Heart of a Warrior

Review: Elrond had a second daughter, Vanya, who is both a healer and a seer. She's asked to join the company by Gandalf to help save the Line of Durin. The dwarves don't trust her except a few of the dwarves, but she captures the heart of the warrior dwarf. Dwalin/OC

Chapter 1
First Encounter

I stood on a hill nearing the Shire. The hood of my cloak was up to hide my long blonde hair. I was heading to the Shire to meet with the Company of Thorin Oakenshield to help reclaim Erebor, under the request of Gandalf and my grandmother, Galadriel. My father, Elrond, was hard to convince, but he finally agreed. I had my sword on my hip and my bow and arrows on my shoulder. I close my eyes and let out a sigh. I had a feeling that fate wanted me on this mission for another reason.

'I could be wrong about that, but I won't know until the Journey begins.' I thought as I head to an area that I saw was secluded. I set up camp and got a fire going as I laid out my bedroll. I was near Bree, but preferred to sleep outside today. I pulled down the hood of my cloak and took it off. My long blonde hair fell to my waist. I stood in a white top with a corset wrapped around the front of it along with black pants and my favorite boots. I sat down on the bedroll and poked the fire. I ate some food as I listened to the night sound. It brought peace to my mind. I was shorter then most elves, almost a dwarf size. We didn't know why. I figure it was because I was born early and father said that sometimes we can be the same size as our one. I shook my head about that one. I was 2,000 years old and haven't found my one. My brothers and sister, Arwen were in the same situation and I wasn't ready to settle down.

I laid down in my bedroll near the fire and let the night sound lull me into a light sleep. I woke up to hand on my mouth and two men over me. My eyes widen and I kicked out, kicking the one holding my mouth away from me. I jumped up and got in a fighting stance.

"What is a lonely woman like you out here?" A man said, smiling evily.

"She's quite a pretty one." Another man said.

"She is. Let's have some fun with her." The first man said. I backed up a bit, making sure my sword was on my hip.

"I think ye should leave the lass alone." A deep accent voice said. I turned and saw another man, a dwarf, standing there. He had hair but was bald on top with tattoos. He had a full beard and had a stone cold look on his face. His eyes were on the men, not me.

"And who are you that you protect this woman. You own her?" The man asked.

"No one owns me." I growl.

"You bothered her while she slept and I frown on men that disrespect women." The dwarf growled. I glare at him.

"I don't need help from a dwarf." I said, nearly in a growl. The dwarf shot me a glare as the men started approaching me again slowly. The dwarf grabbed one of them by the scruff of the neck and threw him into a rock. The leader grabbed me and I rolled my eyes. I grabbed the other guy by the arm and twisted it. He screamed like a girl in pain and I punched him in the face. The man fell to the floor. "Don't touch me." The men ran off and I head back to my bedroll turning my back on the dwarf. I knew the dwarves respect women even if they weren't in their race so I knew he wouldn't do anything bad, but I made sure my ears were hidden in my hair.

"Lass. You shouldn't be out here alone. Its not safe." The dwarf said.

"I've been out in the wild before, Master Dwarf. I know how to take care of myself." I said, poking the fire with a stick.

"The wild is no place for a woman." The dwarf said. I pull out my sword and point it right at the dwarf's neck. The tip touched his neck and I look at him with fire in my eyes.

"Don't test me, dwarf. I know how to fight and not afraid of what's out there. Now if you'll excuse me. I'm going back to sleep." I said. I watch as the dwarf walked away grumbling about woman. I had centuries of fighting behind me compared to him. I laid back in my bedroll and looked up at the stars. I hoped it was the last I saw of the dwarf.

The night of the meeting. I was arriving late. I'm sure all the dwarves were here, but Gandalf had already informed me of the journey and what is to come. It was just me convincing Thorin that I was needed was the issue. I kept my hood down. I found the green door that was marked with Gandalf's symbol. I rung the bell.

"There's another one joining us?" A small voice asked.

"I thought you said the burglar was the last." A deep voice said. He didn't sound happy and I had a feeling it was Thorin.

"I have one more joining us." Gandalf said. The door opened.

"Hello Gandalf. Sorry I'm late." I said, stepping in.

"A woman? Gandalf. What is the meaning of this?" An important looking dwarf said.

"Everything will be explained." Gandalf said.

"I'm Vanya." I said. A dwarf came out of the kitchen and I caught my breath.

"You!" The dwarf said said. It was the dwarf from last night. All the dwarves looked at the dwarf.

"Not you." I said. We glared at each other with everyone looking back and forth between us. Gandalf raised an eyebrow at us. This journey was going to be interesting.

AN: This is my first shot at Dwalin/OC story. I hope you enjoyed and more will be coming with my other stories.