You're A Superhero Now Gabriel

I own nothing. If I owned Young Justice, it would still be on TV. If I owned Supernatural, Gabriel would have showed up again during season 11.

Supernatural/Young Justice

SUMMERY: Gabriel didn't die. He got sent to another dimension by his father. …Who thinks that he should be a superhero. Did I mention he also has the body of a teenager?

NOTES: This is a prologue set about 3-4 years before the series.

WARNINGS: One or two curse words. They are censored though.

Smelly Warehouses are NOT Welcoming

Gabriel woke up in an abandoned building. It was dark, dirty, smelled terrible, and his everything hurt. "What the hell happened?" the archangel thought. One minute he was going to kill the devil with his angel blade, the next he's the one being stabbed, and now he's awake in some abandoned, smelly warehouse. Other than being really confused and wondering how he got wherever he is, he also wanted to know who owned the place. All Gabriel wanted to do was dump buckets of Febreeze on the guy because he clearly needs to start using some.

Of all the places I could've woken up in, it had to be a stinkin' smelly warehouse! Why couldn't I have woken back up in the hotel I was in? It smells better. Seriously where is that smell coming from?

Observing his surroundings, Gabriel noticed a few things. To start the list, he didn't have a stab wound. Angels may heal fast, but getting stabbed with an archangel blade is supposed to kill you. You can't just wake up as if nothing happened. Even if it was just a regular angel blade, wouldn't it leave a mark?

Second, the entire area felt different. Not because he was in some abandoned building he didn't recognize, but because… It didn't seem… Right? It was hard to describe why the place felt different, but to summarize in the simplest words: the place felt familiar, but different. It felt like Earth, but a different Earth. "That's it!" Gabriel realized. He was on a different Earth.

When his father, God, was creating life, planets, and galaxies, He created what was called the multiverse. It was one of the more interesting ideas of His. Gabriel and his three other brothers never understood why their father decided to make something like that, but He acted on the idea and created multiple Earths.

All the different Earths had a small or giant difference. There was one where the dinosaurs never went extinct. There was one where somebody was never born. There were over a billion universes. Although, out of all the parallel universes, the one he lived in was considered the main Earth. Like an Earth One, because it was the first Earth the Lord ever made.

Back to what was currently going on

Gabriel's head, back, and everything else hurt. Sitting up, he didn't realize he was still lying down, he felt something brush up against him. Looking behind it he saw them. His wings! Angel wings could only be seen on another plane of existence by angels! Humans could only see shadows! Besides that, why could he suddenly feel his wings? Angel wings were invisible and intangible. Angels knew that they had wings on their backs, and could feel the pain of them getting injured, but they couldn't see and feel the feathers 24/7. Voicing his thoughts, Gabriel could only say, "What the hell is going on?"

The angel froze and put his hand over his mouth. Why did his voice sound different? Speaking of which, why did his hand feel so tiny? Running to a nearby puddle, Gabriel saw his reflection. Ge was short, had baggy clothes, his wings were showing, and to summarize the most shocking change of all, he was a kid! Dad, I don't know why you did this, but it is not funny!

Gabriel panicked. Who wouldn't in a situation like this? Getting killed (almost), waking up in some parallel dimension, and now having the body of a twelve year old! What the fudge?! Before he could continue freaking out, he could hear footsteps and people hiding coming.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Yes, Idiot. The place is abandoned. We can kill the guy and nobody'll know."

Did that guy just say what I think he just said?

(Muffled scream)

"Got the gun?"


"Give it to me."

Gabriel accidentally said what he was thinking. "Crap."

One of the two men, who was pretty fat and had black hair, turned around and saw Gabriel. S***.

"Hey, we're not alone."

Well this day just keeps getting better and better.

Good story? This is just part one of the prologue. The rest of the intro will be like one or two more chapters. Then I'll write season one of Young Justice. After that, the five year time gap between seasons 1 and 2. Other Supernatural characters will appear. Guess who Sam and Dean will be. Also, guess which city Gabriel's in. Hint: The city has a superhero.

To be continued…

Criticism welcome and flames will be put out with love. Hope you liked it!