at Lucy, "Jellal said so, she left us and-"

"Let go of Naruto right now." Said a chilling voice behind the cat girl.

"How did-" the brunette watched in horror how a certain yandere water mage stood behind her, clad in a white dress with a short skirt, blue shorts underneath, and a cute white sailor hat on her head.

In the span of two milliseconds, the cat girl was pinned to the wall with a large water sphere, her head sticking out for her to breathe, "How dare you touch him?" Juvia's voice was icily deadly.

Naruto immediately cut off his bindings, and swiftly started to free his mistress, "Juvia, am I glad to see you… and I can't believe I'm saying that." He tilted his head to the side, "Uh, I don't know how else to ask this, but how did you find us?"

Juvia beamed, "Juvia's love allowed her to follow you. Her instincts allowed her to be close to you when you were in danger, and she also placed a spell to locate her rival in case she ever cheated on you."

Both yellow haired lovers felt mildly disturbed by the revelation, Lucy speaking, "I see…" her right eye started to twitch while she kept her distance from the water user, "Well, at least you can help us save Erza."

"Stop." The blue haired young woman stood before Lucy, rising her nose to try to look down on her, "You are Juvia's rival, and make no mistake of that, but… Juvia has heard of your kindness to Naruto, so… she will be kinder to you and perhaps even… work as your maid. But only to be by Naruto's side."

The blonde blinked several times in disbelief, "Wait, you can't be serious, not at a time like-"

"Juvia is deadly serious, mistress!" she clasped Lucy's hands, holding them in hers, "She shall work for you, as Naruto's underling preferably to be with him and show him that Juvia can be a better woman! You may be Juvia's rival, but Juvia will be the better woman by making you like her so much you'll want him to be with her forever! It's the perfect revenge!"

Naruto arched an eyebrow, "I swear I read this on a certain story…"

Lucy pulled her hands free with a heavy sigh, "Fine, let's look for Erza and help her before this Jellal hurts her."

Everyone nodded, but their feline friend stopped them, "Why?!" she cried, literally, as tears streamed down her face in a way that made them flinch, Naruto because he disliked seeing girls like his mistress cry, and the girls because the girl looked like a cute cat, "Why're you trying to save Erza after she betrayed us?! Jellal is the one that saved us, helped us build this tower for something better than what we did before!"

Inhaling deeply, Naruto spoke, "Because there are times in which holding a grudge becomes meaningless." He took on a calm demeanor, "You saw how Erza acted when you appeared, didn't you? Do you think that's a woman who'd have tried to hurt you willingly? And what're you talking about this tower?"

The girl, Millianna she said was her name, told them of the tower. She spoke of how she used to be a slave with Erza to build the tower by horrible people, how Erza fought to free everyone and even a captured Jellal, and how apparently she betrayed them. Lucy didn't need to put two and two together when she heard of how the one named Jellal proclaimed Erza was a traitor after she tried to free him and save others.

"So… this Jellal is at the top of the building?" she had a frown on her face that showed a burning determination, and Millianna could only nod, which made Lucy slam a fist to her palm, "Then when I see him, I'm introducing him to my Lucy Punch!"

"After I have some words with him about how to treat a lady as a proper gentleman, please, princess." Naruto growled while adjusting his shades even as shadows covered his eyes. Juvia herself was silent, but there was a pillar of water behind her shuddering in violent and dangerous shapes crying for blood, to impale, cut and destroy the one named Jellal.

"Alright, we'll go save Erza." Lucy motioned to herself and Juvia, "Naruto, you go to that Jellal and give him more than a few words from me, got it?"

"You needn't even ask, princess." He bowed before disappearing in a blur of speed outside the room, running up the stairs with his eyes burning red behind his sunglasses, "A good butler always makes sure to take out the trash."

As he raced up the stairs he was met with a large muscular man who, for some reason, had what looked like a large owl mask over his head. Naruto was almost surprised when the man flew at him, opened his beak so wide it could have literally swallowed him whole, and almost did so. He was too angry to even be surprised, and thus all the owl managed to eat was a large log Naruto substituted himself with.

Once the owl man was defenseless, he was swiftly kicked through a wall down to the sea outside. Naruto kept running up, as he could feel more than his and the girls' presence in the tower he knew there had to be more guards, but he couldn't tell if one of them could be Jellal. He had the nagging feeling he could be at the top of the tower, but he was mad enough to take out his anger with any good sent his way.

Upon nearing the doors to what he assumed was the main room at the top of the tower, he stopped when confronted by a woman with a long pink mane in a traditional kimono holding a long katana. She merely chuckled when eyeing him, "You look like one of those host boy mages I've heard so much about, but I know you won't serve me a drink."

Naruto pulled off his shades, closing his eyes and keeping the red irises hidden, and cleaned them with a handkerchief, "I am a butler, I serve my mistress to make sure she is happy. One of her friends has been… to put it lightly, treated like garbage by who I assume is your boss behind that door." He put his shades back on, "Lady, if you dare stop me I shall throw all my good manners out the window."

"The name's Ikaruga, then. So you remember who kill-" she gasped mid-sentence when the blond disappeared in a flash of golden light, reappearing behind her to deliver a swift chop to the back of her neck that knocked her out cold.

He sighed as he held out an arm so she didn't fall on her face, "I really should go all out against women." After setting her down gently on the floor, and even putting his business coat over her to keep her from being cold, the butler rolled up his shirt's sleeves to his elbows and pocketed his sunglasses. His eyes were back to their calm blue, but someone knew the blond wanted blood.

"Let's ruin this asshole's day." Kurama was not a fan of manipulators, backstabbers or liars.

With a firm kick, Naruto burst the doors to the large office open to find a man with a tattooed face staring at him with a smug grin, "So you're one of Erza's friends, huh?"

"I assume you're Jellal, then." The blond merely took the hairband off his ponytail to groom his hair better, "I have half a mind to destroy this entire tower with you in it, but it's only because my lady and her friend are in it that I have to hold that thought for later."

Jellal merely smirked wider, "And what does the other half want? To beat me, save the girl and be a hero when you can't even realize what I plan to do or why it's-"

"Do I look like I care?" Naruto asked dryly once properly grooming his ponytail, and reaching into his pants to pull out a pair of black fingerless gloves he slid on quickly, "The moment you hurt someone to try to prove yourself to be in the right it's the moment you're proving to be a desperate man trying too hard to be in the right for his own gain."

Jellal narrowed his eyes, "You have no idea what kind of world I work for, what this tower will achieve. With it, I can create an utopia where-"

"Stop, I don't care." Naruto held a hand up to halt the tattooed mage's words, "I'm just going to start punching you, that's what the other half of my mind wants."

Growling enraged, Jellal leapt at the blond, dashing at high speeds to try to knock him out cold… barely registering that the butler's eyes turned golden. The instant he saw the whiskered man's eyes changing to look like a toad's, he was on the receiving end of a jolt counter. Naruto's arm slid around the tattooed mage's to nail him right in the face, cracking the nose while Jellal's fist flew over his shoulder.

"How did… you see…" Jellal tried to form words, but the blood pouring down his nostrils made it hard to breathe and speak properly. Rather than answering, Naruto disappeared in a cloud of smoke, alarming the corrupt mage, "Where are you?!" he started spinning around, trying to find him while looking all around the large room he used as an office and planned to use for Erza's sacrifice for his plans.

And then the ground shook under one of his feet, and he gasped when it just seemed to erupt with Naruto jumping out and upper-cutting him right in the jaw. Jellal soared through the air, his body paralyzed from the sudden shake his brain took with the punch. His eyes widened when seeing Naruto airborne, kicking him right in the gut further into the air… into another Naruto!

"U!" the first Naruto shouted as he passed Jellal to his clone, "ZU!" then he flew to a third, "MA!" the third passed him to a forth, "KI!" and he was met with the original who had one heel high above his head in the air, "NARUTO RENDAN!"

The moment Jellal's tattooed face was met with the heel and then introduced to the hard ground at lightning speeds with the force to crack the floor, Kurama cheered, "Haha! I never thought I'd say this, but man do I love that stupidly named move of yours!"

Naruto merely cracked his knuckles, observing Jellal get up with fury in his eyes, "Listen here, I will never care about why you're doing this, Jellal. I want you to know one thing, though: I will stop you, I will make sure you watch this tower and everything you worked for collapse. I will make those friends of yours see what kind of man you are; I will help Erza forget whatever you've done to her…"

Jellal roared, "Who do you think you are?!" he started zipping around the air, flying at insane speeds that only lightning could be compared to in order to try to make his moves unpredictable, "You who work for that useless mage, taking orders from a weakling, what do you think I've worked so hard for just to tell me you're going to destroy it?! You… you don't have any worth for the world I'm building, just like them!"

Images of Erza, the story Millianna told him, and memories of his life before meeting Lucy flashed through Naruto's eyes… making them burn with determination, "And…" Naruto continued, clutching a hand tightly into a fist as azure energy swirled around it before taking the form of a large shuriken around his fist, "I'll make sure they never cry again because of you!"

With hatred burning in his eyes, Jellal flew straight at Naruto to try to deliver the finishing blow, attempting to strike him from behind… only to see him turn around and face him. It was with a single punch, and a loud cry of "Rasenshuriken!" that Naruto punched Jellal directly in the face in a downwards swing… sending the mage crashing through the entire tower with a blue explosion!

On a lower floor, Lucy and Juvia had just managed to survive the attack from a strange man with a long black mane that tried to turn the latter into a slave. Thankfully, Aquarius did her job well, but they were shocked when feeling the entire building shake before seeing a blue haired man with a tattooed face crash through the ceiling and then the floor. They watched him falling down to the bottom until he hit bedrock.

There, on the floor, beaten and with his eyes rolling to the back of his skull, Jellal tried to ask something, "What… kind of monster… is he?"

Atop the tower, Naruto merely took a deep sigh before putting his shades back on, "Hmm…"

Kurama grew worried, "What's next? Will you keep beating his ass into submission, kill him, or-"

"Spaghetti sounds lovely for the princess' dinner."

"Take this more seriously!"


And that's my rap!

I seriously don't know how else to continue this fic and I feel I did a good enough job already with the first chapter, but I still made this for the fun. I know that hype Naruto is overdone but, quite frankly, it's one of those guilty pleasures I have at times. And yes, you can see I dislike Jellal. Seriously, any guy who says he will make a perfect utopia sacrificing someone who used to be his best friend deserves something bad.

I'll leave up to your imaginations what may as well happen. I know it's a dick move to leave so many loose ends but, quite frankly, it may be better that way to give this some closure and keep your imagination sharp. Either that or I'm a lazy asshole. As you can see I didn't give much of a fuck about making a coherent story, I just wrote what first came to mind to have some fun, and I had a blast.

Swordslinger out!