Hi there !

This five-shot is a bet asked by AssassinMasterEzio91.

Finally, english isn't my first language, I am french, so if you see any mistake or weird sentences, please, feel free to tell me about it so that I can learn and improve.

This is a direct sequel to His everyday hero and Love.

Summary : Creating a child with the person you love is always the best work of art you make.

Disclamer : Life is Strange is not my property and thank God, it isn't, you would hate the way I'd change it!

Their best shot

Final Part: Birth

Warren had been walking up and down the corridor for hours, unable to sit or to stand still. Labour had started for Max during the night, he drove her to the hospital through a horrible thunder storm. Ryan and Vanessa had driven through the night as well and soon, they were joined by his own parents. On Max's insistence, David and Joyce were called too. Friends would come later. Family always came first and to her, they were part of hers. Chloe was quite a big baby and her mother always had a frail figure, and she wasn't placed the right way. Warren had become so white, when they told him a C-Section was going to be performed, that the nurses thought he'd faint.

Around 11.00 am, they came for them. The little crew let Warren enter first. He discovered a tired but glowing Max, and in her arms, their little bundle of joy. Her feature were so delicate! Her hands so tiny! He had seen her for one second and she already had him wrapped around her finger. She had a few strands of brown hair, like his. His finger traced the shape of her nose, of her fist, before she grabbed it with all of her strength.

That was it.

Warren Graham was in love.

Maxine Graham, née Caulfield, was in love.

And their love was named Chloe Rachel Joyce Graham, born the day Chloe Elizabeth Price left this world, 5 years ago.

The End