It's here, the long-awaited sequal to dreaming :)

I feel so honored that there were so many that read Dreaming, and I want to thank you all for the support. I really still love the OTP, and am so glad I don't appear to be the only one.

I'm terribly sorry for the awful ending, but it's for a good purpose, or at least, that's what I keep telling myself.

Without any further ado, please enjoy, Daydreaming.

Chapter one:

Where do we go from here on?

It had been several weeks, maybe five or six, since the former Survey corps, or at least the surviving remnant, had left the city, on a journey for freedom. The titans weren't as much of a threath as anticipated, still somewhat drawn to the wall, but not necessarily to humanity, Levi nodded when Hanji pointed this out. That being said, they weren't harmless puppies either, so they were still catious when necessary.

''It has been so many weeks since we left, and it still doesn't feel like we have done anything.'' Eren complained, as they had lunch up in the trees, making sure Titan's couldn't reach them. ''That's not quite true, we had that memorial for the ones, that you know, passed.'' Christa said, with a tiny voice, her lip wobbling as she remembered it. A silence grew, as they remembered the memorial service for the ones that had given their lives, for their chance for escape.

Three nights ago, the survivors, (Erwin, Levi, Hanji, Eren, Mikasa, Christa, Connie, Jean and some former Survey members) had decided to honor those that had fallen, with a memorial service. Levi had been sure that Armin would have preferred being buried near the sea, so that's what he and Eren had done, as the rest pondered those that they had lost. Each of them had been sure that the significant others that they had lost would have done the same thing.

''But we didn't do anything else so far, aside from hiding, and talking.'' Eren's voice caused Levi's thoughts to stop drifting back to the memorial. ''Sasha,Ymir, Armin and the others would have moved on as well. We're absolutely stuck doing nothing. We didn't escape for this.'' Mikasa's quiet voice added to the conversation. ''It's not that easy.'' Jean said. ''If we were to honor them, we would have moved on. They didn't die for us to do nothing with our freedom. They would have wanted us to move on, and build something we can stand for.'' Mikasa argued.

''Then why talk about it?'' Levi decided to ask, gaining some looks from the others. ''What do you mean by that?'' Eren asked. ''We can stay here and talk, or we can make homes. There is wood, we have 3DM gears, and we have the knowledge.'' Levi explained. ''The titans will only wreck it once more, and we can't build something like the wall. That would make our escape of the wall useless.'' Connie replied. ''But, what if we don't use a wall, but rather start our own town up in the trees?'' Eren asked, sounding somewhat insecure.

Levi blinked a few times before saying, ''The dolt actually posits a rather decent idea.'' Eren nodded smugly as he figured that Levi had given him a compliment. ''But wouldn't that be just hiding all over again? That makes everything we have accomplished in vain.'' Christa said. ''It doesn't have to be a new civilization, just temporary homes until we can move on, or have at least a decent idea of what we want to do.'' Erwin said.

Connie got up. ''If we keep on talking, nothing will get done. Talking too much is why we have that much shit to put up with in the first place. Why don't we stop thinking for a moment, and build a house.'' he said. Levi vaguely wondered when the kid had gotten somewhat smarter then before. Soon enough, Jean had made himself useful as he had thought of carving holes in the trees, as improvised shelters, and Christa had figured how to make bedrolls out of their former Survey cloaks. It wasn't much, but basic needs would suffice for the time being, most of them figured.

Levi enjoyed being able to create something he could call a home. He'd never really had his own home, somewhere to feel safe, and to come back to. He remembered Petra's father, trying to force them to marry and make a family. He had imagined them living near wall Sina, and Levi knew Petra had been somewhat dreaming about that idea. He wondered if Armin would have liked living together with him.

''Levi, I have made some soup. Care for some?'' he could hear Armin say as he entered his office. Levi chuckled as Armin made his way towards his desk, trying to balance the soup on a plate. ''Did you make this?'' he asked, and Armin nodded cheerfully. ''You've been working so hard, I imagined you'd be hungry.'' he would say. ''Out of the two of us, you've the loudest stomach.'' Levi said, reminiscing the old days when they would do something romantic, Armin's tummy would growl.

The blond would have blushed, ''Don't say that.'' he yelped, spilling some of the soup, Levi didn't like a mess, so he set down the soup quickly, before cleaning the floor with a rag. Levi would chuckle, his boyfriend was just so cute. ''Want to have lunch with me? You can stay here, if you want to.'' he offered, hooking a chair, and pulling it outward with his foot. ''Don't mind if I do.'' Armin said, an elated smile on his face.

''Say Levi,'' Armin suddenly said, as they were enjoying the soup, making Levi look up. ''Something wrong?'' he asked, as he spotted Armin, biting his lip. ''I had a question.'' Armin said, trying to sound bold. ''Ask away.'' Levi said, eating some of his soup. God, it was so good, but that probably was because he was really hungry and bored with the paperwork. ''Well, seeing that we've engaged in a relationship, and really spend a lot of time, I wonder, would you mind...God, I'm being so silly. Maybe it's too soon.'' Armin said, fidgeting a lot.

''It's okay. I don't mind waiting for you to be ready to ask whether I want to move in.'' Levi said, making Armin look up. ''How did you know I was goin to ask that?'' he asked. ''Because I know you. And you implied spending a lot of time together, and our, relationship.'' he stiffly said, blushing only slightly. A normal individual wouldn't even notice, but Armin smiled. Getting Levi to blush was something he counted a victory.

''So, you wouldn't mind. Moving in together that is.'' the blond asked. ''Of course not. I'd be a fool if I didn't want to. You do realise that if we're going to get our home, I intend to keep it neat and clean, unlike that thing you and Eren call your room.'' Levi said, before looking up at Armin, who was blushing furiously red. ''Something wrong?'' Levi asked, quirking his eyebrow. ''You.. you called it our home.'' Armin stammered, making Levi blush more as well.

''Heichou? HEICHOU!'' Eren's voice interrupted his thoughts. Levi looked at him angrily, before demanding to know, ''What?'' ''Well, you were kinda staring at the tree for quite some time, and I wondered whether you needed help. It'll get dark soon, and maybe you don't how to...'' Eren trailed off, seeing that he was pissing Levi off. ''I know how to cut a hole in a tree.'' Levi told him. ''Then, were you looking for the neatest angle perhaps?'' Eren had the nerve to ask, successfully pissing Levi off, who realised he'd disappoint Armin if he were to kill Eren this instance. So instead, he began carving a hole in the tree. Something to be a temporary home, or so he promised himself.

By the time Levi was done, it had turned dark, around nine o' clock or so, he estimated. ''Heichou, I prepared something to eat. Would you mind joining us for tonight?'' Christa asked him. The past nights, he had barely ate at all, and when he had, he had separated himself from the group, once only in the company of Hanji. He looked at Christa, in a sense she resembled Armin. He was sure Armin would've tried inviting him as well.

''You don't have to, if you don't want to. But it's important to eat something. If I must, I can bring it to you.'' Christa offered, a little startled as Levi took quite some time to answer. ''No worries there, I don't mind.'' Levi eventually said. The girl smiled, as if a heavy burden fell off her shoulders. ''Can I ask you something?'' she asked. ''Isn't that question itself a question?'' Levi replied, making Christa blush embarassed. ''Go ahead.'' he added.

She tucked some hair behind her ear, before asking, ''How do you cope when you lose someone you love? We both lost someone dear to us, and it seems you manage to maintain yourself so far, or so it seems. I don't even know how to sleep anymore.'' Levi was taken aback. He didn't know, he had lost so many people during his life, he never thought about it for a single second. Then again, he had never loved someone before either.

''I will answer that question when I've figured that out myself. But, between you and me, not a second goes by, I do not wish and want Armin to be alive, here with us. Each time I look at the ocean, I know he's looking with me, probably from the skies. Each time I feel the wind blow, I imagine him making a comment on the nice weather we have. And when I experience something, I know that should keep me alive, rather than a depressed whiny moron. Because Armin wanted me to experience something like that.'' he said.

Christa nodded, then thanked him. They headed towards Christa's shelter, as they joined the others to eat the meal Jean and Hanji had prepared. It wasn't much, but it was nice. They all chattered, but to Levi, it just seemed useless. Obviously, they were distracting themselves from reality. Surely, they deserved a break, but soon they would have to find direction, right? He could envision Armin saying they needed some rest, but even he dreamed of something, and that gave him hope, and purpose.

He quickly looked over his shoulder, but it was too dark to see the ocean. ''Something on your mind, Levi?'' Erwin asked, making Levi look up. ''Were you thinking about Armin?'' Connie asked, ever so tactfull. ''In a sense.'' Levi answered, before adding, ''What are we even trying to achieve with this? We're just hiding again, as Christa pointed out. I say we figure out a way to try and cross the ocean, and find a new land. Maybe we can see if they survived, or maybe we find other lands that don't even know of the existence of titans. We aren't going to find a future here, and I don't want our sacrifices to be for nothing.''

A painfull silence grew. ''We're all thinking that, Levi, but it's not as simple as that. We don't have the equipment, neccesities, nor the experience with water and ships for that matter.'' Hanji eventually said. ''Not to mention maps, we just be just drifting to nowhere.'' Christa added quietly. ''Well, technically, we do have those.'' Eren said sheepishly, gaining confused looks. Who knew Eren possessed unknown knowledge?

''What do you mean, Eren?'' Mikasa asked, just as confused as the others. ''Armin used to have these books. Most of them were about fish, and details of the ocean, but a few contained some information about what to do with wheather and how to maintain a ship. He had more, but we never got to reading all of them, because I did find most too difficult to read, and when we were old enough to understand them, we were under attack. He and his grandfather really loved the ocean.'' Eren explained.

''We don't have those books with us now, do we?'' Jean argued, but before they could even start a fight, Erwin said, ''We could always send someone to collect a few, maybe they are as useful as Eren deems them to be. If a team leaves early in the morning, we won't suffer any casualties, or draw attention of any titans. Seeing that it's all the way towards Shiganshina, or at least, what it used to be, it'll be around a day to arrive there. Then to sort the books, which will take several hours, and it's best to retreat after dawn, so perhaps waiting one day is for the best. That's two days for something that may be useful, but still is a risk.''

''So? It's not like we have other matters at hand.'' Levi said. ''I know my way around there.'' Eren said, opting to go. ''You also probably will be devastated or in shock when you see the chaos around there, and not quite sure what will be useful and what not.'' Levi scolded. ''Then, why don't you join him?'' Mikasa asked him. The others blinked a few times, surely, they would kill eachother, or at least beat up one another. ''I don't see why not.'' Levi eventually said. In his mind he added, 'Armin would be proud of me, and it's for the better. The brat tends to be useful at times.'

''Then it's settled. At morning, you two will leave for Shiganshina, as we continue to expand these temporary homes, or perhaps collect material. Wood should be sufficient for a ship, right?'' Erwin asked. They decided to continue the meal, and postpone the plan until they had more research material. Later on, when everyone had retreated to their own place, Levi lay on his cloak, as he stared outside, where the stars shone bright.

He closed his eyes, envisioning a warmer place, laying down in a large bed. ''You seem content.'' he looked to see Armin laying next to him. He smirked, as he ruffled through Armin's hair. ''I am.'' he told the blond. ''Is that so? Good to know.'' Armin offered him a sweet smile. ''I've decided to co-operate with that dolt you call your best friend. We're going to cross the ocean, and explore the world.'' he told Armin. ''That's wonderful.'' Armin said, scooching closer to Levi. ''What do you expect to see on your journey?'' he asked. ''I hope to find another land, and rebuild a society.'' Levi said. ''Those are your goals, the very end of your journey. Going there is what matters too, it forms us.'' Armin explained. ''My experiences haven't been the best so far. This is something unknown to all of us. What would you want to learn?'' Levi asked.

Someone shook him awake. He instantly reached for his sword, but the person stopped him. Levi squinted, before realising it was Mikasa. ''Mikasa? What the hell do you think you're doing?'' he demanded to know. ''You were talking in your sleep. I wondered if something was wrong, or if anything had happened.'' she said. ''Nothing in particular.'' Levi replied, wondering when she had started to care at all.

''I wanted to thank you for going with Eren. He'd definitely do something stupid if he were to go alone. Still, I need you to assure me that both of you will come back without any damage, you don't exactly go well together.'' Mikasa said. 'Ah, her streak of protectiveness. Should have known that.' Levi thought, ''I can't promise to prevent him from getting hurt. Seeing your home, ruined and all does something to the heart and mind after all. I can however try to prevent him from making mistakes.'' Levi explained. ''Armin liked you because you had a soft spot and are sensible. Who knew he was right?'' Mikasa said, a soft smile on her face. ''Unlike most, Armin was smart, and instead of fearing me, he looked beyond. It was a nice change.'' Levi replied. ''I'll go now.'' Mikasa told him, feeling somewhat awkward. ''Please do.'' Levi said.

Mikasa quietly retreated, leaving Levi alone with his thoughts once more. ''I never realised that you were even kinder then I thought you were.'' he heard a familiar voice cackle. ''You overheard everything, didn't you?'' he asked, as Hanji entered. ''What do you take me for?'' she asked, pretending to be offended. Levi just gave her a knowing look. ''Fine, I may have overheard everything.'' she admitted sheepishly. ''Come clean, what do you want? I need to catch some sleep, I'm heading out with that moron early in the morning.'' he said grumpily. ''Relax, Levi, I'm just checking on you. You just lost someone you loved, and the last time I checked, that's a pretty grave feeling. I felt devastated when I lost Sonny and Bean, and I wasn't hitting the sack with either of them.'' she said.

''Only you would use that as an example.'' Levi muttered under his breath, before adding more loudly, ''I'm doing fine.'' ''You keep telling that yourself, Levi. But know, that both Erwin and I are there for you when necessary. And it seems to me that the others think the same way. Most of them lost someone important too, you know.'' Hanji said. ''Just give me some time to rest.'' he told her. ''Fine, fine. Good luck tomorrow.'' she said, before heading back to her place. ''Any other people that want to stick their noses in my business and keep me from sleeping?'' he called out, but recieved no reply, unless Connie's loud snores counted. ''Good.'' he said, before allowing himself to fall asleep, dreaming of having Armin in his arms, and the worries of facing tomorrow seemed of no significance at all.