David Bruce Banner was in his late twenties when the gamma bomb went off...changing his life forever. He was just a regular scientist working on the project; it was almost complete. They just needed a little bit more funding, but no one wanted to make a weapon - except one person, Tony Stark.

Stark agreed to fund the bomb, if he was allowed to help make the rest. Banner didn't want that. He felt like Tony was trying to steal all of his fame, but eventually he decided to let Tony help them. When the bomb was complete, the military had it moved to a testing facility to see what it could do. Right before the count down, teenager Rick Jones stumbled on the test site. Banner took a jeep and drove out to get him. Banner may have been the one to start the project, but he wasn't the only one working on it. One of Banners's lab partners Samuel Sterns had had enough.

While Banner was saving the teen, Sterns turned the bomb back on. Banner was able to get Rick to safety, but he wasn't able to save himself. The bomb went off covering Banner in gamma radiation, changing him forever. He felt all of his pain and anger from his life finally coming out. He felt his bones breaking, muscles tearing, it felt like complete torture. Then it stopped, but instead of unbearable pain, consuming rage. All Bruce could see was red and all he could say was, "SMASH."

When Banner finally woke up, he was in the middle of nowhere. It was dark and freezing. When he stood up he felt really weak. His knees buckled and he fell down. After a while he tried to get up again, but failed again and hit the ground even harder. It made him a little angry. Then he got a boost of energy and didn't feel as weak. As he walked he realized he only had pants on, and they were way too big. He soon found a road and decided to go in one direction, hoping to find someone who would let him hitch hike.

Banner had made a name for himself; the most dangerous man in the world. The military always found him, and when they did they usually destroyed the area. After Banner won, he would run again and restart the process. The Hulk was able to fight monsters and gods. Eventually everyone on earth decided that he was too dangerous. He had to leave in order for the planet to be safe. So after a few months of fighting with the military and Shield, Banner decided he had had enough. Surrendering, Banner was taken into custody. In the containment cell, he was drugged and he fell asleep. He woke up to find his hands and feet bound with chains. Then a hologram appeared. Stark and a host of others confronted him.

"I'm sorry we had to do this, Bruce. It was the only way. You were an omega level threat - a threat that could destroy the entire human race. We are sending you to a planet full of vegetation and game, a place where no one can hurt you and there's no one you can hurt. You're headed there now; you're on a space ship," Tony's hologram said before disappearing.

Banner closed his eyes and cried. He was ashamed that he was a monster. Everyone feared and hated him. Right before the space ship could land on the planet, a giant wormhole opened and sucked in Banner's ship. He blacked out, not caring if he died or not. When Banner woke up, he was in a street and the space ship was crashed in to a building behind him.

Banner tried to stand up and felt a sharp pain in his side. His ribcage was bruised. Across the street, a group of men in black lead by a man in a white suit with a top hat and a cane enter a store called, "From Dust Till Dawn."

"Grab the Dust," Bruce heard someone say then, a loud crash. He ran toward the shop but before he could get to the door, something busted through the window. Banner was knocked to the ground. When he looked up he saw her; it was a little girl in a red dress. She grabbed something from her back and it turned into a huge scythe in front of his eyes. He was stunned at what just happened, he snapped out of it when he heard, "get her." When Banner got up, he and the girl in red were surrounded.